Guest guest Posted December 24, 2004 Report Share Posted December 24, 2004 Hi All, This experiment has the Medline abstract: cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstract & list_uids=15613681 Hsieh EA, Chai CM, Hellerstein MK. Effects of Caloric Restriction on Cell Proliferation in Several Tissues in Mice: Role of Intermittent Feeding. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Dec 21; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 15613681 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] Excerpts from the available pdf are below. Of note, 1. The definition of the different treatments of the mice is highly complex. 2. The body weights were greatly affected by the use of intermittent feeding versus daily feeding versus continuous feeding, as illustrated by " Non-significant differences in body weight between mice with the same caloric intake but fed by different feeding patterns may be due to the presence or absence of food in the stomach during weighing " . 3. Searching the text for " lifespan " identifies many shortcomings of the present study hinging on there being no longevity data for the mice in these experiments, in my opinion. 4. Experiments on cells grown in culture may not reflect the results of experiments on pathology in the animal, as for examining cell cultures for their proliferation rates as a proxy for examinations in animals for cancer. 5. Examining the effect on cancer rates using intermittent feeding may merit further studies, even in humans. Introduction Caloric restriction (CR) ... A range of 30-70% extension of maximal lifespan has been achieved using variations on CR regimens (45), including both early- and adult-onset CR (44, 46). CR also exerts a number of other beneficial health effects, including reduced carcinogenesis, enhanced insulin sensitivity, and reduced cardiovascular disease risk (15). The inhibitory effect of CR on carcinogenesis is of particular interest, as CR effectively inhibits spontaneous tumor formation as well as neoplasias in knockout/transgenic models of cancer and chemically-induced tumorigenesis (18, 19, 45). ... ... Materials and Methods Mice and CR regimens. For all studies, 7-week-old female C57BL/6J mice .... were fed a semi-purified AIN-93M diet ad libitum .... Studies were then started at 8 weeks of age. 3 studies were carried out. Study #1: Time course of CR effects (Figure 1A). A 33% CR diet was fed for varying durations of time to the 3 treatment groups (n = 8 per group): 2 weeks CR (2W), 1 month CR (1M) or 2 months CR (2M). 2W received a control diet for 6 weeks prior to onset of the CR diet, and 1M received a control diet for 1 month prior to onset of the CR diet, so that the ages of all 3 groups were matched at the end of the experiment. Accordingly, all 3 groups were sacrificed at 16 weeks of age. Two different control groups were also used (n = 8 per group): ad libitum fed mice (AL) and mice fed 95% of ad libitum intake (C95). These animals were also sacrificed at 16 weeks of age. These control groups represent the different types of control groups that have commonly been used in CR studies demonstrating lifespan extension or reduced carcinogenesis (1, 37, 41, 44, 46). One additional group of mice (n = 4) was placed on CR for a longer period of time (3 months, 3M), also starting at 8 weeks of age. This group was sacrificed at 20 weeks of age. During non-CR periods, the treatment groups were maintained on the C95 diet regimen. During CR periods, mice were fed 67% of C95 intake, or about 64% of AL intake, as previously described (37). The CR and C95 groups were fed 3 days a week, such that 2-times the daily allotment was given on Mondays and Wednesdays, and 3-times the daily allotment was given on Fridays, as has been commonly used in previous CR studies (13, 37, 42, 44, 46). AL and C95 mice were fed a semi-purified AIN-93M diet, while CR mice were fed an enriched AIN-93M diet that contains 33% more protein, minerals, and vitamins per gram of diet (Bio-Serv). All mice were housed individually. Food intake and body weight were monitored weekly. Study #2: Refeeding effects (Figure 1B). The time course of response to refeeding was also studied. Mice received a 33% CR diet for 1 month and were subsequently given a C95 diet (n = 8 per group) for either 2 weeks of refeeding (R2W) or 1 month of refeeding (R1M). The CR diet for the R2W group started 2 weeks into the study (10 weeks old) while CR diet for R1M started immediately (8 weeks old), so that both groups were sacrificed at 16 weeks of age. One additional group of mice received a 33% CR diet for 1 month and was refed for a longer period of time (2 months, n = 4) (R2M). These mice were sacrificed at 20 weeks of age. All mice were housed individually. Food intake and body weight were monitored weekly. Study #3: Intermittency of feeding study. The role of intermittent food intake was also investigated. 