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Fw: [mscured] The Five Absolute Worst Foods You Can Eat

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----- Original Message -----

From: " Jeff " <jeffAfrankel@...>

<mscured >

Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 1:56 PM

Subject: [mscured] The Five Absolute Worst Foods You Can Eat



> The Five Absolute Worst Foods You Can Eat


> By Dr. ph Mercola


> There are no " bad " foods, right? Only food you should eat in

> moderation?


> Well, not really. The following foods are so bad for your body that I

> really can't see any reason to eat them. Not only do they have zero

> nutritional value, but they also give your body a healthy dose of

> toxins, which should make the idea of eating them really hard to

> swallow.


> Doughnuts

> Doughnuts are fried, full of sugar and white flour and most all

> varieties contain trans fat. Store-bought doughnuts are made up of

> about 35 percent to 40 percent trans fat.An average doughnut will

> give you about 200 to 300 calories, mostly from sugar, and few other

> nutrients.


> It's too bad that Americans view doughnuts as a breakfast food as,

> nutritionally speaking, eating a doughnut is one of the worst ways to

> start off your day. It will through off your blood sugar and won't

> stay with you so you'll be hungry again soon. You are better off

> eating no breakfast at all!


> Soda

> One can of soda has about 10 teaspoons of sugar, 150 calories, 30 to

> 55 mg of caffeine, and is loaded with artificial food colors and

> sulphites. I can't think of any good reason to ever have it. The diet

> varieties are also problematic as they are filled with harmful

> artificial sweeteners like aspartame.


> Studies have linked soda to osteoporosis, obesity, tooth decay and

> heart disease, yet the average American drinks an estimated 56

> gallons of soft drinks each year. Plus, drinking all that sugar will

> likely suppress your appetite for healthy foods, which pave the way

> for nutrient deficiencies.


> Soft drink consumption among children has almost doubled in the

> United States over the last decade, which is not surprising

> considering that most school hallways are lined with soda-filled

> vending machines.


> Schools often make marketing deals with leading soft drink companies

> such as Coca-Cola from which they receive commissions--based on a

> percentage of sales at each school--and sometimes a lump-sum payment,

> in exchange for their students' health. School vending machines can

> increase the consumption of sweetened beverages by up to 50 or more

> cans of soda per student per year.


> If you routinely drink soda--regular or diet--eliminating it from

> your diet is one of the simplest and most profound health

> improvements you can make.


> French Fries

> (and Nearly All Commercially Fried Foods)

> Potatoes are bad enough when consumed in their raw state, as their

> simple sugars are rapidly converted to glucose that raises insulin

> levels and can devastate your health. But when they are cooked in

> trans fat at high temperatures, all sorts of interesting and very

> unpleasant things occur.


> Anything that is fried, even vegetables, has the issue of trans fat

> and the potent cancer-causing substance acrylamide.


> Foods that are fried in vegetable oils like canola, soybean,

> safflower, corn, and other seed and nut oils are particularly

> problematic.


> These polyunsaturated fats easily become rancid when exposed to

> oxygen and produce large amounts of damaging free radicals in the

> body. They are also very susceptible to heat-induced damage from

> cooking. What is not commonly known is that these oils can actually

> cause aging, clotting, inflammation, cancer and weight gain.


> It is theoretically possible to create a more " healthy " French fry if

> you cook it in a healthy fat like virgin coconut oil. Due to its high

> saturated fat content, coconut oil is extremely stable and is not

> damaged by the high temperatures of cooking. This is why coconut oil

> should be the only oil you use to

> cook with.


> I am fond of telling patients that one French fry is worse for your

> health than one cigarette, so you may want to consider this before

> you order your next `

> Biggie' order.


> Chips

> Most commercial chips, and this includes corn chips, potato chips,

> tortilla chips, you name it, are high in trans fat. Fortunately, some

> companies have caught on to the recent media blitz about the dangers

> of trans fat and have started to produce chips without trans fat.


> However, the high temperatures used to cook them will potentially

> cause the formation of carcinogenic substances like acrylamide, and

> this risk remains even if the trans fat is removed.


> Fried Non-Fish Seafood

> This category represents the culmination of non-healthy aspects of

> food. Fried shrimp, clams, oysters, lobsters, and so on have all the

> issues of trans fat and acrylamide mentioned above, plus an added

> risk of mercury.


> Seafood is loaded with toxic mercury and shellfish like shrimp and

> lobsters can be contaminated with parasites and resistant viruses

> that may not even be killed with high heat. These creatures,

> considered scavenger animals, consume foods that may be harmful for

> you.


> Eating these foods gives you a quadruple dose of toxins--trans fat,

> acrylamide, mercury and possibly parasites or viruses--with every

> bite.


> If you have a taste for seafood, there's an easy solution. It's best

> to avoid your local fish fry and try the only fish I now eat--the

> delicious wild red Alaskan salmon that was proven through independent

> lab testing to be free of harmful levels of mercury and other

> contaminants.


> Source: http://www.mercola.com/2003/oct/18/worst_foods.htm









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> Have a nice day !


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