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Re: A world without MS?

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I think it's pretty sad that the MS Society is targeting 2015 as the year there will be no more MS. I hope that it's a misprint and they really mean 2005. Maybe if they'd get more involved in things like stem cell research and LDN a cure would be found sooner but there's too much money to be made in the meantime and they can't get out of bed with the big drug companies. I'm sorry but I don't believe that the MS Society's number one interest is those of us who suffer from the disease and that's pretty sad. They want us to do all of their fund-raising, but only on a volunteer basis, and they won't even listen to us on something like LDN. A 2015 target date gives them 11 more years of making money, while we suffer. Stem cell research is talking about a time frame more like five years. I also wish people wouldn't knock others for bringing up stem cell research on the forum by calling it politicking. Stem cell research is the biggest issue in this election to me and many others. It could have a profound effect on not only those of us who suffer from MS but Parkinson's, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, etc. The list goes on and on. This research should be our number one priority because it's success would be the greatest contribution that this generation could ever give to humanity. Best,


-------------- Original message --------------

2015: A world without MS?

The MS Society hopes that 2015 may be the beginning of the end for MS. Find out at the 2004 National MS Convention how researchers are working with us to make this happen.What's happening at the Convention?MS LecturesA series of lectures covering the future for people with MS. Featured topics will be:

Myelin repair

Stem cells

An overview of current clinical trialsMS specialists will also be on hand to discuss issues facing people living with MS today, including:

What is happening to the body in MS

Treatments to modify the course of MS

Treatments to manage the symptoms of MS.More details: Day 1 | Day 2MS ExhibitionYour opportunity to talk directly to MS charities, government organisations, pharmaceutical companies and specialist MS suppliers. For more details on who will be attending visit the exhibition sectionMeet the ScientistsA team of MS specialist scientists and clinicians will be available to answer your questions on MS.Newly Diagnoseda special area has been set aside for people newly diagnosed with MS to chat to MS Society staff and meet others in a similar situation. Talk about this on the discussion boards or visit the Young people section section to find out moreMS Society AGMGet involved, review the Society's work and have your say in its future. Find out more about the MS Society and how it is run About the MS SocietyMeet the Research TeamAn opportunity to meet the MS Society research team, and ask questions about on going controversies. To find out in advance more about research into MS visit the Research SectionSpecialist WorkshopsWith a focus mainly for MS Society volunteers.

The National MS Convention is supported by:

The Multiple Sclerosis Society The National MS Convention is organised by the MS Society, for all people affected by MS. Charity number 207495

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16 & 17 October 2004How to get to Warwick Conference CentreBook your free placeAccommodation details

Full details of the lecturesSaturday 16th OctoberSunday programme

Research Circle To keep up to date with current research developments and play your role in the search for a cure, become part of the Research Circle

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Just remember, that was from the MS society in the UK.

At least they ran info on Aimspro and didn't shoot it down, they are

waiting for results, then make a decision. Not like the US MS society.

2015 most likly was not an error in the date.

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Talk all you want about stem cell research, but please don't turn it into a campaign issue and try to influence my vote..


----- Original Message -----

From: chrdana7@...

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 10:01 AM

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] A world without MS?

I think it's pretty sad that the MS Society is targeting 2015 as the year there will be no more MS. I hope that it's a misprint and they really mean 2005. Maybe if they'd get more involved in things like stem cell research and LDN a cure would be found sooner but there's too much money to be made in the meantime and they can't get out of bed with the big drug companies. I'm sorry but I don't believe that the MS Society's number one interest is those of us who suffer from the disease and that's pretty sad. They want us to do all of their fund-raising, but only on a volunteer basis, and they won't even listen to us on something like LDN. A 2015 target date gives them 11 more years of making money, while we suffer. Stem cell research is talking about a time frame more like five years. I also wish people wouldn't knock others for bringing up stem cell research on the forum by calling it politicking. Stem cell research is the biggest issue in this election to me and many others. It could have a profound effect on not only those of us who suffer from MS but Parkinson's, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, etc. The list goes on and on. This research should be our number one priority because it's success would be the greatest contribution that this generation could ever give to humanity. Best,


-------------- Original message --------------

2015: A world without MS?