3 groups of mice were put on a 33% CR diet, administered via different feeding protocols (n = 6 per group): intermittent feeding of 3 times per week (CR-INT), as described above (37); daily feeding (CR-DF); or continuous feeding via an electronic pellet dispenser (CR-PD). 3 other groups of mice were fed 95% of ad libitum diet via the same 3 feeding protocols (n = 6 per group): intermittent feeding of 3 times a week (95-INT); daily feeding (95-DF); or continuous feeding (95-PD). The 95-INT, 95- DF, and 95-PD groups were also compared with a group fed ad libitum (AL) concurrently. Intermittent feeding was as described above, with 2 times the daily allotment given on Mondays and Wednesdays, and 3 times the daily allotment given on Fridays. Mice fed daily were given their food allotment for each day, every morning. The amount and type of diet (33% enriched or standard AIN-93M) depended on whether the mice were in the CR groups (CR-INT, CR-DF) or the control groups (95-INT, 95-DF). Continuously fed mice were housed in cages containing an electronic pellet dispenser that delivered a 45 mg pellet of AIN-93M diet (standard for 95-PD, 33% enriched for CR- PD, Bio-Serv), into the cage every 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the caloric intake. All mice were housed individually. Food intake and body weight were monitored weekly. Mice were sacrificed at 12 weeks of age, after 4 weeks of treatment. ... Results Study #1: Time course Food intake and body weight. On average, AL mice consumed 22 grams of food per week. Therefore, C95 mice were fed 21 grams of food per week and CR mice were fed 14 grams of food per week. The body weight of CR mice dropped initially by as much as 30% but stabilized over time (Figure 2A). Mice then gained weight on CR diets. Time course. When compared to AL, proliferation of epidermal cells, MECs, and T-cells was significantly decreased in the CR groups at all time points studied (Figures 3A-3C). When compared to C95, in contrast, cell proliferation in all tissues was not significantly decreased until 1 month of CR, after which the response was again not significant. At 1 month of CR, the time of greatest effect of CR, epidermal cell proliferation was 61% of that in AL mice and 76% of that in C95 mice. MEC proliferation was only 11% of AL and 29% of C95 mice values at 1 month, while T-cell proliferation was 41% of that in AL mice and 57% of that in C95 mice. Differences between C95 and AL control groups. C95 mice exhibited statistically significantly lower cell proliferation than AL mice in all tissues examined (Figures 3A-3C). After 2 months on respective diets, epidermal cell proliferation in C95 mice was 81% of that in AL mice, MEC proliferation was 37%, and T-cell proliferation was 71%. Thus, CR exerted significant effects on proliferation of all 3 cell types studied, but C95 also had a potent impact that appeared to account for at least part of the CR effect. Estrus cycle. Based on cell morphology analysis of vaginal cells collected from 1M and C95 mice, CR mice were anestrus (not cycling), while C95 mice were actively cycling. The marked reduction in MEC proliferation in the CR groups might therefore in part be explained by reduction in reproductive hormone levels (31), but the substantial effect observed in the C95 groups exclude this as the primary cause of reduced MEC proliferation. Study #2: Refeeding Food intake and body weight. As in study #1, AL mice consumed about 22 grams of food per week. During the CR phase, mice were therefore fed 14 grams of food per week, and during the refeeding phase, mice were fed 21 grams of food per week. Refeeding resulted in a rapid gain of lost weight (Figure 2B). Body weights of CR mice had caught up to the body weights of C95 mice by the end of the study, despite the 1-month period of CR. Time course of refeeding effects. When compared to the C95 control group, cell proliferation in all tissues rebounded to a significantly higher rate after 2 weeks of refeeding, persisting through 1 month of refeeding but normalizing after 2 months of refeeding (Figures 4A-4C). When compared to the AL group, cell proliferation in all tissues was no longer significantly different after 2 weeks of refeeding. Subsequent comparisons revealed tissue-specific differences. After 1 month of refeeding of the C95 diet, T-cell proliferation rate was statistically higher than AL levels; this was normalized after 2 months of refeeding. MEC proliferation was significantly lower than AL levels after 2 months of refeeding of C95 diet, consistent with the observation that MEC proliferation was lower in C95 mice than in AL mice (Figure 3B). Study #3: Intermittency of feeding Food intake and body weight. Throughout this study, all groups of CR mice were fed 14 grams of food per week, and all groups of control mice were fed 21 grams of food per week. All mice gained weight on their diets (Figure 2C). Non- significant differences in body weight between mice with the same caloric intake but fed by different feeding patterns may be due to the presence or absence of food in the stomach during weighing. Feeding intermittency effects among groups of CR mice. In the three tissues studied, intermittency of feeding (i.e. food given 3 times per week) had no additional effect compared to daily or continuous feeding on cell proliferation when CR was present (Figures 5A-5C). Feeding intermittency effects among groups of control mice. There was lower cell proliferation in all tissues of the group fed intermittently at 95% of ad libitum diet (95-INT) compared to daily feeding (95-DF), continuous feeding (95-PD), or ad libitum feeding (AL), although not all comparisons were statistically significant (Figures 6A-6C). MEC proliferation was significantly lower in 95-INT than in 95PD mice, while T-cell proliferation was significantly lower in 95-INT mice compared to 95- DF and 95-PD mice. Epidermal and T-cell proliferation rates in AL were not statistically different from 95-DF or 95-PD but were significantly greater than 95-INT. An intermittent feeding regimen (i.e. food given 3 times per week) therefore caused significant reductions in cell proliferation rates compared to isocaloric diets fed by more constant patterns. Discussion We demonstrate here the application of a relatively simple method for measuring cell proliferation in multiple tissues in mice. By this technique, it is clear that cell proliferation rates in mice are extremely sensitive to changes in caloric intake, whether due to CR or feeding pattern. Previous methods for measuring cell proliferation include cell-cycle indices such as Ki67 or PCNA staining (28, 38). These techniques do not accurately reveal rate of progression through the cell cycle, however (16). Dynamic measurements, including incorporation of BrdU and 3 HdT, also have limitations. DNA incorporation of these precursors occurs via nucleoside salvage pathways and is dependent on a number of variables, including efficiency of cellular uptake, competition with extracellular nucleosides, etc., which can differ among cell types (34, 35). Labeled deoxyribonucleosides released after cell death may also be reincorporated into other cells (16). The stable isotope labeling method used here is safe, yields quantitative kinetic information, does not depend on the deoxyribonucleoside salvage pathway, and is not susceptible to artifacts related to re-utilization (16, 34, 35). We show here that early-onset 33% CR in C57BL/6J mice, administered by a commonly used feeding regimen in this field (i.e. food given 3 times per week) (13, 37, 42, 44, 46), reduces proliferation of epidermal cells (keratinocytes), MECs, and splenic T-cells. When mice were refed after CR, cell proliferation rates were restored within 2 weeks to values equal to ad libitum fed controls, and some tissues became transiently hyperproliferative in comparison to 95% ad libitum fed controls. These data suggest that the effects of CR on cell proliferation are rapid and reversible. Whether or not these effects on cell proliferation are sustained over extended duration of CR cannot be deduced from these data. The mediator(s) of the CR effect on cell proliferation in multiple tissues remain uncertain. IGF-1 has been hypothesized to mediate the decrease in cell proliferation in response to CR (18, 19). Serum IGF-1 levels have been consistently reported to be reduced in CR studies (4, 9, 14, 20), and exogenous replacement of IGF-1 has been found to negate the benefits against bladder cancer conferred by CR in p53- deficient mice (9). In addition, modulations in IGF-1 signaling have been correlated to lifespan extension (3, 8, 11). We were unable to accurately compare IGF-1 levels between groups due to differences in fasting times prior to sacrifice. A priority for future studies will be to characterize the relationship between changes in cell proliferation and concentrations of potential mediators. Our data demonstrate that an intermittent pattern of feeding, resulting in periodic fasting, contributes to the anti-proliferative effects of CR regimens, along with caloric deficit. We observed that a 5% decrease in total caloric intake, combined with an intermittent feeding pattern (food given 3 times per week), decreased cell proliferation compared to mice fed isocalorically but according to a more constant feeding pattern (daily or continuously). Intermittency of feeding did not appear to have an additive effect in CR mice. In particular, among mice receiving 95% of AL caloric intake, intermittent feeding decreased MEC and T-cell proliferation compared to continuously fed mice. Continuously and daily fed mice at 95% AL caloric intake also did not have significantly lower epidermal and T-cell proliferation compared to AL controls, whereas intermittently fed mice at 