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Iodine and anxiety issues....

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I respect your right to your opinions. As to the poster in question, I know nothing. I will re-read all that poster has said in honor of your expression.

My concern was that another poster may have been discouraged by one sentence in your discourse that sounded, to me, judgemental.


From: <mudpuppyman@...>Subject: Re: Iodine and anxiety issues....iodine Date: Saturday, August 16, 2008, 7:51 PM

My posts are not meant as a judgment on anyone . I say it like I see it, and I stand behind what I say, but of course I respect everyone's right to do whatever feels right to them. Basically I am presenting a point of view that has been lost in modern times, even among the so called 'natural' crowd. You can take it or leave it as you wish.

In the same vein, I think comdyne should be banned from this forum, not because I don't like his opinion, but because I don't think he is expressing his opinion. His posts are spam. HIs motive is dishonest. I think he is actually attempting to disrupt the purpose of this forum. The wolf-chaikoff paper , exposed in detail by dr. abraham, was a deliberate scam by big pharma and the ptb to discredit iodine. That one paper has resulted in the virtual demonization of iodine for fifty years. If that paper had been exposed as a con job in the beginning, then it could never have gotten off the ground. But there were not enough people willing to take a stand for the truth so the lies backed by moneyed interests won out.

In the same way, if posters like comdyne are not exposed for what they are, then they are legitimized by that silence.

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, et. al.

and I have had a couple of private conversations regarding the posts of a

certain other poster, the substance of

which was that we both felt that the poster (Comdyne) was posting that which

would appear to be dogmatic, and at the same time lacking citation of sources

for the information. When I find someone that posts: " Fluoride is

fluoride. There is no such thing as calcium fluoride or

sodium fluoride. It is the element that fluoride attaches itself to

that determines what it is called. " I find them problematic because their information is not

accurate. Most of that which learned about fluorine and fluoride, I’d

forgotten, but knew enough to know that that statement is inaccurate. To do a

word search on this matter, took all of five minutes, to refresh my memory as

to what the substances were and their application, and is correct in

that which he said. Comdyne does not appear to be so. If indeed this poster

does have something of value to offer, it should be supported with research on

that position. The problem with Comdyne’s post to me is that there are

others that are less knowledgeable that glean information from this site, and

because the post of this person appears to be accurate information, if for no

other reason that it appears authoritarian, some people may take that

information and try to use it with deleterious results.


might want to be aware, that I have a private conversation with about Comdyne

a while back stating basically the aforementioned regarding another subject

that Comdyne had expressed a scholarly looking OPINION.


I said, I’ve had a couple of private conversations with regarding

this matter, and find his take on this poster interesting, because I never would’ve

thought of the possibility that someone could be trying to sabotage the wealth

of good information, support, and encouragement to the members of this

group. I don’t think I’d go as far as would to ban the

person from the group, however I find dogmatic unsubstantiated posts irritating

at best, and would encourage Comdyne to support his or her position with

research regarding fluorine, because if what has been said is indeed true, I

would like to know the source of it, because it does not track with that which

I have learned from years of formal study. Misinformation is inappropriate on

this or any forum. Unsubstantiated opinion, is subject to challenge. Comdyne,

we respectfully request that you support your post with the source from which

you gleaned the information.


applaud for being bold enough to blatantly challenge Comdyne.

Dennis Dvorak NMD

From: iodine

[mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of ladybugsandbees

Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2008 10:00 PM


Subject: Re: Re: Iodine and anxiety issues....


for pointing this out. I agree whole heartedly. As a person who was

very sick, I was forced into doing my own research and finding someone who

would help me even when I could hardly continue. You have to gather every

ounce of strength to get it done. For me, I was dying. If I

gave up I honestly believe that the endo I was seeing would have finished me

off with his barbaric External Beam Radiation.

I will try to

keep up with comdyne's posts better. I am having some personal family

issues at the moment along with struggling with a flair up of shingles (due to

the family stress) and tanking adrenals. I am frustrated after having a

long run of good health. But this too will pass and I will get some rest

and recover. The down side is that I have lost track of the details of

the groups posts.



