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Re: A word of warning....... CIPRO

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Hi ,


questioned whether this should be posted via the iodine site, but since it is

of general interest in the subject of iodine, decided to go ahead. One of the

things that I always say to clients that present with such and such a

condition, is that it is good for reference. Most of the clients that I see,

have been “diagnosed” with a disease, and then have been offered

little help other than to perhaps cut the offender out. Allopathic medicine is

largely based on symptomology. The very first part of my training was that you

cannot treat enough symptoms to effect a cure. Always stuck with me.


with all of that diagnosis is that I like you, trusted those individuals to be

acting in my best interest. What I did not realize was that they didn’t

have a clue how to help me back to health. Had an RN come in about a week ago

that was a radiation tech, who upon the advice of her colleagues had half of

her thyroid removed because of lymph gland enlargement. She came to me looking

for an alternative, because the procedure to do the rest of the thyroidectomy,

was not covered by her insurance, as it was a pre-existing condition. Bear in

mind that she has worked for the same company for 22 years, and the first half

of the thyroidectomy was paid for by her medical insurance. It was real hard

for me to keep from screaming, and also to be civil enough not to say “how

can you be that stupid”. Now I Have an alternative to send them to your

website, and may be you folks can talk some sense into them.


take it that you read quite a bit, and the following two books may be of

interest to you and generally to the group. The first one, Pasteur Exposed, by

Ethel Hume, has no ISBN, perhaps because it was published in Australia;

the second one, Divided Legacy, by Coulter, ISBN 155643


iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of ladybugsandbees

Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 1:54 PM


Subject: Re: Re: A word of warning....... CIPRO

Thank you Dennis. It's all a journey. I have learned

that. There is no immediate gratification. I am assuming you read

my story on my website www.naturalthyroidchoices.com

where you will see that I was basically tossed aside and told that it wasn't my

thyroid doing the horrible things to my body - well that's true it was the lack

of it. I shudder to think what would have happened to me had I blindly

followed along and gone for External Beam Radiation when the Endo knew RAI

wasn't working (gee after 3 tries we finally figure this out). I am glad

I broke out of the box and sought other options. I was scared but

determined. I often wonder what Dr. Brownstein thought when I came with

my list of 23 symptoms and a story of abuse and neglect from my doctors.

The last RAI was performed on 5/23/05. My Endo informed me at my appt on

4/15/05 that I needed more RAI. I did not see him again until 8/13/05.

I asked why he didn't want me sooner to make sure I was OK. You know what

he said? " I am busy " . I told him his patients needed

him. To which he replied that there were so many new ones that needed him

too. I asked why not close his practice and he refused. Shortly

after this I was informed that the medical group he is part of has a quota for

the number of patients he sees and how much he grows his practice.




Original Message -----

From: DrDvorak


Sent: Sunday, July 13,

2008 2:47 PM

Subject: RE: Re: A

word of warning....... CIPRO

Hi ,

I find your background and experiences interesting to say the least. It might

be of encouragement to know of my background. Approximately 35 years ago I was

to the point that I didn’t care whether I got up in the morning, and had

to make a decision if I wanted to live. I’d basically been blown off by

the allopathic medical profession, not knowing what to do with me. Through

life’s events, and poor nutrition (probably including lack of iodine supplementation)

I got to the point where I had what I would now call chronic systemic

candidiasis. It manifested in me in feeling drunk all the time, foggy brained,

and towards the end of that cycle I had what might be called “fur”

growing on the exterior of my body. My hands were functionally useless from

arthritic type pain and so on and so forth. I certainly had to learn from

experience, basically trial and error with a lot of research, and I got myself

on the road to health. More to the story but, YUP! God teaches through

experience .YUP! guinea pig. YUP! very frustrating all of the folks out there

looking for suckers like me desperate for help that don’t have any more

of a clue than I did to bring me back to health. YUP! a lot of dumb mistakes. I

did and am regaining my health. You are too. And, the group that you formed is

very informative. Good for you!

Thought this might be of encouragement.

Don’t lose heart!