95% AL caloric intake did, ruling out an effect of the 5% reduction in caloric intake per se. Recently, intermittent feeding was found to impart greater benefits than daily feeding at a 40% level of CR (2). The intermittent feeding model employed by Anson et al. involved alternating ad libitum feeding and complete food deprivation, every other day. Although the mice compensated for food deprivation on the days during which they were fed, they were only able to attain a caloric intake of about 90% of ad libitum levels. Thus, their model, resulting in 10% CR with intermittent feeding, is similar to our C95 group, fed 5% CR intermittently. Anson et al. reported improved insulin sensitivity in this model, compared to a daily fed 40% CR model (2). Both studies therefore suggest that minimal CR in conjunction with intermittent feeding induces health effects similar to that from traditional, much more substantial CR. Our data do not suggest, however, that the effects of substantial CR can be completely reproduced by intermittency of feeding. Although intermittent feeding with 5% CR (95-INT) resulted in lower cell proliferation than more continuous feeding at the same caloric level, it is worth noting that the degree of hypoproliferation is not as pronounced as in mice fed 33% CR, regardless of feeding intermittency. This result suggests that substantial CR still has a dominant effect over feeding intermittency. Similarly, Lee et al. have shown that mice fed intermittently on 41% CR have greater lifespan extension and lower tumor incidence than those fed intermittently on 15% CR as controls (25). and Halberg also investigated the role of intermittent feeding and found that 25% CR with 6 smaller meals versus 1 big meal a day both extended lifespan to the same extent in mice but resulted in a different circadian rhythm, such that less frequent meals resulted in lower core body temperature (36). This finding may be significant, as CR- induced torpor and cell proliferation are linked (22, 45), but cell proliferation was not measured in this study. The finding that 25% CR with increased feeding intermittency did not extend lifespan beyond daily feeding of 25% CR may suggest that substantial CR overcomes or masks any effect of intermittency on lifespan. This interpretation is also consistent with our data, as 33% CR groups had the same cell proliferation rates, despite different feeding intermittency patterns. There has yet to be a study comparing lifespan expectancy in animals with minimal CR using different feeding patterns, however. Such a study would be necessary to investigate the effect of intermittency of feeding apart from caloric deficit on lifespan extension. The suggestion that intermittent feeding may produce benefits similar to caloric restriction is potentially of great interest to human applications. While it may be impractical to maintain humans on substantial calorically restricted diets for their lifetime, intermittent food deprivation may be feasible. If some of the health benefits of CR can be reproduced, including reduction in cancer promotion, this might be a therapeutic strategy worth pursuing. Human CR studies using the techniques described here (e.g. proliferation of skin cells and mammary epithelial cells (17, 34)) can, in principle, be performed to test this hypothesis. Cheers, Alan Pater Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 26, 2004 Report Share Posted December 26, 2004 Hi folks: I don't know whether or not anyone took a close look at the study posted below by Al. They have not made it easy to figure out what they are saying, but from my point of view the most interesting aspects appear to be the following: 1. They were trying to determine the relative cancer-prevention merits of ad-lib, 5% CR, and 36% CR, WITH DIFFERENT FREQUENCIES OF FEEDING. I.E. ***FASTING*** or not fasting. 2. Cell proliferation is considered to be a decent measure of cancer susceptibility - less proliferation, less cancer. 3. They measured cell proliferation of three types in mice: epidermal cells; mammary epithelial cells; and T-cell, for various degrees of CR and various different feeding frequencies. 4. Feeding frequencies tested were: ad-lib available all day; 95% of ad-lib (5% CR) available steadily all day, once daily, and fed only Monday/Wednesday/Friday; and 36% CR fed steadily all day, once daily, and only Monday/Wednesday/Friday. 5. Those fed 5% CR had appreciably lower cell proliferation than those fed ad-lib, and, in comparison with other feeding schedules, ESPECIALLY SO if only fed Monday/Wednesday/Friday. In this study, at 5% CR, fasting appears to be decisively better than daily or continuous feeding. 6. Those fed 36% less than ad-lib had less still cell proliferation than those on 5% CR (of course). Of those on 36% CR, the ones fed only three days a week had the least cell proliferation, but only rather marginally better than 36% CR fed daily or continuously. 