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HIFA conference, London, May 2011

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Copied as fair use from HIFA.



Dear HIFA2015 colleagues,

We are delighted to announce that the first annual HIFA2015 Conference will take

place on Monday 9th May 2011 at the British Medical Association, BMA House,

London, UK.

2011 marks the fifth anniversary of the launch of HIFA2015. The conference will

review the progress we have made since 2006 and will also look forward to the

challenges which lie ahead. It will bring together HIFA members and Supporting

Organisations, along with external partners.

For those who wish to attend, registration is free of charge but we are unable

to cover travel or accommodation expenses. Places are limited and will be

allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. For those who cannot attend, you

can still get involved: there will be a discussion on the HIFA forum in the

weeks preceding the conference and you can also participate via a 1-hour web

conference on the day.

A draft programme is shown below. The programme will be regularly updated at:


For further details and to register, please contact Carroll:


Best wishes

Carroll & Neil Pakenham-Walsh

On behalf of the HIFA2015 Steering Group


Deputy Head

International Department

British Medical Association

London, UK

Tel: +44 (0)207 383 6231


Note: This programme is subject to change and will be updated regularly

Healthcare Information for All by 2015: Informed healthcare saves lives

Thursday 9 May 2011

Great Hall, BMA House, London, WC1H 9JP, UK


9.00 - 9.30 Registration and coffee

9.30 - 9.40 Welcome and Introduction from the Chair TBC

9.40 - 10.00 Keynote address 1. Why it is important to meet the information

needs of healthcare providers in developing countries - strengthening health


Dr ph Ana, Former Commissioner for Health, Cross River State, Nigeria.

10.00 - 10.20 Keynote address 2. Realising the vision of healthcare information

for all by 2015 - strengthening the creation, exchange and use of health


Dr Najeeb Al-Shorbaji, Director, Knowledge Management and Sharing, WHO Geneva.

10.20 - 10.45 HIFA2015: What have we achieved?

Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh, Co-ordinator, HIFA2015.

10.45 - 11.00 Questions

11.00 - 11.20 Coffee

11.20 - 11.50 Addressing the needs of priority healthcare provider groups: the

HIFA Annual Challenge

- Introduction: Carroll, Deputy Head, International Department, BMA &

Joint Co-ordinator, HIFA Challenge Working Group.

- Information needs of nurses and midwives: Sue , Royal College of Midwives

& Jackie Cheeseborough, Royal College of Nursing.

- Official launch of HIFA 2011-2015 Challenge: Meetingthe information needs of

mothers and family caregivers: Speaker TBC

11.50 - 12.20 Extending our reach: HIFA Global Networks

- CHILD2015: Speaker TBC

- HIFA-Portuguese: Dr Regina Ungerer, WHO Geneva

- HIFA-EVIPNet-French: Isabelle Wachsmuth-Huguet, WHO Geneva

- HIFA-Zambia: a Edjang, Zambia-UK Health Workforce Alliance.

12.35 - 13.00 Questions

13.00 - 13.45 LUNCH

Afternoon session

13.45 - 14.00 Welcome and introduction from the Chair: Dr Frederick Bukachi,

Co-Director, Global Healthcare Information Network

14.00 - 15.30 Evaluation Workshop: Are we making a difference?

Jackie Davies and Hanley, Communication for Development, HIFA2015


15.30 - 15.50 TEA

15.50 - 16.50 Web Conference (for HIFA members and others worldwide): Looking

ahead: future priorities for HIFA2015. What would make HIFA2015 successful and

how can you contribute?

Facilitators: Neil Pakenham-Walsh + 1 TBC

16.50 - 17.00 Final comments from participants and conclusions from Chair.

The HIFA2015 Conference is supported by:

- British Medical Association

- Global Healthcare Information Network

- Partnerships in Health Information

- Royal College of Midwives

- Royal College of Nurses

We would like to thank also our 2011 financial supporters: British Medical

Association, International Child Health Group (Royal College of Paediatrics and

Child Health), Joanna Briggs Institute, Network for Information and Digital

Access, Public Library of Science, Rockefeller Foundation (Monitoring &

Evaluation), Royal College of Midwives, and Royal College of Nursing.

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