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Re: LDN and BLadder/UTI's

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Boy do I hear you Friday

I have told many people and had the same results as you have & many others I am sure.

Don't sweat the small stuff. You have given them the choice,they are all big girls or boys and can determine their path in life.

Now it is time to move on to new territory don,t let yourself get snowed in and stuck.

Remember emotions are a killer for us too! Try to distance yourself a little it sounds like you are getting a bit too personally involved.


-------Original Message-------

From: low dose naltrexone

Date: 08/24/04 08:10:05

low dose naltrexone

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] LDN and BLadder/UTI's

SOmetimes I feel like not recommending anything to help anyone after one particular person has been reporting every little niggling whinging thing in the one week they've been on LDN.Fair enough, ask questions, read up, do your own research, and especially above all let it all sink in!!! 2 days ago, she asked me if there was any 'speed' in LDN keeping her awake. Grrrrr.I have repeated myself that many times for this friend of mine to join this group and get a variety of opinions and experiences, I've given every single link possibly available on LDN - I dont think they've read a single thing or even listened to my experiences.Why? because their doctor, who before she asked for LDN, had never heard of it, told her that everything bad she is experiencing is because of LDN.He told her today, that the reason she has a severe urinary tract infection and she is unable to move a muscle and all symptoms are exacerbated and she is teary and depressed is all because of LDN.The LDN, according to this doctor,(and she believes his word is gospel), is causing her bladder to (ready for it?) OVERFILL and thus having a UTI. Someone hold me down? Im ropeable.He told her, on top of this, to reduce from 4.5mg to 3mg to lessen the chances of having a UTI.Im looking to just tell her to stop it, and leave me alone........Friday

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You have been very patient with her... maybe you should just save your

sanity and cut her loose... sounds like she's just going to stress you

out... Some people just can't BE helped.. They are their own worst

enemies... you tried to help her, that's all you can do. She can't see past

the fact that not all doctors know everything (or anything) about MS and the

possible treatment options... Take care and good luck


----- Original Message -----

From: " Friday " <paraschick@...>

<low dose naltrexone >

Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 7:08 AM

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] LDN and BLadder/UTI's

> SOmetimes I feel like not recommending anything to help anyone after

> one particular person has been reporting every little niggling

> whinging thing in the one week they've been on LDN.

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Thank you Reg,

You've helped and re-iterated my own thoughts too, but they were

clouded by a sense of responsibility for introducing LDN to her in

the first place.

I know it's safe, but she is questioning it still, and it's only been

1 week for her. I will take your advice and give up - if she wants to

listen to her naive doctor, let it be.........

This same person was extremely sick on every single CRAB drug she

tried, baclofen failed her, and she has been self-admitted to

hospital quite often in the time i've known her for solumedrol

steroids/prednisolone? I think they are the only thing she feels has

helped. I just want her to succeed on LDN---

I will try to distance myelf.


In low dose naltrexone , " Reg Kreil " <regkreil@h...>


> Boy do I hear you Friday


> I have told many people and had the same results as you have & many

others I

> am sure.

> Don't sweat the small stuff. You have given them the choice,they

are all big

> girls or boys and can determine their path in life.

> Now it is time to move on to new territory don,t let yourself get

snowed in

> and stuck.

> Remember emotions are a killer for us too! Try to distance yourself

a little

> it sounds like you are getting a bit too personally involved.

> Reg.


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Hi, Friday. You are going to have to let it go with this lady.

There are so many people like this in the world, and there is

nothing you can do to help her other than what you have already

done! There is a lady on another forum who I call the " monster

shouter " , can you tell I'm a huge King fan??? Everytime

someone mentions LDN or asks questions about LDN, she pops up and

tells that it almost killed her, that it caused a huge tumor to grow

inside her and she had to have emergency surgery...She was the same

with all other drugs she had taken, but if you were new to the forum

and didn't read back on all her other posts, you would never know

that, and I am sure she scared others away from LDN with her stories

and her " monster shouting " , because other than her bizarre drug

reactions to ever drug known to man, she seemed fairly credible.

Just take deep breaths and try to extricate yourself from this

situation. You might point out to her that if her doc truly thought

it was causing these problems, he wouldn't have allowed her to stay

on it at any dosage! Have a great day!


--- In low dose naltrexone , " Friday " <paraschick@y...>


> SOmetimes I feel like not recommending anything to help anyone


> one particular person has been reporting every little niggling

> whinging thing in the one week they've been on LDN.


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