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Re: [HeidiLiane] Interstitial cystitis (IC) vs Fibro

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: I have IC as well and have had it for years. When I get a flare, I have gone to the urologist and had bladder instillations of DMSO, heparin and lidocaine.. It is referred to as a DMSO cocktail. Some docs use it, but others don't. You may have to do some research among the urologists nearby to see who offers the treatment.


[HeidiLiane] Interstitial cystitis (IC) vs Fibro

First, I'd like to introduce myself as I am new to the list. I posted

an earlier message.

I have IC (bladder pain) and am wondering if anyone else has it. I

have been treated for it since Jan 2008 but I know I had pelvic pain

for several years. No treatment has been successful; however I have to

watch my diet. Practically everything I love has been eliminated but I

still have pain. I am beginning to think there is a correlation

between it and Fibro and/or the colon, but am not sure. It's like I

have to try to

be my own doctor because each doctor I see can't put it together.

During the meantime I am in constant pain. I'd be interested in

knowing if anyone else has a similar problem.

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Hi All,

I have had IC for 20 years.

I was given the cocktail by a urologist.

At the time it was my only symptom that something might be

wrong however the instillations in the bladder put me in remission

untl the yeast set in. I did have a really foul odor from the instillations.

I had about 6 treatments over 6 weeks.

Now I just increase the water and decrease all irritates to my bladder.

Hope that helped.

[HeidiLiane] Interstitial cystitis (IC) vs Fibro

First, I'd like to introduce myself as I am new to the list. I posted an earlier message. I have IC (bladder pain) and am wondering if anyone else has it. I have been treated for it since Jan 2008 but I know I had pelvic pain for several years. No treatment has been successful; however I have to watch my diet. Practically everything I love has been eliminated but I still have pain. I am beginning to think there is a correlation between it and Fibro and/or the colon, but am not sure. It's like I have to try to be my own doctor because each doctor I see can't put it together. During the meantime I am in constant pain. I'd be interested in knowing if anyone else has a similar problem.

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