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Re: [HeidiLiane] A Few Questions....need advice

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there are several things that the chest pain could be. Unfortunately without seeing a Dr for porper diagnosis. Costochrondritis, is inflammation of the cartiledge between the ribs, NSAIDS, and heat seem to help that. It could be GI related, which requires confirmation from the Dr.

It could be heart related. I would suggest Halter moniter or echo cardiogram be done.

So for correct diagnosis you see your Dr and describe in detail to him/her about the pain. Would not hurt to keep a journal to take a copy to Dr with you.

I have severe osteoarthritis in all major joints, so do understand the back pain. If it is a herniated disc that will not show up on regular exrays, it would take MRI or CTscan to diagnose. I have had surgery once for herniated disc and to relieve pressure on nerve root in on area of my back. I am starting to have problems below the surgery area, so am undergoing testing to see what our plan of treatment will be. I have developed a neuropathy which is nerve pain, in my legs, from the spinal stenosis.

I understand not lying in bed. Bed is not my friend. I do stretches daily before getting up to warm up my muscles and loosen the joints up.

Sometimes chiropractic adjustment with use of activator or similar system this is what is reccommended by the arthritis foundation for those with fibro. Massage therapy is good also, but make sure the therapist works with fibro clients and starts out slow with the massages, too many start aggresively with FMS clients causing them a lot of pain, thus they don't return.

I was a nurse, but had to file for SSD not because of the FMS, but the arthritis. My FMS is basically in remission. The dragon will try and peek his ugly head out if I don't manage my arthritis pain.

Epsom salt baths with a tablespoon or 2 of ground ginger, heat as tolerated, soak for 20 minutes can help the pain, the last 5 minutes pour in a 16 ounce bottle of hydrogen peroxide. This was in paper work that I received from Dr. Garth Nicholson, several years ago. You can find articles written by him at www.prohealth.com

Hope this helps you.


[HeidiLiane] A Few Questions....need advice

Hi Everyone-Hope you all had a nice Christmas and looking forward to a healthy and blessed 2009.

I am the person that was just diagnosed with FMS within the last couple of weeks. I had thought it was Fibro for quite some time but with no insurance and a flood of health issues I went every avenue to check everything out before being sent to a Rheumatologist. I did not like this doctor and do not feel he was very knowledgeable on FMS and told me to go to a local FMS clinic. He did not offer me any meds, and advice or relief. So, I continue to suffer each and everyday.

My questions are.....I recently asked you guys about chest pain and heart palpitations as I have a lot of both. I did not know that these can be all apart of FMS. Does anyone else suffer these without having actual heart trouble? I know I heard from several of you that have heart issues along with FMS but I am wondering how common it is to have the chest pain and palpitations and it be okay. I still stay so worried about this. I also wonder how much a body can take of such horrible pain. I know many of you have been or are bedridden....well, here is another question....I have such severe pain in my legs, back, arms, and neck that I cannot imagine being in the bed all the time. I guess if I had medicine that helped with the pain and could relax and recover that would be one thing but my body hurts so severely in my lower back and legs that lying in the bed causes even more pain. Then when I do get up and move around it brings about the chest pain and palpitations and I feel so extremely fatigued that I can barely walk. So, I am at a place where nothing brings relief and I don't know if this is all apart of the FMS or is there something else seriously wrong? I read where some of you work...I cannot imagine being able to work...I want to but cannot imagine it with the pain I am in and the misery I feel. I would be fired within the first 15 minutes of getting a job as I cannot sit too long and I cannot stand and my arms and legs ache and go numb and tingle and give me fits. My back is in gripping pain that makes me feel so nauseated that I can hardly think along with the dizziness I get and the sensitivities to everything. Are all these normal? Is this FMS? I am battling something worse? I would really like natural ways to heal my body and to be able to function but I tried that earlier this year and I only came out feeling worse. I feel I am at a desperate place.....I feel like I will not make it a lot of times and this is scary me so deeply. I would appreciate any and all advice you can offer. I don't know where to turn, if my symptoms are really FMS, where should I seek more advice (medically speaking). Also, if you use your muscles in your body...do you feel a sick feeling move through you and excruciating pain? I was hanging clothes in my closet yesterday and immediately just from using my arms to do this...I began to burn and my muscles were shaking and I became nauseated from the pain and weakness. This keeps happening and I am unable to open jars anymore and the simple things in life have become horribly difficult. Each day brings new challenges and disappointments and more pain....what am I going to do? How do you go into remission from this and is this really what I have? Do you guys think I am just in denial of being diagnosed with this? Of course, I don't want to have this but understand that it may be what I am dealt (although I pray for healing each and everyday) but want to know ways to help myself and to see if this stuff is part of the FMS.

