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Re: Is excess exercise good for LE?

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I don't think anyone can say:

"At worst the excess exercise will do no harm. "

Other than using it to establish health characteristics.

First we have to define what excess is. That's about as well known as set point.


Quick search:

Clin Sports Med. 1991 Jan;10(1):171-80.

Psychologic aspects of exercise. J.Fitness and Sports Medicine Institute, Aspen Club, Colorado.Physicians are well aware of the health benefits of exercise, but probably less cognizant of the many psychologic benefits of regular exercise. In recent years more attention has been paid to the psychologic effects of exercise, and much evidence can be found in the literature to support these beneficial effects. Psychologic states such as anxiety, distress, depression, and coronary-prone behavior have been found to be reduced by regular aerobic exercise. Exercise has also been shown to elevate mood, increase intellectual functioning, and improve self-concept. In encouraging their patients to exercise, physicians can more effectively motivate them by following certain psychologic principles, thereby ensuring greater compliance and adherence to the exercise program. Doing an objective fitness assessment establishes a baseline and creates a stimulus for awareness for the patient. The resulting exercise prescription will more likely be followed if the physician helps the patient establish realistic goals, and understand the minimums of exercise that can still lead to improvement, the exercise physiology behind the prescription, and the physical and psychologic gains to be made from exercise. It can also be extremely helpful if the physician individualizes the program to make it convenient and fun, provides supervision and ample positive reinforcement, and teaches by example, that is, not only be a proponent of exercise, but a participant. In spite of the many benefits of exercise, there are certain psychologic liabilities as a result of excessive exercise. Negative states such as exercise addiction, overtraining, and burnout can be attributed to excess exercise, but they are also often a result or symptom of other psychologic problems. By being aware and knowledgeable, the physician can intervene in this system to help the individual confront the real problems and maintain his or her participation in the sport or exercise program.PMID: 2015642

----- Original Message -----

From: drsusanforshey

Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 10:58 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Exercise >>> Immunity

Many here seem to think that the diet they have chosen for themselveswill "save the day" for them. Preserve for them everything they mayneed as they get along with aging process. That very little else isnecessary. I too believe CRON is the most important part of theequation. However, good nutrition and ~mild~ calorie restriction aspracticed here will only do so much, only get you so far. I wish to"hedge my bet" and adopt an "OE" lifestyle (Optimum Exercise!) while Ido my CRON thing too. I think this provides the other half of theequation and better indemnifies me against errors in nutritionaljudgement that I am surely bound to commit along this journey to 100+. These able-bodied centenarians are ~extremely~ lucky that it all cametogether for them in a most propitious manner! Many are not so lucky!Will you be so lucky? Will your chosen CRON keep you strong and robustinto 100? Or is it wiser to hedge your bet with the practice OE too? I personally believe the best bet is to preserve as much youthfulstrength, endurance and vitality as possible, and stave off that insideous physical decline (that will most assuredly come) for as longas possible. At worst the excess exercise will do no harm. At best it just mightattenuate some inadvertent and possibly chronic error in yournutritional judgement.CRON + OE = !

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