The MS Society hopes that 2015 may be the beginning of the end for MS. Find out at the 2004 National MS Convention how researchers are working with us to make this happen.What's happening at the Convention?MS LecturesA series of lectures covering the future for people with MS. Featured topics will be:

Myelin repair

Stem cells

An overview of current clinical trialsMS specialists will also be on hand to discuss issues facing people living with MS today, including:

What is happening to the body in MS

Treatments to modify the course of MS

Treatments to manage the symptoms of MS.More details: Day 1 | Day 2MS ExhibitionYour opportunity to talk directly to MS charities, government organisations, pharmaceutical companies and specialist MS suppliers. For more details on who will be attending visit the exhibition sectionMeet the ScientistsA team of MS specialist scientists and clinicians will be available to answer your questions on MS.Newly Diagnoseda special area has been set aside for people newly diagnosed with MS to chat to MS Society staff and meet others in a similar situation. Talk about this on the discussion boards or visit the Young people section section to find out moreMS Society AGMGet involved, review the Society's work and have your say in its future. Find out more about the MS Society and how it is run About the MS SocietyMeet the Research TeamAn opportunity to meet the MS Society research team, and ask questions about on going controversies. To find out in advance more about research into MS visit the Research SectionSpecialist WorkshopsWith a focus mainly for MS Society volunteers.

The National MS Convention is supported by:

The Multiple Sclerosis Society The National MS Convention is organised by the MS Society, for all people affected by MS. Charity number 207495

read more »

16 & 17 October 2004How to get to Warwick Conference CentreBook your free placeAccommodation details

Full details of the lecturesSaturday 16th OctoberSunday programme

Research Circle To keep up to date with current research developments and play your role in the search for a cure, become part of the Research Circle

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If we blame anyone for the delay, it is the drug companies themselves!!

I have friends who work for the MS society in my city and they would

like nothing better than to see this horrible disease conquered. I do

believe though that the day is coming when the drug companies will pay

dearly for ignoring the natural remedies that have helped so many

overcome serious illnesses like MS, cancer, diabetes etc. And for

making their billions off of the sick (not looking for a cure). There

is too much money in sick people............Their day WILL come!


On 7-Oct-04, at 11:01 AM, chrdana7@... wrote:

> I think it's pretty sad that the MS Society is targeting 2015 as the

> year there will be no more MS. I hope that it's a misprint and they

> really mean 2005. Maybe if they'd get more involved in things like

> stem cell research and LDN a cure would be found sooner but there's

> too much money to be made in the meantime and they can't get out of

> bed with the big drug companies. I'm sorry but I don't believe that

> the MS Society's number one interest is those of us who suffer from

> the disease and that's pretty sad. They want us to do all of their

> fund-raising, but only on a volunteer basis, and they won't even

> listen to us on something like LDN. A 2015 target date gives them 11

> more years of making money, while we suffer. Stem cell research is

> talking about a time frame more like five years. I also wish people

> wouldn't knock others for bringing up stem cell research on the forum

> by calling it politicking. Stem cell research is the biggest issue in

> this election to me and ma

>                Chris


> -------------- Original message --------------



> 2015: A world without MS?


> The MS Society hopes that 2015 may be the beginning of the end for MS.

> Find out at the 2004 National MS Convention how researchers are

> working with us to make this happen.

> What's happening at the Convention?


> MS Lectures

> A series of lectures covering the future for people with MS. Featured

> topics will be:

> • Myelin repair


> • Stem cells


> • An overview of current clinical trials


> MS specialists will also be on hand to discuss issues facing people

> living with MS today, including:

> • What is happening to the body in MS


> • Treatments to modify the course of MS


> • Treatments to manage the symptoms of MS.


> More details: Day 1 | Day 2



> MS Exhibition

> Your opportunity to talk directly to MS charities, government

> organisations, pharmaceutical companies and specialist MS suppliers.

> For more details on who will be attending visit the exhibition section


> Meet the Scientists

> A team of MS specialist scientists and clinicians will be available to

> answer your questions on MS.


> Newly Diagnosed

> a special area has been set aside for people newly diagnosed with MS

> to chat to MS Society staff and meet others in a similar situation.

