Guest guest Posted November 12, 2008 Report Share Posted November 12, 2008 Iosol, anyone? This source claims it is better than the alternatives. What do you think? " The Importance of Iodine Iodine is absolutely vital for the formation of thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormone is composed of four molecules of iodine and one molecule of the amino acid tyrosine. Scientific evidence clearly shows that a lack of iodine can cause changes to the thyroid gland directly leading to poor function of metabolism and immunity.* Iodine deficiency promotes free radical damage in the thyroid gland, directly stressing the health of the gland.* Adequate iodine is also needed to block various compounds from binding to and accumulating in the thyroid gland (fluoride, perchlorate, goitrogens in food). Problems with chemicals affecting the thyroid gland have been known about for decades. A recent Russian study showed that general environmental pollution (of which the US has plenty in every metropolitan area) significantly aggravates iodine lack (meaning pollution displaces iodine in the human body).* We have known for many years that free iodine is in high concentration in the ovaries and breast tissue, acting as a protective buffer to estrogen. Adequate tissue iodine helps guide estrogen into friendly pathways that support proper function of female sex hormones.* Iodine also assists the proper function of numerous hormone receptors throughout the body, thus helping hormones in general communicate more efficiently.* The rate that any hormone is formed is governed by thyroid hormone. Thus, thyroid nutrition like Thyroid Helper® and Iosol Iodine contribute to the formation of testosterone. In women this supports healthy sex drive. In men, testosterone is vital to function.* Iodine is essential for brain function and intelligence. Since 2001 there have been numerous studies showing the importance of iodine during pregnancy, not only to help the mother's thyroid work better, but specifically for the cognitive and neurological development of the child.* The Iosol Iodine Quality Difference Iosol Iodine is a proprietary iodine formulation that has been in widespread use since 1945. I am often asked what the difference is between this iodine supplement and others, and many have asked what the source of the iodine is that is used in Iosol. Iosol Iodine is in my opinion the premier iodine supplement on the market today. This is because of the superior water solubility of the iodine. This feature makes free iodide readily available for your body to use. There are two sources of iodine in the Iosol formulation. One is from kelp. Iodine in kelp is naturally in the form of potassium iodide. However, potassium iodine is not very soluble in water and may be difficult for your body to easily use. For example, if you get liquid potassium iodide on your clothes it causes a permanent stain of red. If you get Iosol on your clothes the red will evaporate out in a few minutes or readily come out with washing. In fact, potassium iodide has been shown to congest the thyroid gland when taken in high doses – which is how Hashimoto's thyroiditis was first discovered (Japanese citizens consuming too many sea vegetables). This is why I don't use potassium iodide in any supplement I produce. During the production of Iosol, iodine is extracted from kelp and made into pure iodine crystals. This is not potassium iodide, rather it is an unbound form of iodine. The second form of iodine used is ammonium iodide, a form that readily dissolves in water. These two forms of iodine are combined in a proprietary manner in a base of vegetable glycerin. Ammonium iodide is a combination of the mineral iodine and ammonium (NH4). This is a synthesized compound, not derived from a food source. It has superior bioavailability as the iodine readily disassociates from the ammonium upon exposure to water, producing a free iodide ion – exactly what your body would like to use in metabolism. Some people think that ammonium (NH4) sounds like some sort of toxin, compared to potassium or sodium iodide. This is far from the case. As different from ammonium, ammonia (NH3) is an irritant gas with a pungent odor. Anhydrous ammonia (meaning no water in the ammonia) is the third most synthesized chemical in the U.S., with one-third of it used by the farming industry as fertilizer and animal feed. The ability to fix nitrogen in some type of compound is vital to the growth of plants and crops. Many household cleaning products use ammonia in the form of NH3 plus water. On the other hand, ammonium is a primary source of nitrogen for humans. It is involved in many cellular chemistry reactions necessary for health. As dietary protein is metabolized ammonium is produced. The liver converts any extra ammonium to urea, which is easily cleared through the urea cycle. The amount of ammonium in Iosol can act as a nutrient in normal cell metabolism or it can readily be cleared by the liver. The amount of ammonium in a dose of Iosol is trivial compared to the amount of ammonium produced in routine protein metabolism. The bottom line is that Iosol Iodine is a very safe and effective form of iodine to use as a dietary supplement. In my experience over the past twenty years it has routinely produced outstanding results. What is the dose of Iosol? The most commonly used dose of Iosol is 1 drop of the preparation in a few ounces of water, taken once a day. Each drop has 1.8 mg of iodine or 1200% of the government's recommended daily value. If you would like to get only 100% of the daily value then take 1 tsp of a mixture of 1 drop of Iosol in 2 ounces of water; however, most people like taking more than this. Adequate iodine tends to keep your head more awake during the day, helps support your energy level, and helps you warm up (if you are cold).