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RE: For Edwina

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Dear ,

I hope you are feeling a bit better than

you were.

I think you need to have a little more confidence in

your body. The human body is a remarkable creation and

I believe it is doing the best it can for you. Trust

yourself. If it doesn't want a certain type of food

don't force it if it stresses you.

Don't tell yourself that you must be one of the

unlucky ones and that your body is playing up. Trust

yourself that its doing the best it can for you and

that you must speak positively to yourself. If you

keep telling yourself your going to relapse you

probably will.

If you've developed awful fatigue are you actually

listening to your remarkable body whilst it creates

this new life inside you. Take advantage of the

fatigue and rest it out. Just sleep. Don't feel guilty

or worry its the MS starting up.

Do you have a good support group ie family and

friends, because you need them more than ever soon?

Don't worry about your morgage let your other half do

the worrying and you just speak to yourself

positively. The thoughts we think now create our


I wish you all the best and let me know how you get

on. You are very brave having a baby with MS so thats

positive, and I'm sure if you trust yourself you'll be


Make the most of the fatigue and sleep out the

pregnancy. At the very least it will go by more


Can you take liquids? I know of a very good fluid

supplement if you can.


--- Baden <lbaden@...> wrote:

> ,

> Slow down and take a deep breath. You're probably

> saying " sure that's easy

> for you to say " . Yes, you've got a lot on your

> plate right now, but the

> most important thing for you should be how to manage

> your stress. Your

> right, most MSers go through their pregnancy pretty

> well. If we are going

> to have an attack it will hit most anywhere from 1 -

> 5 months after the baby

> is born. Meditation, exercise, find some thing to

> settle your mind. In the

> long run you and your new bundle of joy will be glad

> you did. I really hope

> things get better, this is an exciting time for your

> whole family. Good

> luck, I'll be thinking about you!



> _____


> From: [mailto:@...]

> Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 11:02 AM

> lowdosnaltrexone

> Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Any suggestions???



> Hi Group,


> I am now 16 weeks and 3 days through my pregnancy

> and I am feeling just so

> horrible. The last time I felt so crap was when my

> MS was pretty bad back in

> 2002 - 2003. From week 9 of my pregnancy I started

> with really rough morning

> sickness and I still have it but it's improved a

> bit. All the usual remedies

> didn't work for me, and I tried everything , well

> almost everything till I

> realised I was wasting so much money and things are

> tight that way for me at

> the moment. At start the BBD was going fine but I've

> been turned off so many

> foods from the damn pregnancy hormones that my diet

> was becoming so limited

> that I started eating things I don't usually, like

> some bread and some

> products that had glutan or milk proteins. I am

> sticking to the diet as best

> I can, at least I'm not eating rubbish like junk

> food etc. Some people have

> said to me it shouldn't really matter that I'm not

> so strict on the diet

> during pregnancy because the pregnan! cy will put my

> MS in remission anyway

> but I fear now I'm one of those unlucky ones and

> that my MS may be acting

> up. The last few weeks my fatigue has just got worse

> and worse, I'm now at

> the stage where I have that awful heavy fatigue all

> day long and wow I've

> not had that in at least a year and forgotten how

> bad it was. I know though

> that pregnancy brings on fatigue especially for the

> first trimester but

> after talking to many others on message boards and

> reading up loads I now

> think the fatigue I have is not only pregnancy but

> MS too and I fear it's a

> sign my MS is acting up. For the last 8 weeks I've

> been barely able to leave

> the house with nausea, painful indigestion or

> fatigue and my fatiuge is now

> at the stage that even going up the stairs is a big

> effort at times. This

> for me is such a change as I've done so well the

> last year and half and have

> got great control over my MS.

> Now though I'm beginning to get a little frightened

> by all this. I thought

> I'd breeze through my pregnancy health wise as I'd

> been doing so well .....

> maybe I'm just unlucky and it's just the pregnancy

> hormones, but I have my

> doubts.

> I am taking very little supplements compared to what

> I was taking at the

> beginning, mainly becasue I find it extremely hard

> to get them down,

> anything makes me gag and I noticed after really bad

> indigestion starting a

> few weeks ago that my calcium supplements were

> making my nausea and

> indigestion worse, so I stopped. Now I'm just taking

> minimal supplements ,

> the ones that I think are most important and that go

> down ok, these are

> daily pregnecare multi-vitmain, Fish Oil, Flax Oil,

> and B Complex. I find

> these alone hard enough to get down and as it is I

> can't afford to take

> anymore anyway as our budget is very tight now. We

> have many expenses now to

> get ready for the baby and also we are trying to

> sort out at moment whether

> we could get a mortgage for our own house, but we

> may end up renting as I

> don't think we'd be able to get a big enough loan

> for a house. Tricky

> situation and rent here is high, as high as a

> mortgage. Ya I've! lots of

> things to sort out and I'm trying my best not to

> stress but I'm finding it

> very hard. I usually handle my stress pretty good

> and when I tell myself to

> cop on it will make my MS worse I usually relax but

> now with so much

> responsibility of trying to do everything the right

> way for my pregnancy and

> being healthy for my baby and making sure my baby is

> healthy and we trying

> to get our own home it's just so much happening.