> Talk about this on the discussion boards or visit the Young people

> section section to

> <dividerLine.gif><sectionbullet.gif> The National MS Convention is

> supported by:



> <thumb_logo_abn.gif><thumb_logo_csp.gif><thumb_logo_mssna.gif>



> <dividerLine.gif>

> <sectionbullet.gif> The Multiple Sclerosis Society


> <thumb_mslogo.gif> The National MS Convention is organised by the MS

> Society, for all people affected by MS. Charity number 207495


> read more »



> <dividerLine.gif>


> <spacerclear.gif><image.tiff>



> <image.tiff>




> <sectionbullet.gif> 16 & 17 October 2004

> How to get to Warwick Conference Centre


> Book your free place


> Accommodation details

> <dividerLine.gif>



> <sectionbullet.gif> Full details of the lectures

> Saturday 16th October


> Sunday programme

> <dividerLine.gif>



> <sectionbullet.gif> Research Circle

> <thumb_resCirclogo01.gif>




> To keep up to date with current research developments and play your

> role in the search for a cure, become part of the Research Circle

> <dividerLine.gif>







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Hello everyone -

Please do NOT think that I am taking up for the drug companies or

for the NMSS at all! BUT, should we really sit back and wait

for " them " to find a cure? Actually, does MS need a cure in the

form of yet another medicine with side effects that will make big

pharma even more money? My point here is that of all the possibile

etiologies of MS, the one thing that seems to stick out is

environmental factors, along with genetic susceptibilty and

emotional factors. Maybe the answer lies in altering environmental

factors back toward a more natural state. Just had to throw that out

there. In the interim, LDN seems the best approach for many.



> > I think it's pretty sad that the MS Society is targeting 2015 as


> > year there will be no more MS. I hope that it's a misprint and


> > really mean 2005. Maybe if they'd get more involved in things


> > stem cell research and LDN a cure would be found sooner

but there's

> > too much money to be made in the meantime and they can't get out


> > bed with the big drug companies. I'm sorry but I don't believe


> > the MS Society's number one interest is those of us who suffer


> > the disease and that's pretty sad. They want us to do all of


> > fund-raising, but only on a volunteer basis, and they won't even

> > listen to us on something like LDN. A 2015 target date gives

them 11

> > more years of making money, while we suffer. Stem cell research


> > talking about a time frame more like five years. I also wish


> > wouldn't knock others for bringing up stem cell research on the


> > by calling it politicking. Stem cell research is the biggest

issue in

> > this election to me and ma

> >                Chris

> >  

> > -------------- Original message --------------

> >

> >

> > 2015: A world without MS?

> >

> > The MS Society hopes that 2015 may be the beginning of the end

for MS.

> > Find out at the 2004 National MS Convention how researchers are

> > working with us to make this happen.

> > What's happening at the Convention?

> >

> > MS Lectures

> > A series of lectures covering the future for people with MS.


> > topics will be:

> > • Myelin repair

> >

> > • Stem cells

> >

> > • An overview of current clinical trials

> >

> > MS specialists will also be on hand to discuss issues facing


> > living with MS today, including:

> > • What is happening to the body in MS

> >

> > • Treatments to modify the course of MS

> >

> > • Treatments to manage the symptoms of MS.

> >

> > More details: Day 1 | Day 2

> >

> >

> > MS Exhibition

> > Your opportunity to talk directly to MS charities, government

> > organisations, pharmaceutical companies and specialist MS


> > For more details on who will be attending visit the exhibition


> >

> > Meet the Scientists

> > A team of MS specialist scientists and clinicians will be

available to

> > answer your questions on MS.

> >

> > Newly Diagnosed

> > a special area has been set aside for people newly diagnosed

with MS

> > to chat to MS Society staff and meet others in a similar


> > Talk about this on the discussion boards or visit the Young


> > section section to

> > <dividerLine.gif><sectionbullet.gif> The National MS Convention


> > supported by:

> >

> >

> > <thumb_logo_abn.gif><thumb_logo_csp.gif><thumb_logo_mssna.gif>

> >

> >

> > <dividerLine.gif>

> > <sectionbullet.gif> The Multiple Sclerosis Society

> >

> > <thumb_mslogo.gif> The National MS Convention is organised by

the MS

> > Society, for all people affected by MS. Charity number 207495

> >

> > read more »

> >

> >

> > <dividerLine.gif>

> >

> > <spacerclear.gif><image.tiff>

> >

> >

> > <image.tiff>

> >

> >

> >

> > <sectionbullet.gif> 16 & 17 October 2004

> > How to get to Warwick Conference Centre

> >

> > Book your free place

> >

> > Accommodation details

> > <dividerLine.gif>

> >

> >

> > <sectionbullet.gif> Full details of the lectures

> > Saturday 16th October

> >

> > Sunday programme

> > <dividerLine.gif>

> >

> >

> > <sectionbullet.gif> Research Circle

> > <thumb_resCirclogo01.gif>

> >

> >

> >

> > To keep up to date with current research developments and play


> > role in the search for a cure, become part of the Research Circle

> > <dividerLine.gif>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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