Guest guest Posted July 29, 2005 Report Share Posted July 29, 2005 Hi All, It seemed to be significant that: " This experiment is the first in humans to show that intermittent fasting increases insulin mediated glucose uptake rates " and: " intermittent fasting and physical training may increase insulin action via different mechanisms " and the men were not diabetic, overweight or obese. Nils Halberg, Morten Henriksen, Nathalie Soderhamn, Bente Stallknecht, Thorkil Ploug, Schjerling, and Flemming Dela The effect of intermittent fasting and re-feeding on insulin action in healthy men J Appl Physiol (July 28, 2005). doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00683.2005 [Abstract] [PDF] Insulin resistance is currently a major health problem. This may be because of a marked decrease in daily physical activity during the last decades combined with constant food abundance. This lifestyle collide with our genome, which was most likely selected in the late Palaeolithic era (50.000 - 10.000 BC) by criteria that favoured survival in an environment that was characterized by fluctuations between periods of feast and famine. The theory of thrifty genes states that these fluctuations are required for an optimal metabolic function. We mimicked the fluctuations in 8 healthy young males (25.0±0.1 yrs (mean±SE); BMI: 25.7±0.4 kg .. m-2) by subjecting them to intermittent fasting every second day for 20 h for 15 days. Euglycemic hyperinsulinemic (40 mU . min-1 . m-2) clamps were performed before and after the intervention period. The subjects maintained body weight (86.4±2.3 kg; coefficient of variation: 0.8±0.1%). Plasma FFA and ß-hydroxybutyrate concentrations were 347±18 µM and 0.06±0.02 mM, respectively, after an overnight fast, but increased (p < 0.05) to 423±86 µM and 0.10±0.04 mM after 20 h fasting confirming that the subjects were fasting. Insulin mediated whole body glucose uptake rates increased from 6.3±0.6 to 7.3±0.3 mg . kg-1 . min-1 (p=0.03) and the insulin-induced inhibition of adipose tissue lipolysis was more prominent after than before the intervention (p=0.05). After the 20 h fasting periods plasma adiponectin was increased compared to the basal levels before and after the intervention (5922±991 vs. 3860±784 ng . ml-1, p=0.02). This experiment is the first in humans to show that intermittent fasting increases insulin mediated glucose uptake rates and the findings are compatible with the thrifty gene concept. INTRODUCTION Our genome was probably selected during the Late-Palaeolithic era (50.000 – 10.000 BC), during a time man existed as hunter-gatherers (6). At that time there were no guaranties in finding food, resulting in intermixed periods of feast and famine. In addition, physical activity had to be a part of our ancestor’s daily living as forage and the hunt for food must have been done through physical activity (15). Cycling between feast and famine, and thus oscillations in energy stores, as well as between exercise and rest have been characteristic in the Late-Palaeolithic era and might have driven the selection of genes involved in the regulation of metabolism (30). Thus, our genotype selected centuries ago to favour an environment with oscillations in energy stores, still exists with few if any changes. The modern sedentary lifestyle common in the westernized countries are characterized by constant high food availability and low physical activity, and it has led to an imbalance between our genotype and the environment in which we live today. This may predispose our potential “thrifty” genes to miss-express metabolic proteins manifesting in chronic diseases (e.g. type 2 diabetes) in the industrialized part of the world. It is well known that physical training increases insulin action (10). The molecular events leading to an exercise mediated increase in insulin action are not fully characterized. In addition, energy usage during each exercise bout in the training regimen with subsequent eating creates oscillations in energy stores. These oscillations are probably not as massive as the oscillations seen between periods of feast and famine for the Late-Paleolithic people, but some similarities might exist and we speculated if exercise induced oscillations in energy stores could be mimicked by intermittent fasting. This study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that 14 days of intermittent fasting/re-feeding improves insulin stimulated glucse disposal. .... Experimental procedure The subjects were examined on 2 occasions; before and after 14 days of fasting every second day for 20 hours giving seven fasting periods. Each fasting period started at 22.00 and ended at 18.00 the following day (for protocol see figure 1). During the fasting periods the subjects were allowed to drink water and were instructed to maintain habitual activities. .... RESULTS Weight, body composition and indices of physical activity. The body weight was maintained stable throughout the experiment (86.4 ± 2.3 kg, 0.8 ± 0.1% coefficient