ANY help with be appreciated and I want you all to know I feel your pain and pray for better days ahead for ALL of us. God is good and faithful and I could not make it without Him.

Blessings Everyone!


You can e-mail me direct or through the loop.... n2butterflyz@...

Thanks Heidi for taking the reins you are doing a GREAT job. We have had a lot of great articles in the last few days...I appreciate those, too.

One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

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Hi Jane! Of course I would recommend a thorough physical, but you sound "EXACTLY" like me when I was diagnosed with Fibro! I have and/or had ALL your symptoms! The heart problems were from stress, once I found the correct serotonin re-uptake med.,that all went away.

Your muscles,etc...I have the exact same thing & it's apparently from fibro because they have never found anything else over many years! I was diagnosed in 1995.

And please don't worry about the way the doctor treated you, I think we all can agree here, that it may take awhile to find a good,understanding doctor. I had a incidence where a doctor got rid of me!! And he was the fruit loop! haha! I had been looking for another doctor but he beat me to the chase! I was soooo mad,hurt,depressed,etc...over all of that,I was beginning to go into a bad fibro flare! I just couldn't believe he would get rid of "ME"! I emailed Dom & what a blessing that was! She gave me such comforting advice & a link to info about this happening with doctors. I think he just didn't know how to treat me & lost interest on treating me,frankly!

As far as working,haha,wait until you here this one! There was a point & time that I could work small jobs,minimal hours,etc...at first it hurt my ego a bit, I have a degree in Human Development & Family Studies from Penn State & I was a counselor at a girl/boy youth group homes before I got really bad with Fibromyalgia. Actually,probably before I had full blown Fibro. Anyways,I learned not to be prideful & worked wherever I thought I could. Like you,I want to work! I've done everything to delivering newspapers! I had to drive,of course,and in reality probably didn't make a cent in the end with the cost of gas,but I felt good about working!! Here is the hilarious part, I finally excepted a job at Goodwill. I think you all know what that is? In no time, they made me the manager of the

jewelry,antiques,collectibles,etc...department. I do have a lot of knowledge in that as well due to me & my family being collectors. Well,there was this girl,who had been there much longer than me & she was not happy I got this job,only working there a few weeks,and she worked there for years! I was a bit confused by it as well? Now,what I am going to tell everyone is the honest to God truth! After a while I began to notice people stealing things! I didn't know if I should say anything or not? Well,then I started noticing they were hinting around to me that it was ok to steal there!! I was beside myself! I would NEVER steal! Especially from Goodwill!!! So I did go to the head manager. I find out quickly, he steals,they ALL stole!!!!! It was all a little test to see if I would steal & if I didn't, they wanted rid of me! I had to call off a day,because of my Fibro,in the dead of winter,I was in sooo much pain & they used that to get rid of

me! I called off but the head manager said I didn't,that I just didn't come to work! Can you believe this?! Goodwill!!! The people who are supposed to help people like us to be able to work! When I talked to the manager myself, he actually told me that he has been trying to find a way to fire me for a long time & this what he could come up with! Lies!!! It was sickening! And I got so depressed & was depressed for a long time! Until I got it through my head that "I" was not the one in the wrong here! And,believe me,it took a while for me to realize this! I was just so hurt! And I was doing such a good job to boot! But all this was such a kick start to my Fibro getting worse & worse!

