Guest guest Posted June 11, 2005 Report Share Posted June 11, 2005 Hi All, It seems there has been a study of World War II survivors who had reduced calorie intakes during the war have less colon cancer, as had previously been suggested for the Dutch famine during this war affecting breast cancer rates in later life. The below is pdf-available. Svensson E, Moller B, Tretli S, Barlow L, Engholm G, Pukkala E, Rahu M, Tryggvadottir L. Early life events and later risk of colorectal cancer: age-period-cohort modelling in the Nordic countries and Estonia. Cancer Causes Control. 2005 Apr;16(3):215-23. PMID: 15947873 & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstra\ ct & list_uids=15947873 & query_hl=2 Introduction There is evidence both from animal and epidemiological studies that energy restriction during periods of growth can lead to reduced risk of cancer [1–6].Natural ‘‘exper- iments ’’, like World War II (WWII), when many coun- tries suffered from limited food supply, provide valuable possibilities to study the effect of energy restriction early in life and later risk of disease.Wehave previously found a decreased risk of colorectal cancer for the cohorts born in Norway during or shortly after WWII (Figure 1) [7].A study on the Dutch Hunger Winter 1944–1945 has also shown a weak inverse relation between energy restriction early in life and subsequent colon carcinoma [8].These & #64257;ndings suggest that exogeneous factors, such as energy restriction, acting very early in life may play a more important role for colorectal cancer than hitherto recog- nised.The protective effect of being born around WWII has previously been shown for other cancer forms, such as testicular cancer in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark [9, 10].Furthermore, the breast cancer risk was lower than expected for women who experienced their puberty during WWII in Norway [11], especially in non-food producing (urban) areas [12]. During WWII, there were food rations in place in Norway, with a reduction of up to 20% in energy intake [13].The other Nordic countries experienced various degrees of caloric restriction during WWII, ranging from 4% in Sweden to 17% in Finland [14].The energy restriction in Estonia related to the war [15]is assumed to be comparable to that in Norway.The energy restriction during WWII was suf & #64257;cient to affect anthropometric variables in the Nordic countries, and the magnitude of the decrease in height and weight was associated with the severity of the energy restriction prevailing in the respec- tive country during the war [14].Accordingly, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of the early life events later risk of colorectal cancer in the Nordic countries and Estonia, focusing on the effect of WWII. Results There was a little change in colorectal cancer incidence in Denmark, Sweden, and Iceland in the study period, while there has been a large increase in incidence for Estonia, Finland, and Norway during the past 40 years (Figure 2) .Estonia had the highest average increase in incidence of colorectal cancer with 23% and 16% per & #64257;ve-year diagnostic period for males and females, respectively.Both Norway and Finland had an increase of around 10% , while the increase in Sweden, Denmark, and Iceland was around 2–5% per & #64257;ve-year diagnostic period.Most of the trends for colon and rectum corresponded with each other, apart from some minor exceptions.In both genders for Finland and in the Estonian females, the increase in incidence over time for rectal cancer was half of that of colon cancer.Denmark had a slight negative downward trend for rectal cancer for both genders.Despite these exceptions, it was justifiable to combine the sub-site specific trends to overall colorectal cancer trends. Effects of age, period, and cohort All countries showed a good & #64257;t to the full age-period- cohort model (Table 1), with the exception of both genders in Sweden and the Finnish females.They showed over-dispersion in the full model, that is, there were more variation than could be explained from pure Poisson random variation.There were significant effects of both diagnostic period and birth cohorts for both genders in all countries (Table 2) .The exceptions were non-significant cohort effect in Finnish males, and non-significant cohort and period effects for both genders in Iceland, possibly due to few numbers of cases. Effects of birth cohort The main trend for Norway, Finland and Estonia, was a steady increase in colorectal cancer risk with later year of birth (Figure 3) .A drop in the estimated