Guest guest Posted June 23, 2005 Report Share Posted June 23, 2005 Hi All, Many measure various lipids in our blood tests for how they may correlate or predict our health risks. But, how important are the different lipids in our blood that can be measured for our chances of harm from their high or low levels? The below paper seems to outline strategies to be taken regarding such issues. Race appears not to matter. See the pdf-available below for suggestions and information. Barzi F, Patel A, Woodward M, Lawes CM, Ohkubo T, Gu D, Lam TH, Ueshima H; Asia Pacific Cohort Studies Collaboration. A comparison of lipid variables as predictors of cardiovascular disease in the Asia Pacific region. Ann Epidemiol. 2005 May;15(5):405-13. PMID: 15840555 & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstra\ ct & list_uids=15840555 & query_hl=38 PURPOSE: Many guidelines advocate measurement of total or low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and triglycerides (TG) to determine treatment recommendations for preventing coronary heart disease (CHD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). ... METHODS: Hazard ratios for coronary and cardiovascular deaths by fourths of total cholesterol (TC), LDL, HDL, TG, non-HDL, TC/HDL, and TG/HDL values, and for a one standard deviation change in these variables, were derived in an individual participant data meta-analysis of 32 cohort studies conducted in the Asia-Pacific region. The predictive value of each lipid variable was assessed using the likelihood ratio statistic. RESULTS: Adjusting for confounders and regression dilution, each lipid variable had a positive (negative for HDL) log-linear association with fatal CHD and CVD. Individuals in the highest fourth of each lipid variable had approximately twice the risk of CHD compared with those with lowest levels. TG and HDL were each better predictors of CHD and CVD risk compared with TC alone, with test statistics similar to TC/HDL and TG/HDL ratios. Calculated LDL was a relatively poor predictor. CONCLUSIONS: While LDL reduction remains the main target of intervention for lipid-lowering, these data support the potential use of TG or lipid ratios for CHD risk prediction. .... ‘‘ANZ’’ (from Australia or New Zealand) ... In the ANZ cohorts, 60% of CVD deaths were due to CHD; the corresponding figure for the Asian cohorts was 28%, reflecting the relative prominence of stroke mortality in this region. Substantial correlation was observed between TGand TC (Pearson’s correlation coefficient 0.26), TG/HDL and TC (0.20), HDL and TG (-0.24), non-HDL and TG (0.34), and TC/HDL and TG (0.36); however, none of these were so highly correlated as to present problems with the association between each lipid variable and the risk of CHD and CVD death were as follows (Table 1): TCd32 cohorts, 2,486,935 person-years, 2253 CHD deaths, and 5678 CVD deaths; TGd23 cohorts, 784,241 person-years, 670 CHD deaths, and 1778 CVD deaths; HDLd19 cohorts, 508,226 person-years, 623 CHD deaths, and 1437 CVD deaths. The relative predictive value of the lipid variables was assessed on a total of 58,386 participants from the 17 cohorts with information on all three measured lipids variables. Among these cohorts, the mean age was 48 years (ranging from 39 to 78 years, by cohort) and 49% were women (ranging from 23% to 65%, by cohort). During 432,198 person-years of follow-up, a total of 459 CHD and 1128 CVD deaths occurred. In the ANZ cohorts, 60% of CVD deaths were due to CHD; the corresponding figure for the Asian cohorts was 28%, reflecting the relative prominence of stroke mortality in this region. Substantial correlation was observed between TGand TC (Pearson’s correlation coefficient 0.26), TG/HDL and TC (0.20), HDL and TG (-0.24), non-HDL and TG (0.34), and TC/HDL and TG (0.36); however, none of these were so highly correlated as to present problems with co-linearity when combined in a single model. Little correlation was observed between TC and HDL cholesterol (Pearson’s correlation coefficient -0.04). Associations between Lipid Variables, CHD, and CVD Death Each of the lipid measurements was associated with the risk of CHD death in a log-linear fashion (all p <0.05) (Fig. 1). In both Australia and Asia, individuals in the highest fourth of each of the lipid variables (lowest, for HDL) had approximately twice the risk of CHD as compared with those with the lowest levels (highest, for HDL). There was some evidence of regional heterogeneity in the associations for TG; this interaction was observed for CHD death, but not for CVD death, and was of borderline statistical significance (p = 0.05). For CVD death, the associations for each of the lipid variables was qualitatively similar to those for CHD death, but substantially attenuated, and with no evidence of regional heterogeneity (Fig. 2). There was no evidence of any heterogeneity between cohorts within Asia or within ANZ for the association between total cholesterol, triglycerides, or HDL, and CHD death (all p > 0.1). Single and Joint Effects of Lipid Variables While all the variables contributed significantly to the prediction of CHD death, TG and the ratio TG/HDL had large likelihood ratio chi-square statistics, of a similar mag-nitude to those observed for HDL and TC/HDL (Table 2). TABLE 2. Likelihood ratio chi-square