* Many people take 1-5 drops of Iosol per day, using enough to feel warmer and more energetic. While this can be taken all at once in the morning, some like to split the dose and take some in the afternoon as well. Some people find that taking iodine every day really helps to support metabolism. Others find that they only need to take it once or twice a week. Regardless of the dose used or frequency of the dose, the goal is to notice energy support. And if you are too cold, another goal is to warm up. Iosol Iodine is one of the best nutrients for natural thyroid support, especially helping those who are cold to warm up and get on track.* Caution: We have received numerous reports of people taking 25 mg – 50 mg of potassium iodide-containing supplements each day, typically in the form of Lugols or Iodoral. I do not support the use of this protocol as the form of iodine used is inferior and the chance of congesting the thyroid with insoluble potassium iodide is elevated – a needless risk to take for any person trying to improve their health. I have never had any trouble helping people balance thyroid function on far less iodine intake, especially when synergistic thyroid support nutrition is used. " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 12, 2008 Report Share Posted November 12, 2008 The company does not stand behind their product from what I am told. It is in a capsule so the iodine will "leak" out and it will lose potency. Steph Can anyone comment on Iosol? Iosol, anyone? This source claims it is better than thealternatives. What do you think?"The Importance of IodineIodine is absolutely vital for the formation of thyroid hormone inthe thyroid gland. Thyroid hormone is composed of four molecules ofiodine and one molecule of the amino acid tyrosine. Scientificevidence clearly shows that a lack of iodine can cause changes tothe thyroid gland directly leading to poor function of metabolismand immunity.* Iodine deficiency promotes free radical damage in thethyroid gland, directly stressing the health of the gland.*Adequate iodine is also needed to block various compounds frombinding to and accumulating in the thyroid gland (fluoride,perchlorate, goitrogens in food). Problems with chemicals affectingthe thyroid gland have been known about for decades. A recentRussian study showed that general environmental pollution (of whichthe US has plenty in every metropolitan area) significantlyaggravates iodine lack (meaning pollution displaces iodine in thehuman body).*We have known for many years that free iodine is in highconcentration in the ovaries and breast tissue, acting as aprotective buffer to estrogen. Adequate tissue iodine helps guideestrogen into friendly pathways that support proper function offemale sex hormones.* Iodine also assists the proper function ofnumerous hormone receptors throughout the body, thus helpinghormones in general communicate more efficiently.* The rate that anyhormone is formed is governed by thyroid hormone. Thus, thyroidnutrition like Thyroid Helper® and Iosol Iodine contribute to theformation of testosterone. In women this supports healthy sex drive.In men, testosterone is vital to function.*Iodine is essential for brain function and intelligence. Since 2001there have been numerous studies showing the importance of iodineduring pregnancy, not only to help the mother's thyroid work better,but specifically for the cognitive and neurological development ofthe child.*The Iosol Iodine Quality DifferenceIosol Iodine is a proprietary iodine formulation that has been inwidespread use since 1945. I am often asked what the difference isbetween this iodine supplement and others, and many have asked whatthe source of the iodine is that is used in Iosol.Iosol Iodine is in my opinion the premier iodine supplement on themarket today. This is because of the superior water solubility ofthe iodine. This feature makes free iodide readily available foryour body to use.There are two sources of iodine in the Iosol formulation. One isfrom kelp. Iodine in kelp is naturally in the form of potassiumiodide. However, potassium iodine is not very soluble in water andmay be difficult for your body to easily use. For example, if youget liquid potassium iodide on your clothes it causes a permanentstain of red. If you get Iosol on your clothes the red willevaporate out in a few minutes or readily come out with washing. Infact, potassium iodide has been shown to congest the thyroid glandwhen taken in high doses – which is how Hashimoto's thyroiditis wasfirst discovered (Japanese citizens consuming too many seavegetables). This is why I don't use potassium iodide in anysupplement I produce.During the production of Iosol, iodine is extracted from kelp andmade into pure iodine crystals. This is not potassium iodide, ratherit is an unbound form of iodine.The second form of iodine used is ammonium iodide, a form thatreadily dissolves in water. These two forms of iodine are combinedin a proprietary manner in a base of vegetable glycerin.Ammonium iodide is a combination of the mineral iodine and ammonium(NH4). This is a synthesized compound, not derived from a foodsource. It has superior bioavailability as the iodine readilydisassociates from the ammonium upon exposure to water, producing afree iodide ion – exactly what your body would like to use inmetabolism.Some people think that ammonium (NH4) sounds like some sort oftoxin, compared to potassium or sodium iodide. This is far from thecase. As different from ammonium, ammonia (NH3) is an irritant gaswith a pungent odor. Anhydrous ammonia (meaning no water in theammonia) is the third most synthesized chemical in the U.S., withone-third of it used by the farming industry as fertilizer andanimal feed. The ability to fix nitrogen in some type of compound isvital to the growth of