As far as doctors,you may have to go through a few,I don't know how large of a area you live in? I live in a VERY small town where there is nothing! But I would be referred to a rheumatologist & a good pain clinic. Those are the two places that helped me & understood me. I had to travel,of course,but it sure was worth it! And I would definitely look into a med that will calm your nerves & most likely stop the chest pain & palpitations. It helped me anyways. Take care & Have a Happy & Healthy New Year!! Pam.S

Many Unique Fibromyalgia Awareness Items Created Daily!

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Great T-Shirt Sale Right Now! We Can Win This Battle Together!!

Thanks!!! Pam

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Hi Jane, I feel for you and am one of the ones that's mostly bedridden because the pain becomes so unbearable. I however, am on pain meds but don't kid yourself into thinking that they work, because they don't. The pain in my legs, arms, neck, back, knees, elbows, fingers, feet, you name it it's there. Along with the pain is numbness and tingling. I feel for you very much and I also will get pain in my chest and even my jaw. I've been fully checked out and like you and everyone else, we've been to unbelievable amounts of doctor's most of which don't understand or want to deal with this illnes and it's because they don't know enough about it to deal with it. Most of the doctor's I have come across, whether it be the numerous Neurologists, Rhematologists, Pain Mgt Docs

and so on don't help and I have absolutely no faith in. You have to do most of the delving yourself and this group is what you need to deal with whatever it is you're going through at whatever moment. We're all here for you and we do know and feel your pain.

I've also tried all the meds but they either don't work or I cannot tolerate them due to the side effects. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. We are all learning continously ourselves.

Please take care of yourself. Hugs H

From: N2butterflyz@... <N2butterflyz@...>Subject: [HeidiLiane] A Few Questions....need adviceHeidiLiane Date: Monday, December 29, 2008, 10:36 AM

Hi Everyone-Hope you all had a nice Christmas and looking forward to a healthy and blessed 2009.

I am the person that was just diagnosed with FMS within the last couple of weeks. I had thought it was Fibro for quite some time but with no insurance and a flood of health issues I went every avenue to check everything out before being sent to a Rheumatologist. I did not like this doctor and do not feel he was very knowledgeable on FMS and told me to go to a local FMS clinic. He did not offer me any meds, and advice or relief. So, I continue to suffer each and everyday.

My questions are.....I recently asked you guys about chest pain and heart palpitations as I have a lot of both. I did not know that these can be all apart of FMS. Does anyone else suffer these without having actual heart trouble? I know I heard from several of you that have heart issues along with FMS but I am wondering how common it is to have the chest pain and palpitations and it be okay. I still stay so worried about this. I also wonder how much a body can take of such horrible pain. I know many of you have been or are bedridden... .well, here is another question.... I have such severe pain in my legs, back, arms, and neck that I cannot imagine being in the bed all the time. I guess if I had medicine that helped with the pain and could relax and recover that would be one thing but my body hurts so severely in my lower back and legs that lying in the bed causes even more pain. Then when

I do get up and move around it brings about the chest pain and palpitations and I feel so extremely fatigued that I can barely walk. So, I am at a place where nothing brings relief and I don't know if this is all apart of the FMS or is there something else seriously wrong? I read where some of you work...I cannot imagine being able to work...I want to but cannot imagine it with the pain I am in and the misery I feel. I would be fired within the first 15 minutes of getting a job as I cannot sit too long and I cannot stand and my arms and legs ache and go numb and tingle and give me fits. My back is in gripping pain that makes me feel so nauseated that I can hardly think along with the dizziness I get and the sensitivities to everything. Are all these normal? Is this FMS? I am battling something worse? I would really like natural ways to heal my body and to be able to function but I tried that earlier this

year and I only came out feeling worse. I feel I am at a desperate place.....I feel like I will not make it a lot of times and this is scary me so deeply. I would appreciate any and all advice you can offer. I don't know where to turn, if my symptoms are really FMS, where should I seek more advice (medically speaking). Also, if you use your muscles in your body...do you feel a sick feeling move through you and excruciating pain? I was hanging clothes in my closet yesterday and immediately just from using my arms to do this...I began to burn and my muscles were shaking and I became nauseated from the pain and weakness. This keeps happening and I am unable to open jars anymore and the simple things in life have become horribly difficult. Each day brings new challenges and disappointments and more pain....what am I going to do? How do you go into remission from this and is this really what I have? Do

you guys think I am just in denial of being diagnosed with this? Of course, I don't want to have this but understand that it may be what I am dealt (although I pray for healing each and everyday) but want to know ways to help myself and to see if this stuff is part of the FMS.