Dennis Dvorak


iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of ladybugsandbees

Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 11:59 AM


Subject: Re: Re: A word of warning....... CIPRO

I swear God

teaches me through experience. It is always bad enough to bring me to the

edge of tolerance but not enough to gain physical harm. I keep asking him

why (actually I don't) I have to be a guinea pig. LOL! But really I

am able to help others so much more because of what has happened to me. I

kind of shocked me back into reality. I have been 2 1/2 years away from

the doctor world with having my own personal doctor to care for me that thinks

just like I do (Dr. B) so I never have to question. That lulled me back

into letting my guard down. Dumb but I learned a lesson. Before Dr.

B I would have asked the heck out of the doc as to what it was. Plus the

other factor in this was it was my cousin whom I grew up with so I am sure that

was part of why my guard was down too.

I am just glad

to not be " peeing daggers " anymore. LOL!


Re: A word of warning..... .. CIPRO

> Keflex is another form of Cipro -- fluoride based antibiotic.. ..It's

> commonly given for respiratory infections and serious skin

> infections.. ..another one to avoid.... What ever happened to

> sulfa-based antibiotics? ????(sigh) ..



> Steph... Hope you're feeling better now...



> Lorie






>> I wanted to give you all a heads up on this drug. It is an

> antibiotic but not like any other. I was prescribed this yesterday

> for a bad UTI. Unfortunately Dr. Brownstein was traveling and we

> could not connect for 2 days so in a desperate attempt to relieve my

> pain I went to the Urgent Care center.


>> My cousin was the doc that was on the floor so I got him (surprise).

> When I asked for Bactrim he stated that was an " Old drug " and


> CIPRO was better because it was more broad spectrum. So I took his

> advice (DUMB!) and when I returned home from the pharmacy Dr.

> Brownstein called me. He asked if I was OK and if I had done anything

> yet. I told him the rx I got and I sensed hesitation in his voice.

> He told me to call him if I needed him for anything. I agreed and

> hung up. Now I hadn't taken my meds yet. So I ate breakfast and then

> at 10:30 I took my first dose of 500 mgs.


>> Fast forward 1 hour. I am running my garage sale by myself. My

> friend just left and my husband was out for a while. I have about 10

> people in my garage and I am starting to freak out. Anxiety, panic, I

> can't breath. I try to make change and I can't figure it out. I did

> one order - with a calculator 3 times. My husband finally comes and I

> tell him that I have to get out of there and I burst into tears. I

> text message Dr. B with a 911 that I need help and then call my cousin

> who tells me he has never heard of that issue. Dr. B calls me and

> tells me that it happens in 50% of the people who take it to varying

> degrees. So I get my Batrim rx from him and he feels bad for not

> telling me there may be a problem but since some are OK he hesitated.

> I tell him it is OK. :)


>> I get on the internet and find out that this is the drug for

> ANTHRAX, is a fluoride based drug and does have severe neurological

> issues in many people. Why the heck do they give this for a UTI???

> The best part was that it was free - through our local Meijer so I

> didn't waste my money on it. It could have been worse. Many have

> suicidal thoughts with this and 83 have reported to have died from it.


>> So I will take lots of iodine to push that fluoride crap out. I am

> feeling " wiggy " today as a result of it. Hopefully it will pass.


> has a good write up on it

> http://www.westonap rice.org/ healthissues/ cipro.html Had

I known I

> would have said NO!


>> I wanted to spare you all from this nightmare I endured yesterday.

> It isn't good for those of use to get such a high dose of fluoride

> either when we are trying to get it out.




>> B.

>> www.naturalthyroidc hoices.com





> ------------ --------- --------- ------






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Thank you! I love books. I read and read. Actually am studying Herbology right now. But I was just scanning my shelves looking at all the books to figure out which one is coming with me on vacation this week. Is it research or "light" reading (which isn't so light) - they are all medical related. I am a junkie.

I honestly don't know how people can not think for themselves eventually. I get so many e-mails off my website with people just desperate for help. I wish there were hundreds of my doc all over the US to help them. Also that it was less expensive as this is a factor. It saddens me. So I put my drop in the huge ocean and save one life at a time. Dr. Brownstein told me that there is a Jewish saying that states "If you have saved one you have saved the world" (I think for the Torah). I like that. I told him he saved the world with me alone. Maybe because when we are helped we tell others and that is how the world is saved.

