Guest guest Posted January 23, 2005 Report Share Posted January 23, 2005 Hi All, We as CRers are aware that our capacity for exercise decreases with CR, but our disease risk factors are reduced. Now, the pdf available review and paper below appears to indicate that, for those who peter out before others during exercise, they are more disposed to diseases and have the poor cardiovascular risk markers and proteins important for mitochondrial functions. We do know that there are those among us who have superior athletic performance and appear to have improved health risk indicators. Does CR impact on the results of the findings? The study was in rats. It certainly was a " prospective " study, in that there was 347% greater distance to exhaustion of the strain of rats selected for emergence after artificial selection for high versus low aerobic capacity. After the selection, the health risk indicators were examined. First, here is the review. Marx J. Medicine. Low-power mitochondria may raise risk of cardiovascular problems. Science. 2005 Jan 21;307(5708):334-5. No abstract available. PMID: 15661980 [PubMed - in process] Try as we might, only an elite few will ever win the Tour de France or even the local 10-K foot race. People simply vary widely in their ability to perform aerobic exercise. New work with rats now suggests that individuals with a low tolerance for aerobic exercise may have a lot more to worry about than just their inability to run fast and long. The same underlying defect that reduces aerobic capacity may also predispose a person to a witch's brew of medical problems that could increase the possibility of heart attacks and strokes. On page 418, a research team including Ulrik Wisløff of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Najjar of the Medical College of Ohio in Toledo, and Britton of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, reports that rats that have been selectively bred to have reduced capacity for aerobic exercise show obesity, resistance to the hormone insulin (a sign of type II diabetes), and high blood pressure, all symptoms of the so-called metabolic syndrome that raises the risk of cardiovascular disease. The researchers also provide evidence that impaired function of the mitochondria, small structures that produce most of a cell's energy, underlies the metabolic problems of the rats with low aerobic capacity. Previous work had implicated poor mitochondrial function with individual components of metabolic syndrome, but this is the first time researchers have linked it to all of them at once. " This is an incredibly provocative study, " says Vamsi Mootha of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, whose own work has linked mitochondrial malfunction to type II diabetes. " They linked metabolic syndrome to mitochondria in a way that hasn't been done before. " Running for their lives. These rats, bred to have high aerobic capacity, appear to have fewer cardiovascular risk factors than their couch-potato cousins. CREDIT: MARTIN VLOET/UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PHOTO SERVICES The rat-breeding experiments began in 1996, motivated mainly, Britton recalls, by dissatisfaction with existing animal models for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Most of those models were created by very nonphysiological means, such as tying off the arteries of the heart or administering a drug that destroys the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, far removed from the way the conditions develop naturally. To produce animals whose diseases more closely mimic those in humans, the researchers selectively bred rats to have either high or low capacity for aerobic exercise. They identified rats with a high capacity to run on a treadmill and mated them with one another, and they did the same for animals with a low running capacity. " Since oxygen metabolism is such a large part of biology, defects in it should underlie our pathology, " explains Britton. The animals described in the current report, the products of 11 generations of selective breeding, have a 350% difference in their running abilities. And by every measure tested, the couch-potato rats rank high on the cardiovascular risk factor scale: Compared to high- capacity runners, they are more obese, have higher blood pressures and higher levels of blood fats, and have increased insulin resistance. Although obesity itself can decrease aerobic running capacity, a statistical analysis showed that it accounts for no more than 20% of the decreased aerobic capacity. Indeed, studies of very young rats who were poor exercisers showed that metabolic changes, such as increased blood concentrations of fat and the sugar glucose, occurred before any weight differences became apparent. Because mitochondria provide the energy for exercise, Britton and his colleagues examined whether these organelles exhibited signs of