of variation) and % body fat was also unchanged before compared with after the fasting intervention (Table I). Table I. Subject characteristics ...................... ------Before the intervention After the intervention ...................... Age (y) 25±1 - Body weight (kg) 87.1±2.3 86.2±2.4 BMI (kg · m -2 ) 25.7±0.4 25.5±0.3 % Body fat 20.1±0.8 20.4±1.1 Fasting plasma glucose (mmol·L -1 ) 5.0±0.1 5.1±0.1 Fasting insulin (pmol·L -1 ) 34±5 38±7 ........................... Data are mean±SE. No significant differences were seen. The level of habitual daily physical activity did not decrease during fasting days. Thus, the average heart rate during daytime was not different during fasting (79 ± 3 min-1) compared with non-fasting days (80 ± 3 min-1). Whole body glucose metabolism Plasma glucose concentration during both clamps were kept constant (Fig. 2), with a coefficient of variance of 4.4% ± 1.3% mmol·L-1 during the last hour of the clamps. The glucose infusion rate was significantly increased during the last 30 min (from 6.3 ± 0.6 to 7.3 ± 0.3 mg · min-1·kg-1) after the fasting intervention compared to before, respectively (p=0.03) (Fig. 2). Glycerol metabolism in adipose tissue There was no effect of intermittent fasting in either the adipose tissue blood flow (2.4 ± 0.5 vs. 2.9 ± 0.7 ml · 100 g-1· min-1 at basal and 2.6 ± 0.5 vs. 3.1 ± 0.5 ml · 100 g-1· min-1 at the insulin stimulated state) or the absolute interstitial glycerol concentrations (Fig. 3A) during the clamps. However, the interstitial glycerol concentrations decreased exponentially with the insulin infusion (R2 = 0.96 before and R2 = 0.99 after the fasting intervention) and the negative slope of the curves were larger after the fasting intervention compared to before (p=0.05) (Fig. 3B). This indicates that insulin had an enhanced inhibitory effect on lipolysis after intermittent fasting compared with before. Substrates and metabolites Fasting (8 h) plasma glucose concentrations were similar before (5.0 ± 0.1 mM) and after (5.1 ± 0.1 mM) the intermittent fasting period. After 20 h fasting, i.e. days 4, 6, and 10, plasma glucose concentrations were lower (4.6 ± 0.1, 4.6 ± 0.1, and 4.7 ± 0.1 mM, respectively) compared with the shorter fasting periods (8 h) (p<0.05). Fasting (8 h) plasma ß-hydroxybutyrate, FFA, and glycerol concentrations were similar before and after the intermittent fasting period, and all decreased (p<0.05) with insulin infusion (Fig. 4). After 20 h fasting, i.e. days 4, 6, and 10, plasma FFA and glycerol concentrations were increased compared with the shorter fasting periods (p<0.05) whereas the increase in ß-hydroxybutyrate did not attain statistical significance (p=0.07) (Fig. 4). Hormones Fasting (8 h) plasma insulin concentrations were similar before (33 ± 5 pM) and after (38 ± 7 pM) the intermittent fasting period and concentrations increased (p<0.05) with insulin infusion (to 439 ± 63 and 404 ± 18 pM, respectively). After 20 h fasting, i.e. days 4, 6, and 10, plasma insulin concentrations were unchanged (24 ± 4, 24 ± 5, and 16 ± 4 pmol/L) compared with the shorter fasting period (Fig. 4). Plasma adiponectin concentrations did not change with insulin infusion, and was similar on the two clamp days (Fig. 5). However, after 20 h fasting (day 6, 10 and 14) a 37% increase was seen compared with the shorter fasting days (p=0.02). Plasma leptin concentrations were similar on the two clamp days and did not change with insulin infusion (Fig. 5). However, after the 20 h fasting days (day 6, 10 and 14) plasma leptin concentrations decreased compared with the shorter fasting days (P=0.02) (Fig. 5). No significant differences were observed in either TNF-alpha or IL-6 concentrations during this study (Fig. 5). Muscle triglyceride, glycogen, GLUT-4, and PGC-1ß mRNA No overall changes were observed in concentrations of IMTG (p=0.11), glycogen (p=0.26) or in mRNA content of PGC-1alpha (p=0.18) when measured before and after each clamp and after fasting on day 10 (Fig. 6 and 7). However, with insulin stimulation (data from both clamps are included) we observed a significant decrease (p=0.04) in the IMTG concentration. Furthermore, total muscle GLUT 4 protein content did not change with the fasting intervention (p=0.66) (Fig. 7). Respiratory exchange ratios (RER) RER were similar at basal (after 8 h fasting) on the two clamp days. With insulin stimulation RER increased at both occasions (Fig. 8). No differences were observed in RER values between the overnight and the 20 h fasted state (Fig. 8). DISCUSSION In the present study we have used a very simple intervention protocol with the aim of mimicking the perturbations in energy stores that is inherent in a physical active lifestyle with regular exercise sessions. In a wider perspective we have tried to unravel the significance of genes that may be responsible for an evolutionary selection process, i.e. the thrifty genes. In this context the used intervention seems inevitably small. Nevertheless, by subjecting healthy