Re: A word of warning..... .. CIPRO> Keflex is another form of Cipro -- fluoride based antibiotic.. ..It's> commonly given for respiratory infections and serious skin> infections.. ..another one to avoid.... What ever happened to> sulfa-based antibiotics? ????(sigh) ..>>> Steph... Hope you're feeling better now...>>> Lorie>>>> >>>> I wanted to give you all a heads up on this drug. It is an> antibiotic but not like any other. I was prescribed this yesterday> for a bad UTI. Unfortunately Dr. Brownstein was traveling and we> could not connect for 2 days so in a desperate attempt to relieve my> pain I went to the Urgent Care center.>>>> My cousin was the doc that was on the floor so I got him (surprise).> When I asked for Bactrim he stated that was an "Old drug" and that> CIPRO was better because it was more broad spectrum. So I took his> advice (DUMB!) and when I returned home from the pharmacy Dr.> Brownstein called me. He asked if I was OK and if I had done anything> yet. I told him the rx I got and I sensed hesitation in his voice.> He told me to call him if I needed him for anything. I agreed and> hung up. Now I hadn't taken my meds yet. So I ate breakfast and then> at 10:30 I took my first dose of 500 mgs.>>>> Fast forward 1 hour. I am running my garage sale by myself. My> friend just left and my husband was out for a while. I have about 10> people in my garage and I am starting to freak out. Anxiety, panic, I> can't breath. I try to make change and I can't figure it out. I did> one order - with a calculator 3 times. My husband finally comes and I> tell him that I have to get out of there and I burst into tears. I> text message Dr. B with a 911 that I need help and then call my cousin> who tells me he has never heard of that issue. Dr. B calls me and> tells me that it happens in 50% of the people who take it to varying> degrees. So I get my Batrim rx from him and he feels bad for not> telling me there may be a problem but since some are OK he hesitated.> I tell him it is OK. :)>>>> I get on the internet and find out that this is the drug for> ANTHRAX, is a fluoride based drug and does have severe neurological> issues in many people. Why the heck do they give this for a UTI???> The best part was that it was free - through our local Meijer so I> didn't waste my money on it. It could have been worse. Many have> suicidal thoughts with this and 83 have reported to have died from it.>>>> So I will take lots of iodine to push that fluoride crap out. I am> feeling "wiggy" today as a result of it. Hopefully it will pass. WAP> has a good write up on it> http://www.westonap rice.org/ healthissues/ cipro.html Had I known I> would have said NO!>>>> I wanted to spare you all from this nightmare I endured yesterday.> It isn't good for those of use to get such a high dose of fluoride> either when we are trying to get it out.>>>>>>>> B.>> www.naturalthyroidc hoices.com>>>>>> ------------ --------- --------- ------>>>>>

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Are you in a formal course of study?


iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of ladybugsandbees

Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 5:59 PM


Subject: Re: Re: A word of warning....... CIPRO

Thank you! I love books. I read and read.

Actually am studying Herbology right now. But I was just scanning my

shelves looking at all the books to figure out which one is coming with me on

vacation this week. Is it research or " light " reading (which

isn't so light) - they are all medical related. I am a junkie.

I honestly don't know how people can not think for themselves

eventually. I get so many e-mails off my website with people just

desperate for help. I wish there were hundreds of my doc all over the US

to help them. Also that it was less expensive as this is a factor.

It saddens me. So I put my drop in the huge ocean and save one life at a

time. Dr. Brownstein told me that there is a Jewish saying that states

" If you have saved one you have saved the world " (I think for

the Torah). I like that. I told him he saved the world with me

alone. Maybe because when we are helped we tell others and that is how

the world is saved.


Original Message -----

From: DrDvorak


Sent: Sunday, July 13,

2008 6:50 PM

Subject: RE: Re: A

word of warning....... CIPRO

Hi ,

I questioned whether this should be posted via the iodine site, but since it is

of general interest in the subject of iodine, decided to go ahead. One of the

things that I always say to clients that present with such and such a

condition, is that it is good for reference. Most of the clients that I see,

have been “diagnosed” with a disease, and then have been offered little help

other than to perhaps cut the offender out. Allopathic medicine is largely

based on symptomology. The very first part of my training was that you cannot

treat enough symptoms to effect a cure. Always stuck with me.

