Guest guest Posted March 17, 2006 Report Share Posted March 17, 2006 Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology Volume 19, Issue 1 , March 2006, Pages 3-25 Clinical Use of Plasma and Plasma Fractions This Document doi:10.1016/j.beha.2005.01.032 Copyright © 2005 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved. 1 Use of intravenous immunoglobulin G (IVIG) R. Looney MD, , Professor of Medicine and Huggins MD, Fellow Department of Medicine, Allergy, Immunology, Rheumatology Unit, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Rochester, 595 Elmwood Ave, Room G-6454, Rochester, NY 14642, USA Available online 23 December 2005. Intravenous immunoglobulin G (IVIG) has become increasingly important both as replacement therapy in primary and acquired humoral immunodeficiency and as an immunomodulatory therapy in autoimmune disease and transplantation. Multiple potential mechanisms for the effects of IVIG have now been recognized but the contribution of each mechanism in different diseases is uncertain. IVIG is generally well tolerated but serious side effects can occur and need to be addressed. IVIG has Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for a half dozen indications but these account for only about half the use of IVIG. This chapter reviews the development of IVIG for primary immunodeficiency, the evidence for efficacy of IVIG in autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, the risks associated with administration of IVIG, and steps that can be taken to minimize adverse events. Key words: allogenic bone marrow transplant; B cell-chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL); blistering skin disease; chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; Guillian–Barré syndrome; immunodeficiency; ITP; IVIG; Kawasaki disease; pediatric HIV; toxic epidermal necrolysis Article Outline History Pharmacokinetics of IgG Preparations and administration of IVIG Adverse events Infusion reaction IgA deficiency Aseptic meningitis Renal failure Cardiovascular events Transmission of infectious agents Donor selection Testing of donor plasma Viral removal and inactivation Other adverse events Inhibition of immune responses Indications Replacement therapy in primary humoral immunodeficiency Replacement therapy in secondary humoral immunodeficiency Immunomodulatory effects of IVIG were first demonstrated in immune thrombocytopenic purpura Kawasaki disease Neurological disease Skin disease Rheumatological disease Infections References History In 1950, Bruton (who was working at the Walter Army Hospital) described a young boy suffering from recurrent sepsis who was found to have agammaglobulinemia.1 After an initial subcutaneous injection of immune human serum globulin (Squibb) resulted in an increase in serum gammaglobulin from 0 to 4.6%, the patient was treated with monthly injections and the occurrence of sepsis decreased from 19 episodes over 4 years to zero episodes over 14 months. As a result of this successful treatment, immunoglobulin administration became the standard of care for patients with hypogammaglobulinemia. With the development of intravenous preparations of immunoglobulin, larger volumes could be administered, allowing near normalization of serum immunoglobulin levels. The use of intravenous immunoglobulin G (IVIG) to treat autoimmunity began after Imbach observed that IVIG administered to two patients for agammaglobulinemia also improved their coexisiting thrombocytopenia. In 1981, Imbach reported a series of seven children with chronic or intermittent idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP) and six patients with acute ITP, whom he treated with five consecutive days of IVIG at 0.4 mg/kg. All of these patients experienced a dramatic initial response, with a platelet count increase from <30 000 to >150 000 platelets/ & #956;L.2 The proposed mechanism for this dramatic platelet count response to IVIG treatment was `overloading and blocking the reticuloendothelial system by IgG catabolism'. The success of IVIG in ITP led to its use in a large number of autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. Pharmacokinetics of IgG The serum half-life of IgG is 23 days, which is much longer than for IgM (5 days) and IgA (7 days). In the early 1960s, Brambell and colleagues proposed that for IgG to have such a long half-life there must be a receptor that binds IgG and prevents its catabolism (the Brambell hypothesis).3 Furthermore, they proposed that, with low levels of IgG there would be less competition for binding to the protective receptor (FcRp) and the half-life of IgG would be longer; with high levels of IgG there would be more competition for FcRp and