Guest guest Posted June 30, 2005 Report Share Posted June 30, 2005 Hi All, Do some CRers respond differentially to their diets? Maybe so, suggests the pdf-available below? Genes matter? Sesti G, Perego L, Cardellini M, Andreozzi F, Ricasoli C, Vedani P, Guzzi V, Marchi M, Paganelli M, Ferla G, Pontiroli AE, Letizia Hribal M, Folli F. Impact of Common Polymorphisms in Candidate Genes for insulin resistance and obesity on Weight Loss of Morbidly Obese Subjects after Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding and hypocaloric diet. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Jun 28; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 15985484 & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstra\ ct & list_uids=15985484 & query_hl=13 Abbreviations: UCP2, uncoupling protein-2; OGTT, glucose tolerance test; NGT, normal glucose tolerance; IFG, impaired fasting glucose; IGT, impaired glucose tolerance; BMI, body mass index; HbA1c, glycosylated haemoglobin; HOMA, homeostasis model assessment; ANOVA, analysis of variance. .... EXPERIMENTAL SUBJECTS The study group consisted of 167 Caucasian subjects with morbid obesity, i.e. grade 3 obesity according to World Health Organization criteria (23) consecutively recruited at the San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy from November 2002 to March 2004. Clinical characteristics of the study subjects are provided in Table 1. Morbidly obese subjects were considered eligible for laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) when fulfilling the following criteria: age, 18–66 yr inclusive; BMI, greater than 40 kg/m 2 , or greater than 35.0 kg/m 2 in the presence of comorbidities (2), and history of at least two previous attempts to lose weight with dietary and medical measures followed by relapse of obesity. Exclusion criteria were: obesity secondary to endocrinopathies (Cushing’s disease or syndrome, hypothyroidism), gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases, risk of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, pregnancy, alcohol or drug addiction, and previous or current malignancies. All measurements were made in the morning after a 12-h fast using standardized methods. The obese subjects were advised to continue their normal diet and avoid alcohol intake and vigorous exercise before the visit. Weight was measured with electric scales. .... For the first month after LAGB, a semi-liquid diet of 800 and 950 kcal/d in women and men, respectively, was prescribed (33% proteins, 19% lipids, 48% carbohydrates). One month after LAGB, a solid diet was reintroduced, and by the third month the suggested diet was 970 and 1090 kcal/d in women and men, respectively; iron was supplemented on the basis of blood examinations performed during the second month. Diet included 48% carbohydrates (starch or bread), 33% proteins (fat free parts of different animals and fishes), and 19% lipids (olive oil); sweets, cakes, sweetened drinks, alcohol, and animal lipids were forbidden. Patients were advised to eat slowly, to avoid liquids during meals, to use vegetables at each meal and meat or fish at least once a day, and to stop eating when feeling a sense of satiety. All foods had to be cooked without oil, butter, or other lipids. Once or twice weekly, eggs or lean Parma ham or ricotta cheese were allowed in proper quantities. Diets were given by a dietician and a physician with a specific training in obesity treatment and nutrition. The patients were also suggested to take 30-min physical aerobic activity every day to avoid muscular loss, with a gradual increase over a 1-month period. Physical activity could be gymnastics, swimming, or dancing. Patients were instructed to eat only allowed nutrients and to keep a record of ingested foods, physical activity, and problems encountered. .... RESULTS Table 1 shows baseline clinical characteristics including gender, age, BMI, waist circumference, waist/hip ratio, and metabolic variables of the study group consisting of 167 unrelated morbidly obese subjects. Of this group, 62.9% of the subjects had normal glucose tolerance, 1.8% of subjects had IFG, 18% of the subjects had IGT, and 17.4% of subjects had type 