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Re: Fw: Watch Dr. Brownstein on Fox's Morning Show with Mike and Julliet 12.16.0

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I have to say that the article by " Health Ranger " is embarrassingly histrionic

and seems ghostwritten itself, by someone unable or unwilling to assess the

research in a detailed, unbiased way. The town study is cited but no link

or specific citation is given - although Health Ranger is careful to post 2

links to his own site. This type of media coverage does harm to the movement

toward embracing preventive medicine perspectives such as hormone replacement.

Important issues of physiological levels are not mentioned, and the use of the

acronym HRT is confusing at best. Deeply buried in the article is the admission

that breast cancer MAY be ACCELERATED - again, confusingly, stating that HRT

(which he equates with Big Pharma) is the CAUSE of this, while bioidentical

hormones are not implicated (but it's the levels and balance that are critically

unaddressed in this oversimplified comparison ) There have been many

statistical studies of the limited rigorous data about this, and a multitude of

factors confound straightforward assessment of such associations, including age

at start of hormone replacement. No good studies of physiologic replacement

have been done that I know of, let alone head-to-toe comparisons of physiologic

bioequivalent hormones vs. physiologic non-bioequivalent (though that's an

oxymoron by definition :-) ) hormones. Now I'm going to search out georgetown

study to see what likely-misconstrued data could support such a dramatic


For some food for thought on supporting recognition and education of the need

for biologic, physiologic hormone replacement, I recommend taking a look at the

site www.preventingmenopause.com and the linked blog for some good detailed info

about this - and I'm not associated with the site at all. Let's not let

partisan sound bites divert attention from the need for research and high

expectations for preventicine medicine for all of us.

--- Original Message ---

From: " Dr. Loretta Lanphier " <drlanphier@...>

Sent:Tue 12/16/08 1:12 pm

To:<iodine >

Subj:RE: Re: Fw: Watch Dr. Brownstein on Fox's Morning Show with Mike

and Julliet 12.16.0

All I can say is Hooray! for Dr. Brownstein! He was excellent and I

appreciate that he didn't hesitate to interrupt Dr. 's flawed

thinking. Dr. 's (didn't catch her last name) arguments were

ridiculous, at best. I have been to several seminars where conventional

docs and natural medicine docs attended and the consensus among the

conventional docs was " we don't believe that bio-identical hormones work,

but we want to carry them in our office for those women who ask for them. "

Pretty condescending, if you ask me. Also, Dr. mentioned that the

" nail was probably in the coffin " relating to the availability of ALL

hormones. Most probably they hope that women will cry out for some type of

hormones and Wyeth will be there waiting to " save the day. " She kept trying

to lump synthetic and bio-identical hormones together as far as safety and

effectiveness which is a blatant lie.

I have worked with natural hormone balancing for over 8 years and have never

seen a problem. Instead I constantly am thanked for helping women to get

their quality of life back AND I am thanked for helping women prone to

miscarriages, finally conceive and carry a baby full-term. Comparing

natural bio-identical hormones to marijuana or cocaine is ridiculous!

Neither of them is made by the body!! Wyeth is trying very, very hard to

make bio-identical progesterone available by script only and, of course,

they say they are the only ones that can make it safely. If women don't

speak up about this, it will happen because they know that the toxic

lifestyle that most live provides a tremendous amount of baby-boomer women

that are pre-menopausal and/or through menopause. Also, we are seeing girls

present with very early puberty which usually means the hormones are

becoming un-balanced at a very early age - thus another " group " of customers

for Wyeth. Wyeth is not stupid and because pharmaceutical sales are

actually down (if you can believe that) that are stepping up their

propaganda campaign...Dr. , whether she knew it or not, was part of

it. It is becoming a huge fight and since Big Pharma and the FDA almost

always go hand-in-hand it is very concerning.