7. Compared with ad-lib, the reduction in cell proliferation for the mice fed three times a week for 5% CR and 36% CR were: Epidermal: 22% less; 33% less. Mammary: 65% less; 87% less. T-cells: 27% less; 60% less. So, 36% CR is much better than 5% CR (not news); and three days a week feeding is a lot better than being fed daily for 5% CR, but only slightly better at 36% CR. One final point ................ the above may only apply, of course, if you are a female mouse ;; ^ ))) Rodney. PS: If anyone thinks I got this summary, above, wrong please say so! ------------------- --- In , " old542000 " <apater@m...> wrote: > > Hi All, > > This experiment has the Medline abstract: > > > cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstract & list_uids=15613681 > > > > Hsieh EA, Chai CM, Hellerstein MK. > Effects of Caloric Restriction on Cell Proliferation in Several > Tissues in > Mice: Role of Intermittent Feeding. > Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Dec 21; [Epub ahead of > print] > PMID: 15613681 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] > > Excerpts from the available pdf are below. > > Of note, > > 1. The definition of the different treatments of the mice is > highly complex. > > 2. The body weights were greatly affected by the use of > intermittent feeding versus daily feeding versus continuous > feeding, as illustrated by " Non-significant differences in > body weight between mice with the same > caloric intake but fed by different feeding > patterns may be due to the presence or absence > of food in the stomach during weighing " . > > 3. Searching the text for " lifespan " identifies many > shortcomings of the present study hinging on there being > no longevity data for the mice in these experiments, in > my opinion. > > 4. Experiments on cells grown in culture may not reflect > the results of experiments on pathology in the animal, > as for examining cell cultures for their proliferation rates > as a proxy for examinations in animals for cancer. > > 5. Examining the effect on cancer rates using intermittent > feeding may merit further studies, even in humans. > > Introduction > Caloric restriction (CR) ... A range of 30-70% > extension of maximal lifespan has been achieved using variations on > CR regimens (45), > including both early- and adult-onset CR (44, 46). CR also exerts a > number of other > beneficial health effects, including reduced carcinogenesis, enhanced > insulin sensitivity, > and reduced cardiovascular disease risk (15). The inhibitory effect > of CR on > carcinogenesis is of particular interest, as CR effectively inhibits > spontaneous tumor > formation as well as neoplasias in knockout/transgenic models of > cancer and chemically-induced > tumorigenesis (18, 19, 45). ... > > ... Materials and Methods > Mice and CR regimens. For all studies, 7-week-old female C57BL/6J > mice > ... were fed a semi-purified AIN-93M diet ad libitum > ... Studies were then started at 8 weeks of age. 3 studies were > carried out. > Study #1: Time course of CR effects (Figure 1A). A 33% CR diet was > fed for varying > durations of time to the 3 treatment groups (n = 8 per group): 2 > weeks CR (2W), 1 month > CR (1M) or 2 months CR (2M). 2W received a control diet for 6 weeks > prior to onset of > the CR diet, and 1M received a control diet for 1 month prior to > onset of the CR diet, so > that the ages of all 3 groups were matched at the end of the > experiment. Accordingly, all > 3 groups were sacrificed at 16 weeks of age. Two different control > groups were also used > (n = 8 per group): ad libitum fed mice (AL) and mice fed 95% of ad > libitum intake (C95). > These animals were also sacrificed at 16 weeks of age. These control > groups represent the > different types of control groups that have commonly been used in CR > studies > demonstrating lifespan extension or reduced carcinogenesis (1, 37, > 41, 44, 46). One > additional group of mice (n = 4) was placed on CR for a longer period > of time (3 months, > 3M), also starting at 8 weeks of age. This group was sacrificed at 20 > weeks of age. > During non-CR periods, the treatment groups were maintained on the > C95 diet regimen. > During CR periods, mice were fed 67% of C95 intake, or about 64% of > AL intake, as > previously described (37). The CR and C95 groups were fed 3 days a > week, such that 2-times > the daily allotment was given on Mondays and Wednesdays, and 3- times > the daily > allotment was given on Fridays, as has been commonly used in previous > CR studies (13, > 37, 42, 44, 46). AL and C95 mice were fed a semi-purified AIN-93M > diet, while CR > mice were fed an enriched AIN-93M diet that contains 33% more > protein, minerals, and > vitamins per gram of diet (Bio-Serv). All mice were housed > individually. Food intake and > body weight were monitored weekly. > Study #2: Refeeding effects (Figure 1B). The time course of > response to refeeding was > also studied. Mice received a 33% CR diet for 1 month and were > subsequently given a > C95 diet (n = 8 per group) for either 2 weeks of refeeding (R2W) or 1 > month of refeeding > (R1M). The CR diet for the R2W group started 2 weeks into the study > (10 weeks old) > while CR diet for R1M started immediately (8 weeks old), so that both > groups were > sacrificed at 16 weeks of age. One additional group of mice received > a 33% CR diet for 1 > month and was refed for a longer period of time (2 months, n = 4) > (R2M). These mice > were sacrificed at 20 weeks of age. All mice were housed > individually. Food intake and > body weight were monitored weekly. > Study #3: Intermittency of feeding study. The role of intermittent > food intake was also > investigated. 3 groups of mice were put on a 33% CR diet, > administered via different > feeding protocols (n = 6 per group): intermittent feeding of 3 times > per week (CR-INT), > as described above (37); daily feeding (CR-DF); or continuous feeding > via an electronic > pellet dispenser (CR-PD). 3 other groups of mice were fed 95% of ad > libitum diet via the > same 3 feeding protocols (n = 6 per group): intermittent feeding of 3 > times a week (95-INT); > daily feeding (95-DF); or continuous feeding (95-PD). The 95-INT, 95- > DF, and > 95-PD groups were also compared with a group fed ad libitum (AL) > concurrently. > Intermittent feeding was as described above, with 2 times the daily > allotment given on > Mondays and Wednesdays, and 3 times the daily allotment given on > Fridays. Mice fed > daily were given their food allotment for each day, every morning. > The amount and type > of diet (33% enriched or standard AIN-93M) depended on whether the > mice were in the > CR groups (CR-INT, CR-DF) or the control groups (95-INT, 95-DF). > Continuously fed > mice were housed in cages containing an electronic pellet dispenser > that delivered a 45 > mg pellet of AIN-93M diet (standard for 95-PD, 33% enriched for CR- > PD, Bio-Serv), > into the cage every 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the caloric > intake. All mice were > housed individually. Food intake and body weight were monitored > weekly. Mice were > sacrificed at 12 weeks of age, after 4 weeks of treatment. > ... > > Results > Study #1: Time course > Food intake and body weight. > On average, AL mice consumed 22 grams of food per > week. Therefore, C95 mice were fed 21 grams of food per week and CR > mice were fed > 14 grams of food per week. The body weight of CR mice dropped > initially by as much as > 30% but stabilized over time (Figure 2A). Mice then gained weight on > CR diets. > Time course. When compared to AL, proliferation of epidermal cells, > MECs, and T-cells > was significantly decreased in the CR groups at all time points > studied (Figures 3A-3C). > When compared to C95, in contrast, cell proliferation in all tissues > was not significantly > decreased until 1 month of CR, after which the response was again not > significant. At 1 > month of CR, the time of greatest effect of CR, epidermal cell > proliferation was 61% of > that in AL mice and 76% of that in C95 mice. MEC proliferation was > only 11% of AL > and 29% of C95 mice values at 1 month, while T-cell proliferation was > 41% of that in AL > mice and 57% of that in C95 mice. > Differences between C95 and AL control groups. > C95 mice exhibited statistically > significantly lower cell proliferation than AL mice in all tissues > examined (Figures 3A-3C). > After 2 months on respective diets, epidermal cell proliferation in > C95 mice was > 81% of that in AL mice, MEC proliferation was 37%, and T-cell > proliferation was 71%. > Thus, CR exerted significant effects on proliferation of all 3 cell > types studied, but C95 > also had a potent impact that appeared to account for at least part > of the CR effect. > Estrus cycle. Based on cell morphology analysis of vaginal cells > collected from 1M and > C95 mice, CR mice were anestrus (not cycling), while C95 mice were > actively cycling. > The marked reduction in MEC proliferation in the CR groups might > therefore in part be > explained by reduction in reproductive hormone levels (31), but the > substantial effect > observed in the C95 groups exclude this as the primary cause of > reduced MEC > proliferation. > > Study #2: Refeeding > Food intake and body weight. > As in study #1, AL mice consumed about 22 grams of > food per week. During the CR phase, mice were therefore fed 14 grams > of food per week, > and during the refeeding phase, mice were fed 21 grams of food per > week. Refeeding > resulted in a rapid gain of lost weight (Figure 2B). Body weights of > CR mice had caught > up to the body weights of C95 mice by the end of the study, despite > the 1-month period > of CR. > Time course of refeeding effects. > When compared to the C95 control