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Re: Need amalgams removed and Lugol's in L.A.

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I think you can get your life back b4 you get on disability. have yu also looked at http://www.fibromyalgiarecovery.com ?


Hi everybody! This is my first post. I am waiting to be approved forSocial Security Disability (my lawyer says to expect another year anda half wait). My problems are CFS, fibromyalgia, major depression, lowthyroid, low testosterone, and anxiety (and no money). I am going tohave to go to the free county facilities for dental work and I doubtthey'll do anything with my teeth other than pull them. I had to havetwo molars pulled in January and was so sick afterwards that I stillhaven't recovered. Both molars had large amalgan fillings, and inbreaking the teeth apart to get them out I suspect that the dentistallowed a lot of mercury to get into my system. I'm hoping my dad willpay to get the amalgans removed from the teeth I have left that aresalvagable. Where can I find dentists in my area who follow the properprotocols for removing and replacing amalgan fillings safely, andwhere in Los Angeles can I buy Lugol's or Iodoral, or can I buy themonline? Thank you all very much for your help! The wholemercury-iodine-chlorine connection is so complicated that without yourposts I'd be having a much harder time understanding it all. I'm 55years old, and have become quite an expert at treating all of mysymptoms, but it saddens me that I've wasted most of my life lookingfor the underlying culprit when it's been right under my nose all thetime (quite literally, right below my nose and in my mouth). Thanksagain! Mark Abbott

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-Thanks Gracia, it looks like a really good site.


-- In iodine , " Gracia " <circe@...> wrote:



> I think you can get your life back b4 you get on disability. have

yu also looked at http://www.fibromyalgiarecovery.com ?

> Gracia




> Hi everybody! This is my first post. I am waiting to be approved for

> Social Security Disability (my lawyer says to expect another year and

> a half wait). My problems are CFS, fibromyalgia, major depression, low

> thyroid, low testosterone, and anxiety (and no money). I am going to

> have to go to the free county facilities for dental work and I doubt

> they'll do anything with my teeth other than pull them. I had to have

> two molars pulled in January and was so sick afterwards that I still

> haven't recovered. Both molars had large amalgan fillings, and in

> breaking the teeth apart to get them out I suspect that the dentist

> allowed a lot of mercury to get into my system. I'm hoping my dad will

> pay to get the amalgans removed from the teeth I have left that are

> salvagable. Where can I find dentists in my area who follow the proper

> protocols for removing and replacing amalgan fillings safely, and

> where in Los Angeles can I buy Lugol's or Iodoral, or can I buy them

> online?


> Thank you all very much for your help! The whole

> mercury-iodine-chlorine connection is so complicated that without your

> posts I'd be having a much harder time understanding it all. I'm 55

> years old, and have become quite an expert at treating all of my

> symptoms, but it saddens me that I've wasted most of my life looking

> for the underlying culprit when it's been right under my nose all the

> time (quite literally, right below my nose and in my mouth). Thanks

> again!


> Mark Abbott











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> Checked by AVG.

> Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 270.6.0/1602 - Release Date:

8/9/2008 1:22 PM


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Mark please visit the website http://www.fibromyalgiarecovery.com/index.htm

and join the group. (the owner) is away on a mission trip

right now but she should be back in a few months. There are others there to

help though.

As for finding a good dentist to remove them safely you will want to find a

Huggins trained dentist (which mine was)

http://www.hugginsappliedhealing.com/ or the IAOMT group has biological

dentist lists http://www.iaomt.org/patients/search.aspx

I credit my recovery from thyroid cancer and RAI to Iodine, Armour Thyroid,

Hormone balancing and mineral balancing plus the removal of 11 amalgams and

a root canal tooth then chelation. I was very toxic. I also did a liver

detox (28 days) in the very beginning which helped me start all the other



Need amalgams removed and Lugol's in L.A.

> Hi everybody! This is my first post. I am waiting to be approved for

> Social Security Disability (my lawyer says to expect another year and

> a half wait). My problems are CFS, fibromyalgia, major depression, low

> thyroid, low testosterone, and anxiety (and no money). I am going to

> have to go to the free county facilities for dental work and I doubt

> they'll do anything with my teeth other than pull them. I had to have

> two molars pulled in January and was so sick afterwards that I still

> haven't recovered. Both molars had large amalgan fillings, and in

> breaking the teeth apart to get them out I suspect that the dentist

> allowed a lot of mercury to get into my system. I'm hoping my dad will

> pay to get the amalgans removed from the teeth I have left that are

> salvagable. Where can I find dentists in my area who follow the proper

> protocols for removing and replacing amalgan fillings safely, and

> where in Los Angeles can I buy Lugol's or Iodoral, or can I buy them

> online?


> Thank you all very much for your help! The whole

> mercury-iodine-chlorine connection is so complicated that without your

> posts I'd be having a much harder time understanding it all. I'm 55

> years old, and have become quite an expert at treating all of my

> symptoms, but it saddens me that I've wasted most of my life looking

> for the underlying culprit when it's been right under my nose all the

> time (quite literally, right below my nose and in my mouth). Thanks

> again!


> Mark Abbott



> ------------------------------------






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I agree. This was my very worst winter(in ten years)for fibro and CFS

until I discovered that website. Besides the iodine protocol, I also

eliminated msg and aspartame and just generally cleaned up my diet. I

have done all this in 6 months and not only do I feel the best I've

felt in ten years, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This

winter I was one day away from buying a cane, now I can walk, safely,

to the pasture to get my horse, helped move my son into his new house,

and can go without a nap most days. I expect to regain my health

completely as I continue to heal. Don't give up!



> I think you can get your life back b4 you get on disability. have

yu also looked at http://www.fibromyalgiarecovery.com ?

> Gracia




> Hi everybody! This is my first post. I am waiting to be approved for

> Social Security Disability (my lawyer says to expect another year and

> a half wait). My problems are CFS, fibromyalgia, major depression, low

> thyroid, low testosterone, and anxiety (and no money). I am going to

> have to go to the free county facilities for dental work and I doubt

> they'll do anything with my teeth other than pull them. I had to have

> two molars pulled in January and was so sick afterwards that I still

> haven't recovered. Both molars had large amalgan fillings, and in

> breaking the teeth apart to get them out I suspect that the dentist

> allowed a lot of mercury to get into my system. I'm hoping my dad will

> pay to get the amalgans removed from the teeth I have left that are

> salvagable. Where can I find dentists in my area who follow the proper

> protocols for removing and replacing amalgan fillings safely, and

> where in Los Angeles can I buy Lugol's or Iodoral, or can I buy them

> online?


> Thank you all very much for your help! The whole

> mercury-iodine-chlorine connection is so complicated that without your

> posts I'd be having a much harder time understanding it all. I'm 55

> years old, and have become quite an expert at treating all of my

> symptoms, but it saddens me that I've wasted most of my life looking

> for the underlying culprit when it's been right under my nose all the

> time (quite literally, right below my nose and in my mouth). Thanks

> again!


> Mark Abbott











> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG.

> Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 270.6.0/1602 - Release Date:

8/9/2008 1:22 PM


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