Now, here is another concern that I have had for a long time. Compounding

pharmacies almost always use a " base cream " for the bio-identical hormones

that contains a lot of chemicals. In my opinion this is unacceptable;

however, most women never think to ask about what exactly is in the cream

other than natural progesterone, etc. I have had several say that they have

asked and were not told what the ingredients were but that it was " safe. "

It does make a difference how the base cream is made and while one may be

getting the benefit of natural progesterone they may also be getting

chemicals that mimic estrogen. Something to definitely think about.

The following article from yesterday is very good:

Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs Double Breast Cancer Risk

by Mike , the Health Ranger, December 15, 2008

New research reveals that Hormone Replacement Therapy drugs double the risk

of breast cancer. Quitting the use of HRT drugs causes the increased risk of

breast cancer to rapidly vanish.

These are the findings of a new study that's making waves across the health

industry today, but the drug companies are fighting back:

.. They have been caught engaging in dishonest authorship (ghost writing) of

medical journal articles pushing HRT drugs.

.. They petitioned the FDA to destroy the bio-identical hormone market by

threatening compounding pharmacies.

.. They deny the conclusive research on the link between breast cancer and

their HRT drugs, claiming their drugs are a " good healthcare option for

women. "

But the truth about HRT drugs can no longer be suppressed. The cancer risk

is real, and the fraudulent nature of Big Pharma's HRT drug pushing is

finally coming to light.

Read the full details in today's NaturalNews feature article, which

discusses the details of this new study on HRT drugs and reveals the depth

of fraud and deception practiced by Big Pharma today.

Read the details here: http://www.naturalnews.com/025090.html

Women, beware! You are being lied to (again) by Big Pharma and the FDA. If

you continue to take HRT drugs, you may be putting your life at risk.

Click to read: HRT Drug Warning: Hormone

<http://www.naturalnews.com/025090.html> Replacement Therapy Drugs Double

Breast Cancer Risk

Also read: Wyeth


html> Paid Ghost Writers to Author Favorable Medical Journal Articles on

its HRT Drugs

Be Well


<http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/> www.oasisadvancedwellness.com


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Why did they cut the first part of this interview?? There was more before the woman doctor got on???


Re: Fw: Watch Dr. Brownstein on Fox's Morning Show with Mike and Julliet 12.16.08> > > I'd love to watch, but we don't have cable and are on dial-up. Sigh.> > > > ladybugsandbees wrote:> >> > FYI - Tune in if you can. There will be opposing Dr's on the set > > with him.> > > > > > > > > >>

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All I can say is

Hooray! for Dr. Brownstein! He was excellent and I appreciate that he

didn’t hesitate to interrupt Dr. ’s flawed thinking.

Dr. ’s (didn’t catch her last name) arguments were

ridiculous, at best. I have been to several seminars where conventional

docs and natural medicine docs attended and the consensus among the

conventional docs was “we don’t believe that bio-identical hormones

work, but we want to carry them in our office for those women who ask for them.”

Pretty condescending, if you ask me. Also, Dr. mentioned that

the “nail was probably in the coffin” relating to the availability

of ALL hormones. Most probably they hope that women will cry out for some

type of hormones and Wyeth will be there waiting to “save the day.”

She kept trying to lump synthetic and bio-identical hormones together as far as

safety and effectiveness which is a blatant lie.

I have worked with natural hormone balancing for over 8 years and have never

seen a problem. Instead I constantly am thanked for helping women to get their

quality of life back AND I am thanked for helping women prone to miscarriages,

finally conceive and carry a baby full-term. Comparing natural

bio-identical hormones to marijuana or cocaine is ridiculous! Neither of

them is made by the body!! Wyeth is trying very, very hard to make

bio-identical progesterone available by script only and, of course, they say

they are the only ones that can make it safely. If women don’t

speak up about this, it will happen because they know that the toxic lifestyle

that most live provides a tremendous amount of baby-boomer women that are

pre-menopausal and/or through menopause. Also, we are seeing girls

present with very early puberty which usually means the hormones are becoming

un-balanced at a very early age – thus another “group” of

customers for Wyeth. Wyeth is not stupid and because pharmaceutical sales

are actually down (if you can believe that) that are stepping up their

propaganda campaign…..Dr. , whether she knew it or not, was part

of it. It is becoming a huge fight and since Big Pharma and the FDA

almost always go hand-in-hand it is very concerning.