2 diabetes. At 6 months follow-up after LAGB, BMI changed from 44.6±6.5 kg/m 2 to an average value of 38.6±5.7 kg/m 2 (Table 1). In addition, all anthropometric and metabolic variables significantly improved compared with baseline, with the exception of total cholesterol levels (Table 1). Of the 29 subjects who had type 2 diabetes at baseline, 9 became normal glucose tolerant at 6 months follow-up, 5 became IGT, 4 became IFG and the 11 remained diabetics. Of the 30 subjects who were IGT, 13 became normal glucose tolerant at 6 months follow-up, 3 became diabetics,1 became IFG, and 13 remained IGT. During the 6 months follow-up, the mean number of visits for re-evaluation by a dietician and a physician was 5±1, and this did not differ between the genotypes of any of the polymorphisms examined. Baseline clinical characteristics including gender, age, BMI, waist circumference, waist/hip ratio, fasting and 120-min levels of glucose, HOMA and metabolic status did not differ between the genotypes of any of the polymorphisms investigated (data not shown). Table 2 shows baseline BMI and BMI change at the 6-month follow-up, calculated as ([bMI6- month follow-up - BMIbaseline]/BMIbaseline) x 100, according to the four genotypes investigated. The frequency of the Pro12Ala PPARG genotype was 14.1%, and no subjects were homozygous for the Ala12 allele. No difference in body weight loss between the two genotypes was observed at 6 months follow-up after LAGB (Table 2). The frequency of the Gly972Arg IRS1 genotype was 9.0%, and no subjects were homozygous for the Arg972 allele. Weight loss at 6 months follow-up after LAGB was slightly lower in carriers of the Gly972Arg IRS1 genotype as compared with Gly972Gly carriers, but this difference was not statistical significant (P=0.06). The frequencies of the different genotypes at G-174C of the human IL6 gene were as follows: 45.5% GG, 46.7% GC, and 7.9% CC. Weight loss at 6 months follow-up after LAGB increased according to the dosage of the G allele. Thus, carriers of the G-174G genotype lost more weight as compared with G-174C or C-174C genotype (ANOVA, P=0.037) (Table 2). The difference in weight loss remained significant after adjustment for age, gender, and baseline BMI (P=0.028). The difference in weight loss remained significant between carriers of the G-174G genotype and carriers of the C-174C genotype after Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (P=0.05) (Table 2). After pooling subjects carrying G-174C and C-174C genotype, carriers of the G-174G genotype displayed significantly higher weight loss in comparison with carriers of the C allele (% BMI change 17.5±7.1 vs. 15.1±6.6, respectively; P=0.034). The frequencies of the different genotypes at G-866A of the human UCP2 gene were as follows: 51.8% GG, 40.2% GA, and 7.9% AA. After adjustment for age, gender, and baseline BMI, weight loss at 6 months follow-up after LAGB was significantly different among the three genotypes (P=0.025) (Table 2). After Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons, carriers of the A-866A genotype lost more weight as compared with G-866G (P=0.05) (Table 2), suggesting a recessive effect of the A allele. Subjects simultaneously having the UCP2 A-866A/ IL-6 G-174G genotypes displayed the highest weight loss as compared with pooled subjects without these favourable genotypes (unpaired Student’s t test P=0.04). There was no interaction between the UCP2 and IL6 genotypes as assessed by GLM. The differences among the genotypes were also evaluated by the univariate ANOVA with post hoc LSD or Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (Table 3). Subjects carrying the UCP2 A-866A/ IL6 G-174G genotypes showed the highest weight loss as compared with subjects with the other genotypes which reached the statistical significance after correction for multiple comparisons with LSD, but not with Bonferroni, test. To estimate the independent contribution of the four polymorphisms to weight loss, we carried out a linear regression analysis in a model which also included gender, age, baseline BMI, and glucose tolerance status (Table 4). The results of the multivariate analysis revealed that only the C-174G