Original Message -----



Sent: Saturday, August 16,

2008 10:51 PM

Subject: Re: Iodine

and anxiety issues....


posts are not meant as a judgment on anyone

.. I say it like I see it, and I

stand behind what I say, but of course I respect everyone's right to do

whatever feels right to them. Basically I am presenting a point of

view that has been lost in modern times, even among the so called

'natural' crowd. You can take it or leave it as you wish.


the same vein, I think comdyne should be banned from this forum, not because I

don't like his opinion, but because I don't think he is expressing his

opinion. His posts are spam. HIs motive is

dishonest. I think he is actually attempting to disrupt

the purpose of this forum. The

wolf-chaikoff paper , exposed in detail by dr. abraham, was a deliberate scam

by big pharma and the ptb to discredit iodine. That one

paper has resulted in the virtual demonization of iodine for fifty years.

If that paper had been exposed as a con job in the beginning, then it

could never have gotten off the ground. But there

were not enough people willing to take a stand for the truth so the lies backed

by moneyed interests won out. In the same way, if

posters like comdyne are not exposed for what they are, then they are

legitimized by that silence.

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When someone first begins to realize the fraud and disappointment of allopathic medicine, their reaction is fear and anger directed at their allopathic physician. Then when that doesn't work, they start looking for someone else at whom they can direct that fear and anger or external dependence. What this person fails to realize is that the fear and anger is their own and results from their own error in judgment. Allopathic medicine looks like a train to paradise in the beginning as symptoms appear to vanish. They the symptoms come back or new symptoms appear and the train to paradise begins to pick up speed . The train continues to pick up speed throughout the person's pathetic life until it becomes a roller coaster , and by then the never ending roller coaster of allopathic medicine is throwing its highest tech weapons at the person. At this point, the person is desperate to get off the roller coaster, but as we all know, jumping off a roller coaster going at full speed down the track does not appear prudent.

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I can't say that I am a true example of your redrick I can say that I have anger and did direct that to my surgeon but I have reflected on all of my symtoms and have come to realise I had a forcast before hand and didn't take charge. I know look for ways to give my body inside everything I know it blantely screams for. I take steps not to make such bad mistakes!

Re: Iodine and anxiety issues....

When someone first begins to realize the fraud and disappointment of allopathic medicine, their reaction is fear and anger directed at their allopathic physician. Then when that doesn't work, they start looking for someone else at whom they can direct that fear and anger or external dependence. What this person fails to realize is that the fear and anger is their own and results from their own error in judgment. Allopathic medicine looks like a train to paradise in the beginning as symptoms appear to vanish. They the symptoms come back or new symptoms appear and the train to paradise begins to pick up speed . The train continues to pick up speed throughout the person's pathetic life until it becomes a roller coaster , and by then the never ending roller coaster of allopathic medicine is throwing its

highest tech weapons at the person. At this point, the person is desperate to get off the roller coaster, but as we all know, jumping off a roller coaster going at full speed down the track does not appear prudent.

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Thanks for the vote of confidence, !

I had a recent victory. After being extremely sick with all this for

seven months, I was able to ride my horse for 15 minutes on Friday.

Yes, I was sore, tired, stiff, etc. but very happy! Just thought I'd

share the happiness with all of you encouragers!


> >

> > From: <mudpuppyman@>

> > Subject: Re: Iodine and anxiety issues....

> > iodine

> > Date: Saturday, August 16, 2008, 5:08 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > > I have to be on some type of tranquilizer to feel anything close to

> > > normal ,

> >

> > We need to understand the difference between allopathic and

> wholistic medicine. If you suppress symptoms with a tranquilizer,

> then you are not addressing the cause of the problem and may be making

> it worse in the long run. If someone develops anxiety as a result

> of taking iodine, there could be many reasons. IT could be

> physical detox, emotional detox, or maybe taking too much iodine. In

> any case, if you don't have the will to seek the cause for yourself

> and mostly by yourself, then you will never find the cause. And

> allopathic medicine will never find the cause. I would classify

> most alternative therapies as allopathic as well, including amino

> acids, etc. Once someone gets started with adding more lab produced

> stuff to their diet, they are placing themselves on an allopathic

> roller coaster that will never end. Yes lugols and iodoral are

> lab produced, so I would make a very rare

> > exception to the rule for them to compensate for the

> extraordinarily polluted and corrupted times in which we live. But

> these are the most basic of nutrients called minerals, the fundamental

> building blocks, so don't put them in the same category with other

> alternative therapies that are really nothing but drugs under the

> cloak of 'natural' . The body works by its own innate

> intelligence, making hundreds or thousands of automatic adjustments

> per day based on that intelligence. The less fiddling with that

> mechanism the better, imo.