Now, here is another concern that I have had for a long time. Compounding

pharmacies almost always use a “base cream” for the bio-identical

hormones that contains a lot of chemicals. In my opinion this is

unacceptable; however, most women never think to ask about what exactly is in

the cream other than natural progesterone, etc. I have had several say

that they have asked and were not told what the ingredients were but that it

was “safe.” It does make a difference how the base cream is

made and while one may be getting the benefit of natural progesterone they may

also be getting chemicals that mimic estrogen. Something to definitely

think about.

The following

article from yesterday is very good:

Hormone Replacement

Therapy Drugs Double Breast Cancer Risk

by Mike , the

Health Ranger, December 15, 2008

New research reveals

that Hormone Replacement Therapy drugs double the risk of breast cancer.

Quitting the use of HRT drugs causes the increased risk of breast cancer to

rapidly vanish.

These are the findings

of a new study that's making waves across the health industry today, but the

drug companies are fighting back:

• They have been

caught engaging in dishonest authorship (ghost writing) of medical journal

articles pushing HRT drugs.

• They

petitioned the FDA to destroy the bio-identical hormone market by threatening

compounding pharmacies.

• They deny the

conclusive research on the link between breast cancer and their HRT drugs,

claiming their drugs are a " good healthcare option for women. "

But the truth about

HRT drugs can no longer be suppressed. The cancer risk is real, and the

fraudulent nature of Big Pharma's HRT drug pushing is finally coming to light.

Read the full details

in today's NaturalNews feature article, which discusses the details of this new

study on HRT drugs and reveals the depth of fraud and deception practiced by

Big Pharma today.

Read the details here:


Women, beware! You are

being lied to (again) by Big Pharma and the FDA. If you continue to take HRT

drugs, you may be putting your life at risk.

Click to read: HRT Drug Warning: Hormone

Replacement Therapy Drugs Double Breast Cancer Risk

Also read: Wyeth

Paid Ghost Writers to Author Favorable Medical Journal Articles on its HRT


Be Well



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> From: ladybugsandbees ladybugsandbees@...

> Subject: Re: Re: Fw: Watch Dr. Brownstein on Fox's

Morning Show with Mike and Julliet 12.16.08

> iodine

> Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 2:22 PM



> There will be a HUGE uprising if they take them away. I for

one will be first in line. At 43 I am in early menopause and need my

BHrt. I am on relatively high doses too. I tried to come off them last

year and about died from hot flashes, mood swings, loss of hair and

more. My husband would be right behind me to protest.


> Steph


> RE: Re: Fw: Watch Dr. Brownstein on

Fox's Morning Show with Mike and Julliet 12.16.08



> I started to watch it, but couldn't with drug co pimp and

her lies!! I just can't take the bs anymore. Too upsetting. Especially

if they take the hormones I need off the market. The end of next year we

have codex and possibly the end of our supplements. What are we going to




> The stress is not helping me now.



> Nonie






> --------------------------------------------------------------------





> How old do you think he is? :)


> I got so frustrated with the lumping in of synthetic and

natural. They are different animals. Here is the doctor he was up

against. http://www.drjennif erashton. com/meet. asp


> Steph


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> >

> > From: ladybugsandbees ladybugsandbees@

> > Subject: Re: Re: Fw: Watch Dr. Brownstein on Fox's

> Morning Show with Mike and Julliet 12.16.08

> > iodine

> > Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 2:22 PM

> >

> >

> > There will be a HUGE uprising if they take them away. I for

> one will be first in line. At 43 I am in early menopause and need my

> BHrt. I am on relatively high doses too. I tried to come off them last

> year and about died from hot flashes, mood swings, loss of hair and

> more. My husband would be right behind me to protest.

> >

> > Steph

> >

> > RE: Re: Fw: Watch Dr. Brownstein on

> Fox's Morning Show with Mike and Julliet 12.16.08

> >

> >

> > I started to watch it, but couldn't with drug co pimp and

> her lies!! I just can't take the bs anymore. Too upsetting. Especially

> if they take the hormones I need off the market. The end of next year we

> have codex and possibly the end of our supplements. What are we going to

> do??

