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e way.Re: Perfectionism (newsletter response) & a question too

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> I like him too. I always watch him.I am not that bad yet but almost

as bad when the lights go ut at least i know where things are even in

the kitchen too.


> I just love Monk. He is so amusing (although it's possible that

his level of OCD might make me a little twitchy). My clothes closet

is very orderly also. I feel serene when everything is in it's

place. It allows me to relax. It's OK with my husband if I am Monk-

like, just as long as I don't expect him to be. :-)


> Pam H



> e way.Re: Perfectionism (newsletter response)

& a question too



> So any of us like Monk. My hubby claims I am for in our closets


> clothes are by colors for my dresses, suits, blouses and even


> too. In his I do short sleeve shirts by colors same with long


> and hangers all facing the same way too.

> It drives him batty.

> I straighten out the magazines while waiting too. And even when I


> down and relax I see things that need to be done. I raised in a


> and perfectionist family do ti Right so you do not have to redo


> everything back where you got it from. neatness too.

> So i still have it too. But wondering does this make anyones


> family member say are almost like monk


> Hedi


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My family gets mad at me. Especially my daughter. She yells that I am going to put myself in a flare. I have to say that I do like to put things right. After a day of not being able to move today I cleaned the fridge out and cleaned the stove, inside and out. I feel a wee but more peaceful. Tired but better. So many other projects in my head but we have to pace ourselves.

I think I will take the girls advice and go back to color coding my closet.

Thanks for telling me I am not crazy.

Holiday hugs,


From: Pam Horne <pmarshall@...>Subject: Re: e way.Re: Perfectionism (newsletter response) & a question toodominie Date: Tuesday, December 23, 2008, 10:05 AM

Nah, Sue, nothing is wrong with you. I, too, had a therapist who tried to fix my OCD behaviors. So I stopped some of my obsessive cleaning and organizing. But in the end I realize that I am happy with the compulsive stuff, so why "fix" it? It's true that if I am so sick I absolutely can't get up and move--that doesn't happen very often--I get a little crazy wanting to get up and clean everything. But if that wasn't making me crazy, something else would be. So I figure having a touch of OCD isn't so bad.

Pam H

Re: e way.Re: Perfectionism (newsletter response) & a question too

I am like this.Before having my design company I was an interior designer. I hate things that are not just so. I also have ADD and find great comfort in having things organized. The thing is this takes great time and effort. Time I don't have, effort I cannot afford since I have to channel it elsewhere. When I am on the couch in pain and to sick to move I worry and stress over the things I cannot put right. The things I cannot make beautiful. It is a little like an OCD. I used to color code my closet until my therapist made me stop. My husband Jeff is going to have me do the timer thing suggested here. I do the "if I cannot do it all at once and perfect I cannot stand it" then I am a week later burned out like I am right now. I could not even wrap presents.... ..Oh that too is another area of perfection for me. The perfect paper,beautiful ribbon,gorgeous boxes,add

ons,tags..you name it. It is not good enough if it is just a bag and a bow. I am even that way at the barn. All blanket hanging right, initials facing out......It is exhausting just thinking of it. I think I am just plain insane. These standards don't apply to others either. I don't mind what other's do or don't do. I envy those who don't care if a the house is messy 24/7 because, really who cares?Again, I say it. Something is wrong with me.Sue

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I wonder if all of us with Fibro have a tendency for OCD?

Not only is my closet organized but so are my socks, bras,panties. All my can goods are in order with labels facing out. Dishes and glasses are the same way.

Leah T.

--------- e way.Re: Perfectionism (newsletter response) & a question too

So any of us like Monk. My hubby claims I am for in our closets my clothes are by colors for my dresses, suits, blouses and even slacks too. In his I do short sleeve shirts by colors same with long sleeves and hangers all facing the same way too.It drives him batty.I straighten out the magazines while waiting too. And even when I sit down and relax I see things that need to be done. I raised in a type and perfectionist family do ti Right so you do not have to redo it.Put everything back where you got it from. neatness too.So i still have it too. But wondering does this make anyones Else's family member say are almost like monkHedi

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