group, cell > proliferation in all tissues rebounded to a significantly higher rate > after 2 weeks of > refeeding, persisting through 1 month of refeeding but normalizing > after 2 months of > refeeding (Figures 4A-4C). When compared to the AL group, cell > proliferation in all > tissues was no longer significantly different after 2 weeks of > refeeding. Subsequent > comparisons revealed tissue-specific differences. After 1 month of > refeeding of the C95 > diet, T-cell proliferation rate was statistically higher than AL > levels; this was normalized > after 2 months of refeeding. MEC proliferation was significantly > lower than AL levels > after 2 months of refeeding of C95 diet, consistent with the > observation that MEC > proliferation was lower in C95 mice than in AL mice (Figure 3B). > > Study #3: Intermittency of feeding > Food intake and body weight. > Throughout this study, all groups of CR mice were fed > 14 grams of food per week, and all groups of control mice were fed 21 > grams of food per > week. All mice gained weight on their diets (Figure 2C). Non- > significant differences in > body weight between mice with the same caloric intake but fed by > different feeding > patterns may be due to the presence or absence of food in the stomach > during weighing. > Feeding intermittency effects among groups of CR mice. > In the three tissues studied, > intermittency of feeding (i.e. food given 3 times per week) had no > additional effect > compared to daily or continuous feeding on cell proliferation when CR > was present > (Figures 5A-5C). > Feeding intermittency effects among groups of control mice. > There was lower cell > proliferation in all tissues of the group fed intermittently at 95% > of ad libitum diet (95-INT) > compared to daily feeding (95-DF), continuous feeding (95-PD), or ad > libitum > feeding (AL), although not all comparisons were statistically > significant (Figures 6A-6C). > MEC proliferation was significantly lower in 95-INT than in 95PD > mice, while T-cell > proliferation was significantly lower in 95-INT mice compared to 95- > DF and 95-PD > mice. Epidermal and T-cell proliferation rates in AL were not > statistically different from > 95-DF or 95-PD but were significantly greater than 95-INT. An > intermittent feeding > regimen (i.e. food given 3 times per week) therefore caused > significant reductions in cell > proliferation rates compared to isocaloric diets fed by more constant > patterns. > > Discussion > We demonstrate here the application of a relatively simple method for > measuring cell > proliferation in multiple tissues in mice. By this technique, it is > clear that cell > proliferation rates in mice are extremely sensitive to changes in > caloric intake, whether > due to CR or feeding pattern. > Previous methods for measuring cell proliferation include cell- cycle > indices such as Ki67 > or PCNA staining (28, 38). These techniques do not accurately reveal > rate of progression > through the cell cycle, however (16). Dynamic measurements, including > incorporation of > BrdU and 3 HdT, also have limitations. DNA incorporation of these > precursors occurs via > nucleoside salvage pathways and is dependent on a number of > variables, including > efficiency of cellular uptake, competition with extracellular > nucleosides, etc., which can > differ among cell types (34, 35). Labeled deoxyribonucleosides > released after cell death > may also be reincorporated into other cells (16). The stable isotope > labeling method used > here is safe, yields quantitative kinetic information, does not > depend on the > deoxyribonucleoside salvage pathway, and is not susceptible to > artifacts related to re-utilization > (16, 34, 35). > We show here that early-onset 33% CR in C57BL/6J mice, administered > by a commonly > used feeding regimen in this field (i.e. food given 3 times per week) > (13, 37, 42, 44, 46), > reduces proliferation of epidermal cells (keratinocytes), MECs, and > splenic T-cells. When > mice were refed after CR, cell proliferation rates were restored > within 2 weeks to values > equal to ad libitum fed controls, and some tissues became transiently > hyperproliferative > in comparison to 95% ad libitum fed controls. These data suggest that > the effects of CR > on cell proliferation are rapid and reversible. Whether or not these > effects on cell > proliferation are sustained over extended duration of CR cannot be > deduced from these > data. > The mediator(s) of the CR effect on cell proliferation in multiple > tissues remain > uncertain. IGF-1 has been hypothesized to mediate the decrease in > cell proliferation in > response to CR (18, 19). Serum IGF-1 levels have been consistently > reported to be > reduced in CR studies (4, 9, 14, 20), and exogenous replacement of > IGF-1 has been found > to negate the benefits against bladder cancer conferred by CR in p53- > deficient mice (9). > In