Problem with all of that diagnosis is that I like you, trusted those

individuals to be acting in my best interest. What I did not realize was that

they didn’t have a clue how to help me back to health. Had an RN come in about

a week ago that was a radiation tech, who upon the advice of her colleagues had

half of her thyroid removed because of lymph gland enlargement. She came to me

looking for an alternative, because the procedure to do the rest of the

thyroidectomy, was not covered by her insurance, as it was a pre-existing

condition. Bear in mind that she has worked for the same company for 22 years,

and the first half of the thyroidectomy was paid for by her medical insurance.

It was real hard for me to keep from screaming, and also to be civil enough not

to say “how can you be that stupid”. Now I Have an alternative to send them to

your website, and may be you folks can talk some sense into them.

I take it that you read quite a bit, and the following two books may be of

interest to you and generally to the group. The first one, Pasteur Exposed, by

Ethel Hume, has no ISBN, perhaps because it was published in Australia;

the second one, Divided Legacy, by Coulter, ISBN 155643


iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of ladybugsandbees

Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 1:54 PM


Subject: Re: Re: A word of warning....... CIPRO

Thank you

Dennis. It's all a journey. I have learned that. There is no

immediate gratification. I am assuming you read my story on my website www.naturalthyroidchoices.com

where you will see that I was basically tossed aside and told that it wasn't my

thyroid doing the horrible things to my body - well that's true it was the lack

of it. I shudder to think what would have happened to me had I

blindly followed along and gone for External Beam Radiation when the Endo knew

RAI wasn't working (gee after 3 tries we finally figure this out). I am

glad I broke out of the box and sought other options. I was scared but

determined. I often wonder what Dr. Brownstein thought when I came with

my list of 23 symptoms and a story of abuse and neglect from my doctors.

The last RAI was performed on 5/23/05. My Endo informed me at my appt on

4/15/05 that I needed more RAI. I did not see him again until

8/13/05. I asked why he didn't want me sooner to make sure I was

OK. You know what he said? " I am busy " . I told him

his patients needed him. To which he replied that there were so many new

ones that needed him too. I asked why not close his practice and he

refused. Shortly after this I was informed that the medical group he is

part of has a quota for the number of patients he sees and how much he grows

his practice. SICK!


Re: A word of warning..... .. CIPRO

> Keflex is another form of Cipro -- fluoride based antibiotic.. ..It's

> commonly given for respiratory infections and serious skin

> infections.. ..another one to avoid.... What ever happened to

> sulfa-based antibiotics? ????(sigh) ..



> Steph... Hope you're feeling better now...



> Lorie






>> I wanted to give you all a heads up on this drug. It is an

> antibiotic but not like any other. I was prescribed this yesterday

> for a bad UTI. Unfortunately Dr. Brownstein was traveling and we

> could not connect for 2 days so in a desperate attempt to relieve my

> pain I went to the Urgent Care center.


>> My cousin was the doc that was on the floor so I got him (surprise).

> When I asked for Bactrim he stated that was an " Old drug " and


> CIPRO was better because it was more broad spectrum. So I took his

> advice (DUMB!) and when I returned home from the pharmacy Dr.

> Brownstein called me. He asked if I was OK and if I had done anything

> yet. I told him the rx I got and I sensed hesitation in his voice.

> He told me to call him if I needed him for anything. I agreed and

> hung up. Now I hadn't taken my meds yet. So I ate breakfast and then

> at 10:30 I took my first dose of 500 mgs.


>> Fast forward 1 hour. I am running my garage sale by myself. My

> friend just left and my husband was out for a while. I have about 10

> people in my garage and I am starting to freak out. Anxiety, panic, I

> can't breath. I try to make change and I can't figure it out. I did

> one order - with a calculator 3 times. My husband finally comes and I

> tell him that I have to get out of there and I burst into tears. I

> text message Dr. B with a 911 that I need help and then call my cousin

> who tells me he has never heard of that issue. Dr. B calls me and

> tells me that it happens in 50% of the people who take it to varying

> degrees. So I get my Batrim rx from him and he feels bad for not

> telling me there may be a problem but since some are OK he hesitated.