incidence was observed for Norway and Estonia for the birth cohorts born 1944–1948, followed by a steep increase back to pre-war levels.The increasing trend in Finland attenuated in the youngest cohorts.The incidence for Denmark and Sweden was stable throughout the period, however, with a decrease in risk from the cohort born in 1929–1933 onwards.The cohort effects for Iceland varied from one cohort to the next. The CE, with corresponding 95% con & #64257;dence inter- val (95% CI), presented in Table 3, can be used to provide a formal statistical assessment of the depar- tures from linear trends observed in Figure 3.CEs with corresponding 95% CIs not encompassing 1.0, were regarded as significant deviations from the observed linearity.Due to the problems pertaining to multiple-significance testing, only point estimates being significant for both genders, or significant in one gender and a point estimate in the same direction for the other gender, were considered significant. Accordingly, based on Table 3, the following birth cohorts were considered significant:1939–1943, a downward trend for both genders in Norway;1944– 1948, upward curvature for both genders in Norway and Estonian females, together with a non-significant upward point estimate in the Estonian males.The latter & #64257;nding indicates that there has been a drop in risk from 1939–1943 to 1944–1948 and again increas- ing to 1949–1953. Table 3 . Curvature effects ( CE), and 95% con & #64257;dence intervals ( 95% CI) of cohort estimates in the Nordic countries and Estonia 1958–1997 ( bold indicates significance at p < 0.05) ---------------------------------------------------------- Variable----Norway CE Sweden CE Denmark CE Finland CE Iceland CE Estonia CE --------M F M F M F M F M F M F Cohort 1879–1883 1.23 1.00 0.98 1.01 1.00 1.03 0.82 0.74 ( 0.9–1. 6) ( 0.8–1. 3) ( 0.8–1. 2) ( 0.8–1. 2) ( 0. 8–1.2) ( 0.9–1. 2) ( 0.5–1. 3) ( 0.5–1. 2) 1884–1888 0.92 1.00 0.87 0.80 0.99 0.98 1.14 0.96 ( 0.8–1. 1) ( 0.8–1. 2) ( 0.8–1. 0) ( 0.7–0. 9) ( 0. 9–1.1) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 5) ( 0.8–1. 2) 1889–1893 0.99 0.99 1.03 1.04 0.94 0.97 0.98 1.02 1.10 1.56 1.31 0.16 ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 1.0–1. 1) ( 1.0–1. 1) ( 0. 9–1.0) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 0.8–1. 2) ( 0.9–1. 2) ( 0.4–3. 0) ( 0.6–4. 3) ( 0.6–2. 8) ( 0. 7–1.8) 1894–1898 0.98 0.92 0.98 0.97 0.98 1.01 1.01 0.79 1.26 0.62 0.59 1.04 ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 0.8–1. 0) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 0) ( 0. 9–1.1) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 2) ( 0.7–0. 9) ( 0.6–2. 6) ( 0.3–1. 2) ( 0.4–0. 9) ( 0. 8–1.4) 1899–1903 1.01 1.07 1.03 1.00 1.08 1.01 1.05 1.18 0.83 1.18 1.33 1.05 ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 1.0–1. 2) ( 1.0–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 1. 0–1.2) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 2) ( 1.1–1. 3) ( 0.5–1. 4) ( 0.7–2. 0) ( 1.0–1. 8) ( 0. 8–1.3) 1904–1908 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.01 0.93 1.01 1.02 0.93 1.01 1.06 1.02 1.07 ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 1.0–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 0) ( 1.0–1. 1) ( 0. 9–1.0) ( 1.0–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 0.8–1. 0) ( 0.6–1. 6) ( 0.7–1. 7) ( 0.8–1. 3) ( 0. 9–1.3) 1909–1913 1.02 1.01 0.96 0.99 1.09 1.01 0.95 0.95 0.99 0.88 0.83 0.74 ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 0) ( 0.9–1. 0) ( 1. 0–1.2) ( 1.0–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 0) ( 0.6–1. 5) ( 0.6–1. 4) ( 0.7–1. 0) ( 0. 6–0.9) 1914–1918 1.04 0.99 1.11 1.10 0.96 0.96 0.99 1.12 1.22 1.09 1.26 1.59 ( 1.0–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 1.1–1. 2) ( 1.0–1. 2) ( 0. 9–1.0) ( 0.9–1. 0) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 1.0–1. 2) ( 0.8–1. 9) ( 0.7–1. 7) ( 1.0–1. 6) ( 1. 3–1.9) 1919–1923 0.96 1.01 0.90 0.89 1.03 1.03 1.04 0.92 0.82 0.97 0.93 0.72 ( 0.9–1. 0) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 0) ( 0.8–1. 0) ( 1. 0–1.1) ( 1.0–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 2) ( 0.8–1. 0) ( 0.5–1. 3) ( 0.6–1. 6) ( 0.8–1. 2) ( 0. 6–0.9) 1924–1928 0.93 0.97 1.06 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.05 1.05 1.14 1.02 0.89 1.06 ( 0.9–1. 0) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 1.0–1. 1) ( 1.0–1. 1) ( 1. 0–1.1) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 2) ( 0.9–1. 2) ( 0.7–1. 9) ( 0.6–1. 9) ( 0.7–1. 1) ( 0. 9–1.3) 1929–1933 1.14 1.02 0.93 0.99 0.87 0.99 0.89 1.06 0.59 0.92 0.94 0.90 ( 1.0–1. 