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Conserve Your Energy

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Conserve Your Energy

Friday, September 19, 2008

By: beth Deffner

FMOnline vol. 8, no. 9

Each of us is given 24 hours to spend as we choose—every day, rain or

shine, flare or not. How do you spend your time? How can you make the

most of it? Following are some of the top tips we received from

people with fibromyalgia who have discovered the best ways to manage

their time and conserve their energy.

Just Say No!

This can be a hard skill for anyone to develop. What helps? Practice!

" It's okay to have made plans and then not feel well and not go. It

does not make you a bad person if you don't go or don't do something

because it's a bad day, " says Dianna .

When you do have to cancel plans, be sure to explain that it's

because of a health situation—not because you changed your mind. A

cancellation can turn into an educational opportunity for your loved

ones; it will be easier for them to understand what you're going

through if they learn more about fibromyalgia and your experience

with it.

Choose Your Top Task

What are the most important tasks you need to accomplish today? This

week? This month?

Make a list of all the tasks you would like to complete. Then rank

them in order of most important to least important. You can't be sure

when your energy level will dip, so attack the most important tasks


Roxie, an FM patient in Oregon, plans to complete one chore each day;

it might be as big as mopping several rooms and shampooing the carpet

or as small as washing a few dishes, depending on how she's feeling

that day.


If you are in a group situation—in an office or at home—make sure you

take advantage of teampower to accomplish what you need to get done.

" My kids always wanted to help do the chores, so I let them, and

slowly progressed into more detailed duties, " says Marci . " They

sort and match their socks. They put their laundry away (including

hanging shirts up). They can load and unload the dishwasher—with

supervision—to put the dishes away that they cannot reach. The two of

them can also wrap presents, use tape correctly, sort their laundry,

put it in into the washer, add the soap, and start the washer.

" Right now it's still for fun—it's not a chore yet. With all their

help I don't have to do as much, and it cuts down on my fatigue. "

Consider Geography

Whether you are driving around town doing errands or taking care of

chores around the house, give some thought to where you need to go,

and what you need to do there. Try to plan a route that leads

logically from the closest location to the next closest location and

so on. Why waste extra time en route?

Try to make it easy for yourself to do the chores you need to do. For

instance, keeps a container of Lysol wipes in the bathroom

and in the kitchen. When she's in those rooms, she periodically grabs

a wipe and wipes down counters, faucets, the sink, drawer pulls, etc.

Cleaning a few times a week just takes a few minutes—and it prevents

big build-up that will require lengthy cleaning sessions.

Check Out Resources

You're already one step ahead by reading this story! You can find

additional tips on the National Fibromyalgia Association website;

click on Topics A-Z, then Household Tips.

Ask people in your support group what they do to manage their time

and energy. Ask your healthcare providers for suggestions. Check out

other websites, too, like flylady.net.

C. Wyatt is a full-time student who also works full-time.

She has budgeted $40 per week for a housecleaning service that helps

her keep her home in order—and allows her to keep some of her

precious free time free of time-consuming chores.

Don't forget to check out resources within yourself, too. " Find

another way, take another tack, adapt, be resourceful, look for more

options, more possibilities than you originally dreamed, " says Rev.

Janet Ewing.

" I can't go to church without having an asthma attack, but I am

involved in ever Sunday service. I put together the PowerPoint

announcements. "

One Day at a Time

" I learned that planning certain things in advance just isn't

realistic for those with fibromyalgia, " writes Jodie Gannetto in her

Fibro Friends Forever newsletter. " We just don't know what each day

is going to bring us. Will it be a good day or a bad day? Will I be

able to drive? Get out of bed? Or even get out of the house? "

You can break this suggestion down into smaller time increments, too.

For instance, try setting a timer or a stopwatch when you start an

activity. When the timer goes off, take a break and rest. Bonnie

Ewing does this when she's going for a walk; she walks for five

minutes and rests for five minutes. " You will be able to walk further

and not feel exhausted if you set your watch to alert you when you

need to stop and rest, " she says.

Jo developed a schedule that fits her needs: she

works for several hours in the morning, takes a lunch break and rests

for several hours, and then resumes activity in the evening. Kat

Foote schedules just two things each day, which helps keep her from

undertaking impulsive chores or additions to her schedule.

Echtle, who leads the North Texas Fibromyalgia Meet-Up and

Support Group, recommends following the 20/30 rule: work for 20

mintues, then rest for 30.

" We also use points like Weight Watchers does for food, " she

says. " We decide to start with that we have 10 points to use each

day. We then decide how normal activities filter away our points.

When 10 are gone, that's it for the day. This might include a shower,

a trip to the doctor, grocery shopping, and cooking dinner. Maybe

it's as simple as two loads of laundry and getting dressed for a

dinner out with friends, which means putting on our makeup. Whatever

the activities, we manage to use our points wisely.

" I suggest they write in one fun activity a week and give it up to

three points for self-appreciation! "

Do you know when your high- and low-energy levels fall during the

day? Try keeping an activity journal for a week. Write down each task

you accomplish, the amount of time it required, and when you did it;

also write down when you took a break—or when you felt like you

needed one. After a week's worth of entries, you will have a good

idea of when you have more energy during a typical day, and when a

good time to schedule a break would be.


Making plans can be tough on people with FM—but that doesn't mean you

can't prepare a little bit. For instance, do you ensure that you're

taking your medications at the right intervals? That can help you

maintain a steady flow of energy—or reduced pain—throughout the day.

Do you practice good sleep hygiene? Experts recommend going to bed

and arising at the same time every day; this helps your body get

accustomed to a sleep schedule, which should make it easier to fall

and stay asleep. It can also be helpful in maintaining consistent


Do you incorporate exercise into your schedule? You don't need to

take a high-impact aerobics class to get the relaxation—and increased

energy—that benefits people who do regular exercise. Try an adaptive

yoga class, or go for a walk around the block. Work your way up to

longer bouts of exercise several times a week—perhaps walking a mile

three to five times a week. It will help you feel better physically

and will help you maintain a steady energy level.

When you're having a very good day, resist the temptation to take on

too much. Successfully managing your energy means not draining it

completely—even when there's lots of it!

Don't Sideline Yourself

This may be the toughest tip yet. How can you save your energy, but

stay involved in your favorite activities? How can you accomplish all

the things you want to do without putting yourself into a flare?

That's an answer each person has to decide for himself—and we hope

the tips provided here will be helpful along those lines.

Mittel looks at it this way: " The biggest tip I have for

anyone dealing with the pain and exhaustion of FM is to not wait

until you feel better to `have a life.' You will miss so much by

passing up the things you enjoy and staying in bed or on the couch so

you can `save your energy.'

" Don't let FM win by robbing you of enjoying the world around you! "

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