Guest guest Posted January 15, 2005 Report Share Posted January 15, 2005 Hi All, It has been wondered by some whether CR is bad for brains. The below suggests this is not true, as some reports have indicated. Alzheimer's disease is found to be less of a risk with CR it seems. 1: FASEB J. 2005 Jan 13; [Epub ahead of print] Caloric restriction attenuates beta-amyloid neuropathology in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Wang J, Ho L, Qin W, Rocher AB, Seror I, Humala N, Maniar K, Dolios G, Wang R, Hof PR, Pasinetti GM. This study was designed to explore the possibility that caloric restriction (CR) may benefit Alzheimer's disease (AD) by preventing beta-amyloid (Abeta) neuropathology pivotal to the initiation and progression of the disease. We report that a CR dietary regimen prevents Abeta peptides generation and neuritic plaque deposition in the brain of a mouse model of AD neuropathology through mechanisms associated with promotion of anti-amyloidogenic alpha- secretase activity. Study findings support existing epidemiological evidence indicating that caloric intake may influence risk for AD and raises the possibility that CR may be used in preventative measures aimed at delaying the onset of AD amyloid neuropathology. PMID: 15650008 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] Recent prospective studies indicate that increased caloric intake is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD) (1–3). Although there is evidence supporting a potential neuroprotective role of caloric restriction (CR) in the brain (3), there is no information whether a CR regimen may influence AD. A fundamental problem in AD is the aberrant generation of amyloidogenic â -amyloid peptides in the brain leading to abnormal deposition of neuritic plaques, which is a neuropathological landmark in AD (4). Based on this consideration, in this study using a mouse model of AD-type amyloidosis (5), we tested the hypothesis that CR may beneficially influence AD through mechanisms that prevent A â generation and eventually neuritic plaque deposition in the brain. ... RESULTS To test the hypothesis that CR can modulate amyloidosis, 3-month-old Tg2576 mice, which develop AD-type amyloid neuropathology by 8-10 months of age (5, 12), were maintained for 9 months with a daily low carbohydrate diet resulting in a 30% lower caloric intake compared with that consumed by age- and gender-matched control Tg2576 mice fed AL with a standard laboratory rodent diet. Nutrient composition in the CR diet was adjusted so that CR was achieved by selectively reducing the carbohydrate content of the diet while consumption of protein, fat, cholesterol, vitamins, and minerals was identical to that of AL-fed Tg2576 mice (Table 1). This dietary regimen resulted in body weight stabilization over the 9 month study period among CR Nutrient composition in ad libitum (AL) and caloric restriction (CR) diets Ad-libitum diet Caloric restriction diet Nutrient composition (per 1 g diet) Nutrient composition (per 0.71 g diet) Total calories 3.8 Total calories 2.7 (30% caloric restriction) Protein (g) 0.19 Protein (g) 0.20 Carbohydrate (g) 0.67 Carbohydrate (g) 0.39 Fat (g) 0.04 Fat (g) 0.04 Vitamin mix (mg) 9.48 Vitamin mix (mg) 9.48 Mineral mix (mg) 9.48 Mineral mix (mg) 9.48 Cholesterol (mg) 0.20 Cholesterol (mg) 0.20 Cellulose (mg) 47.38 Cellulose (mg) 47.38 Dicalcium phosphate (mg) 12.32 Dicalcium phosphate (mg) 12.32 Calcium carbonate (mg) 5.21 Calcium carbonate (mg) 5.21 Potassium citrate (mg) 15.64 Potassium citrate (mg) 15.64 Choline bitarttrate (mg) 1.90 Choline bitarttrate (mg) 1.90 Animals on CR diet consumed amounts of proteins, fat, cholesterol, and micronutrients identical to those consumed by those on AL diet. CR animals consumed 42% less carbohydrates, however, accounting for a 30% decrease in total caloric intake. Tg2576 mice relative to the AL-fed group (Fig. 1A) and coincided with ~3-fold lower ependymal fat pad weight (Fig. 1B) and improved glucose tolerance response as determined by an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (IGTT) (Fig. 1C). These physiological adaptations in the CR Tg2576 mice relative to AL-fed controls are consistent with clinical evidence that low carbohydrate CR considerably improves abnormal glucose control and obesity (13–15), which are risk factors not only for diabetes but also for AD (16–19). We compared baseline glucose utilization in Tg2576 and wild-type (WT) control mice to exclude the possibility that inherent aberrant glucose metabolism in 12-month old female Tg2576 mice may influence the anti-amyloidogenic mechanism in caloric restricted Tg2576 mice. We found no detectable differences in baseline glucose utilization by IGTT assay between 12 month old Tg2576 mice and strain-, age-, and gender-matched WT mice fed AL with a standard rodent laboratory diet (two-way ANOVA; P<0.0001, F4,55=15.0 for glycemic content over time; P=0.623, F1,55=0.245 for genotype; P=0.793, F4,55=0.4199 for interaction). Based on the evidence that AL-fed female Tg2576 mice on a standard laboratory diet presented normal baseline glucose metabolism, we continued to explore