males to cycles of feast and famine we did change the metabolic status to the better, implying that the mismatch between our ancient genotype and the living of the westernized individual of today became smaller. To our knowledge this is the first study in humans where an increased insulin action on whole body glucose uptake and adipose tissue lipolysis has been obtained by means of intermittent fasting. This result is in accordance with previously reported in rodents (2; 32). In these studies, fasting every second day increased the insulin sensitivity ~7 fold according to the homeostatic model assessment (2) and decreased the incident of diabetes (32). Prolonged fasting for 72 h with minimal physical activity has previously been shown to increase IMTG levels in humans (46). With the present fasting protocol and maintenance of habitual daily physical activity in the fasting periods, we had expected to detect a decrease in IMTG content in the skeletal muscle. The fact that this was not seen and that muscle glycogen content was unchanged, could suggest that skeletal muscle is not immediately involved in recognition of acute energy oscillations. There is no doubt however, that fasting for 20 h while maintaining normal daily physical activity must cause a temporary negative energy balance larger than normally experienced in a daily basis. This is also indicated by our finding of decreased plasma glucose concentrations after 20 hr fasting. We did not have the possibility to estimate the hepatic glycogen stores, but from animal studies (17), we must infer that liver glycogen probably also decreased considerably during the 20 h fasting periods. It has previously been suggested that usage of muscle energy depots during fasting would be an evolutionary disadvantage, as it would lessen the capacity of physical performance and hence the ability to provide food (i.e. to hunt and gather) during periods of fasting (6; 45). The present findings support this view. In contrast to the findings in skeletal muscle the adipose tissue responded to the changes in energy balance as intermittent fasting changed the plasma concentrations of the adipocyte specific hormones leptin and adiponectin. However, as we did not measure the energy stores in the adipose tissue during the intervention (e.g. by fat cell size) we cannot determine whether the change in adipokine release is merely a secondary response to intermittent fasting or if the adipose tissue is an active recognizer of energy oscillations. Blood sampling for measurement of adipokines at basal levels before and after the fasting intervention was performed at 10.00 whereas the three samples on days 6, 10 and 14 were taken at 17.00. The amount of circulating adiponectin is constant or slightly decreased during daytime (20). Hence, the boosts of 37% we observed after each fasting period are not due to nocturnal variation. Because the plasma adiponectin concentration is positively correlated to insulin sensitivity in humans (8; 23; 29) and adiponectin administration in rodents increases insulin action (9; 38; 48) it seems likely that our finding of increases in circulating adiponectin after each fasting period would be able to exert an insulin sensitizing effect. Skeletal muscle content of GLUT-4 protein after the overnight fast did not differ before and after the fasting intervention. Future studies will have to determine if the insulin signalling, e.g. phosphorylation of the insulin receptor substrate, is influenced by fluctuations in energy stores and thereby account for the increase insulin action as measured by the clamp method reported herein. Since 36 h passed between the last fasting period and the last clamp, it seems most likely that the potential insulin sensitizing effects of adiponectin was due to adiponectin induced changes in gene expression. This could in turn be mediated through an AMPK activation that further activates several transcription factors including myocyte enhancing factor (MEF) that increases GLUT-4 expression (24; 27). Another possibility is that the adiponectin boosts peroxisome proliferated-activated receptor- gamma (PPAR-gamma) expression as seen in 3T3-L1 adipocytes (1). And as PPAR-gamma induces adiponectin expression (16) it can be speculated that fasting starts a positive feedback loop which results in increased levels of both circulating adiponectin and PPAR-gamma. Both are known to increase the insulin sensitivity. A considerable increase in plasma FFA concentrations (5-fold) may raise the amount of circulating adiponectin slightly (43) and glucocorticoids positively regulates adiponectin gene expression (21). FFA and glucocorticoid increases during fasting, but in previous studies no effect of fasting on circulating adiponectin was seen (19; 49). Apart from differences in increases of FFA and glucocorticoids, different analysis methods used (RIA vs. ELISA (present study)) may recognize different isoforms of adiponectin and thereby account for the discrepancy. Leptin