> I tell him it is OK. :)


>> I get on the internet and find out that this is the drug for

> ANTHRAX, is a fluoride based drug and does have severe neurological

> issues in many people. Why the heck do they give this for a UTI???

> The best part was that it was free - through our local Meijer so I

> didn't waste my money on it. It could have been worse. Many have

> suicidal thoughts with this and 83 have reported to have died from it.


>> So I will take lots of iodine to push that fluoride crap out. I am

> feeling " wiggy " today as a result of it. Hopefully it will pass.


> has a good write up on it

> http://www.westonap rice.org/ healthissues/ cipro.html Had

I known I

> would have said NO!


>> I wanted to spare you all from this nightmare I endured yesterday.

> It isn't good for those of use to get such a high dose of fluoride

> either when we are trying to get it out.




>> B.

>> www.naturalthyroidc hoices.com





> ------------ --------- --------- ------






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Re: A word of warning..... .. CIPRO> Keflex is another form of Cipro -- fluoride based antibiotic.. ..It's> commonly given for respiratory infections and serious skin> infections.. ..another one to avoid.... What ever happened to> sulfa-based antibiotics? ????(sigh) ..>>> Steph... Hope you're feeling better now...>>> Lorie>>>> >>>> I wanted to give you all a heads up on this drug. It is an> antibiotic but not like any other. I was prescribed this yesterday> for a bad UTI. Unfortunately Dr. Brownstein was traveling and we> could not connect for 2 days so in a desperate attempt to relieve my> pain I went to the Urgent Care center.>>>> My cousin was the doc that was on the floor so I got him (surprise).> When I asked for Bactrim he stated that was an "Old drug" and that> CIPRO was better because it was more broad spectrum. So I took his> advice (DUMB!) and when I returned home from the pharmacy Dr.> Brownstein called me. He asked if I was OK and if I had done anything> yet. I told him the rx I got and I sensed hesitation in his voice.> He told me to call him if I needed him for anything. I agreed and> hung up. Now I hadn't taken my meds yet. So I ate breakfast and then> at 10:30 I took my first dose of 500 mgs.>>>> Fast forward 1 hour. I am running my garage sale by myself. My> friend just left and my husband was out for a while. I have about 10> people in my garage and I am starting to freak out. Anxiety, panic, I> can't breath. I try to make change and I can't figure it out. I did> one order - with a calculator 3 times. My husband finally comes and I> tell him that I have to get out of there and I burst into tears. I> text message Dr. B with a 911 that I need help and then call my cousin> who tells me he has never heard of that issue. Dr. B calls me and> tells me that it happens in 50% of the people who take it to varying> degrees. So I get my Batrim rx from him and he feels bad for not> telling me there may be a problem but since some are OK he hesitated.> I tell him it is OK. :)>>>> I get on the internet and find out that this is the drug for> ANTHRAX, is a fluoride based drug and does have severe neurological> issues in many people. Why the heck do they give this for a UTI???> The best part was that it was free - through our local Meijer so I> didn't waste my money on it. It could have been worse. Many have> suicidal thoughts with this and 83 have reported to have died from it.>>>> So I will take lots of iodine to push that fluoride crap out. I am> feeling "wiggy" today as a result of it. Hopefully it will pass. WAP> has a good write up on it> http://www.westonap rice.org/ healthissues/ cipro.html Had I known I> would have said NO!>>>> I wanted to spare you all from this nightmare I endured yesterday.> It isn't good for those of use to get such a high dose of fluoride> either when we are trying to get it out.>>>>>>>> B.>> www.naturalthyroidc hoices.com>>>>>> ------------ --------- --------- ------>>>>>

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Well, give it up girl! What school?


iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of ladybugsandbees

Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 6:30 PM


Subject: Re: Re: A word of warning....... CIPRO



Original Message -----

From: DrDvorak


Sent: Sunday, July 13,

2008 7:09 PM

Subject: RE: Re: A

word of warning....... CIPRO

Are you in a formal course of study?