ANY help with be appreciated and I want you all to know I feel your pain and pray for better days ahead for ALL of us. God is good and faithful and I could not make it without Him.

Blessings Everyone!


You can e-mail me direct or through the loop.... n2butterflyz@ aol.com

Thanks Heidi for taking the reins you are doing a GREAT job. We have had a lot of great articles in the last few days...I appreciate those, too.

One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

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Sandie, on top of my FMS/CFS/MCS/MPS I too have many back issues. I have Cervical Stenosis, Cervical Spondylosis, Bulging Disc Disease, Disc Degenerative Disease, Lumbar Neuroforaminal Bulging, Neuroforaminal Stenosis and Peripheral Neuropathy. The reason I isted these diagnoses is because I haven't found any relief and between the pain from the Fibro and the pain in my legs and back, it's why I'm mostly bedridden. Besides going to the Chiropractor or getting massages is there anything I can do at home to help me at all. Since I can't work I have no income which makes it very difficult to spend any extra money.

Thanks H

From: MEMOMMY1947@... <MEMOMMY1947@...>Subject: Re: [HeidiLiane] A Few Questions....need adviceHeidiLiane Date: Monday, December 29, 2008, 1:44 PM

Jane,there are several things that the chest pain could be. Unfortunately without seeing a Dr for porper diagnosis. Costochrondritis, is inflammation of the cartiledge between the ribs, NSAIDS, and heat seem to help that. It could be GI related, which requires confirmation from the Dr.. It could be heart related. I would suggest Halter moniter or echo cardiogram be done. So for correct diagnosis you see your Dr and describe in detail to him/her about the pain. Would not hurt to keep a journal to take a copy to Dr with you. I have severe osteoarthritis in all major joints, so do understand the back pain. If it is a herniated disc that will not show up on regular exrays, it would take MRI or CTscan to diagnose. I have had surgery once for herniated disc and to relieve pressure on nerve root in on area of my back. I am starting to have problems below the surgery area, so am undergoing testing to see what our plan of treatment

will be. I have developed a neuropathy which is nerve pain, in my legs, from the spinal stenosis. I understand not lying in bed. Bed is not my friend. I do stretches daily before getting up to warm up my muscles and loosen the joints up. Sometimes chiropractic adjustment with use of activator or similar system this is what is reccommended by the arthritis foundation for those with fibro. Massage therapy is good also, but make sure the therapist works with fibro clients and starts out slow with the massages, too many start aggresively with FMS clients causing them a lot of pain, thus they don't return. I was a nurse, but had to file for SSD not because of the FMS, but the arthritis. My FMS is basically in remission. The dragon will try and peek his ugly head out if I don't manage my arthritis pain. Epsom salt baths with a tablespoon or 2 of ground ginger, heat as tolerated, soak for 20 minutes can help the pain, the last 5 minutes

pour in a 16 ounce bottle of hydrogen peroxide. This was in paper work that I received from Dr. Garth Nicholson, several years ago. You can find articles written by him at www.prohealth. com Hope this helps you. Sandie [HeidiLiane] A Few Questions... .need advice

Hi Everyone-Hope you all had a nice Christmas and looking forward to a healthy and blessed 2009.

I am the person that was just diagnosed with FMS within the last couple of weeks. I had thought it was Fibro for quite some time but with no insurance and a flood of health issues I went every avenue to check everything out before being sent to a Rheumatologist. I did not like this doctor and do not feel he was very knowledgeable on FMS and told me to go to a local FMS clinic. He did not offer me any meds, and advice or relief. So, I continue to suffer each and everyday.