> >

> >

> > The stress is not helping me now.

> >

> >

> > Nonie

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------


> >

> >

> >

> >

> > How old do you think he is? :)

> >

> > I got so frustrated with the lumping in of synthetic and

> natural. They are different animals. Here is the doctor he was up

> against. http://www.drjennif erashton. com/meet. asp

> >

> > Steph

> >


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I agree. I used to read Mike ' newsletter and then he got

weird. The last one I read was full of close-up photos of

lunchmeat. He declared how he'd never eat meat again and blah blah

blah... It was just close-ups of lunchmeat. It's not like there was

anything to see except the lunchmeat. It's not like bugs were

crawling on it. I unsubscribed and told him that if our ancestors

turned up their noses at the likes of lunchmeat that none of us would

be here. Sheesh. It's not like anyone was forcing him to eat it.



> I have to say that the article by " Health Ranger " is embarrassingly

histrionic and seems ghostwritten itself, by someone unable or

unwilling to assess the research in a detailed, unbiased way. The

town study is cited but no link or specific citation is given -

although Health Ranger is careful to post 2 links to his own site.

This type of media coverage does harm to the movement toward

embracing preventive medicine perspectives such as hormone

replacement. Important issues of physiological levels are not

mentioned, and the use of the acronym HRT is confusing at best.

Deeply buried in the article is the admission that breast cancer MAY

be ACCELERATED - again, confusingly, stating that HRT (which he

equates with Big Pharma) is the CAUSE of this, while bioidentical

hormones are not implicated (but it's the levels and balance that are

critically unaddressed in this oversimplified comparison ) There

have been many statistical studies of the limited rigorous data about

this, and a multitude of factors confound straightforward assessment

of such associations, including age at start of hormone replacement.

No good studies of physiologic replacement have been done that I know

of, let alone head-to-toe comparisons of physiologic bioequivalent

hormones vs. physiologic non-bioequivalent (though that's an oxymoron

by definition :-) ) hormones. Now I'm going to search out georgetown

study to see what likely-misconstrued data could support such a

dramatic statement.


> For some food for thought on supporting recognition and education

of the need for biologic, physiologic hormone replacement, I

recommend taking a look at the site www.preventingmenopause.com and

the linked blog for some good detailed info about this - and I'm not

associated with the site at all. Let's not let partisan sound bites

divert attention from the need for research and high expectations for

preventicine medicine for all of us.


> --- Original Message ---

> From: " Dr. Loretta Lanphier " <drlanphier@...>

> Sent:Tue 12/16/08 1:12 pm

> To:<iodine >

> Subj:RE: Re: Fw: Watch Dr. Brownstein on Fox's Morning

Show with Mike and Julliet 12.16.0


> All I can say is Hooray! for Dr. Brownstein! He was excellent and I

> appreciate that he didn't hesitate to interrupt Dr. 's


> thinking. Dr. 's (didn't catch her last name) arguments


> ridiculous, at best. I have been to several seminars where


> docs and natural medicine docs attended and the consensus among the

> conventional docs was " we don't believe that bio-identical hormones


> but we want to carry them in our office for those women who ask for

them. "

> Pretty condescending, if you ask me. Also, Dr. mentioned

that the

> " nail was probably in the coffin " relating to the availability of


> hormones. Most probably they hope that women will cry out for some

type of

> hormones and Wyeth will be there waiting to " save the day. " She

kept trying

> to lump synthetic and bio-identical hormones together as far as

safety and

> effectiveness which is a blatant lie.



> I have worked with natural hormone balancing for over 8 years and

have never

> seen a problem. Instead I constantly am thanked for helping women

to get

> their quality of life back AND I am thanked for helping women prone


> miscarriages, finally conceive and carry a baby full-term.