exhibit nocturnal differences with a peak during night (24.00-8.00) whereas there is no difference between 10.00 and 17.00; if anything plasma leptin concentrations are slightly higher at 10.00 (40). In accordance with previous findings (19; 41; 49) we found a decrease in circulating leptin after 8 h to 20 h of fasting. This decrease most likely reflects a state of energy deficiency, and is probably not involved in the increased insulin action we have found the present study. The mechanism by which physical training increases whole-body insulin sensitivity is not known in detail. It has previously been shown that in muscle the effect is mediated via local contraction dependent mechanisms (11-13), and this could include exercise-induced oscillations in local energy stores. However, the insulin sensitizing effect of exercise and intermittent fasting may not exert their effects via the same pathway. While the local effect of exercise is well proven (there is no transfer of training induced increase in insulin sensitivity to non-trained muscle) it is less likely that the effects of intermittent fasting is a local, muscle phenomenon. Thus, even though we were not able to detect changes in muscle and TG content after 20 h fasting, the intervention may still have exerted the effects via oscillations in other energy stores (e.g. in adipose tissue or liver). The finding of decreased leptin concentrations corresponding to the intermittent fasting verifies that adipocyte metabolism was influenced by the intervention. We did not find an effect of intermittent fasting on muscle PGC-1alpha mRNA levels. In contrast, PGC-1alpha mRNA increases with acute exercise (34; 47) and is suggested to be involved in the enhancement of insulin mediated glucose uptake following exercise training (28; 39). Thus, PGC-1alpha may represent a step at which the insulin enhancement actions of exercise training and intermittent fasting diverge. Whole body insulin mediated glucose uptake was estimated by the euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp technique. Even though this method is a standard for measuring insulin action, day to day coefficient of variation has been reported to vary between 2.4% and 15% (4; 36; 42). Part of the observed effect of the intervention may therefore be due to biological and instrumental variation. It is important to note that in the present study, the subjects maintained their body weight throughout the intervention period, and % body fat did not change with intermittent fasting. Thus, in contrast to previous studies using alternate day fasting (22), the subjects in the present study kept their body weight by following the dietary instructions of eating abundantly every other day. It is well known that insulin sensitivity can be influenced by long-term profound changes of macronutrients in the diet. However, as the subjects were instructed to maintain their usual diet habits (although increasing the amount of food) it is unlikely that eventual minor changes in the macronutrient mix during eight non-consecutive days (i.e. the non-fasting days) would influence insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, the increased insulin action after the intervention was not the result of the last fasting period because from the last fasting period until the beginning of the overnight fast the subjects were allowed to eat for 30 h during which they consumed at least 250 g of carbohydrates. Muscle glycogen was not different between the pre and post intervention clamps, testifying that carbohydrate loading was sufficient prior to each clamp experiment. In keeping with previous findings (3) we observed a decrease in IMTG with insulin stimulation. At first glance this seems counterintuitive. However, during insulin stimulation the FFA supply to the skeletal muscle decreases dramatically and since some skeletal muscle FFA oxidation is still present (RER values of 0.90 ± 0.04 before and 0.86 ± 0.02 after the fasting intervention) it seems arguable that FFA is provided by the IMTG pool, which accordingly will decrease. In conclusion, the findings that intermittent fasting increases insulin sensitivity on the whole body level as well as in adipose tissue, support the view that cycles of feast and famine are important as an initiator of “thrifty genes” leading to improvements in metabolic function (6). We suggest that a fasting induced increase in circulating adiponectin is at least partly responsible for this finding, The change in adiponectin, together with changes in plasma leptin with fasting underlines the important role of the adipose tissue in recognizing the oscillation in energy stores. Finally, the data indicate that intermittent fasting and physical training may increase insulin action via different mechanisms as muscle energy stores did not change with the present fasting intervention. Al Pater, PhD; email: old542000@... __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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