polymorphism of the IL6 gene (P<0.004), and G-866A polymorphism of UCP2 gene (P<0.035) were independently associated with weight loss. The model accounted for 22.8% of the variation in BMI change after LAGB. CONCLUSIONS Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that is now regularly applied in a few European centers, and it has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2001 for use in the United States. LAGB is indicated for patients with morbid obesity, i.e. grade 3 obesity according to World Health Organization criteria, and results in a significant reduction of body weight, accompanied by improvement of several risk factors for cardiovascular disease (2). A recent meta-analysis has revealed that LAGB is as effective in inducing weight loss, at least up to 4 years, as vertical-banded gastroplasty, and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (29). However, a significant proportion of obese subjects who underwent LAGB had only a modest weight loss (2). This failure has been attributed to low compliance to dietary instructions. However, the possibility that genetic factors, which are thought to play an important role in the regulation of body weight, may account for the differences in the therapeutic effects of LAGB remains unsettled. It is important to note that previous studies have shown that during the first 6 months after LAGB, the patients experienced the most dramatic weight loss, due to the fact that they were very compliant to the administered diet (2, 29) thus allowing to reveal the true impact of a given genetic polymorphism on weight loss after LAGB in grade III obesity. Significant differences in weight change were found between the genotypes investigated in this study where there was a power of 0.80 at á = 0.05 to detect a difference in reduction in body weight of approximately 5% between genotype groups. We found that subjects who underwent LAGB lost more weight, if they possessed the protective genotypes for obesity in the IL6 gene (G-174G) and the UCP2 gene (A-866A). The A allele at -866 of the UCP2 gene has been associated with enhanced transcriptional activity and decreased risk of obesity (16). It is therefore conceivable that increased uncoupling activity associated with the A-866A genotype of the UCP2 gene may result in enhanced energy expenditure thus facilitating weight loss. Several mechanisms may explain the association of the C-174G polymorphism and reduced weight loss after LAGB. It has been shown that subjects with the G allele at -174 of the IL6 gene have higher energy expenditure than subjects with the C allele, and thus it was not unexpected that they lost more weight (22). IL6 can regulate energy expenditure centrally, as it is expressed in hypothalamus. In knockout mice lacking IL6, a central injection of IL6 resulted in a significant increase in energy expenditure that was not mediated by peripheral injection (19). In humans, a subcutaneous injection of IL6 increased resting metabolic rate and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting that hypothalamic corticotrophin–releasing hormone may mediate both of these effects (30). Additionally, IL6 may affect energy expenditure by enhancing adrenergic stimulation as sympathetic neurons have been shown to secrete IL6, express IL6 receptors, and respond to IL6 (31). Indeed, IL6 has been shown to increase heart rate and norepinephrine levels (32) and to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system (33), which is the primary efferent pathway regulating energy expenditure. Finally, it is possible that IL6 may exert its effects on body composition by modulating the reaction of aromatase, a key regulatory enzyme for estrogen metabolism, influencing satiety and adipose tissue distribution (34). We also observed that obese subjects carrying the Gly972Arg polymorphism of the IRS1 gene tended to lose less weight as compared with Gly972Gly carriers but this difference was not statistically significance. Furthermore, it is important to note that multivariate regression analysis in a model including BMI change after LAGB as the dependent variable and the four polymorphisms, gender, age, baseline BMI, and glucose tolerance