addition, modulations in IGF-1 signaling have been correlated to > lifespan extension (3, > 8, 11). We were unable to accurately compare IGF-1 levels between > groups due to > differences in fasting times prior to sacrifice. A priority for > future studies will be to > characterize the relationship between changes in cell proliferation > and concentrations of > potential mediators. > Our data demonstrate that an intermittent pattern of feeding, > resulting in periodic fasting, > contributes to the anti-proliferative effects of CR regimens, along > with caloric deficit. We > observed that a 5% decrease in total caloric intake, combined with an > intermittent feeding > pattern (food given 3 times per week), decreased cell proliferation > compared to mice fed > isocalorically but according to a more constant feeding pattern > (daily or continuously). > Intermittency of feeding did not appear to have an additive effect in > CR mice. In > particular, among mice receiving 95% of AL caloric intake, > intermittent feeding > decreased MEC and T-cell proliferation compared to continuously fed > mice. > Continuously and daily fed mice at 95% AL caloric intake also did not > have significantly > lower epidermal and T-cell proliferation compared to AL controls, > whereas intermittently > fed mice at 95% AL caloric intake did, ruling out an effect of the 5% > reduction in caloric > intake per se. Recently, intermittent feeding was found to impart > greater benefits than > daily feeding at a 40% level of CR (2). The intermittent feeding > model employed by > Anson et al. involved alternating ad libitum feeding and complete > food deprivation, every > other day. Although the mice compensated for food deprivation on the > days during which > they were fed, they were only able to attain a caloric intake of > about 90% of ad libitum > levels. Thus, their model, resulting in 10% CR with intermittent > feeding, is similar to our > C95 group, fed 5% CR intermittently. Anson et al. reported improved > insulin sensitivity > in this model, compared to a daily fed 40% CR model (2). Both studies > therefore suggest > that minimal CR in conjunction with intermittent feeding induces > health effects similar to > that from traditional, much more substantial CR. > Our data do not suggest, however, that the effects of substantial CR > can be completely > reproduced by intermittency of feeding. Although intermittent feeding > with 5% CR (95-INT) > resulted in lower cell proliferation than more continuous feeding at > the same caloric > level, it is worth noting that the degree of hypoproliferation is not > as pronounced as in > mice fed 33% CR, regardless of feeding intermittency. This result > suggests that > substantial CR still has a dominant effect over feeding > intermittency. Similarly, Lee et al. > have shown that mice fed intermittently on 41% CR have greater > lifespan extension and > lower tumor incidence than those fed intermittently on 15% CR as > controls (25). > and Halberg also investigated the role of intermittent feeding > and found that 25% > CR with 6 smaller meals versus 1 big meal a day both extended > lifespan to the same > extent in mice but resulted in a different circadian rhythm, such > that less frequent meals > resulted in lower core body temperature (36). This finding may be > significant, as CR- > induced torpor and cell proliferation are linked (22, 45), but cell > proliferation was not > measured in this study. The finding that 25% CR with increased > feeding intermittency did > not extend lifespan beyond daily feeding of 25% CR may suggest that > substantial CR > overcomes or masks any effect of intermittency on lifespan. This > interpretation is also > consistent with our data, as 33% CR groups had the same cell > proliferation rates, despite > different feeding intermittency patterns. There has yet to be a study > comparing lifespan > expectancy in animals with minimal CR using different feeding > patterns, however. Such a > study would be necessary to investigate the effect of intermittency > of feeding apart from > caloric deficit on lifespan extension. > The suggestion that intermittent feeding may produce benefits similar > to caloric > restriction is potentially of great interest to human applications. > While it may be > impractical to maintain humans on substantial calorically restricted > diets for their > lifetime, intermittent food deprivation may be feasible. If some of > the health benefits of > CR can be reproduced, including reduction in cancer promotion, this > might be a > therapeutic strategy worth pursuing. Human CR studies using the > techniques described > here (e.g. proliferation of skin cells and mammary epithelial cells > (17, 34)) can, in > principle, be performed to test this hypothesis. > > > Cheers, Alan Pater Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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