3) ( 0.9–1. 2) ( 0.8–1. 0) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 0. 8–1.0) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 0.8–1. 0) ( 0.9–1. 3) ( 0.3–1. 2) ( 0.5–1. 9) ( 0.8–1. 2) ( 0. 7–1.1) 1934–1938 0.92 1.00 0.98 0.85 1.02 0.89 0.99 0.98 1.70 0.97 0.84 1.04 ( 0.8–1. 1) ( 0.8–1. 2) ( 0.9–1. 1) ( 0.7–1. 0) ( 0. 8–1.2) ( 0.8–1. 0) ( 0.8–1. 2) ( 0.8–1. 2) ( 0.6–4. 8) ( 0.4–2. 6) ( 0.6–1. 2) ( 0. 8–1.4) 1939–1943 0.74 0.73 1.06 1.14 0.94 0.91 1.10 0.90 1.59 1.18 1.31 0.69 ( 0.6–0. 9) ( 0.6–0. 9) ( 0.9–1. 3) ( 0.9–1. 4) ( 0. 8–1.2) ( 0.8–1. 1) ( 0.9–1. 4) ( 0.7–1. 2) ( 0.5–5. 6) ( 0.3–4. 3) ( 0.8–2. 0) ( 0. 5–1.1) 1944–1948 1.66 1.42 0.90 0.95 1.27 0.97 0.82 0.89 0.25 1.13 1.34 2.16 ( 1.2–2. 3) ( 1.0–2. 0) ( 0.7–1. 2) ( 0.7–1. 2) ( 0. 9–1.7) ( 0.9–1. 0) ( 0.6–1. 2) ( 0.6–1. 3) ( 0.1–1. 3) ( 0.2–7. 6) ( 0.7–2. 6) ( 1. 1–4.3) Discussion The present study, demonstrates that the previously observed lower risk for those being born during WWII on later colorectal cancer risk in Norway [7]also prevails in Estonia.Energy restriction is a possible explanation for these & #64257;ndings, since both countries suffered from poor nutritional conditions during the war [13, 15], and because experimental and epidemiological data support a connection between energy restriction in early life and reduced cancer risk [1–6].Further, previous Norwegian data showing that the height and weight of school children were transiently reduced during WWII, lend support to the notion that the poor nutritional conditions during the war had biological implications in this population [21].Comparable anthropometric data from Estonia are not available, but there are some indications of a catch-up growth in children and adolescents after WWII [15], suggestive of some caloric restriction during the war. A significant cohort effect of WWII on colorectal cancer risk was observed only in Norway and Estonia, the two countries with the largest energy restriction. Although less consistent than in Norway and Estonia, a birth cohort effect of WWII on colorectal cancer risk may be implicated also in Sweden and Denmark, an observation also apparent in other publications [22, 23]. On the other hand, it is also conceivable that the energy restriction of 4% –7% in these two countries was too small;in line with animal studies showing that a restriction of more than 10% is necessary to inhibit carcinogenesis [24, 25].Iceland had too few colorectal cancer cases to provide an easily interpretable pattern. The secular trend of this country was slightly upwards, which also & #64257;ts with Iceland being poor before WWII, then having a boost in the economy during and after the war. An unexpected & #64257;nding was the lack of birth cohort effect on colorectal cancer risk in Finland, given its estimated 17% decrease in energy intake during WWII [14].The Finnish people have a different genetic background than the other Nordic countries, but share common ancestors with the Baltic states [26].Since a war-related birth cohort effect was found in Estonia, a genetic difference is not likely to explain the lack of observed risk reduction in Finland.Other factors related to the nutritional status in Finland may explain why this country came out differently.Firstly, before WWII, the height of Finnish children aged 7–13 was around two to & #64257;ve cm lower compared to those of the other Nordic countries [14].According to dietary surveys and calcu- lations performed in Finland in the 1930s by the National Nutrition Committee, about one third of the school children had an inadequate diet caused by & #64257;nancial deprivation [27].It is thus conceivable that the Finnish children were less affected by the energy restriction during WWII due to a lower baseline nutritional status compared to their Nordic counter- parts.Secondly, 70,000–80,000 Finnish children were sent to Sweden during WWII [28], which may have counteracted the effect of the caloric restriction among these cohorts. One shortcoming of the present study is that no individual data on exposure were available on the colorectal cancer cases.Our interpretation of the current & #64257;ndings rests on the assumption that the energy restric- tion imposed on the respective populations in general affected young ones to the same degree as adults.We believe that the observed reduction in anthropometric variables during WWII in the Nordic school children roughly comparable to the prevailing nutritional condi- tion in the respective country [14], makes it likely that the children suffered from the same energy restriction as the population as a whole. Our