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Re: Digest Number 878

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  • 7 months later...

Dear ,

I am not a Doctor, but as you are seeing, some doctors beleive that OCD and

TS are actually different manifestations of the same disease. (Please see

Scientific American's Medications of the Mind). Medications that cause the

neurotransmitter dopamine to be released from it's varicosities may indeed

help children with ADD but may worsen OCD and TS (Tourette's syndrome). For

this reason, these medications should be used with extreme caution or not at

all. I received this recommendation from the Tourette's syndrome Foundation.

Please refer to :

http://www.mentalhealth.com/book/p40-gtor.html page 6 of 15

This states:

A particularly important risk factor in tics and TS is the use of stimulant

medication. Over 25% of all TS patients in some cohorts had had a course of

stimulation medication early in the emergence of their behavioral or tic

symptoms because they have been diagnosed as having ADDHD. Over the last

several years, series of cases have been reported in which the use of

stimulants has been correlated with the onset of motor and phonic tics.

This article goes on. I think it is interesting that many scientists

studying brain biochemistry do beleive that TS and OCD are biochemically the

same illness so medications that exacerbate TS may exacerbate OCD. Again, I

am NOT a doctor but my own children developed severe OCD and TS when treated

with Dexedrine for ADD.

Good luck


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Hello B.,

What stuck out in your post is that your son's dosage of Concerta was

increased, and there was no mention of a drug specifically for OCD. Isn't

Concerta a stimulant? Increasing the dosage may very well increase his OCD

symptoms. I am concerned that the doctor seemed impervious to this " new "


You may need to ask the doctor if he has experience with OCD in

adolescents, and if not, change doctors. The fact your son has described

the symptoms so well and honestly means both he is possibly dealing with

OCD and that he is ready to be helped.

Keep us posted--

>>>Subject: New to Group and worried about my son


>I have a son who was diagnosed with ADHD at age 6 and put stimulant

meds. He is now 14 yrs old. Four months ago he was switched to

Concerta by his pediatric neurologist who has treated him since he

was 6 yrs old. My son has done very well in school through the years

and has always been a contented person. During the last few weeks he

has had trouble being on time to school and he comes home from school

exhausted. He finally came to me very upset and described symptoms

that seem like ocd. His symptoms include picking up things on the

ground so nothing bad will happen. He has to do everything in groups

of 4. He says he has to leave room the same way he enters it. A

couple of years ago, I noticed he was washing his hands excessively

and when I reasoned with him, he stopped for a while. This behavior

comes and goes. He is very upset by his symptoms, but he can't

stop. He came to me worried that he was going crazy. I am beside

myself with worry. When I called his neurologist, he said to

increase his Concerta dose. We have an appt. next week with the


I am an extreme needle phobe that was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a

couple of years ago. It has been hard for me to get used to 3

injections a day considering needles terrify me. My son has been

witness to my extreme phobic behavior. Could that have caused his

OCD symptoms? How can I help my son find some relief from these


I am so worried about him...


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, This has happened to us in the past and our

Psychiatrists reasoning was that it was very easy to

tell if the stimulant would halp the problem as it

doesn't take much time to get working, as opposed to

other types of meds that take much longer to work.

Maybe a call to the Dr. would answer your question and

you could demand some help in diagnosing your son

appropriately, and possible getinghim on a med that

would help his new set of symptoms.

--- and Jeff Marshall

<JMW.Marshall@...> wrote:

> Hello B.,

> What stuck out in your post is that your son's

> dosage of Concerta was

> increased, and there was no mention of a drug

> specifically for OCD. Isn't

> Concerta a stimulant? Increasing the dosage may

> very well increase his OCD

> symptoms. I am concerned that the doctor seemed

> impervious to this " new "

> symptom.

> You may need to ask the doctor if he has experience

> with OCD in

> adolescents, and if not, change doctors. The fact

> your son has described

> the symptoms so well and honestly means both he is

> possibly dealing with

> OCD and that he is ready to be helped.


> Keep us posted--


> >>>Subject: New to Group and worried about my son


> >Hi,

> >I have a son who was diagnosed with ADHD at age 6

> and put stimulant

> meds. He is now 14 yrs old. Four months ago he was

> switched to

> Concerta by his pediatric neurologist who has

> treated him since he

> was 6 yrs old. My son has done very well in school

> through the years

> and has always been a contented person. During the

> last few weeks he

> has had trouble being on time to school and he comes

> home from school

> exhausted. He finally came to me very upset and

> described symptoms

> that seem like ocd. His symptoms include picking up

> things on the

> ground so nothing bad will happen. He has to do

> everything in groups

> of 4. He says he has to leave room the same way he

> enters it. A

> couple of years ago, I noticed he was washing his

> hands excessively

> and when I reasoned with him, he stopped for a

> while. This behavior

> comes and goes. He is very upset by his symptoms,

> but he can't

> stop. He came to me worried that he was going

> crazy. I am beside

> myself with worry. When I called his neurologist,

> he said to

> increase his Concerta dose. We have an appt. next

> week with the

> doctor.