the relationship between CR and AD-type amyloidosis in the brain of Tg2576 mice. When Tg2576 mice were examined for AD-type neuropathology at 12 months of age, we found that 9 month CR treatment almost completely prevented cortical and hippocampal AD-type amyloid plaque development (Fig. 2A and relative to animals in the AL-fed group. Consistent with this evidence, we noted commensurately lower concentrations of amyloidogenic A â 1-40 and A â 1-42 peptides in the neocortex and hippocampus as evaluated by ELISA assay, relative to AL-fed controls (Fig. 2C). No detectable change in total full-length APP level was noted in either brain region of CR vs. AL-fed Tg2576 mice (Fig. 3A). To further evaluate the anti-amyloidogenic role of CR in the brain of Tg2576 mice, we continued to explore APP processing and A â peptide generation using IP-MS (11). Consistent with the aforementioned ELISA evidence, using 4G8 antibody for A â IP, we confirmed decreased levels of A â 1-40 and A â 1-42 in the same neocortical samples we used for the A â ELISA assay (Fig. 2D). In addition, a relative proportional reduction in A â 1-37, A â 1-38, and A â 1-39 peptide content was also observed in the neocortex of the CR group compared with the AL-fed control group (Fig. 2D). This evidence, together with our observation that the concentration of the ~7 kDa carboxy terminal fragment (CTF)-ã cleavage product of APP, an index of ã -secretase activity, was unchanged in the neocortex of the CR group relative to AL-fed controls (Fig. 3B), is consistent with the possibility that ã -secretase activity was not involved in the CR-associated anti-amyloidogenic activity. To further identify A â carboxy-termini peptide fragments that would have been otherwise undetected in the 4G8 IP-MS studies, we used 6E10 antibody in additional A â IP-MS studies. Consistent with the 4G8 IP-MS spectra, we noted decreased levels of A â 1-40 and A â 1-42 as well as A â 1-37, A â 1-38, and A â 1-39 peptide in the CR group relative to AL-fed control animals (Fig. 2E). In addition, we found a major elevation in A â 1-16 peptide fragment concentration in the neocortex of the CR group that was not detected in the AL-fed controls (Fig. 2D). Because á -secretase can cleave APP eventually resulting in the generation of A â C- termini fragments ending at the AA residue leucine16 of A â (20–22), we continued to explore the role of CR in á -secretase activity in the brain. Cleavage of APP by á -secretase releases the amino-terminal extracellular domain known as soluble á -secretase amyloid precursor protein (sAPP)á domain coincidental with elevation in membrane-bound á -secretase-cleaved APP carboxy-terminal fragment (CTF)-á (11). We therefore explored the regulation of sAPP á and CTF-á cleavage products of APP in the brain as indices of á -secretase activity in response to CR. Interestingly, we found that CR in Tg2576 mice resulted in a >2-fold elevation in concentration of neocortical sAPP á (Fig. 4A) and membrane-associated CTF-á (Fig. 4B) relative to AL-fed control Tg2576 mice. The increase in CTF-á was somewhat less, ~1.6-fold, presumably because of further cleavage of CTF-á by ã -secretase. Compared with the CTF-á fragment, the abundance of CTF-â signal was at the limit of detection in the neocortex of both CR and AL-fed Tg2576 mice, preventing reliable quantification (Fig. 4B). In light of recent evidence indicating that the proteinase ADAM10 (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase) may act as an á -secretase (23), we continued to explore the regulation of ADAM10 expression in the brains of Tg2576 mice in response to CR, relative to AL-fed controls. Both mature (62 kDa) and proform (90 kDa) ADAM10 species were detected in the neocortex of the AL-fed control animals, confirming previous evidence (23) (Fig. 4C). The 62 kDa mature ADAM10 protein species is known to act as an á -secretase in vitro and to cleave A â -derived peptides at leucine16 (20). Excitingly, we found that the CR diet regimen resulted in a 30% elevation of neocortical mature ADAM10 species concentration (Fig. 4C), coinciding with a commensurate elevation in neocortical á -secretase activity (assessed fluorometrically; ref 24) (Fig. 4D), compared with AL-fed control mice. No detectable change in proform ADAM10 species concentration was noted in the neocortex of the CR group relative to the AL-fed control group (Fig. 4C). In addition to ADAM10, two other members of the ADAM proteinase family, namely ADAM17 (TACE) and ADAM9, can act as á -secretase in various cell lines (20, 25–27). In parallel studies, we found that the CR regimen in Tg2576 mice did not change the concentration of the proform or the mature form of either the ADAM17 (Fig. 5A) or the ADAM9 (Fig. 5B) species, relative to AL-fed control Tg2576 mice. Similarly, there was no detectable change in the neocortical concentration of the BACE1 species or of â - secretase activity in response to CR relative to the AL-fed control group (Fig. 5C). IDE was originally recognized for its role in degrading insulin, but recent evidence indicates it is also an " amyloidase " integral to the clearance of A â