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Re: LDN Publicity- Recap, suggestions

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There have been publicity efforts by this group periodically, but it

is hard to keep up the charge, so great to see renewed efforts by new


Here is a recap, since I joined Jan/04:

- 7 media reports in 2004 http://www.ldners.org/media.htm

- Over 5000 LDN research petition signatures

- A fundraiser has been set up by longtime LDN activists. If a trial

doesn't happen, they will put donations towards other non-NMSS MS

charities, so everybody should pitch in a bit as a show of faith for

LDN trials. There are over 1,000 members in this group, if we each

pitch in $10, a patient funded research effort is a news story

itself! http://www.ldnresearchtrust.org/

- Dr Bihari has announced an LDN conference

Theme: " Achieving a Clinical Trial for Low Dose Naltrexone " and media

attention for LDN is a big goal. Either 12/4/04 or 12/11/04 is the

target, send your contact info to email@... if you

can make either or any of those days. I'm going, if it happens. Tell

others, attendance is the key.

- Yes, tell everyone you meet, and your MS support groups. My husband

and I are unabashed proselytizers, and everyone is grateful for the

news. We tell my recovery story everyday to someone.

- An email list was assembled, so we could hit media targets with

multiple emails to break through, but we didn't find too many


- Suggestion: whenever you send an email, send it to this list with

the contact, so others can send their story too. I will send the ones

I've done.

- Here's a new one: Rep. Becket Hinckley, Wyoming, is speaking

publicly about his MS diagnosis. Email: bhinckley@...

Keep up the good fight, even if we don't make a big splash, the good

feeling you get from helping each individual is great reward itself!


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