> I am an extreme needle phobe that was diagnosed with

> type 1 diabetes a

> couple of years ago. It has been hard for me to get

> used to 3

> injections a day considering needles terrify me. My

> son has been

> witness to my extreme phobic behavior. Could that

> have caused his

> OCD symptoms? How can I help my son find some

> relief from these

> symptoms?

> I am so worried about him...


> B.<<<






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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


Ive the new MW molds up on a page of mine, they're not for sale YET.....


Grab an early view of these at:


We'll have them up for sale tomorrow evening :o)

Happy Soaping,

& The Soap Goat Crew.

Aloe Vera Melt and Pour Base - In stock now!!

Coming very soon: Wooden Log/Square Molds, Milky Way Molds & 20 New

Intricate Design Molds.


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Guest guest

Nice molds! I see the measurements of the molds on

the page but can you take a guess (an approximate, I

mean) on about what weight bar these will make???



--- The Soap Goat <thesoapgoat@...> wrote:

> Hi,

> Ive the new MW molds up on a page of mine, they're

> not for sale YET.....


> Grab an early view of these at:



> We'll have them up for sale tomorrow evening :o)


> Happy Soaping,

> & The Soap Goat Crew.


> Aloe Vera Melt and Pour Base - In stock now!!

> Coming very soon: Wooden Log/Square Molds, Milky Way

> Molds & 20 New

> Intricate Design Molds.

> http://www.thesoapgoat.com





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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

With a child who is 3 to 3 1/2 years of age, as the questioner mentioned,

would biofeedback or medications for hyperactivity be appropriate?



>Message: 2

> Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 06:02:30 -0400

> From: Reg Reynolds <rmreynolds@...>

>Subject: Re: Restlessness


>Reg Reynolds


>Responses intewrspersed.


> > From: m loire <mloire@...>

> > Subject: Re: Need your help please

> >

> > I posted the following email message several days ago,

> > but unless I missed a response, I don't think there

> > were any. We really would appreciate your input on

> > this. Thank you.

> >

> > For preschool children, say those between 3 years and

> > 3 1/2 years old, if they initiate speech on their own,

> > even if it's just to ask for things they want, like a

> > videotape, etc., and they say " Daddy, may I have the

> > XYZ (whatever videotape it is that they want at that

> > point) videotape, please " (which the child has been

> > taught to say), " Mommy, I want juice, please, " " I want

> > an ice cream, " and clap for themselves when they do

> > something right and say " I got it, yeah!, " and say " I

> > wanna see XYZ " (it's usually two family members that

> > are mentioned) -- what does this indicate about the

> > children?


>Language is developing.


> > If the children are also very good with counting

> > numbers, the alphabet, site-reading several words, and

> > writing a few words, what does this indicate?


>And so are other academic abilities.


> > We are very concerned that while they learn relatively

> > quickly and this leads us to believe that they are at

> > least of average intelligence, that the constant

> > motion, moving around, fidgetiness, and almost always

> > walking around in a circle while watching television

> > (which we try to stop by redirecting or asking to sit

> > down) will make it very difficult for them to learn in

> > a structured environment such as school.


>Yes, that seems like a reasonable concern. So...


>Children who receive an autistic spectrum disorder diagnosis have difficult

>learning language and social skills and may show the kinds of restless


>that you describe here. Like all children who require special educational

>assistance, they have to be taught the skills that they need and don't




>Similarly, children who are simply restless may need assistance with that

>if they

>are going to do well in a school setting. Generally, quietude can be

>taught if

>you set your mind to it. Personally, I would investigate biofeedback for

>such a

>problem, as I would for a child with Attention Dificit Disorder, using a

>procedure that reinforces for decreased restlessness.









>Message: 3

> Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 10:18:58 -0500

> From: " Moshe " <MoSam@...>

>Subject: Re: Digest Number 877


>m loire <mloire@...> wrote:


>they say " Daddy, may I have the

>XYZ <snip> and clap for themselves when they do

>something right and say " I got it, yeah!, " <snip> are also very good with


>numbers, the alphabet, site (sight)-reading several words, and

>writing a few words, what does this indicate?

><snip> the constant

>motion, moving around, fidgetiness, and almost always

>walking around in a circle while watching television

>(which we try to stop by redirecting or asking to sit

>down) will make it very difficult for them to learn in

>a structured environment such as school.


>This sounds like a child with ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity

>Disorder). The only person qualified to make this diagnosis is a medical

>doctor - preferably a neurologist with a background in ADHD, but a

>pediatrician can also make this diagnosis. Was this child climbing out of

>the crib at 6 months old? How much does this child sleep?

>Why are you posting about this child here - this list is generally intended

>for discussion of children with autism spectrum disorders (there is some

>discussion among researchers recently that ADHD may be on the spectrum -


>I don't think this is generally accepted yet.) If a doctor does make this

>diagnosis, you will probably want to talk with him/her about trying one of

>the many medications used to help children focus, such as ritalin,



>Also, take a look at this web site: http://www.schwablearning.org/






MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:


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  • 2 years later...