from the brain (28–32). Thus, we explored the hypothesis that CR may influence IDE expression in the brain of Tg2576 mice. Interestingly, we found that CR resulted in a significant ~1.3 increased expression of IDE protein content in the neocortex of CR mice as compared with AL-fed mice (AL-fed Tg2576 mice, 100±11.9% vs. CR Tg2576 mice 123±20%; 2-tail t test, P<0.05). Thus, although CR attenuated the A â synthetic pathway through promotion of anti-amyloidogenic á -secretase activity in the brain, CR may also influence A â peptide degradation via promoting IDE expression in the brain. DISCUSSION Our studies support the hypothesis that low carbohydrate CR may prevent AD-type amyloid neuropathology through mechanisms that influence á -secretase activity in the brain, possibly by promoting the generation of mature, catalytically active ADAM10 species. Since á -secretase proteolysis of the APP sequence within the A â peptide would preclude the generation of amyloidogenic A â peptides, our studies suggest that CR may provide an attractive anti-amyloidogenic strategy by promoting á -secretase activity in the brain. Moreover, because AD-type amyloid neuropathology is undetectable in the brain of 3-month-old Tg2576 mice (12), the age when our mice were initially exposed to the CR dietary regimen, our studies support the possibility that CR, by promoting á -secretase activity preventively, possibly through mechanisms involving ADAM10 maturation, may result in reduced AD-type amyloid neuropathology. This possibility is supported by recent evidence showing that decreased á -secretase activity in the brain of dominant negative ADAM10-APP(v717) double transgenic mice develop more amyloid neuropathology than controls (23). Among the three ADAM family members exhibiting á -secretase activity, ADAM10 has many properties of a physiologically relevant á -secretase: it cleaves APP- derived peptides at the main á -secretase cleavage site between position 16 and 17 of the A â region and exhibits á -secretase activity in cultured cells (20). Moreover, the mature ADAM10 species may also act as an efficient á -secretase in the brain of ADAM10-APP(v717) double transgenic mice (23). Our evidence showing increased levels of mature (62 kDa) catalytically- active ADAM10 species (but not ADAM17 or ADAM 9 proform or mature species) coincident with increased levels of sAPP á and CTF-á and increased á -secretase activity in response to CR relative to AL-fed group is also consistent with an á -secretase activity role of ADAM10 in the brain. In addition to promoting á -secretase activity, we found that CR led to a small but significant elevation of IDE content in the brain of Tg2576 mice. A role for IDE in A â degradation was demonstrated by recent studies showing that mice deficient for IDE exhibit increased cerebral accumulation of endogenous A â peptides (33–34). Thus it is possible that the attenuation of A burden in the brain of CR Tg2576 mice might also derive from enhanced IDE-mediated clearance of A â peptides in addition to the promotion of the nonamyloidogenic á -secretase cleavage of APP. In control studies, we further explored features in glucose utilization in female Tg2576 mice relative to WT control mice fed AL with a normal rodent laboratory diet. We found no intrinsic alterations in baseline glucose utilization in female Tg2576 mice relative to strain-, age-, and gender-matched WT controls as assessed by IGTT at 12 months of age, consistent with previous evidence at 9 month of age (7). Collectively, this finding suggests that 1) conditions of altered glucose metabolism in AL-fed female Tg2576 do not underlie A â neuropathology, and 2) it likely that the physiological conditions associated with improved glucose utilization resultant from CR may be involved in the observed attenuation of amyloid neuropathology in female Tg2576 mice. However, we also note that a recent study suggests that male Tg2576 mice have impaired glucose utilization in response to insulin challenge relative to age- and gender- matched Tg2576 mice (35). This apparent inconsistency with respect to glucoregulation in Tg2576 mice in our study and that from by Pedersen and Flynn (35) may be a reflection of 1) potential different assay systems used in the assessment of glucoregulation (IGTT vs. insulin-stimulated glucose uptake) and/or 2) gender-related glucoregulation features. Male Tg2576 mice were used in the Pedersen and Flynn study and female Tg2576 mice were used in the current study. This apparent inconsistency is of high interest especially because male Tg2576 mice are known to have a higher mortality rate in response to stress (G. Pasinetti, unpublished observation; W. Pedersen, personal communication) and milder AD-type amyloid neuropathology relative to female Tg2576 mice (5). Current strategies to treat AD are aimed at preventing formation of amyloidogenic A â peptides. Therefore, â - and ã -secretases that generate A â peptides by sequential cleavage of the APP or proteases responsible for degrading released A â peptides are obvious and central targets for development of therapeutic reagents (4). It has, however, been