From: iodine [mailto:iodine ]

On Behalf Of ladybugsandbees

Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 5:59 PM


Subject: Re: Re: A word of warning....... CIPRO


you! I love books. I read and read. Actually am studying

Herbology right now. But I was just scanning my shelves looking at all

the books to figure out which one is coming with me on vacation this

week. Is it research or " light " reading (which isn't so light)

- they are all medical related. I am a junkie.

I honestly

don't know how people can not think for themselves eventually. I get so many

e-mails off my website with people just desperate for help. I wish there

were hundreds of my doc all over the US to help them. Also that it was

less expensive as this is a factor. It saddens me. So I put my drop

in the huge ocean and save one life at a time. Dr. Brownstein told me

that there is a Jewish saying that states " If you have saved one you have

saved the world " (I think for the Torah). I like that. I

told him he saved the world with me alone. Maybe because when we are

helped we tell others and that is how the world is saved.

Re: A word of warning..... .. CIPRO

> Keflex is another form of Cipro -- fluoride based antibiotic.. ..It's

> commonly given for respiratory infections and serious skin

> infections.. ..another one to avoid.... What ever happened to

> sulfa-based antibiotics? ????(sigh) ..



> Steph... Hope you're feeling better now...



> Lorie






>> I wanted to give you all a heads up on this drug. It is an

> antibiotic but not like any other. I was prescribed this yesterday

> for a bad UTI. Unfortunately Dr. Brownstein was traveling and we

> could not connect for 2 days so in a desperate attempt to relieve my

> pain I went to the Urgent Care center.


>> My cousin was the doc that was on the floor so I got him (surprise).

> When I asked for Bactrim he stated that was an " Old drug " and


> CIPRO was better because it was more broad spectrum. So I took his

> advice (DUMB!) and when I returned home from the pharmacy Dr.

> Brownstein called me. He asked if I was OK and if I had done anything

> yet. I told him the rx I got and I sensed hesitation in his voice.

> He told me to call him if I needed him for anything. I agreed and

> hung up. Now I hadn't taken my meds yet. So I ate breakfast and then

> at 10:30 I took my first dose of 500 mgs.


>> Fast forward 1 hour. I am running my garage sale by myself. My

> friend just left and my husband was out for a while. I have about 10

> people in my garage and I am starting to freak out. Anxiety, panic, I

> can't breath. I try to make change and I can't figure it out. I did

> one order - with a calculator 3 times. My husband finally comes and I

> tell him that I have to get out of there and I burst into tears. I

> text message Dr. B with a 911 that I need help and then call my cousin

> who tells me he has never heard of that issue. Dr. B calls me and

> tells me that it happens in 50% of the people who take it to varying

> degrees. So I get my Batrim rx from him and he feels bad for not

> telling me there may be a problem but since some are OK he hesitated.

> I tell him it is OK. :)


>> I get on the internet and find out that this is the drug for

> ANTHRAX, is a fluoride based drug and does have severe neurological

> issues in many people. Why the heck do they give this for a UTI???

> The best part was that it was free - through our local Meijer so I

> didn't waste my money on it. It could have been worse. Many have

> suicidal thoughts with this and 83 have reported to have died from it.


>> So I will take lots of iodine to push that fluoride crap out. I am

> feeling " wiggy " today as a result of it. Hopefully it will pass.


> has a good write up on it

> http://www.westonap rice.org/ healthissues/ cipro.html Had

I known I

> would have said NO!


>> I wanted to spare you all from this nightmare I endured yesterday.

> It isn't good for those of use to get such a high dose of fluoride

> either when we are trying to get it out.




>> B.

>> www.naturalthyroidc hoices.com





> ------------ --------- --------- ------






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Working on my ND at Clayton. I already have a job offer when I am done.