> I have so many emotions too ,damn pregnancy hormones

> again lol. The last few

> days I've been getting these darting pains from

> behind my eyeballs, which

> I've not got in so long, over a year too and I know

> it's my optic nerves

> acting up a bit as this is one of my classic

> symptoms from the start..I just

> hope it doesn't get worse....that with my extremely

> bad fatigue...oh and my

> bladder has got worse..maybe combination of

> pregnancy with MS too but god I

> never thought things would get this hard. As you can

> imagine all sorts of

> things are going around my mind..I'm fearing that

> I'll just get worse and

> worse and I won't be able to look after my baby when

> it's born. A lot of

> weeks back when things were ok I was so much more

> positive and thinking

> about it all going ok and that I'll have a natural

> birth and breastfeed, now

> I think my plans will have to change radically...but

> I suppose as time goes

> on I'll know more.

> I know many with MS have perfectly fine pregnancies

> and feel better than

> they ever did...I guess I'm unlucky or maybe things

> will get better...but

> they've only got worse so far. My fatigue is getting

> worse by the days and

> at this stage in pregnancy it should be improving.


> Ok I'll stop moaning on now....sorry for the whinge

> but I'm dying for any

> good advice. If anyone has any please reply.



> xx







> <http://edwina.sail.to/> http://edwina.sail.to

> <http://www.wosib.org/~causes>


> Please help by signing the Petition to get Low Dose

> Naltrexone into Clinical

> Trials for Multiple Sclerosis




> http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/110785607






> _____






> Messenger - all new features - even more fun!




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HI Audrey,

Thansk so much for your reply which has re-inforced alot of important

things in my mind. Alot of the things you said are alot of things I

often say to others too and believe in myself but I guess I just lost

control this past week and things just all got to me so much.

I feel a fair bit better now as with all the positive reponses I've

got from people it helpe dme get my act to gether mroe if you know

what I mean ;0)

I think the financial worry was teh most stressing me out...I guess

as they say I was worried about my nesting ;o) Just to double check

things this week, I rang so many places liek social welfare etc etc

to see if we were entitled to anyhting mroe here but as it is,

there's ntohing we qualify for. My boyfriend would not pass the means

test for us to get any help financially, even though his income is

not half enough for our needs. I get disability allowance but

technically if social welfare knew , I could be fined as when you're

living with a boyfriend here and not even married , both your

finances are taken into account. And then we get little tax breaks as

you have to be amrried to get them..so all this was worrying

me...it's just so unfair that when you are going out with someone but

not married you dont' qualify for most extra teax relief but then

both your means are taken into accoutn for welfare payments GRrrrr .

We;ve got further help by talking to advisors about a mortgage and we

may be able to get one now. SO we've been looking at all the

newspapers and auctioneers adverts and when we can we've been going

viewing some houses. I really don't feel up to it though but Kieran

my other half of course want sme there as buying a house is such a

big thing that we both need to do this together. I'm jsut trying to

relax and stay positive that I'll slowly feel better and be able to

spend mroe time house hunting and trying to organise mortgage. My

boyfriend works real long hours so it's been hard for him to do

everything, although he does do alot, he's a great support.

About needing a good suport group soon...I know I need it and I

supppose this is another thing tht has me a little worried. I ahve my

Mum although life for her has been hectic so I realyl cant' rely on

her alot to help and don't want to as know she has enough on her

plate....my sister is a disaster LOL and my brother is only 14

although I'm sure he'll be willing to help someway when he's not in

school or socialising. I dont' ahve many relations that I'm close to

and I don't have many friends as we've moved house so many times the

last while that I have no friends now around here. Kieran has a big

family though , two of his sisters won't be living too far from us

and they are all excited about the baby and offering help already.

I know it's going to be hard with all the demanding hours from the

baby but hopefully with the limited support system I have we will get

through it.

Thansk so much for your caring supportive mail and the advice..much



> > ,

> > Slow down and take a deep breath. You're probably

> > saying " sure that's easy

> > for you to say " . Yes, you've got a lot on your

> > plate right now, but the

> > most important thing for you should be how to manage

> > your stress. Your

> > right, most MSers go through their pregnancy pretty

> > well. If we are going

> > to have an attack it will hit most anywhere from 1 -

> > 5 months after the baby

> > is born. Meditation, exercise, find some thing to

> > settle your mind. In the

> > long run you and your new bundle of joy will be glad

> > you did. I really hope

> > things get better, this is an exciting time for your

> > whole family. Good

> > luck, I'll be thinking about you!

> >

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