difficult to find safe, selective â - and ã -secretase inhibitors, mainly because of the influence of these inhibitors on other cellular substrates (4). Thus, our evidence showing that CR may positively influence á -secretase, possibly through mechanisms that may involve the generation of mature, catalytically active ADAM10 species in the brain, might prove in the future the basis of potential novel preventative measure aimed at delaying the onset of AD neuropathology. In addition, since á -secretase cleavage of APP releases sAPP á , which is well known for its neuroprotective properties (21), our study tentatively suggests that promoting low carbohydrate CR dietary regimen may also result in increased brain repair activities as a consequence of sAPP á neurotrophic function. We cannot, however, exclude the possibility that CR might also influence other mechanisms, eventually resulting in decreased amyloid deposition in the brain by promoting á -site cleavage of APP or degradation of released A â by other proteases such as plasmin (36) and neprilysin (37), respectively. In conclusion, consistent with the evidence that caloric intake may be a risk factor for AD (1–3, 38), this study offers a rational basis for a potential future preventative measure aimed at delaying the onset of AD amyloid neuropathology via control of dietary intake. Cheers, Al Pater. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 15, 2005 Report Share Posted January 15, 2005 The referenced paper implemented CR *and* a LOW CARBOHYDRATE macronutrient ratio. Amyloid plaques consist of proteins combined with polysaccharides (a glycation product). A diet that reduces protein would lead to kwashiorkor, whereas a diet that reduces carbohydrates does not eliminate any *essential* nutrients, but limits one of the components necessary for glycation. It is known that CR reduces glycation even with diets with standard macronutrient ratios (e.g., PMID: 7583789, below). The combination of CR and low carb appears to be particularly effective for reducing glycation products. The discussions about CR being bad for brains have focused on the problems that arise when the percent of body fat is less than 6% (The " Gray Zone " , etc). This experiment did not reduce dietary fat. Tony === === J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 1995 Nov;50(6):B337-41. Caloric restriction decreases age-dependent accumulation of the glycoxidation products, N epsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine and pentosidine, in rat skin collagen. Cefalu WT, Bell-Farrow AD, Wang ZQ, Sonntag WE, Fu MX, Baynes JW, Thorpe SR. Department of Internal Medicine, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA. Nonenzymatic glycation of body proteins and subsequent advanced glycation reactions have been implicated in the aging process, while caloric restriction (CR) in rodents results in an increase in both mean and maximum life span. We have evaluated the effect of chronic (25 months) CR on glycation of blood proteins and accumulation of advanced glycation and oxidation (glycoxidation) products, N epsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML), and pentosidine, in skin collagen. Brown-Norway rats, fed ad libitum (AL) from birth, were divided into two equal groups at 4 months of age and placed on AL or CR diets (CR = 60% of AL diet). Cohorts of animals were sacrificed at 7, 13, and 25 months after the initiation of CR. At necropsy glycated hemoglobin was measured by affinity HPLC and glycated plasma protein by the fructosamine assay; extracts of skin collagen were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for CML and by reversed-phase HPLC for pentosidine. Glycation of hemoglobin, plasma proteins, and skin collagen was decreased significantly (18-33%) by CR. Concentrations of CML and pentosidine increased significantly with age in skin collagen in both AL and CR animals; however, CR significantly reduced levels of CML (25%), pentosidine (50%), and fluorescence (15%) in collagen in the oldest rats. We conclude that CR reduces the extent of glycation of blood and tissue proteins and the age-related accumulation of glycoxidation products in skin collagen. PMID: 7583789 >>> From: " old542000 " <apater@m...> Date: Sat Jan 15, 2005 5:15 pm Subject: CR and brain disease It has been wondered by some whether CR is bad for brains. The below suggests this is not true, as some reports have indicated. Alzheimer's disease is found to be less of a risk with CR it seems. 1: FASEB J. 2005 Jan 13; Caloric restriction attenuates beta-amyloid neuropathology in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. [snip] RESULTS To test the hypothesis that CR can modulate amyloidosis, 3-month-old Tg2576 mice, which develop AD-type amyloid neuropathology by 8-10 months of age (5, 12), were maintained for 9 months with a daily low carbohydrate diet resulting in a 30% lower caloric intake compared with that consumed by age- and gender-matched control Tg2576 mice fed AL with a standard laboratory rodent diet. >>> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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