statistics associated with the single and joint effects of the lipid variables on the risks of CHD and CVD mortality ---------------------------------------------- ----CHD death CVD death ----Model Individual* Combined** Individual* Combined** --------------------------------------------- TC 12.5 (0.006) 11.3 (0.011) TG 32.5 (<0.001) 14.7 (0.002) 1/HDL 29.1 (<0.001) 8.6 (0.035) Non-HDL 19.6 (<0.001) 10.9 (0.012) TC/HDL 29.6 (<0.001) 14.6 (0.002) TG/HDL 38.5 (<0.001) 13.6 (0.004) TC 8.1 (0.044) 46.5 (<0.001) 9.4 (0.02) 23 (<0.001) TG/HDL 34.3 (<0.001) 11.8 (0.008) TG 12.7 (0.005) 42.2 (<0.001) 8.2 (0.042) 22.8 (<0.001) TC/HDL 10.6 (0.014) 8.1 (0.04) TG 19.8 (<0.001) 39.3 (<0.001) 10 (0.02) 20.9 (<0.001) Non-HDL 7.1 (0.07) 6.1 (0.11) TC 6.6 (0.08) 39.0 (<0.001) 8.6 (0.035) 23.4 (<0.001) TG 26.7 (<0.001) 12.1 (0.007) TG 15.4 (0.002) 44.3 (<0.001) 10.7 (0.014) 19.4 (0.004) 1/HDL 11.7 (0.008) 4.5 (0.21) TC 15.3 (0.0016) 44.8 (<0.001) 11.8 (0.008) 20.5 (0.002) 1/HDL 32.1 (<0.001) 9.3 (0.026) TC 9.6 (0.022) 54.1 (<0.001) 9.2 (0.026) 28.6 (<0.001) TG 9.7 (0.021) 8.2 (0.043) 1/HDL 14.8 (0.002) 5.2 (0.16) --------------------------------------------------- TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglycerides; HDL, high density lipoprotein cholesterol. All the models include study, sex, age at risk, systolic blood pressure, and current smoking. *Test statistic and p-value for the effect of each lipid variable over and above the other variables in the model. **Test statistic and p-value for the effect of all the lipid variables in the model over and above the other variables in the model. The likelihood ratio statistics indicate that improvements in the ability to predict CHD death could be achieved to a similar level by adding either TG, HDL, or TG/HDL to a model that already includes TC. When ANZ cohorts were examined, a similar ranking of lipid variables was observed. A similar ranking across the lipid variables was also observed for the prediction of CVD death. Analyses on calculated LDL cholesterol were restricted to a subset of 57,241 individuals with TG level <4.4 mmol/ L. The overall mean (SD) LDL concentration was 3.23 (1.14). The hazard ratio for CHD death associated with a one standard deviation higher level of usual LDL cholesterol (HR 1.35; 95% CI, 1.13–1.61) was similar to that of TC. The hazard ratio associated with the highest versus the lowest fourth of calculated LDL was 1.55 (95%CI, 1.10–2.18). LDL was similar to TC in predicting CHD risk (chi squared = 7 vs. 11), as was LDL/HDL ratio compared with TC/HDL ratio (chi squared = 24 vs. 26). When analyses excluded the 18% of participants in whom fasting status was not confirmed, the results were virtually identical. Subgroups of Participants The interaction terms for sex and each of the lipid variables included in the models were all non-significant, indicating no differences in the association with CHD by gender. A similar ranking was observed for the likelihood ratios, such that TG and TG/HDL were best predictors of CHD risk for both men and women. There was also no evidence of heterogeneity in the associations with CHD by age. Because each study did not necessarily contribute to all age groups, the results of analyses ranking lipid variables according to ability to predict CHD risk by age were highly dependent on the age cut-point used. This suggests that the results are unreliable and that the study is underpowered to adequately examine the question of differences in risk prediction by age. Interactions between Lipids There were no significant interactions between any of the lipid variables examined, indicating that the effect of each variable on the risk of CHD death was not modified by the level of the other(s). Figure 3 illustrates an example of this with TC and TG/HDL, which, when combined in a single model, had the highest likelihood ratio statistic. The slopes of the association between TC and CHD death are not significantly different across increasing levels of TG/HDL. DISCUSSION The results of this meta-analysis indicate that total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides are each in-dependent risk factors for coronary heart disease, and the association of each with the risk of CHD death is of a similar magnitude. However, as a single lipid variable, TG is the best predictor of CHD risk, to similar degree as HDL and the derived TC/HDL ratio. The TG/HDL ratio was even more informative. Combination of TC with TG and HDL separately provided the largest likelihood ratio chi-square statistic. However, whereas there was little to gain from addition of another lipid measurement to TG or HDL, this is not the case for TC. While these results do not inform about biological mechanisms, they reflect the possible role of these variables as markers of cardiovascular risk. As the principal lipoprotein considered atherogenic, LDL remains the primary target for intervention and determines recommendation for lifestyle change or drug treatment in most lipid lowering guidelines (1, 19, 20). This position has been reinforced by the randomized trial evidence of the efficacy of LDL lowering in reducing CHD risk (21–23). However, given the complex metabolic interactions between lipoprotein particles, proven effec-tiveness of lowering a particular lipid variable does not necessarily