> natural bio-identical hormones to marijuana or cocaine is


> Neither of them is made by the body!! Wyeth is trying very, very

hard to

> make bio-identical progesterone available by script only and, of


> they say they are the only ones that can make it safely. If women


> speak up about this, it will happen because they know that the toxic

> lifestyle that most live provides a tremendous amount of baby-

boomer women

> that are pre-menopausal and/or through menopause. Also, we are

seeing girls

> present with very early puberty which usually means the hormones are

> becoming un-balanced at a very early age - thus another " group " of


> for Wyeth. Wyeth is not stupid and because pharmaceutical sales are

> actually down (if you can believe that) that are stepping up their

> propaganda campaign...Dr. , whether she knew it or not, was

part of

> it. It is becoming a huge fight and since Big Pharma and the FDA


> always go hand-in-hand it is very concerning.


> Now, here is another concern that I have had for a long time.


> pharmacies almost always use a " base cream " for the bio-identical


> that contains a lot of chemicals. In my opinion this is


> however, most women never think to ask about what exactly is in the


> other than natural progesterone, etc. I have had several say that

they have

> asked and were not told what the ingredients were but that it

was " safe. "

> It does make a difference how the base cream is made and while one

may be

> getting the benefit of natural progesterone they may also be getting

> chemicals that mimic estrogen. Something to definitely think about.




> The following article from yesterday is very good:


> Hormone Replacement Therapy Drugs Double Breast Cancer Risk


> by Mike , the Health Ranger, December 15, 2008




> New research reveals that Hormone Replacement Therapy drugs double

the risk

> of breast cancer. Quitting the use of HRT drugs causes the

increased risk of

> breast cancer to rapidly vanish.




> These are the findings of a new study that's making waves across

the health

> industry today, but the drug companies are fighting back:




> . They have been caught engaging in dishonest authorship (ghost

writing) of

> medical journal articles pushing HRT drugs.




> . They petitioned the FDA to destroy the bio-identical hormone

market by

> threatening compounding pharmacies.




> . They deny the conclusive research on the link between breast

cancer and

> their HRT drugs, claiming their drugs are a " good healthcare option


> women. "




> But the truth about HRT drugs can no longer be suppressed. The

cancer risk

> is real, and the fraudulent nature of Big Pharma's HRT drug pushing


> finally coming to light.




> Read the full details in today's NaturalNews feature article, which

> discusses the details of this new study on HRT drugs and reveals

the depth

> of fraud and deception practiced by Big Pharma today.




> Read the details here: http://www.naturalnews.com/025090.html




> Women, beware! You are being lied to (again) by Big Pharma and the


> you continue to take HRT drugs, you may be putting your life at





> Click to read: HRT Drug Warning: Hormone

> <http://www.naturalnews.com/025090.html> Replacement Therapy Drugs


> Breast Cancer Risk




> Also read: Wyeth




> html> Paid Ghost Writers to Author Favorable Medical Journal

Articles on

> its HRT Drugs







> Be Well

> Loretta

> <http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/>





> _____


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-Thanks for the link. I watched about 2 minutes of it before I felt I

was going to throw something at the blond doctor, I got so mad. So I

turned it off. Bless Dr. Brownstein!

Kathy L in Calgary

-- In iodine , " christine99723 " <christine.ak@...>



> You can watch online here: takes a minute to load but plays very



> http://www.mandjshow.com/videos/no-more-hot-flashes/




> > >

> > > FYI - Tune in if you can. There will be opposing Dr's on the


> > > with him.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >


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I take

estradiol in olive oil 2.5mg 2X a day

250mg progesterone cream at night

20mg testosterone gel in a.m. (going to experiment with a lower dose.)

also 240mg Armour

100mg Iodoral

cortef 5mg 4X a day


>not sure why my reply didn't go through. i was wondering if you take the hrt in cream or pill form. i have an appt with a dr that prescribes bioidenticals. he is in orlando, fl for anyone interested. i know what works for you steph, may not work for me. for anyone else doing bioidenticals...if you want to share what form you take yours in i would be interested to know. dr. brownstein says balancing hormones is part of the picture along with iodine, etc. Deb> >


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