My questions are.....I recently asked you guys about chest pain and heart palpitations as I have a lot of both. I did not know that these can be all apart of FMS. Does anyone else suffer these without having actual heart trouble? I know I heard from several of you that have heart issues along with FMS but I am wondering how common it is to have the chest pain and palpitations and it be okay. I still stay so worried about this. I also wonder how much a body can take of such horrible pain. I know many of you have been or are bedridden... .well, here is another question.... I have such severe pain in my legs, back, arms, and neck that I cannot imagine being in the bed all the time. I guess if I had medicine that helped with the pain and could relax and recover that would be one thing but my body hurts so severely in my lower back and legs that lying in the bed causes even more pain. Then when

I do get up and move around it brings about the chest pain and palpitations and I feel so extremely fatigued that I can barely walk. So, I am at a place where nothing brings relief and I don't know if this is all apart of the FMS or is there something else seriously wrong? I read where some of you work...I cannot imagine being able to work...I want to but cannot imagine it with the pain I am in and the misery I feel. I would be fired within the first 15 minutes of getting a job as I cannot sit too long and I cannot stand and my arms and legs ache and go numb and tingle and give me fits. My back is in gripping pain that makes me feel so nauseated that I can hardly think along with the dizziness I get and the sensitivities to everything. Are all these normal? Is this FMS? I am battling something worse? I would really like natural ways to heal my body and to be able to function but I tried that earlier this

year and I only came out feeling worse. I feel I am at a desperate place.....I feel like I will not make it a lot of times and this is scary me so deeply. I would appreciate any and all advice you can offer. I don't know where to turn, if my symptoms are really FMS, where should I seek more advice (medically speaking). Also, if you use your muscles in your body...do you feel a sick feeling move through you and excruciating pain? I was hanging clothes in my closet yesterday and immediately just from using my arms to do this...I began to burn and my muscles were shaking and I became nauseated from the pain and weakness. This keeps happening and I am unable to open jars anymore and the simple things in life have become horribly difficult. Each day brings new challenges and disappointments and more pain....what am I going to do? How do you go into remission from this and is this really what I have? Do

you guys think I am just in denial of being diagnosed with this? Of course, I don't want to have this but understand that it may be what I am dealt (although I pray for healing each and everyday) but want to know ways to help myself and to see if this stuff is part of the FMS.

ANY help with be appreciated and I want you all to know I feel your pain and pray for better days ahead for ALL of us. God is good and faithful and I could not make it without Him.

Blessings Everyone!


You can e-mail me direct or through the loop.... n2butterflyz@ aol.com

Thanks Heidi for taking the reins you are doing a GREAT job. We have had a lot of great articles in the last few days...I appreciate those, too.

One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including songs for the holidays – FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!

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I use my thermophore heat pad a lot, I stretch, stretch stretch. The epsom salts bath helps, I use a TENS unit. I am on diclofenac which is the generic of voltaren, which is an antiinflammatory good for back arthritis. I have had surgery once, and if my MRI suggests that their is pressure on the nerve roots, I will go back and see the neurosurgeon that did my back surgery before. He will most likely go and open up the foramen to relieve the pressure. It means I will have to 180 miles from home to have the surgery, but he is worth it. I have heard that is teaches at the medical school in Miami, and if he is I might travel to there to have the surgery done. He is the only one that I feel save touching my back. Plus My rhuemy at the VA suggested since I have such faith in him and he has seen my spine before that is who I should see if I need surgery, otherwise, if no pressure on nerve roots, will give the epidural series or facet joint injections a shot.

Unfortunately, without insurance hard to give any ideas on would help. Sometimes my mind just went blank, the oriental treatment with the needles, can help. There is a new therapy, where the Dr goes in and uses radio waves and burns the nerve to kill the pain, it usually last for a long time, I know two who have had this done with good results.

I will often spend time working in paint shop pro to distract my mind from the pain. I refuse to let the pain get me down. I

n fact I drove up to South Carolina yesterday from Florida to spend some time with my Daughter and grandsons.

I will not let it defeat me, I have said before, our minds are very powerful tools.


[HeidiLiane] A Few Questions... .need advice

Hi Everyone-Hope you all had a nice Christmas and looking forward to a healthy and blessed 2009.

I am the person that was just diagnosed with FMS within the last couple of weeks. I had thought it was Fibro for quite some time but with no insurance and a flood of health issues I went every avenue to check everything out before being sent to a Rheumatologist. I did not like this doctor and do not feel he was very knowledgeable on FMS and told me to go to a local FMS clinic. He did not offer me any meds, and advice or relief. So, I continue to suffer each and everyday.

