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You Tube links for videos of CFS?ME

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Here are a couple of youtube videos I wanted to share with the group.

The first one is a long one but very good. The girl is talking about

all of the symptoms she has and how she progressed in her illness of

fibro and chronic fatigue. here is the link...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YemwVBeYVKM & feature=related

The second one is an inspiring heartfelt video that brings tears to

my eyes because of the way it is set up. It talks about the symptoms

also, but I mention it because this is the video you want to

bookmark, probably both actually, to show your family. My husband was

sympathetic before but didn't understand. He simply was taking my

word for it and trusting me on it. Now after seeing these two video's

he is the most pampering and caring person there is on the planet.

Here is the link...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0w9-eQ_fKQ & feature=related

I give credit for these to Dom because she had sent in the link for

the girl who died from chronic fatigue and because of that I found

these two videos in that same area. I am somewhat internet savvy, but

sadly I don't know how to work you tube that well. The link to the

one Dom posted is...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y_T5ylWUv4 & feature=related


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