reduced function in the low-aerobic-capacity rats. The researchers found that muscle from those rats had much lower concentrations of a number of key mitochondrial proteins than did muscle from the high- capacity animals. This indicates that they had either fewer mitochondria or less effective ones. The work provides " a strong link between aerobic capacity, mitochondrial function, and the full range of cardiovascular symptoms, " says Flier, an obesity and metabolism expert at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. " If you happen to have drawn the wrong genes, you may be subject to not only not being a long-distance runner but also to diabetes and cardiovascular disease. " All the researchers stress that the results should not be cause for despair among people who suspect that their own aerobic capacity may be on the low side. Wisløff's team is testing whether regular exercise can reduce the various risk factors in the low-aerobic- capacity rats, and early results look promising, Britton says. So rather than providing an excuse for sticking to the couch, the new data could well be yet another reason to hit the bike trail or aerobic floor. Now, here are the article excerpts. Wisloff U, Najjar SM, Ellingsen O, Haram PM, Swoap S, Al-Share Q, Fernstrom M, Rezaei K, Lee SJ, Koch LG, Britton SL. Cardiovascular risk factors emerge after artificial selection for low aerobic capacity. Science. 2005 Jan 21;307(5708):418-20. PMID: 15662013 [PubMed - in process] In humans, the strong statistical association between fitness and survival suggests a link between impaired oxygen metabolism and disease. We hypothesized that artificial selection of rats based on low and high intrinsic exercise capacity would yield models that also contrast for disease risk. After 11 generations, rats with low aerobic capacity scored high on cardiovascular risk factors that constitute the metabolic syndrome. The decrease in aerobic capacity was associated with decreases in the amounts of transcription factors required for mitochondrial biogenesis and in the amounts of oxidative enzymes in skeletal muscle. Impairment of mitochondrial function may link reduced fitness to cardiovascular and metabolic disease. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Several investigations link aerobic metabolism to the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. Large-scale epidemiological studies of subjects with and without cardiovascular disease demonstrate that low aerobic exercise capacity is a stronger predictor of mortality than other established risk factors (1–4). In patients with type 2 diabetes, low aerobic capacity is associated with reduced expression of genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation (5). In insulin- resistant elders, there is a 40% reduction in mitochondrial oxidative and phosphorylation activity, largely attributable to impaired skeletal muscle glucose metabolism (6). These observations are consistent with impaired regulation of mitochondrial function as an important mechanism for low aerobic capacity and cardiovascular risk factors linked to the metabolic syndrome. These risk factors include weight gain, high blood pressure, reduced endothelial function, hyperinsulinemia, and increased triglyceride concentration in blood. The working hypothesis of the present study was that rats selected on the basis of low versus high intrinsic exercise performance would also differ in maximal oxygen uptake, mitochondrial oxidative pathways, and cardiovascular risk factors linked to the metabolic syndrome. In previous work, we began large-scale artificial selection for low and high aerobic treadmill-running capacity with the genetically heterogeneous N:NIH stock of rats as the founder population (7). Eleven generations of selection produced low-capacity runners (LCRs) and high-capacity runners (HCRs) that differed in running capacity by 347% (Fig. 1A). The founder population had a capacity to run for 355±144 m (23.1 min) until exhausted. On average, the treadmill- running capacity decreased 16 m per generation in LCRs and increased 41 m per generation in HCRs in response to selection. At generation 11, the LCRs averaged 191±70 m (14.3 min), and the HCRs ran for 853±315 m (41.6 min). For this study, we used young adult rats (ages 16 to 24 weeks) derived from generations 10 and 11 to test our hypothesis that risk factors for common diseases segregate with variation in intrinsic aerobic capacity (8). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- High blood pressure is associated with increased risk for stroke and ischemic heart disease (9). We found that, relative to the HCRs, the LCR rats had higher mean blood pressures during the day (105±13 mm Hg compared with 89±8 mm Hg), at night (98±3 mm Hg compared with 91±7 mm Hg), and for the combined 24-hour period (102±6 mm Hg compared with 90±7 mm Hg) (Fig. 1B). Extrapolating from human data (9), this 13% higher 24-hour blood pressure suggests that the LCRs are twice as likely to develop cardiovascular disease as the HCRs. Endothelial dysfunction is an independent predictor of long-term cardiovascular disease progression and cardiovascular event rates (10). To assess endothelial function in the two strains of rats, we assayed nitric oxide–mediated (acetylcholine) vascular relaxation in isolated ring segments of carotid arteries. In this assay, higher vessel relaxation is interpreted as better endothelial function. For maximal absolute relaxation, the HCR rats demonstrated a 48% increase compared with the LCR rats. Furthermore, the concentration of acetylcholine that provoked a half-maximal response [median effective concentration (EC50)] was 7.8-fold greater in LCR than HCR rats (Fig. 1C and fig. S1). LCR rats were insulin-resistant compared with the HCR rats, as demonstrated by higher fasting insulin levels and impaired glucose tolerance (Table 1 and fig. S2). Insulin C-peptide levels were normal in LCR rats, indicating that insulin secretion was preserved. However, insulin clearance was reduced in the LCR rats, as indicated by lower steady-state C-peptide/insulin molar ratios. These data indicate that hyperinsulinemia results mainly from reduced insulin clearance. Consistent with the clinical scenario of the metabolic syndrome, the LCR rats also had more visceral adiposity, higher plasma triglycerides, and elevated plasma free fatty acids compared with the HCR rats (Table 1). Table 1. LCR and HCR rats differed significantly for carbohydrate and lipid metabolic measures. Measurements were taken from male LCR (n = 8) and HCR (n = 8) rats. Blood was drawn at 0900 hours with food and water ad libitum to measure random blood sugar. Other metabolic measures were made on blood drawn after 12 hours of food and water deprivation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- LCR HCR % Difference LCR vs. HCR P value ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Random glucose (mg/dl) 86±6 75±12 15% 0.036 Fasting glucose (mg/dl) 110±9 92±5 20% 0.0007 Insulin (pM) 684±195 296±172 131% 0.002 C-peptide (pM) 1590±338 1077±565 48% 0.061 C-peptide/insulin 2.4±0.4 3.8±1.2 -58% 0.013 Visceral adiposity/body weight (%) 1.55±0.39 0.95±0.32 63% 0.005 Triglycerides (mg/dl) 67±24 25±4 168% 0.013 Free fatty acids (meq/l) 0.64±0.22 0.33±0.04 94% 0.031 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Because individuals with cardiovascular disease often show diminished capacity for adaptation to exercise training (11), we measured 12 variables to assess the general exercise capacity and left ventricular function both in sedentary control © and in exercise-trained (T) LCR and HCR rats (Table 2). Each rat was trained for 6 weeks on a treadmill at an intensity relative to its own individual maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) (12). Consistent with a low tolerance for exercise, the C-LCR rats had a 58% lower VO2max, a 17% lower economy of running (i.e., higher oxygen cost of running), 23% less left ventricular weight, and a trend (P = 0.07) toward shorter left ventricular cell length compared with the C-HCR rats. Isolated left ventricular cells from C-HCR rats had better systolic and diastolic function relative to the C-LCR rats (Table 2). In response to training, both T-LCR and T-HCR rats showed significant improvement in all 12 of the measures of capacity (Table 2), with a uniformly greater training response in the T-HCR relative to the T- LCR rats for each measure except cell width. Table 2. Exercise capacity and isolated left ventricular cell variables for LCR and HCR rats separated in groups of sedentary control © and exercise-trained (T). Before exercise, the C-LCR and C-HCR rats differed significantly (indicated by asterisks for P < 0.01) for all variables except left ventricular cell length and width. Six weeks of exercise training significantly improved each of these 11 variables in both T-LCR and T-HCR rats (indicated by for P < 0.01). In each case except cell width, T-HCR rats improved more than T-LCR rats with training ( for P < 0.05). PS, percentage cell shortening. Values are means±1 SD from six LCR and six HCR female rats. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- C-LCR C-HCR % Difference % Change with training ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- C-LCR vs. C-HCR C-LCR vs. T-LCR C-HCR vs. T-HCR ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Whole animal variables ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- VO2max (ml kg-0.75 min-1) 43±2 68±3 -58%* 38% 44% Economy of running (ml O2 kg-0.75 m-1) 4.9±0.1 4.2±0.2 17%* - 7% -17% Left ventricular weight (mg kg-0.75) 1561±176 1917±88 -23%* 22% 27% Left ventricular cell variables ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Cell length (µm) 118±2 124±2 -5% 6% 14% Cell width (µm) 23±3 19±3 20% 2% 2% Systolic cell function ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Cell shortening (%) 14.0±1.2 17.1±1.1 -22%* 30% 39% Relative time to peak shortening (ms PS-1) 2.7±0.2 2.3±0.2 17% * -24% -32% Systolic [Ca2+] (µM) 1.61±0.03 1.73±0.04 -7%* -16% -23% Amplitude of [Ca2+] transient (µM) 1.20±0.03 1.38±0.05 -15%* - 19% -24% Diastolic cell function ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Time to 50% relengthening (ms) 39.9±1.2 35.2±1.3 13%* -14% - 16% Diastolic [Ca2+] (µM) 0.41±0.02 0.35±0.02 17%* -7% -20% Time to 50% decay of [Ca2+] transient (ms) 55.3±1.4 45.9±1.3 20% * -11% -13% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with a wide range of human diseases (5). In view of the lower aerobic capacity and reduced cardiovascular function of LCR rats, we hypothesized that they have compromised mitochondrial oxidative function relative to the HCR rats. To test this hypothesis, we measured the cellular content of proteins required for mitochondrial biogenesis and function (5, 13) in soleus muscle, which is composed largely of highly oxidative fibers. The amounts of peroxisome proliferative activated receptor (PPAR-), PPAR- coactivator 1 (PGC-1), ubiquinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase core 2 subunit (UQCRC2), cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COXI), uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2), and ATP synthase H+- transporting mitochondrial F1 complex (F1-ATP synthase) were markedly reduced in the LCR rats in comparison with the HCRs. The uniform decline in these proteins is consistent with the hypothesis that reduced aerobic metabolism plays a causal role in the development of the differences between the LCR and HCR rats (Fig. 2). PGC-1, particularly because it interacts with PPAR-, seems to be centrally positioned for influencing both energy metabolism and the progression of complex diseases. PGC-1 is a transcriptional coactivator involved in energy transfer pathways and mitochondrial biogenesis and permits PPAR- to interact with many transcription factors (14). PPAR-, a regulator of adipocyte differentiation, has been implicated in the pathology of numerous diseases including obesity and diabetes. Thiazolidinediones are selective ligands of PPAR- and effective for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, suggesting a pivotal role for PPAR- in complex diseases (15). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Body weight can have a substantial influence on both aerobic running capacity and the emergence of disease (16). Eleven generations of selective breeding for running capacity produced a correlated change in body weight. By generation 11, male LCR rats weighed 92 g more (39%) than HCR males, and similarly the LCR female rats weighed 44 g more (24%) than HCR females (fig. S3). Multiple regression analysis using weight and generation as predictors of running capacity revealed that changes in body weight explained 7% of the variation in distance run in HCR females, 7% in LCR females, 20% in HCR males, and 14% in LCR males. Thus, factors other than body weight account for the majority of the variation in distance run across the 11 generations of selection in both strains. Because risk factors for complex diseases often emerge with aging (17), we measured indices of metabolic risk in 5-week-old male pups (fig. S4). At this age, the HCR and LCR lines had essentially identical body and visceral fat weights, with a 25% greater VO2max in the HCR relative to the LCR. The LCR pups showed 12% higher plasma glucose (P < 0.001) and plasma triglyceride values (P < 0.04) compared with the HCR pups. Thus, in our contrasting strains, metabolic changes preceded the increase in body weight (fig. S4), a result that is consistent with a role for hyperinsulinemia in weight gain. Although mechanistic arguments have been put forward for either pattern in humans, clinical studies have not resolved whether obesity precedes or follows the development of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes (18). In summary, the present study demonstrated that selection for low versus high intrinsic aerobic exercise capacity simultaneously generated a differential load of metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors. Rats with low aerobic capacity expressed low amounts of key proteins required for mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle, suggesting a mechanistic association. Although a direct cause-effect relationship has not been proven, our observations support the notion that impaired regulation of oxidative pathways in mitochondria may be a common factor linking reduced total-body aerobic capacity to cardiovascular and metabolic disease. This is in concert with previous epidemiological and clinical studies (1–6, 19). Cheer, Al Pater. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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