Re: A word of warning..... .. CIPRO> Keflex is another form of Cipro -- fluoride based antibiotic.. ..It's> commonly given for respiratory infections and serious skin> infections.. ..another one to avoid.... What ever happened to> sulfa-based antibiotics? ????(sigh) ..>>> Steph... Hope you're feeling better now...>>> Lorie>>>> >>>> I wanted to give you all a heads up on this drug. It is an> antibiotic but not like any other. I was prescribed this yesterday> for a bad UTI. Unfortunately Dr. Brownstein was traveling and we> could not connect for 2 days so in a desperate attempt to relieve my> pain I went to the Urgent Care center.>>>> My cousin was the doc that was on the floor so I got him (surprise).> When I asked for Bactrim he stated that was an "Old drug" and that> CIPRO was better because it was more broad spectrum. So I took his> advice (DUMB!) and when I returned home from the pharmacy Dr.> Brownstein called me. He asked if I was OK and if I had done anything> yet. I told him the rx I got and I sensed hesitation in his voice.> He told me to call him if I needed him for anything. I agreed and> hung up. Now I hadn't taken my meds yet. So I ate breakfast and then> at 10:30 I took my first dose of 500 mgs.>>>> Fast forward 1 hour. I am running my garage sale by myself. My> friend just left and my husband was out for a while. I have about 10> people in my garage and I am starting to freak out. Anxiety, panic, I> can't breath. I try to make change and I can't figure it out. I did> one order - with a calculator 3 times. My husband finally comes and I> tell him that I have to get out of there and I burst into tears. I> text message Dr. B with a 911 that I need help and then call my cousin> who tells me he has never heard of that issue. Dr. B calls me and> tells me that it happens in 50% of the people who take it to varying> degrees. So I get my Batrim rx from him and he feels bad for not> telling me there may be a problem but since some are OK he hesitated.> I tell him it is OK. :)>>>> I get on the internet and find out that this is the drug for> ANTHRAX, is a fluoride based drug and does have severe neurological> issues in many people. Why the heck do they give this for a UTI???> The best part was that it was free - through our local Meijer so I> didn't waste my money on it. It could have been worse. Many have> suicidal thoughts with this and 83 have reported to have died from it.>>>> So I will take lots of iodine to push that fluoride crap out. I am> feeling "wiggy" today as a result of it. Hopefully it will pass. WAP> has a good write up on it> http://www.westonap rice.org/ healthissues/ cipro.html Had I known I> would have said NO!>>>> I wanted to spare you all from this nightmare I endured yesterday.> It isn't good for those of use to get such a high dose of fluoride> either when we are trying to get it out.>>>>>>>> B.>> www.naturalthyroidc hoices.com>>>>>> ------------ --------- --------- ------>>>>>

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Why do you say Keflex is another form of Cipro? It's chemical structure

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cefalexin doesn't show any fluoride in it.

However there is sulfur in it.


> Keflex is another form of Cipro -- fluoride based antibiotic....It's

> commonly given for respiratory infections and serious skin

> infections....another one to avoid.... What ever happened to

> sulfa-based antibiotics?????(sigh)..


> Steph... Hope you're feeling better now...


> Lorie

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Keflex is Cephelexin and Cipro is Ciprofloxin.

I don't think they are the same.


Why do you say Keflex is another form of Cipro? It's chemical structure

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cefalexin doesn't show any fluoride in it.

However there is sulfur in it.


> Keflex is another form of Cipro -- fluoride based antibiotic....It's

> commonly given for respiratory infections and serious skin

> infections....another one to avoid.... What ever happened to

> sulfa-based antibiotics?????(sigh)..


> Steph... Hope you're feeling better now...


> Lorie


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I could have sworn that I had seen somewhere that it too was a

fluoride based drug. My girlfriend a while back was experiencing

really weird side effects and we were trying to determine the cause

and we had traced it to the fluoride in cipro, I thought that keflex

was on the list that I found too. Thanks for verifying that it's not.



> Why do you say Keflex is another form of Cipro? It's chemical structure

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cefalexin doesn't show any fluoride in it.

> However there is sulfur in it.


> Lynn



> > Keflex is another form of Cipro -- fluoride based antibiotic....It's

> > commonly given for respiratory infections and serious skin

> > infections....another one to avoid.... What ever happened to

> > sulfa-based antibiotics?????(sigh)..

> >

> > Steph... Hope you're feeling better now...

> >

> > Lorie


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