status as the independent variables revealed that only the C-174G polymorphism of the IL6 gene, and G-866A polymorphism of UCP2 gene were independently associated with BMI change after LAGB thus indicating that IRS1 polymorphism does not have a significant impact on weight loss. We did not find any effect of the Pro12Ala polymorphism of the PPARG gene on weight loss after LAGB. These data are consistent with those of two lifestyle intervention studies in which no differences in weight change between carriers of the Pro12Pro and Pro12Ala genotype were reported (5,6). Indeed, in the Finnish Diabetes Prevention study, subjects with the rare Ala12Ala genotype were shown to lose more weight during the follow-up as compared with the two other genotypes (Pro12Pro and Pro12Ala). Since we did not find any homozygous Ala12Ala, we cannot exclude the possibility that this genotype might affect weight loss after LAGB. In conclusion, this study provide evidence that promoter polymorphisms of IL6 (G-174C) and UCP2 (A-866G) genes are associated with increased weight loss in morbidly obese subjects at 6-months follow-up after LAGB. This implies that LAGB was less effective if the subjects were carrying risk genotypes for obesity. ... .... Table 2. BMI change at 6 months follow-up after LABG according to the genotypes. ............................. Pro12Ala polymorphism of the PPAR-gamma gene Baseline BMI BMI change (%) at 6 months follow-up ............................... Pro12Pro (n=141) 44.3±6.2 -15.9±6.9 Pro12Ala (n=23) 46.5±8.3 -16.4±7.1 Gly972Arg polymorphism of the IRS-1 gene Gly972Gly (n=152) 44.6±7.0 -16.4±7.0 Gly972Arg (n=15) 44.5±4.9 -12.9±4.9 G-174C polymorphism of the IL-6 gene G-174G (n=76) 44.0±5.3 -17.5±7.1* G-174C (n=77) 45.3±7.4 -15.5±6.5 C-174C (n=13) 44.6±7.4 -12.4±6.5 G-866A polymorphism of the UCP2 gene G-866G (n=85) 45.5±6.7 -15.3±7.1† G-866A (n=66) 43.9±5.9 -15.7±6.0 A-866A (n=13) 41.9±7.5 -20.1±6.0 .......................................... BMI change at the 6-month follow-up, calculated as ([bMI6-month follow-up - BMIbaseline]/BMIbaseline) x 100. Data are means ± SD. *P =0.05 vs. C-174C, and †P=0.05 vs. A-866A genotype after Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. Table 3. BMI change at 6 months follow-up after LABG according to UCP2 and IL-6 combined genotypes. ...................................... ----Baseline BMI BMI change (%) at 6 months follow-up (95% CI) P* ...................................... UCP2 A-866A/IL-6 G-174G (n=8) 42.6±9.2 - 20.5±6.3 (15.5-25.7) UCP2 A-866A/IL-6 G-174C (n=5) 40.2±4.2 - 19.3±6.2 (11.5-27.0) 0.745 UCP2 G-866A/IL-6 C-174C (n=6) 45.2±8.1 - 12.7±5.8 (6.6-18.8) 0.031 UCP2 G-866A/IL-6 G-174C (n=34) 43.8±6.2 - 15.2 ±5.8 (12.2-17.1) 0.044 UCP2 G-866A/IL-6 G-174G (n=25) 43.2±5.2 - 17.4±5.9 (15.0-19.9) 0.261 UCP2 G-866G/IL-6 C-174C (n=7) 43.2±7.3 - 12.3±7.5 (5.3-19.2) 0.017 UCP2 G-866G/IL-6 G-174C (n=36) 46.9±8.0 - 15.1±7.3 (12.6-17.6) 0.039 UCP2 G-866G/IL-6 G-174G (n=42) 44.2±4.2 - 16.0±6.8 (13.9-18.2) 0.083 ........................................... BMI change at the 6-month follow-up, calculated as ([bMI6-month follow-up - BMIbaseline]/BMIbaseline) x 100. Data are means ± SD. CI denotes 95% Confidence Interval. *P vs. UCP2 A-866A/IL-6 G-174G genotype after LSD correction for multiple comparisons. Table 4. Independent contribution of the four polymorphisms to BMI change after LAGB multivariate linear regression analysis model also including gender, age, baseline BMI, glucose tolerance status. ........................................... Dependent variable Standardized beta-coefficients P ........................................... Gly972Arg polymorphism of IRS1 -0.087 0.23 Pro12Ala polymorphism of PPARG 0.047 0.51 C-174G polymorphism of IL6 -0.154 0.035 G-866A polymorphism of UCP2 0.213 0.004 Baseline BMI 0.152 0.043 Age -0.134 0.08 Gender 0.322 0.0001 Glucose tolerance status -0.155 0.053 ............................................ Standardized beta-coefficients of multiple regressions on BMI change after LAGB are presented. Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@... __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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