> > I would like to recommend that people seek to understand the

> powerful influence of diet in our lives and realize that your diet may

> be the fundamental cause of your problems. I would like to

> recommend the study of macrobiotics as the most natural and wholistic

> diet. But if you decide to study macrobiotics, don't get caught up

> into thinking of it as a particular diet but think of it as a study in

> order to recapture your own basic intuition in regards to diet .

> The priniciples of macrobiotics were put down on paper thousands of

> years ago by the wisest of men and women, based on the ancient

> principles of yin and yang , just like the iodine formulation we take

> today was created 150 years ago.

> >




> ------------------------------------






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I remember the little triumphs. You go girl!


Re: Iodine and anxiety issues....

>> > iodine

>> > Date: Saturday, August 16, 2008, 5:08 PM

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > > I have to be on some type of tranquilizer to feel anything close to

>> > > normal ,

>> >

>> > We need to understand the difference between allopathic and

>> wholistic medicine. If you suppress symptoms with a tranquilizer,

>> then you are not addressing the cause of the problem and may be making

>> it worse in the long run. If someone develops anxiety as a result

>> of taking iodine, there could be many reasons. IT could be

>> physical detox, emotional detox, or maybe taking too much iodine. In

>> any case, if you don't have the will to seek the cause for yourself

>> and mostly by yourself, then you will never find the cause. And

>> allopathic medicine will never find the cause. I would classify

>> most alternative therapies as allopathic as well, including amino

>> acids, etc. Once someone gets started with adding more lab produced

>> stuff to their diet, they are placing themselves on an allopathic

>> roller coaster that will never end. Yes lugols and iodoral are

>> lab produced, so I would make a very rare

>> > exception to the rule for them to compensate for the

>> extraordinarily polluted and corrupted times in which we live. But

>> these are the most basic of nutrients called minerals, the fundamental

>> building blocks, so don't put them in the same category with other

>> alternative therapies that are really nothing but drugs under the

>> cloak of 'natural' . The body works by its own innate

>> intelligence, making hundreds or thousands of automatic adjustments

>> per day based on that intelligence. The less fiddling with that

>> mechanism the better, imo.

>> > I would like to recommend that people seek to understand the

>> powerful influence of diet in our lives and realize that your diet may

>> be the fundamental cause of your problems. I would like to

>> recommend the study of macrobiotics as the most natural and wholistic

>> diet. But if you decide to study macrobiotics, don't get caught up

>> into thinking of it as a particular diet but think of it as a study in

>> order to recapture your own basic intuition in regards to diet .

>> The priniciples of macrobiotics were put down on paper thousands of

>> years ago by the wisest of men and women, based on the ancient

>> principles of yin and yang , just like the iodine formulation we take

>> today was created 150 years ago.

>> >




>> ------------------------------------






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My statement about the types of fluoride was from memory that I

recall having read 'A Struggle With Titans' by Dr. G.L. Waldbott, MD -

Carlton Press - New York - 1965. The book is owned by a colleague and

is no longer in my possession. Because this trivial issue seems to be

important to a few here, I shall ask my friend to return the book to

me so that I may re-read the section whereby Dr. Waldbott made the

statement that there was only one fluoride element. Although true

that I didn't know the difference between fluorine and fluoride, IMO

the point is moot because this substance clearly is toxic and is

classified as one of the most reactive of the halogens. When it

combines with other substances, it changes them, usually to the

detriment. Dr. Waldbott performed extensive research on the hazards

of fluoride in the environment and its effects upon the human frame.

Its nasty stuff!

This may take me a few weeks to collect the info as I am working on

another project which has placed time constraints upon my

actualities. I have no ax to grind and I don't perceive my posts as

somehow sinister, its all in the perception of the readers. Fluoride

devitalizes iodine in the thyroid. It has bo health benefit whatsoever

and it does not belong in the foods or public water supply. It does

occur in nature and some areas have it occurs naturally in the water,

but it is harmful in all its forms. Oh yes, it is also required in

small quantities in our bodies. I will transcribe Dr. Waldbott's

statements when I re-read his book and will post them.

Unless I mis-understood Dr. Waldbott's statements, everything I have

said comes from my memory of having read them previously. I do

realize that time may erode memory I hope that I was accurate in my

recall but, of course, I may be wrong. I am an amateur so this is

just a hobby to me. I am amazed and honored that I have stirred up

such a controversy as IMO that is what discussion groups are all



> , et. al.

