Guest guest Posted July 3, 2005 Report Share Posted July 3, 2005 Hi All, Intentional weight loss equates with CR? No, seems to be the answer, below. See the pdf-available below Medline citation, Medline URL and full-text excerpts. Coffey CS, Gadbury GL, Fontaine KR, Wang C, Weindruch R, DB. The effects of intentional weight loss as a latent variable problem. Stat Med. 2005 Mar 30;24(6):941-54. PMID: 15717333 & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstra\ ct & list_uids=15717333 & query_hl=28 .... although caloric restriction (CR)results in dramatically lower body weight and prolongs life in multiple species [6],research is equivocal on the e ect of body weight per se on rodent longevity [7,8].Moreover,as in humans,under some circumstances,weight loss appears to be associated with increased mortality rate [9]. Despite the common observation that weight loss in humans is often associated with in- creased mortality rate,questions have been raised about the validity or meaning of this nding [10,11].In particular,since weight loss is often a sign of illness,it has been pointed out that investigators need to separate intentional weight loss (IWL)from unintentional weight loss (UWL [12–14]).Among people who express no intention to lose weight,it has generally been assumed that all weight loss subsequently observed is unintentional.Complementar- ily,among people who state that they do intend to lose weight,it has generally been as- sumed that all weight loss subsequently observed is intentional,that is,due solely to their intention. Investigators have studied the association between weight change in these two groups sepa- rately (e.g.References [15–22]).Among people who are not intending to lose weight,weight loss has been consistently associated with increased mortality rate.Among people who are intending to lose weight,some studies show apparent bene ts of weight loss (e.g.Reference [17]),some are neutral (e.g.Reference [15]),and some show deleterious e ects (e.g.Refer- ence [20]).The overall conclusion that some reviewers have drawn from this literature is that IWL is at best not bene cial and may even be harmful with respect to mortality rate (e.g. Reference [23]). We believe that this conclusion is drawn by inappropriately con ating weight loss (or more generally weight change)among people intending to lose weight with IWL (or change).More speci cally,we feel that it is unlikely that any study can truly measure IWL per se ..Rather, the data that are collected represent the total weight loss among those intending to lose weight and may represent both IWL and UWL.Herein,under certain assumptions,we:(1)show that the association between mortality rate and weight loss among people intending to lose weight and between mortality rate and IWL are two di erent things;(2)show that the association between IWL and mortality rate is an inherently unobservable entity;(3)derive a method for estimating the plausible range of true e ect of IWL on mortality rate if one is willing to make a number of restrictive,but perhaps reasonable assumptions;and (4)illustrate the method by application to a data set involving middle-age onset CR in mice.The methods described in this paper are developed precisely for this situation and allow researchers to obtain a better understanding of the true relationship between mortality and IWL (which cannot be measured) based on the relationship between mortality rate and observed weight loss among those who do and do not intend to lose weight (which can be measured). .... 5. AN EXAMPLE We illustrate our approach with an example drawn from the eld of rodent CR studies where animals are typically followed until all are dead and high quality control can be achieved [25].This study involved two strains (B10C3F1 and C57Bl/6J)of male mice studied to see the in uence of CR started in early middle age on longevity and disease patterns.We herein consider the data obtained for the B10C3F1 strain.In brief,135 mice were fed ad libitum until 12 months of age at which point they were randomized,individually housed,and pro- vided an intake of either an amount su cient to maintain body weight (control —unintentional condition;C =160 kcal =mouse =wk)or an intake of 90 kcal (restricted —intentional condition; R ).To avoid malnutrition,the mice consumed a diet enriched in content of protein,vitamins and minerals so that the intakes of these dietary essentials were matched between groups.All animals were observed until death (i.e.there was no right censoring). From the time of the last pre-randomization weight measurement (12 months of age)to 23 months of age,the R animals steadily lost weight,with a mean weight loss of 14 :1g (SD=5 :20).In contrast,C animals gained an average of 0 :45 g (SD =4 :79).We regressed lifespan measured in months on weight change scaled in 5 g units (approximately 1 SD) and obtained estimates of 1 and 1 equal to 0.546 and & #8722;2 :144,respectively.Thus,as in humans,UWL was associated with reduced lifespan (i.e.each 5 g of UWL was estimated to decrease lifespan roughly 2.1 months)and IWL was associated