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Re: Special Notice: LDN Conference Update

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This is great progress! Everyone pass it along, post it once a week

at other groups. I have just posted it at http://LDNers.org

The publicity minded should for sure send it to any news contacts.

, let us know if your group develops an official press release,

so we can forward that too.


--- In low dose naltrexone , " Gluck " <joelg@c...>




> Saturday August 21, 2004


> Date and Fee Set for Possible LDN Conference in New York City


> Starting today, the LDN website will begin to carry notification of

> the First Annual LDN Conference that is tentatively scheduled to be

> held in New York City in early December 2004 (see

> http://www.low dose naltrexone.org/events.htm).

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In a message dated 8/21/2004 1:52:33 PM US Eastern Standard Time, joelg@... writes:

SPECIAL NOTICE: LDN CONFERENCE UPDATESaturday August 21, 2004Date and Fee Set for Possible LDN Conference in New York CityStarting today, the LDN website will begin to carry notification ofthe First Annual LDN Conference that is tentatively scheduled to beheld in New York City in early December 2004 (seehttp://www.low dose naltrexone.org/events.htm).In order to specify existing plans for potential attendees, themeeting date is now noted as Saturday December 4 and the registrationfee as $45.As mentioned earlier, because of the advance time needed for visitorsto plan travel and room arrangements, it will be decided bymid-September whether it is feasible to proceed with the detailedsteps required for the December Conference.LDN Conference Organizerevents@...***********************************************The First Annual LDN ConferenceTentative Date: Saturday December 4, 2004 The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS), New York, NY Reply Form 1) My Name: __________________________________________________2) Street Address: ______________________________________________3) City, State & Zip/Postal Code (outside the US please includeCountry): ___________________________________________________________4) I definitely plan on attending the LDN Conference in New York on 12/4/04: YES - [ ] (place an "X" between the brackets to confirm yourintention)5) My e-mail address: __________________________________Please copy this form, fill in the blanks, and e-mail to:LDN Conference Organizer at events@....Further news and details will be posted as plans for the conferencedevelop. Thank you for your interest -- we look forward to seeing youthere!LDN Conference Organizerevents@...SPECIAL NOTICE: LDN CONFERENCE UPDATESaturday August 21, 2004Date and Fee Set for Possible LDN Conference in New York CityStarting today, the LDN website will begin to carry notification ofthe First Annual LDN Conference that is tentatively scheduled to beheld in New York City in early December 2004 (seehttp://www.low dose naltrexone.org/events.htm).In order to specify existing plans for potential attendees, themeeting date is now noted as Saturday December 4 and the registrationfee as $45.As mentioned earlier, because of the advance time needed for visitorsto plan travel and room arrangements, it will be decided bymid-September whether it is feasible to proceed with the detailedsteps required for the December Conference.LDN Conference Organizerevents@...***********************************************The First Annual LDN ConferenceTentative Date: Saturday December 4, 2004 The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS), New York, NY Reply Form 1) My Name: __ J. Mann________________________________________________2) Street Address: __305 Victor Ct.____________________________________________3) City, State & Zip/Postal Code (outside the US please includeCountry): _Kokomo, IN 46902__________________________________________________________4) I definitely plan on attending the LDN Conference in New York on 12/4/04: YES - [ X ] (place an "X" between the brackets to confirm yourintention)5) My e-mail address: _redtruck2@..._________________________________Please copy this form, fill in the blanks, and e-mail to:LDN Conference Organizer at events@....Further news and details will be posted as plans for the conferencedevelop. Thank you for your interest -- we look forward to seeing youthere!LDN Conference Organizerevents@...

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