> >

> and I have had a couple of private


> regarding the posts of a certain other poster, the substance of

which was

> that we both felt that the poster (Comdyne) was posting that which


> appear to be dogmatic, and at the same time lacking citation of

sources for

> the information. When I find someone that posts: " Fluoride is


> There is no such thing as calcium fluoride or

> sodium fluoride. It is the element that fluoride attaches itself to

> that determines what it is called. " I find them problematic

because their

> information is not accurate. Most of that which learned about

fluorine and

> fluoride, I'd forgotten, but knew enough to know that that

statement is

> inaccurate. To do a word search on this matter, took all of five

minutes, to

> refresh my memory as to what the substances were and their

application, and

> is correct in that which he said. Comdyne does not appear

to be so.

> If indeed this poster does have something of value to offer, it

should be

> supported with research on that position. The problem with

Comdyne's post to

> me is that there are others that are less knowledgeable that glean

> information from this site, and because the post of this person

appears to

> be accurate information, if for no other reason that it appears

> authoritarian, some people may take that information and try to use

it with

> deleterious results.



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My understanding from my Chem class days

is similar. Salts, when they are dissolved in

water, dissolve into two fractions. When you

mix Potassium Chloride and Sodium Chloride,

the amount of Chloride is the the sum of the two,

and it doesn't matter, at that point, which dry salt

it came from, because it dissociates in the water.

So if you have:

100 mg NaCl (Sodium Chloride)

100 mg KCl (Potassium Chloride)

Then you have 200 mg of Chloride. Which is the same as:

200 mg NaCl


200 mg or KCl


50 mg NaCl

150 mg KCl

In terms of Chloride. That is how the chemistry

of salts works, at least in the textbook cases.

It does matter though, if one of the salts isn't

very soluble. Then one of them will precipitate

out of the solution.

Also in the case above, where you have Sodium

and Potassium, the Sodium and the Potassium

each have their own effect, beyond that of the Chloride.

Eating Potassium Chloride is very different, to the body,

than eating Sodium Chloride. But the difference, in that

case, is Potassium vs. Sodium.

I'm not saying this to be dogmatic ... just to share some

things about chemistry. Theories about chemicals, vs.

how they actually work in the body, are very different things.

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 9:04 AM, comdyne2002 <comdyne@...> wrote:

> My statement about the types of fluoride was from memory that I

> recall having read 'A Struggle With Titans' by Dr. G.L. Waldbott, MD -

> Carlton Press - New York - 1965. The book is owned by a colleague and

> is no longer in my possession. Because this trivial issue seems to be

> important to a few here, I shall ask my friend to return the book to

> me so that I may re-read the section whereby Dr. Waldbott made the

> statement that there was only one fluoride element. Although true

> that I didn't know the difference between fluorine and fluoride, IMO

> the point is moot because this substance clearly is toxic and is

> classified as one of the most reactive of the halogens. When it

> combines with other substances, it changes them, usually to the

> detriment. Dr. Waldbott performed extensive research on the hazards

> of fluoride in the environment and its effects upon the human frame.

> Its nasty stuff!


> This may take me a few weeks to collect the info as I am working on

> another project which has placed time constraints upon my

> actualities. I have no ax to grind and I don't perceive my posts as

> somehow sinister, its all in the perception of the readers. Fluoride

> devitalizes iodine in the thyroid. It has bo health benefit whatsoever

> and it does not belong in the foods or public water supply. It does

> occur in nature and some areas have it occurs naturally in the water,

> but it is harmful in all its forms. Oh yes, it is also required in

> small quantities in our bodies. I will transcribe Dr. Waldbott's

> statements when I re-read his book and will post them.


> Unless I mis-understood Dr. Waldbott's statements, everything I have

> said comes from my memory of having read them previously. I do

> realize that time may erode memory I hope that I was accurate in my

> recall but, of course, I may be wrong. I am an amateur so this is

> just a hobby to me. I am amazed and honored that I have stirred up

> such a controversy as IMO that is what discussion groups are all

> about.




>> , et. al.

>> >

>> and I have had a couple of private

> conversations

>> regarding the posts of a certain other poster, the substance of

> which was

>> that we both felt that the poster (Comdyne) was posting that which

> would

>> appear to be dogmatic, and at the same time lacking citation of

> sources for

>> the information. When I find someone that posts: " Fluoride is

> fluoride.