interpretation of an association between early life conditions and colorectal cancer risk could have been & #64258;awed if the WWII birth cohorts were living less cancer prone throughout life than the pre-and post-war cohorts.If that were the case, our colorectal cancer protection attributed to conditions during WWII was rather a result of events later in life.There is, however, no reason to believe that the WWII birth cohorts have been living differently from the remaining population in the respective country with respect to the established risk factors for colorectal cancer such as nutritional condi- tions, smoking habits, physical activity, use of hormone replacement therapy, or non-steroidal anti-in & #64258;ammatory drugs.It is thus dif & #64257;cult to explain how the observed cohort specific risk pattern could have arisen by expo- sures other than those pertaining to WWII. The & #64257;nding of this study strengthens the hypothesis that colorectal cancer may be affected by energy restriction early in life, but the biological mechanisms being involved remain elusive.The energy restriction during WWII clearly involved a decreased glycemic load, as evidenced by a substantial reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes in Oslo in this period [29], and there are thus reasons to believe that the circulat- ing levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factors [iGFs]were also reduced.The role of insulin and the IGF-axis as risk factor for colorectal cancer on a short term basis is well established [30–32], but could also be a plausible mechanism underlying the long-term cancer protective effect of caloric restriction.Gunnell and colleagues [33]have postulated that IGF-I levels in adulthood are programmed by nutrition in early life, recently supported in an animal study, but only for males [34].A study in humans, however, demonstrated that exposure to severe short-term restriction during the Dutch hunger winter during childhood, increased rather than reduced plasma levels of IGF-I on a permanent basis [35].This was a rather small study, but similar overshoot effects have also been observed in mice subjected to refeeding subsequent to caloric restriction [36].The nature of the association between early life nutrition and IGF-I levels later in life is thus still unclear. A long-term effect of IGF-I could, however, be mediated indirectly.Energy restriction or low IGF-I concentration in infancy lead to stunted growth and a reduction in the number of cells, including a lower number of stem cells [37].Albanes and Winick have earlier related the incidence of colon cancer to the number of colonic mucosal cells undergoing mitosis [38]. Thus, the protective mechanism of energy restriction early in life may be as a result of fewer stem cells, following the hypothesis of fewer cells, fewer potentials for malignancy [38]. Another possible mechanism linking diet in childhood to colorectal cancer risk in adulthood involves the adipokine leptin, a hormone produced by adipocytes. Apart from regulating energy balance and fertility, leptin has been shown to stimulate growth of cancer cells from colon as well as other organs [39–41].There is also epidemiological evidence that leptin is a risk marker for colorectal cancer [42].Studies both in animals and humans have shown that food deprivation in critical time periods early in life leads to lower circulating levels of leptin both on a short-and long-term [43, 44].Leptin may thus be one factor linking early nutrition to later colorectal cancer risk. A sporadic case of colorectal cancer is generally regarded as the result of long-term exposure to risk factors acting over several decades [45].However, our & #64257;ndings suggest that a perturbation such as a caloric restriction early in life, or possibly the removal of an early carcinogenic factor, may have a bene & #64257;cial impact on the colorectum that prevails into adulthood.It further suggests that some kind of programming is taking place during early life, which sets the stage for the susceptibility of the colorectal stem cells to undergo malignant transformation later in life.As such, our & #64257;ndings clearly warrant epidemiological studies in other populations as well as in vitro experiments to elucidate their biological basis, as well as timing, together with continual observation of these Nordic cohorts as they grow older. Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@... __________________________________ Discover Stay in touch with email, IM, photo sharing and more. 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