My questions are.....I recently asked you guys about chest pain and heart palpitations as I have a lot of both. I did not know that these can be all apart of FMS. Does anyone else suffer these without h

aving actual heart trouble? I know I heard from several of you that have heart issues along with FMS but I am wondering how common it is to have the chest pain and palpitations and it be okay. I still stay so worried about this. I also wonder how much a body can take of such horrible pain. I know many of you have been or are bedridden... .well, here is another question.... I have such severe pain in my legs, back, arms, and neck that I cannot imagine being in the bed all the time. I guess if I had medicine that helped with the pain and could relax and recover that would be one thing but my body hurts so severely in my lower back and legs that lying in the bed causes even more pain. Then when I do get up and move around it brings about the chest pain and palpitations and I feel so extremely fatigued that I can barely walk. So, I am at a place where nothing brings relief and I don't know if this is all apart of the FMS or is there something else seriously wrong? I read where some of you work...I cannot imagine being able to work...I want to but cannot imagine it with the pain I am in and the misery I feel. I would be fired within the first 15 minutes of getting a job as I cannot sit too long and I cannot stand and my arms and legs ache and go numb and tingle and give me fits. My back is in gripping pain that makes me feel so nauseated that I can hardly think along with the dizziness I get and=2

0the sensitivities to everything. Are all these normal? Is this FMS? I am battling something worse? I would really like natural ways to heal my body and to be able to function but I tried that earlier this year and I only came out feeling worse. I feel I am at a desperate place.....I feel like I will not make it a lot of times and this is scary me so deeply. I would appreciate any and all advice you can offer. I don't know where to turn, if my symptoms are really FMS, where should I seek more advice (medically speaking). Also, if you use your muscles in your body...do you feel a sick feeling move through you and excruciating pain? I was hanging clothes in my closet yesterday and immediately just from using my arms to do this...I began to burn and my muscles were shaking and I became nauseated from the pain and weakness. This keeps happening and I am unable to open jars anymore and the simple things in life have become horribly difficult. Each day brings new challenges and disappointments and more pain....what am I going to do? How do you go into remission from this and is this really what I have? Do you guys think I am just in denial of being diagnosed with this? Of course, I don't want to have this but understand that it may be what I am dealt (although I pray for healing each and everyday) but want to know ways to help myself and to see if this stuff is part of the FMS.

ANY help with be appreciated and I want you all to know I feel your pain and pray for better days ahead for ALL of us. God is good and faithful and I could not make it without Him.

Blessings Everyone!


You can e-mail me direct or through the loop.... n2butterflyz@ aol.com

Thanks Heidi for taking the reins you are doing a GREAT job. We have had a lot of great articles in the last few days...I appreciate those, too.

One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including songs for the holidays – FREE while you browse. Star

t Listening Now!

Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations including songs for the holidays FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!

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Sandie, I live in Davie, FL (So. FL), can you give me the name of the doctor in Miami that you are talking about. Don't know if he would be one for me to see, but I could check into it. Thanks so much. H

From: MEMOMMY1947@ aol.com <MEMOMMY1947@ aol.com>Subject: Re: [HeidiLiane] A Few Questions... .need adviceHeidiLiane@gro ups.comDate: Monday, December 29, 2008, 1:44 PM

Jane,there are several things that the chest pain could be. Unfortunately without seeing a Dr for porper diagnosis. Costochrondritis, is inflammation of the cartiledge between the ribs, NSAIDS, and heat seem to help that. It could be GI related, which requires confirmation from the Dr... It could be heart related. I would suggest Halter moniter or echo cardiogram be done. So for correct diagnosis you see your Dr and describe in detail to him/her about the pain. Would not hurt to keep a journal to take a copy to Dr with you.=2 0I have severe osteoarthritis in all major joints, so do understand the back pain. If it is a herniated disc that will not show up on regular exrays, it would take MRI or CTscan to diagnose. I have had surgery once for herniated disc and to relieve pressure on nerve root in on area of my back. I am starting to have problems below the surgery area, so am undergoing testing to see what our plan of