>> There is no such thing as calcium fluoride or

>> sodium fluoride. It is the element that fluoride attaches itself to

>> that determines what it is called. " I find them problematic

> because their

>> information is not accurate. Most of that which learned about

> fluorine and

>> fluoride, I'd forgotten, but knew enough to know that that

> statement is

>> inaccurate. To do a word search on this matter, took all of five

> minutes, to

>> refresh my memory as to what the substances were and their

> application, and

>> is correct in that which he said. Comdyne does not appear

> to be so.

>> If indeed this poster does have something of value to offer, it

> should be

>> supported with research on that position. The problem with

> Comdyne's post to

>> me is that there are others that are less knowledgeable that glean

>> information from this site, and because the post of this person

> appears to

>> be accurate information, if for no other reason that it appears

>> authoritarian, some people may take that information and try to use

> it with

>> deleterious results.





> ------------------------------------






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"It does occur in nature and some areas have it occurs naturally in the water, but it is harmful in all its forms. Oh yes, it is also required in small quantities in our bodies."

Your last post with quote above has changed my opinion of you, comdyne.

I don't think you're a paid disinformant anymore. I think you lack the intelligence to be a disinformant, but you apparently don't lack the hubris to post all kinds of illogical nonsense , and then say you are quoting it from a book. Please forgive me for bringing attention to your posts when they should simply be ignored, and I will try to remember to do so in the future.

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Thank you Lynn for commenting. I was going to comment but haven't had a chance yet. , while I appreciate your objections to some of the viewpoints of Comdyne, there are better ways of challenging them without belittling them. Please ask questions or push for proof of assertions. But please no personal attacks. It creates undertows on groups that are not healthy.

Thank you!

List owner

Re: Iodine and anxiety issues...


Comdyne posted:

"It does occur in nature and some areas have it occurs naturally in the water, but it is harmful in all its forms. Oh yes, it is also required in small quantities in our bodies."

Your last post with quote above has changed my opinion of you, comdyne.

I don't think you're a paid disinformant anymore. I think you lack the intelligence to be a disinformant, but you apparently don't lack the hubris to post all kinds of illogical nonsense , and then say you are quoting it from a book. Please forgive me for bringing attention to your posts when they should simply be ignored, and I will try to remember to do so in the future.

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, I am disturbed by your disparaging of Comdyne. Without presenting evidence that refutes her statements, your posts come off as a personal attack, and I don't like to see that on this list. Perhaps you are the fluoride disinformant. Why don't you share the specifics of why you find comedyne's statements so illogical and misinformed?


Re: Iodine and anxiety issues...


Comdyne posted:

"It does occur in nature and some areas have it occurs naturally in the water, but it is harmful in all its forms. Oh yes, it is also required in small quantities in our bodies."

Your last post with quote above has changed my opinion of you, comdyne.

I don't think you're a paid disinformant anymore. I think you lack the intelligence to be a disinformant, but you apparently don't lack the hubris to post all kinds of illogical nonsense , and then say you are quoting it from a book. Please forgive me for bringing attention to your posts when they should simply be ignored, and I will try to remember to do so in the future.

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I am not offended in any way as I find that little things bother

little people and they must live with their shortcomings, not I. To

me it is simply a matter of mind over matter - I don't mind and they

don't matter.

While I await the return of Dr. Waldbott's book, may I tantalize with

some other similar information that parallels what I have said


I am sure that many are familiar with the site listed below. Although

they no longer sell products, the information is excellent. I have

read Dr. Price's book pictured along the left column and I suggest

that others do so as well. Although long out of print, many copies

were sold so it is not difficult to find. Note the comments about the

relationship between the lower weighted halogens and iodine.

No wonder our nation is mostly hypothyroid...


BTW: For those interested, Dr. Waldbott's book can be obtained from

any public library even if that particular institution does not own a

copy. There is a national interlibrary loan system that will locate

and send any book to any other library free of charge in most cases.

I have obtained many rare out-of-print treasurers using this

excellent system. Unfortunately for some reason the University of

Cincinnati is rather difficult to obtain material from even though

they belong to the loan system. The Lloyd Library, a part of the UC

library system holds perhaps the World's largest collection of

botanical and homeopathic books which can only be gleaned in person.

Fortunately I live in the area and its a short trek to this fantastic

archival repository.


> Thank you Lynn for commenting. I was going to comment but haven't

had a chance yet. , while I appreciate your objections to

some of the viewpoints of Comdyne, there are better ways of

challenging them without belittling them. Please ask questions or

push for proof of assertions. But please no personal attacks. It

creates undertows on groups that are not healthy.


