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Myelomonocytic associated antigens in B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia: analysis of clinical significance

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BlankMyelomonocytic associated antigens in B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia:

analysis of clinical significance.

S Molica, A Dattilo, and A Alberti

Leuk Lymphoma, January 1, 1991; 5(2-3): 139-44.

Divisione di Ematologia, Ospedale Regionale " A. Pugliese " , 88100, Catanzaro,


The expression of myelomonocytic (My+) associated antigens on lymphocytes from

B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) was studied in 62 patients. Most of them

expressed at least a My(+) antigen: CD11b in 40 cases (64.2%), CD13 in 31 (50%),

CD14 in 18 (29%), CD33 in 41 (66%), CD36 in 6 (9.6%). The relationship between

the clinical features of the disease and My(+) antigen status was studied. No

significant correlation was found between Rai's clinical stages and the average

percent value of CD11b, CD13, CD33 and CD36. In contrast, patients in Rai's

stage 0 had a significant lower value of CD14 positive cells than those with

more advanced disease (P < 0.001). Interestingly, patients with a diffuse bone

marrow histology had a higher average percent value of CD33-positive cells

(76.3% ? 29.3) than those with a non-diffuse one (50.4% ? 37.5). Furthermore,

90% of My(-) patients fulfilled Montserrat's criteria of " smouldering " CLL while

only 48.3% of My(+) cases did (P < 002). My(+) lineage antigens on B-CLL cells

may provide another criterion to characterize patient subgroups with a poor


PMID: 21269073

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