treatment will be. I have developed a neuropathy which is nerve pain, in my legs, from the spinal stenosis. I understand not lying in bed. Bed is not my friend. I do stretches daily before getting up to warm up my muscles and loosen the joints up. Sometimes chiropractic adjustment with use of activator or similar system this is what is reccommended by the arthritis foundation for those with fibro. Massage therapy is good also, but make sure the therapist works with fibro clients and starts out slow with the massages, too many start aggresively with FMS clients causing them a lot of pain, thus they don't return. I was a nurse, but had to file for SSD not because of the FMS, but the arthritis. My FMS is basically in remission. The dragon will try and peek his ugly head out if I don't manage my arthritis pain. Epsom salt baths with a tablespoon or 2 of ground ginger, heat as tolerated, soak for 20 minutes can help the pain, the last

5 minutes pour in a 16 ounce bottle of hydrogen peroxide. This was in paper work that I received from Dr. Garth Nicholson, several years ago. You can find articles written by him at www.prohealth. com Hope this helps you. Sandie [HeidiLiane] A Few Questions... .need advice

Hi Everyone-Hope you all had a nice Christmas and looking forward to a healthy and blessed 2009.

I am the person that was just diagnosed with FMS within the last couple of weeks. I had thought it was Fibro for quite some time but with no insurance and a flood of health issues I went every avenue to check everything out before being sent to a Rheumatologist. I did not like this doctor and do not feel he was very knowledgeable on FMS and told me to go to a local FMS clinic. He did not offer me any meds, and advice or relief. So, I continue to suffer each and everyday.

My questions are.....I recently asked you guys about chest pain and heart palpitations as I have a lot of both. I did not know that these can be all apart of FMS. Does anyone else suffer these without h aving actual heart trouble? I know I heard from several of you that have heart issues along with FMS but I am wondering how common it is to have the chest pain and palpitations and it be okay. I still stay so worried about this. I also wonder how much a body can take of such horrible pain. I know many of you have been or are bedridden... .well, here is another question.... I have such severe pain in my legs, back, arms, and neck that I cannot imagine being in the bed all the time. I guess if I had medicine that helped with the pain and could relax and recover that would be one thing but my body hurts so severely in my lower back and legs that lying in the bed causes even more pain. Then

when I do get up and move around it brings about the chest pain and palpitations and I feel so extremely fatigued that I can barely walk. So, I am at a place where nothing brings relief and I don't know if this is all apart of the FMS or is there something else seriously wrong? I read where some of you work...I cannot imagine being able to work...I want to but cannot imagine it with the pain I am in and the misery I feel. I would be fired within the first 15 minutes of getting a job as I cannot sit too long and I cannot stand and my arms and legs ache and go numb and tingle and give me fits. My back is in gripping pain that makes me feel so nauseated that I can hardly think along with the dizziness I get and=2 0the sensitivities to everything. Are all these normal? Is this FMS? I am battling something worse? I would really like natural ways to heal my body and to be able to function but I tried that

earlier this year and I only came out feeling worse. I feel I am at a desperate place.....I feel like I will not make it a lot of times and this is scary me so deeply. I would appreciate any and all advice you can offer. I don't know where to turn, if my symptoms are really FMS, where should I seek more advice (medically speaking). Also, if you use your muscles in your body...do you feel a sick feeling move through you and excruciating pain? I was hanging clothes in my closet yesterday and immediately just from using my arms to do this...I began to burn and my muscles were shaking and I became nauseated from the pain and weakness. This keeps happening and I am unable to open jars anymore and the simple things in life have become horribly difficult. Each day brings new challenges and disappointments and more pain....what am I going to do? How do you go into remission from this and is this really what I

have? Do you guys think I am just in denial of being diagnosed with this? Of course, I don't want to have this but understand that it may be what I am dealt (although I pray for healing each and everyday) but want to know ways to help myself and to see if this stuff is part of the FMS.

ANY help with be appreciated and I want you all to know I feel your pain and pray for better days ahead for ALL of us. God is good and faithful and I could not make it without Him.