plants and crops. Many household cleaningproducts use ammonia in the form of NH3 plus water.On the other hand, ammonium is a primary source of nitrogen forhumans. It is involved in many cellular chemistry reactionsnecessary for health. As dietary protein is metabolized ammonium isproduced. The liver converts any extra ammonium to urea, which iseasily cleared through the urea cycle. The amount of ammonium inIosol can act as a nutrient in normal cell metabolism or it canreadily be cleared by the liver. The amount of ammonium in a dose ofIosol is trivial compared to the amount of ammonium produced inroutine protein metabolism.The bottom line is that Iosol Iodine is a very safe and effectiveform of iodine to use as a dietary supplement. In my experience overthe past twenty years it has routinely produced outstanding results.What is the dose of Iosol?The most commonly used dose of Iosol is 1 drop of the preparation ina few ounces of water, taken once a day. Each drop has 1.8 mg ofiodine or 1200% of the government's recommended daily value. If youwould like to get only 100% of the daily value then take 1 tsp of amixture of 1 drop of Iosol in 2 ounces of water; however, mostpeople like taking more than this.Adequate iodine tends to keep your head more awake during the day,helps support your energy level, and helps you warm up (if you arecold).* Many people take 1-5 drops of Iosol per day, using enough tofeel warmer and more energetic. While this can be taken all at oncein the morning, some like to split the dose and take some in theafternoon as well.Some people find that taking iodine every day really helps tosupport metabolism. Others find that they only need to take it onceor twice a week. Regardless of the dose used or frequency of thedose, the goal is to notice energy support. And if you are too cold,another goal is to warm up. Iosol Iodine is one of the bestnutrients for natural thyroid support, especially helping those whoare cold to warm up and get on track.*Caution: We have received numerous reports of people taking 25 mg –50 mg of potassium iodide-containing supplements each day, typicallyin the form of Lugols or Iodoral. I do not support the use of thisprotocol as the form of iodine used is inferior and the chance ofcongesting the thyroid with insoluble potassium iodide is elevated –a needless risk to take for any person trying to improve theirhealth. I have never had any trouble helping people balance thyroidfunction on far less iodine intake, especially when synergisticthyroid support nutrition is used." Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 12, 2008 Report Share Posted November 12, 2008 Iosol has two products that I know of (plus a third for professionals I think). One is the PT Skin Iosol that I have spoken of before, and the other is Iosol Formula II, which is the liquid the author was writing about. It is not in capsules, but comes in dropper bottle with 1 fl. oz. I'm pretty sure Lugol's orally messed up my stomach lining. It's taking me a couple months to get over the indigestion and to be able to use the rest of my supplements. It might have been something else, but I'm pretty sure. I have a bottle of this Iosol (formula II), and, after reading this article, I'm gonna try it again. (It seemed such a small dose when I first got it, that I haven't used it.) Anybody else tried the brown seaweed extract Modifilan? Adeha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 13, 2008 Report Share Posted November 13, 2008 Hi, my name is Val,I'm new to the group. I'm one of the people from WAPF who just joined. Thank you ! I recently had a UTI and saw suggestions online to try iodine. I found a bottle of Iosol (Formula II) in the cabinet, I had ordered it a couple of years ago and never used it. I tried it and it worked immediately to stop the spasms of the UTI and over a few days completely resolved the problem. I did some more research on iodine and decided to keep taking it. I was very happy to hear about this group so that I can touch bases with other people who are taking iodine. Adeha, I also experienced irritation to the stomach lining after about two weeks of Iosol, taking 6 drops 4 times a day on an empty stomach. I even ended up putting the Iosol in gelcaps (it got disgusting taking that much in water). The capsules are great for eliminating the taste but didn't help my stomach. So now I have dropped down to taking only one dose of 6 drops per day and I take it with a meal. My stomach feels better after a couple of days at this lowered dose so I will try to gradually increase the dose, take it with food (unless someone thinks this is ill-advised?) and drop the dose back down if my stomach acts up again. I read that the Iodoral tablets were designed to eliminate the stomach upset. Does anyone know how they do that? Are they enteric coated? One thing I have noticed about Iosol that sounds completely different from other iodine supplements is that the Iosol totally relaxes me and puts me to sleep if I take it at night. My husband just started taking one dose of 6 drops at bedtime and experiences the same thing. I've seen warnings here not to take other iodine supplements late in the day since they could keep you up at night. This may not be the Iosol though, it could be that we are so iodine deficient that our thyroids aren't even using the iodine yet. So much to learn! Thanks, Val > > Iosol has two products that I know of (plus a third for professionals > I think). One is the PT Skin Iosol that I have spoken of before, and > the other is Iosol Formula II, which is the liquid the author was > writing about. It is not in capsules, but comes in dropper bottle > with 1 fl. oz. > > I'm pretty sure Lugol's orally messed up my stomach lining. It's > taking me a couple months to get over the indigestion and to be able > to use the