Thanks ,

I guess my years in the Naturopathic industry paid off. I've worked with

nutritionists and as a vitamin buyer, a book buyer, an organic produce

purchaser, etc. etc.

I've managed a couple of health food stores over the years and done

freelance PR for said stores, for a CCN, a Homeopathic Dr, a Chiropractor

(she paid me in adjustments!) and a birthing center in Texas. I've designed

business cards for Holistic practitioners, like massage therapists and foot

reflexologists. I've done newsletters, designed and wrote articles for

websites (www.natkit.com) and right now I'm getting back into the Jewelry

biz ( I have a degree in metalsmithing)...can finally have a studio again

and tinkering with beads and silver soothes me on the really hyperthyroid

days! My dad was a doctor (although parotid cancer got him at the tender age

of 30) and my mom is a retired nurse. So I've always considered myself a

" recovering " child of the Allopathic Medical Community. I do take some

standard prescriptive meds (which was hard for me to accept at first) but I

try to balance it all out with healthier food choices and the proper

supplements. Although for the last month or so I've really been slacking off

while we were traveling! Its hard to eat well on airplanes and on small

islands... hopefully the sunshine and relaxation offset any bad stuff I ate!

Anyhoo, I've put this offer out on other message boards and support forums

that I belong to and the offer still stands:

You can ask me health and nutrition-related questions anytime and if I have

any knowledge in that area or about that specific supplement, I'll gladly

offer it up. I can't do real paid counseling as I'm not licensed in the

state of Washington (yet?) but I can tell you all about what I do or don't

take or what remedies are helping me. Or if I've read up on any treatments

good for your particular health concerns. I've counseled people with

cancers, arthritis, IBS, food allergies...I enjoy knowing I've helped

someone to improve their quality of life...and its good for my Karma!

Best all around, Lara

> Message: 1

> Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 21:56:55 -0700

> From: " " <jatrac1@...>

> Subject: Re: re: chiro and TMJ


> Lara, you are a veritable fount of information!


> JT

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: Lara Schuchat

> larrygc@...

> Cc: low dose naltrexone

> Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 8:54 PM

> Subject: [low dose naltrexone] re: chiro and TMJ

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This is actually the prescribed indication for naltrexone, at a

higher dose.

> > Hello, I was just wondering if you know anything about


> helping

> > someone with a drinking problem

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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest

The responses to Sherri about smoothies without fruit was very interesting.  , can you share some of your recipes using butternut squash, beans, sunflower seeds, etc?  I too would love to make smoothies without using so much fruit.

Thanks!Verria On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 6:51 PM, < > wrote:

Vitamix Enthusiasts

Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)


Re: some questions

From: Kania


Re: some questions

From: Lea Ann Savage


Buying from Lea Ann?

From: Vickilynn Haycraft


Re: Buying from Lea Ann?

From: Lea Ann Savage


Re: Buying from Lea Ann?

From: Berry


Re: Buying from Lea Ann?

From: Lea Ann Savage


Re: Buying from Lea Ann?

From: Terry Pogue


Candida - fruit or no fruit???

From: sherrib00


Re: Candida - fruit or no fruit???



Question about Glass Cookware

From: Lea Ann Savage


Re: Question about Glass Cookware

From: Robbie


Re: Question about Glass Cookware



Re: Question about Glass Cookware

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Re: Question about Glass Cookware

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Re: Question about Glass Cookware

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Re: Question about Glass Cookware

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Looking to buy a Vitamix ASAP and need advice

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Re: Looking to buy a Vitamix ASAP and need advice

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Re: Looking to buy a Vitamix ASAP and need advice

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ANSWER FOR MARCELLA - Re: Looking to buy a Vita

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Re: ANSWER FOR MARCELLA - Re: Looking to buy a

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Re: ANSWER FOR MARCELLA - Re: Looking to buy a

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How to peel Garlic Cloves in a Vitamix...

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Re: How to peel Garlic Cloves in a Vitamix...

From: Niki Glover


Re: How to peel Garlic Cloves in a Vitamix...

From: Jablonski

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Re: some questions

Posted by: " Kania "




Mon Aug 8, 2011 4:29 am (PDT)

Hi LeAnn,

I don't eat peanuts....we were making walnut/pecan butter. Right now we are leaning towards taking it back. it's just a lot of money for making soups for DH. Thank you for all your help though.


> I split my last show with another demonstrator who showed me this " trick " …


> Run your machine on variable speed #1. Break the cloves apart with your

> hands and toss them into the container while the blades are spinning. Watch

> and pretty soon you will see the skins pop off. Some of the cloves will be

> cut in half or quarters, but most will remain whole. After you see the

> skins pop off, you can dump it all out on a plate or cutting board, pick out

> the paper-like skins, and all you will have left is peeled garlic cloves!


> Blessings,

> Lea Ann Savage

> Satellite Beach, FL

> (321) 773-7088 (home)

> (321-961-9219 (cell)

> www.VitamixLady.com

> www..com

> <:)))><





> ------------------------------------



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