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Functional foods and aging

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Functional foods, ageing and degenerative disease

Remacle, C.; Reusens, B. (2004)

Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Abington Hall, Abington, Cambridge CB1

6AH, UK. Tel. +44 (0)1223 891358. Fax +44 (0)1223 893694. E-mail

wp@.... www.woodhead-publishing.com

Extent: xix + 771pp., many ref.

Language: English

ISBN 1-85573-725-6, price GBP 160.00, USD 265.00, EUR 225.00

This book reviews the role of functional foods in helping to prevent

a number of degenerative conditions, from osteoporosis and obesity

to immune system disorders and cancer. It is divided into 27

chapters under the headings:

Regulatory context in the EU (pp. 1-16, 18 ref.)

Diet and the prevention of degenerative disease (pp. 17-56, many


New functional foods for age-related diseases (pp. 57-80, many ref.)

Diet and control of osteoporosis (pp. 83-114, many ref.)

Phytoestrogens and the control of osteoporosis (pp. 115-138, many


Vitamin D fortification and bone health (pp. 139-173, many ref.)

Calcium citrate (TCC) and bone health (pp. 174-183, 17 ref.)

Diet, functional foods and oral health (pp. 184-199, 44 ref.)

Sweeteners and dental health (pp. 200-219, 49 ref.)

Nutrient-gene interactions in the control of obesity (pp. 223-259,

many ref.)

Nutrition, fat synthesis and obesity (pp. 260-277, many ref.)

Satiety and the control of obesity (pp. 278-291, many ref.)

Functional foods for gut health - an overview (pp. 295-324, many


Analysing gut microflora (pp. 325-348, many ref.)

Dietary lipids and immune function (pp. 349-393, many ref.)

Improving gut health in the elderly (pp. 394-415, many ref.)

Probiotics, prebiotics and gut health (pp. 416-482, many ref.)

Anti-angiogenic functional food, degenerative disease and cancer

(pp. 485-523, many ref.)

Synbiotics and colon cancer (pp. 524-580, many ref.)

Identifying antimutagenic constituents of food (pp. 581-614, many


Glucosinolates and the prevention of cancer (pp. 615-627, 54 ref.)

Dietary fiber and the prevention of cancer (pp. 628-644, many ref.)

Phytoestrogens and the prevention of cancer (pp. 645-688, many ref.)

Food phenolics and cancer chemoprevention (pp. 669-680, many ref.)

Vitamins and the prevention of cancer (pp. 681-707, many ref.)

Probiotics in inflammatory bowel disease (pp. 708-725, 69 ref.)

Assessing the effectiveness of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics

in preventing disease (pp. 726-752, many ref.).

A 19-pp subject index is also included.



FSTA™ accession number 2004-09-Aj1535


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