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Is there cholesterol in plant foods

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" Dietary Cholesterol is present in ALL foods of animal origin such as

meat, fish, poultry, egg yolks and high fat dairy products. There is no

cholesterol in vegetables, fruits, nuts or grains. "

Its actually a " technical " issue. Cholesterol does exist in plant foods

but in extremely low levels that it isnt counted. Here are the


Weihrauch JL, and Gardner JM. Sterol content of foods of plant origin. J

Am Diet Assoc. July 1978;73(1):39-46.

Osagie AU. Phytosterols in Some Tropical Tubers. J Agric Food Chem.


Whitaker BD, and Lusby WR. Steryl lipid content and composition in bell

pepper fruit at three

stages of ripening. J Am Soc for Horticultural Science. July


Oka Y, Kiriyama S, and Yoshida A. Sterol composition of spices and

cholesterol in vegetable foods. J Japanese Soc Food and Nutr.

1974;27(7):347-355 (Abstract).

Weihrauch JL. Nutritionist, United States Department of Agriculture.

Personal communication. May 3 1990. " In our publications we report

cholesterol to the nearest milligram. Most plant products contain

cholesterol in amounts less than one milligram per 100 grams. At this


we have no plans to report cholesterol values in foods of plant

origin...cholesterol in plant foods is insignificant when compared to


amounts in foods of animal origin. "



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