Blessings Everyone!


You can e-mail me direct or through the loop.... n2butterflyz@ aol.com

Thanks Heidi for taking the reins you are doing a GREAT job. We have had a lot of great articles in the last few days...I appreciate those, too.

One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including songs for the holidays – FREE while you browse. Star t Listening Now!

Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including songs for the holidays – FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!

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I am not sure if he is still teaching or not, I haven't looked him up for a couple years. But his name is Schumacher. He is a fantastic neurosurgeon, that is the only clients he sees are those that have been told they need surgery, or he is called into ER for someone that needs neurosugery. He has excellent credentials plus he has a good bedside manner, which is something that is very rare to find.


[HeidiLiane] A Few Questions... .need advice

Hi Everyone-Hope you all had a nice Christmas and looking forward to a healthy and blessed 2009.

I am the person that was just diagnosed with FMS within the last couple of weeks. I had thought it was Fibro for quite some time but with no insurance and a flood of health issues I went every avenue to check everything out before being sent to a Rheumatologist. I did not like this doctor and do not feel he was very knowledgeable on FMS and told me to go to a local FMS clinic. He did not off

er me any meds, and advice or relief. So, I continue to suffer each and everyday.

My questions are.....I recently asked you guys about chest pain and heart palpitations as I have a lot of both. I did not know that these can be all apart of FMS. Does anyone else suffer these without h aving actual heart trouble? I know I heard from several of you that have heart issues along with FMS but I am wondering how common it is to have the chest pain and palpitations and it be okay. I still stay so worried about this. I also wonder how much a body can take of such horrible pain. I know many of you have been or are bedridden... .well, here is another question.... I have such severe pain in my legs, back, arms, and neck that I cannot imagine being in the bed all the time. I guess if I had medicine that helped with the pain and could relax and recover that would be one thing but my body hurts so severely in my lower back and legs that lying in the bed causes even more pain. Then when I do get up and move around it brings about the chest pain and palpitations and I feel so extremely fatigued that I can barely walk. So, I am at a place where nothing brings relief and I don't know if this is all apart of the FMS or is there something else seriously wrong? I read where some of you work...I cannot imagine being able to work...I want to but=2

0cannot imagine it with the pain I am in and the misery I feel. I would be fired within the first 15 minutes of getting a job as I cannot sit too long and I cannot stand and my arms and legs ache and go numb and tingle and give me fits. My back is in gripping pain that makes me feel so nauseated that I can hardly think along with the dizziness I get and=2 0the sensitivities to everything. Are all these normal? Is this FMS? I am battling something worse? I would really like natural ways to heal my body and to be able to function but I tried that earlier this year and I only came out feeling worse. I feel I am at a desperate place.....I feel like I will not make it a lot of times and this is scary me so deeply. I would appreciate any and all advice you can offer. I don't know where to turn, if my symptoms are really FMS, where should I seek more advice (medically speaking). Also, if you use your muscles in your body...do you feel a sick feeling move through you and excruciating pain? I was hanging clothes in my closet yesterday and immediately just from using my arms to do this...I began to burn and my muscles were shaking and I became nauseated from the pain and weakness. This keeps happening and I am unable to open jars anymore and the simple things in life have become horribly difficult. Each day brings new challenges and disappointments and more pain....what am I going to do? How do you go into remission from this and is this really what I have? Do you guys think I am just in denial of being diagnosed with this? Of course, I don't want to have this but understand that it may be what I am dealt (although I pray for healing each and everyday) but want to know ways to help myself and to see if this stuff is part of the FMS.

ANY help with be appreciated and I want you all to know I feel your pain and pray for better days ahead for ALL of us. God is good and faithful and I could not make it without Him.

Blessings Everyone!


You can e-mail me direct or through the loop.... n2butterflyz@ aol.com

Thanks Heidi for taking the reins you are doing a GREAT job. We have had a lot of great articles in the last few days...I appreciate those, too.

One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including songs for the holidays – FREE while you browse. Star t Listening Now!

Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations – including songs for the holidays – FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!

Listen to 350+ music, sports, news radio stations including songs for the holidays FREE while you browse. Start Listening Now!

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