> Thank you!



> List owner

> Re: Iodine and anxiety issues...

> .

> Comdyne posted:


> " It does occur in nature and some areas have it occurs

naturally in the water,

> but it is harmful in all its forms. Oh yes, it is also required


> small quantities in our bodies. "


> Your last post with quote above has changed my opinion of you,


> I don't think you're a paid disinformant anymore. I think you

lack the intelligence to be a disinformant, but you apparently don't

lack the hubris to post all kinds of illogical nonsense , and then

say you are quoting it from a book. Please forgive me for bringing

attention to your posts when they should simply be ignored, and I

will try to remember to do so in the future.


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Whoh! It would be prudent for you to go back and reread

that which started this fiasco. posted accurate information as regards

fluoride and fluorine, and it was Comdynes post that made little sense. Also,

after the initial interaction, because it’d been some time since I

actually studied trace minerals etc., I went back as a refresher and did an

Internet search on the two substances in question, which took about four

minutes. That is how I ascertained that s information was indeed

credible. The initial post that Comdyne made after s, I would consider

insulting and perhaps a “personal” attack. I don’t think that

was Comdynes intention, or at least let’s hope not.

Dennis Dvorak


iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of Lynn


Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 1:03 PM


Subject: Re: Re: Iodine and anxiety issues....

, I am disturbed by your disparaging of

Comdyne. Without presenting evidence that refutes her statements, your

posts come off as a personal attack, and I don't like to see that on this

list. Perhaps you are the fluoride disinformant. Why don't

you share the specifics of why you find comedyne's statements so illogical

and misinformed?



Original Message -----



Sent: Tuesday, August 19,

2008 10:53 AM

Subject: Re: Iodine

and anxiety issues...


Comdyne posted:

" It

does occur in nature and some areas have it occurs naturally in the water,

but it is harmful in all its forms. Oh yes, it is also required in

small quantities in our bodies. "

Your last

post with quote above has changed my opinion of you, comdyne.

I don't

think you're a paid disinformant anymore. I think you lack the

intelligence to be a disinformant, but you apparently don't lack the hubris to

post all kinds of illogical nonsense , and then say you are quoting it from a

book. Please forgive me for bringing attention to your posts

when they should simply be ignored, and I will try to remember to do

so in the future.

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Just hang in there folks. I'll have the book back this weekend and I

will transcribe and post Dr. Waldbott's statements. I can't defend

myself at the moment. I distinctly remember Dr. Waldbott stating that

there was only one element ie. fluorine/fluoride? He stated that it

was the binding with other elements that produced sodium and calcium

fluoride and perhaps other forms as well. Its been some time since I

read his book but I am confident that my memory of his statements are

100% accurate.



> Whoh! It would be prudent for you to go back and reread that which


> this fiasco. posted accurate information as regards

fluoride and

> fluorine, and it was Comdynes post that made little sense. Also,

after the

> initial interaction, because it'd been some time since I actually


> trace minerals etc., I went back as a refresher and did an Internet


> on the two substances in question, which took about four minutes.

That is

> how I ascertained that s information was indeed credible.

The initial

> post that Comdyne made after s, I would consider insulting


> perhaps a " personal " attack. I don't think that was Comdynes

intention, or

> at least let's hope not.




> Dennis Dvorak




> From: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On

Behalf Of

> Lynn McGaha

> Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 1:03 PM

> iodine

> Subject: Re: Re: Iodine and anxiety issues....




> , I am disturbed by your disparaging of Comdyne. Without


> evidence that refutes her statements, your posts come off as a


> attack, and I don't like to see that on this list. Perhaps you are


> fluoride disinformant. Why don't you share the specifics of why

you find

> comedyne's statements so illogical and misinformed?




> Lynn


> Re: Iodine and anxiety issues...


> .


> Comdyne posted:


> " It does occur in nature and some areas have it occurs naturally in


> water,

> but it is harmful in all its forms. Oh yes, it is also required in

> small quantities in our bodies. "




> Your last post with quote above has changed my opinion of you,



> I don't think you're a paid disinformant anymore. I think you

lack the

> intelligence to be a disinformant, but you apparently don't lack

the hubris

> to post all kinds of illogical nonsense , and then say you are

quoting it

> from a book. Please forgive me for bringing attention to your

posts when

> they should simply be ignored, and I will try to remember to do so

in the

> future.


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