equate with utility in risk prediction. The current analyses indicate that LDL alone or LDL/HDL ratio provides less information about CHD risk than TC alone or TC/HDL ratio, and even less than HDL, non-HDL, TG, or TG/HDL ratio. These conclusions are based on calculated LDL, which is most commonly used in routine clinical practice. Whether the results are applicable to directly measured LDL is unknown. Much interest relating to the use of lipids in risk prediction has centered on trying to capture information simultaneously about cholesterol carried on both unfavor-able and protective lipoproteins. The lipid ratios TC/HDL and TG/HDL, in particular, attempt to encompass this information, and the former has found a place in many lipid lowering guidelines (19). Consistent with other studies, the current analyses indicate that TC/HDL was more useful than TC alone, both in terms of strength of association and goodness-of-fit (6, 24, 25). The superiority of TC/HDL over LDL/HDL has been reported elsewhere, and possibly reflects incorporation of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (e.g., VLDL) in the former measure (6, 8). TG/HDL ratio is relatively novel, but in at least one other study has been shown to identify a particularly high risk group (26). Our analyses suggest that TG/HDL is better than TG alone and that it provided better risk prediction than TG when each was separately combined with TC. Non-HDL is another derived variable that has recently been advocated as a representa- tion of cholesterol carried on atherogenic particles, and is recognized in current North American guidelines as a secondary target for intervention among individuals with elevated triglyceride levels (1, 27). Some data have suggested that non-HDL is superior to LDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol, and the ratio of either to HDL-cholesterol in conveying information about CHD risk (4). However, we found that while non-HDL was better than TC, it was not as good as the TC/HDL ratio in explaining CHD risk. While the use of total cholesterol, LDL, and HDL in risk prediction has been well accepted, the role of triglycerides is less well-defined. This is because of the difficulty in establishing an independent association between triglycer-ides and cardiovascular risk in epidemiological studies, although more recent investigations have supported this (2, 28), particularly after adjustment for regression dilution (15). Other studies have raised the potential importance of TG, both as a marker of CHD risk, as well as for predicting response to therapy in reducing this risk (29–32). Any controversy about the independent nature of the association between triglyceride level and coronary disease should not detract from its possible importance as marker of CHD risk. Unlike some previous studies, we did not find any reliable evidence of differences in the utility of lipid variables in subgroups defined by gender or by age. In particular, TG was similarly associated with the risk of CHD death in men and women, and explained risk to a similar extent. In women, the associations for TC and LDL may be confounded by menopausal status (33, 34); however, this was not measured in the individual studies and cannot be accounted for. Other analyses have suggested that LDL cholesterol is of limited value in stratifying coronary risk among the elderly (8).We found that LDL was a relatively poor predictor of risk among the entire study population, and we could not reliably demonstrate that this variable performed worse among the elderly. However, all subgroup analyses are hampered by small numbers of events, thus limiting the conclusions that can be drawn. A further important finding of this meta-analysis is the lack of any clinically meaningful statistical interactions between the lipid variables, although, again, we have limited power to assess this. While some other reports have suggested effect modification, particularly between total cholesterol or LDL and triglycerides or TG/HDL ratio, these were in even smaller studies or involved post-hoc analyses of clinical trials (30). Despite the large size of this meta-analysis, there are some important limitations. Foremost is the lack of standardiza-tion in ascertainment of baseline information and outcomes. While we cannot systematically account for differences between studies, the demonstrated lack of statistical heterogeneity in the results between cohorts provides some reassurance that this is unlikely to have introduced substantial bias. The current analyses support current guidelines that advocate measurement of total cholesterol, HDL, and triglycerides. In most individuals, LDL can be calculated with this information, but the knowledge of calculated LDL does not appear to add any value to knowing total cholesterol. The findings relating to TG and TG/HDL as a marker of CHD risk warrant further investigation in other similarly large studies, even if LDL reduction remains the primary target of intervention. Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@... ____________________________________________________ Sports Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football http://football.fantasysports. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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