the half-life for IgG would be shorter. Further studies by Brambell demonstrated that FcRn, the gut Fc receptor responsible for transport of maternal immunoglobulin from ingested milk to the systemic circulation, had characteristics similar to those hypothesized for FcRp. In 1996 two groups simultaneously established that FcRp and FcRn are the same receptor.4 and 5 We now know that the long serum half-life of IgG is attributed to this neonatal Fc receptor, named FcRn, which is composed of a MHC class I-related protein and a & #946;2- microgloblin. Practice points • infusion reactions are caused by aggregates • patients with hypogammaglobulinemia have more frequent and more severe infusion reactions • infusion reactions can be prevented by slowing the rate of infusion and/or premedicating with steroids • patients with IgA deficiency are at increased risk for infusion reactions • IgG anti-IgA antibodies are the most likely cause of these reactions • IgE anti-IgA antibodies have been found in these patients but it is not clear how often they are clinically important • IVIG with low amounts of IgA (a few & #956;g/mL) can often be tolerated by patients having infusion reactions due to IgG anti-IgA • aseptic meningitis is more frequent with rapid infusion of high- dose IVIG • pre-medication with steroids may prevent these reactions • thromboembolic events can be precipitated by IVIG • patients already at risk for thromboembolic disease are the high- risk group • high-risk patients should be well hydration and their infusion rates should be slow • prophylaxis with low-dose aspirin or low molecular weight heparin might be considered • transmission of infectious agents is rare but continues to be a concern as new infections emerge in the donor populations • IVIG is the standard of treatment from primary immunodeficiencies • home infusion and/or subcutaneous infusion are attractive options for stable patients • the dose and frequency of IVIG needs to be individualized • IVIG may be useful in secondary humoral immunodeficiency makes but the evidence for efficacy is nowhere as strong as in primary immunodeficiency • IVIG is an important and effective therapy for ITP but other treatments are also effective • in ITP, IVIG is most appropriate for short-term use in severe disease or in preparation for a procedure • a single dose of IVIG at 2 g/kg is the treatment of choice for Kawasaki disease • the evidence for effectiveness of IVIG is strongest for Guillain– Barré syndrome and CIDP, but other therapies are also effective for these conditions • IVIG might have efficacy in multifocal motor neuropathy and stiff- man syndrome, but will probably have to be given indefinitely • IVIG is effective in dermatomyositis but has generally been reserved for resistant patients • there are multiple case series that suggest IVIG is effective for immune-mediated blistering diseases but no controlled trial • whether or not IVIG is effective in TENs is unclear but studies showing that IVIG can block FAS-mediated killing of keratinocytes provides a possible mechanism • there is not a lot of evidence that IVIG should play a role in the treatment of rheumatological diseases unless you include Kawasaki's disease or dermatomyositis • there is not much support for using IVIG to treat bacterial infections except those manifestations that may be mediated by superantigens (toxic shock syndrome and necrotizing fasciitis) • IVIG can be effective in the treatment of certain viral infections such as chronic infection with parvovirus B19 IVIG preparations have a similar blood half-life to endogenous immunoglobulin, thus monthly replacement therapy is usually adequate. However, the half-life of IgG can be abnormally short (<10 days) in certain conditions, e.g. protein-losing enteropathy, nephrotic syndrome, IgG paraproteinemia, and myotonic dystrophy. Patients with hypogammaglobulinemia have a prolonged serum half-life of IgG and, conversely, administering high doses of IVIG accelerates IgG catabolism and shortens the half-life of IgG. Thus, one of the proposed mechanisms for the benefit of high-dose IVIG in autoimmunity is accelerated catabolism of autoantibodies. Read the rest at: & _udi=B6WBG- 4HW3MPD-3 & _user=10 & _handle=V-WA-A-W-AY-MsSWYVW-UUW-U-AAVBYDUZUD- AAVAVCAVUD-ZECAAVWDD-AY-U & _fmt=full & _coverDate=03%2F31% 2F2006 & _rdoc=3 & _orig=browse & _srch=%23toc%236710%232006%23999809998% 23614081! & _cdi=6710 & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version=1 & _urlVersion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=c8c7497c2967eb85cbf295c1707b35dc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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