with a small increase in lifespan (roughly 0.5 months/5 g).We tested models in which baseline weight (weight at month 12),the interaction of baseline weight with weight loss,and weight loss squared were included,but none were close to signi cant and were therefore dropped from the models.The sample variance of weight loss scaled in 5 g units for the two groups were ˆ2V |1 =(5 :20 =5)2 =1 :08 and ˆ2W =(4 :79 =5)2 =0 :92 (15) Using the four estimates obtained from these models and the estimation approach described above to examine pairs of values for W;Z and 2 Z ,we produced Figure 1. As can be seen in Figure 1,the plausible e ect of a 5 g IWL in these mice is & #8722;0 :5–8 months.However,unless one posits that W;Z ¡ & #8722;0 :60,the estimate of 2 remains larger than the estimate of 1.Using the partial correlation to check for non-Grammian covariance matrices eliminated many possible values.Speci cally,this suggests that there almost has to be a negative correlation between the amounts of IWL versus UWL.Only four situations with a positive correlation between IWL and UWL satis ed this check.However,these four values appear to be outliers since they suggest an implausible increase of 30 months in lifespan (a near doubling of lifespan)associated with IWL.To summarize,Figure 1 demonstrates that despite the modest increase in lifespan seen in CR animals in the intentional condition (i.e. approximately 0.5 months),the true e ect of a 5 g IWL could be substantially larger and biologically quite meaningful.Moreover,although the range of estimates of 2 is very large, as the value of W;Z chosen decreases,the estimate of 2 decreases,but the estimated variance of Z increases in a complementary fashion such that the overall impact of IWL may remain large when expressed in terms of a per cent variance metric. .... Table I. Selected human studies of mortality and body weight. ................................... Study name Reference---No. born </= 1913---Repeated measures of weight---Was intentionality measured?---Comments ................................... Framingham Heart Study [26]>3000 Yes No Adults aged 28–62 at entry in 1948–1952. Biannual examinations. As of 1999, there were 993 surviving participants Honolulu Heart Program Study [27] 8006 men Yes No American men of Japanese ancestry born in 1900–1919 and living on Oahu in 1965. Examined on 5 occasions through 1996 Seven Countries Study [28] ~7000 men Yes No Initiated in 1958, a cohort of 12 467 healthy men aged 40–59 from 7 countries ( Finland, Italy, Greece, Japan, The Netherlands, United States, Yugoslavia) periodically followed The Gothenburg Study [29] ~3000 Yes No Four birth cohorts of 70 year olds born in 1901–1922 in Gothenburg, Sweden followed periodically from 1971–1992 Minnesota Heart Study ( Twin Cities Prospective Study) [30] 217 men Yes No Men aged 45–55 at entry in 1948 were reexamined yearly to 1975 and followed up through 1983 Cancer Prevention Study I [31] >500 000 Self- reported Yes, only at baseline Approximately 1 million adults enrolled in 1959 and 1960. Eight follow- up questionnaires through 1972 Bangor Longitudinal Study of Ageing [32] 597 Yes No Adults in rural Wales aged 65–99 in 1978. Re- examined 6 times and followed through 1999 Amherst College Study [33] ~2500 No No Amherst College students in years 1861–1900. Height and weight at age 20 linked to mortality that covered a follow- up period extending to 1949 Terman ’s Lifecycle Study of children with high ability [34] 1428 Yes No ‘Bright’children ( IQ ~135) aged 10–12 residing in California at entry in 1921. Restudied at 5–10 year intervals for 70 years ( through 1991) 7.DISCUSSION The method developed herein has broad applicability.First,in humans,observational epidemi- ology studies are frequently used to assess associations between risk factors and outcomes. In the long run,consideration of changes in body composition,including body fat,may be more important than consideration of changes in body weight [3,11,35–39].Perhaps most directly relevant is Reference [36]which provided evidence that the loss of body fat condi- tional on change in body weight was associated with reduced mortality rate,whereas loss of body weight conditional on change in body fat was associated with increased mortality rate. Following this,we have opined extensively that body composition rather than merely body weight should be examined in future studies and data collection that will allow such analyses are underway in several ongoing studies.However,at the present time,very few (if any) longitudinal studies have high-quality body composition measurements at multiple points in time on su ciently large numbers of subjects to produce meaningful results with respect to mortality rate.For this reason,weight change will likely remain ‘the coin of the realm’in this area of inquiry for the near future and,hence,we have chosen to focus on weight in this paper. However,studies have been conducted that could examine the di erential e ects of in- tentional and unintentional body composition changes on other outcomes of interest (e.g. [40,41]).Therefore,it is noteworthy that the method we have developed can be applied to examine the di erential e ects of intentional change in any variable (Z )versus unintentional change in that variable (W )on any other variable (Y ),where only the combined change (Z+W )is actually observed.In fact,because our method is currently fully developed for situations in which Y is observed without censoring,it is well suited to situations as in Reference [40]or [41]in which body composition changes are examined for their putative e ects on changes on other continuous variables that are measurable in the short-term such as cardiorespiratory tness. It might be tempting to think that this does not apply to randomized clinical trials (RCTs) and that,in fact,rather than modelling IWL as a latent variable,we should just conduct RCTs. It is,in part,because of the obvious need to clarify the knowledge regarding the relationship between IWL and mortality rate underlying these recommendations that the NIH invested in the LOOK AHEAD trial,an RCT of the e ects of weight loss on hard endpoints [42].It is well established that the ideal way to de nitively eliminate confounders is to randomize subjects to levels of the independent variable under study.However,in practice,it is not possible to randomize people to di erent degrees of weight loss [11].As Yanovski et al ..[43]stated in a report of a working group that paved the way for the ongoing national LOOK AHEAD Trial,‘Subjects in an RCT could not be randomly assigned to lose or not lose weight;they could only be randomly assigned to receive or not receive interventions that might result in weight loss.These interventions,however,might well produce changes in health status that are not due to weight loss.Promotion and maintenance of weight loss through increased physical activity,reduced saturated fat intake,and consumption of large amounts of fruit and vegetables are examples of such interventions.It may appear that one could never infer that weight loss itself caused the changes in health status.However,if participants in an RCT were randomly assigned to several interventions that produce weight loss through di erent mechanisms and these interventions yielded similar improvements in health status,then the conclusion that weight loss was responsible for the improvements in health outcomes may be justi ed.’ The point of this quotation is clear.Although randomization is generally considered the sin qua non of the true experiment and potentially o ers the strongest causal inferences of any available study design,the inferential validity of the RCT refers to the e ects of the independent variable to which subjects are assigned [44].Subjects can be assigned to treatments that produce,on average ,particular degrees of weight loss but because:(a)the treatments themselves may have e ects beyond the weight loss per se and;(b)within any one treatment condition,there will be uncontrolled variability in weight change,some of which may be due to unintentional factors,RCTs cannot be counted upon to yield unbiased estimates of the e ect of IWL.This is not to be dismissive of the enormous value of RCTs in this area.De nitively testing whether treatments that produce weight loss have bene cial e ects is important in and of itself.The point is that such RCTs will not fully address questions about the e ects of IWL.Therefore,even in RCTs,the amounts of IWL are still unobservable and may be confounded to some extent.Appropriate statistical methods are needed for RCT’s in which the e ects of post-randomization weight change are estimated and the approach o ered herein can be considered a rst generation of such methods. Finally,the method we propose can also,as we have shown,be applied to animal CR experiments.Animal experiments are usually randomized and are essentially just RCTs in model organisms.Thus,our comments about the applicability of our method to RCTs apply equally to animal studies. As mentioned by Yang et al .[11],a more critical variable than whether weight loss is intentional or unintentional may be what more proximal factors produced the weight loss following an intention or lack thereof.People try to lose weight through a wide variety of methods [45],some of which,such as increasing cigarette smoking [46],may have profound deleterious e ects on mortality rate.On the other hand,people may lose weight by adopting a more healthy lifestyle without having any intention of losing weight.These proximal causes of weight change may have independent e ects on mortality rate and may also moderate the e ects of the weight change they produce.Therefore,in addition to trying to separate the e ects of IWL from UWL,future studies might bene t from modelling the putative main e ects of the proximal causes of weight loss on mortality rate and the interactions of these proximal causes with subsequent weight change with respect to in uencing mortality rate. Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@... __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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