rest of my supplements. It might have been something else, > but I'm pretty sure. I have a bottle of this Iosol (formula II), and, > after reading this article, I'm gonna try it again. (It seemed such a > small dose when I first got it, that I haven't used it.) > > Anybody else tried the brown seaweed extract Modifilan? > > Adeha > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 13, 2008 Report Share Posted November 13, 2008 Iodoral is coated with something (escapes me at the moment) and that causes it to be digested further down in the gut where less irritation occurs. Steph Re: Can anyone comment on Iosol? Hi, my name is Val,I'm new to the group. I'm one of the people fromWAPF who just joined. Thank you !I recently had a UTI and saw suggestions online to try iodine. Ifound a bottle of Iosol (Formula II) in the cabinet, I had ordered ita couple of years ago and never used it. I tried it and it workedimmediately to stop the spasms of the UTI and over a few dayscompletely resolved the problem. I did some more research on iodineand decided to keep taking it. I was very happy to hear about thisgroup so that I can touch bases with other people who are taking iodine. Adeha, I also experienced irritation to the stomach lining after abouttwo weeks of Iosol, taking 6 drops 4 times a day on an empty stomach.I even ended up putting the Iosol in gelcaps (it got disgusting takingthat much in water). The capsules are great for eliminating the tastebut didn't help my stomach. So now I have dropped down to taking onlyone dose of 6 drops per day and I take it with a meal. My stomachfeels better after a couple of days at this lowered dose so I will tryto gradually increase the dose, take it with food (unless someonethinks this is ill-advised?) and drop the dose back down if my stomachacts up again.I read that the Iodoral tablets were designed to eliminate the stomachupset. Does anyone know how they do that? Are they enteric coated? One thing I have noticed about Iosol that sounds completely differentfrom other iodine supplements is that the Iosol totally relaxes me andputs me to sleep if I take it at night. My husband just startedtaking one dose of 6 drops at bedtime and experiences the same thing.I've seen warnings here not to take other iodine supplements late inthe day since they could keep you up at night. This may not be theIosol though, it could be that we are so iodine deficient that ourthyroids aren't even using the iodine yet. So much to learn!Thanks,Val >> Iosol has two products that I know of (plus a third for professionals > I think). One is the PT Skin Iosol that I have spoken of before, and > the other is Iosol Formula II, which is the liquid the author was > writing about. It is not in capsules, but comes in dropper bottle > with 1 fl. oz.> > I'm pretty sure Lugol's orally messed up my stomach lining. It's > taking me a couple months to get over the indigestion and to be able > to use the rest of my supplements. It might have been something else, > but I'm pretty sure. I have a bottle of this Iosol (formula II), and, > after reading this article, I'm gonna try it again. (It seemed such a > small dose when I first got it, that I haven't used it.)> > Anybody else tried the brown seaweed extract Modifilan?> > Adeha> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 14, 2008 Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 I'm taking liquid lugols and am worried about it messing up my stomach lining too. Does anyone know of anything to help with this? Is it better to take it with food - or certain types of food? Taking Idoral is not an option for me as it's too expensive for me to import to New Zealand and there are no other iodine products that I know of, so I'm stuck with Lugols Liquid formaula. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 14, 2008 Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 May I suggest taking the Lugol's only after a meal, and supplement your diet with lots of natural vitamin A. Since I starting eating cod liver in its own oil (about 1/2-tin per day), I haven't had any stomach problems. Before the cod liver, I had some mild bleeding and could not eat things like spaghetti. Incidentally, vitamin A is also excellent for the thyroid - it is needed in the production of thyroid hormones. > > I'm taking liquid lugols and am worried about it messing up my stomach > lining too. Does anyone know of anything to help with this? Is it better > to take it with food - or certain types of food? Taking Idoral is not an > option for me as it's too expensive for me to import to New Zealand and > there are no other iodine products that I know of, so I'm stuck with > Lugols Liquid formaula. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 14, 2008 Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 Thanks for that . Currently I take Fermented Cod Liver Oil and also eat liver as well. I do take it on an empty stomach so I will take the supplement after breakfast instead of before. Thanks. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 14, 2008 Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 I have taken Lugols for 23 years, every morning in a glass of water with a tsp of apple cider vinegar. The same in the evening, for a total of 50 mg a day and have NEVER had a problem with my stomach lining. Re: Can anyone comment on Iosol? I'm taking liquid lugols and am worried about it messing up my stomach lining too. Does anyone know of anything to help with this? Is it better to take it with food - or certain types of food? Taking Idoral is not an option for me as it's too expensive for me to import to New Zealand and there are no other iodine products that I know of, so I'm stuck with Lugols Liquid formaula. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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