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Re: Re: Plotting temps

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You wrote:


> I forgot to mention in my other reply to this: in the Stop the Thyroid

> madness book it says you need to look at the temp. averages over five

> days. Do you have an electronic thermometer, or a mercury one?

> apprently the mercury ones are more accurate....

The distinction should be between a basal thermometer and a fever

thermometer, regardless of whether it uses a fluid or electronic sensor.

Basal types are accurate to better than 0.1 degree and usually display

to hundredths. Regular fever thermometers are only reliable to 0.2

degree and typically display in tenths. The infrared types that scan the

forehead or peek in the ear are usually only as accurate as the fever


Mercury was taken out of thermometers a decade ago.


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My average temps in F are 97.7,97.6,97.4 if that is any easier to see, so all within .2 of a degree then, thanks Mo

Don't know how it works in centigrade but in fahrenheit it is .2 of a degree that is the leeway for average temps day to day.Hope thathelps.Mo> My last 3 days average temps are as follows, 36.5,36.4,36. 3 am I right > in thinking that this is stable but low? I have plotted them on the > graph, I am a bit unsure if stable means they have to be the same or > can fluctuate slighlty? Sorry folks still learning but I think stable > means good adrenal support and stable but low means poor thyroid>

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I use a digital one, the only one I have--- On Sat, 20/9/08, alibongo85 <alibongo85@...>

,I forgot to mention in my other reply to this: in the Stop the Thyroid madness book it says you need to look at the temp. averages over five days. Do you have an electronic thermometer, or a mercury one? apprently the mercury ones are more accurate. When I sent my daughter out for one she came back saying they do not sell them anymore, only electronic. I may look on the net for amercury one ; but I suppose it is not really a safe thing to be posted!Ali >> Hi> My last 3 days average temps are as follows, 36.5,36.4,36. 3 am I right > in thinking that this is stable but low? I have plotted them on the > graph, I am a bit unsure if stable means they have to be the same or > can fluctuate slighlty? Sorry folks still learning but I think stable > means good adrenal support and stable but low means poor


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Forgot to say yes that is what I have been doing, taking them 3 times a day and plotting the average, the temp taken first thing in the morning is the basal temp which indicates poor metabolism if low, I am not doing that right now, just the 3 temps in the day, as things improve the basal temp will rise anyway, from what I understand low and stable temps indicate poor thyroid and adrenals ok, low and unstable adrenal and thyroid need support. I think looking at mine the adrenals seem supported now but the thyroid not and yours seem to indicate both unstable, I think!>> Hi> My last 3 days average temps are as follows, 36.5,36.4,36. 3 am I right > in thinking that this is stable but low? I have plotted them on the > graph, I am a bit unsure if stable means they have to be the same or > can fluctuate slighlty? Sorry folks still learning but I think stable > means good adrenal support and stable but low means poor thyroid>

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Hi Alice

When we recommend taking basal temperature before you get out of bed and before drinking and eating anything, this is to find out your BASAL temperature when trying to reach a diagnosis of hypothyroidism. There is no need to take your temperature during the day in this situation. What you are talking about goes further, this is recommended if you are not regaining your normal health after starting thyroid hormone replacement and is needed to find out if the problem could be adrenal related. Two different things.

Luv - Sheila

Hi ,I have printed off a graph from www.drrind.com for temps which is mentioned in Stop The Thyroid Madness (STTM) book (Janie A Bowthorpe Laughing Grape Publishing), in there it says to take your temp x3 hours after you wake and then every three hours until you have three readings and average them out, I assume this is what you have been doing?This is slightly conflicting with what other people have said e.g take it in the morning immediately on waking and before you get out of bed? Could anyone else comment on this, or clarify this please? This is what it says to do on the Dr P questionnaire.Page 78 of STTM says the following about your temps:" If your averaged temps. are fluctuating from day to day more than 0.2 - 0.3 F (approx. 0.1 celsius), you need adrenal support. (It does not actually say what they mean by stable) But it goes on to say:"If it is fluctuating but overall low, you need more adrenal support and thyroid. If it is fluctuating but averaging 98.6 F (approx 37 C), you just need adrenal support. If it is steady but low, you need more thyroid and adrenals are likely fine"I have been taking my temps on the chart and they are as follows:Averages36.4 C on Thursday36.1 C Friday36.5 SatSo it looks like I need adrenal support and thyroid.I hope this make sense. I am trying to teach myself as msuch as I can, even though I am feeling crap at the moment and the brain fog is not helping!Take care,Love Alicesarah wrote:>> Hi> My last 3 days average temps are as follows, 36.5,36.4,36.3 am I right > in thinking that this is stable but low? I have plotted them on the > graph, I am a bit unsure if stable means they have to be the same or > can fluctuate slighlty? Sorry folks still learning but I think stable > means good adrenal support and stable but low means poor thyroid>

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HI Chuck

If you go to this page http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en & q=clinical+mercury+thermometres+supplier & btnG=Search & meta= you will see there are still manufacturers who make clinical mercury thermometers.

Luv - Sheila

Mercury was taken out of thermometers a decade ago.Chuck

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When in doubt, keep it in your mouth the longest possible time - that's what I do. once it reaches the temperature of your body anyway, it won't go lower or higher by leaving it in your mouth any longer than the recommended time.

Luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila,Thanks for that, that will make it easier. I have one other question relating to temps: In Dr P' questionnaire it says to take basal temps 3 minutes in the mouth; yet I have a digital thermometer which says wait for the beep after 5 mins, what should I do? Also it says ladies only do this during your period, does that mean start doing it on day one of my period I Don't mean to be pendantic; but I want to get it right.Love Alice


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Dr Rind does recommend using a digital thermometer and to take it just once and use that reading and not to take it again straight after

HI Chuck

If you go to this page http://www.google. co.uk/search? hl=en & q=clinical+mercury+ thermometres+ supplier & btnG=Search & meta= you will see there are still manufacturers who make clinical mercury thermometers.

Luv - Sheila

Mercury was taken out of thermometers a decade ago.Chuck

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I do believe it gives you a very good idea of whats going on, took me a while to grasp it but when you see the temps plotted on the graph and read Dr Rinds site it helps understand what it all means, a very useful tool, even if you arent beginning to feel any better!! I always knew low temps meant poor thyroid function but when you put that together with adrenal function it shows you which one you need to improve, I am praying my adrenals are now stable and its just the thyroid I need to sort, when the adrenals are stable the thyroid meds have a better change of working properly. I am now only on 50mcg of T4 when I used to be on 150mcg, still find that hard to get my head round!!.co.uk

Hi ,Thanks for your reply, it is all starting to make more sense now. I quite like doing my temps as it feels like a cheap way of getting an idea of what is going on inside.Love Alicesarah wrote:>> Hi> Forgot to say yes that is what I have been doing, taking them 3 times a day and plotting the average, the temp taken first thing in the morning is the basal temp which indicates poor metabolism if low, I am not doing that right now, just the 3 temps in the day, as things improve the basal temp will rise anyway, from what I understand low and stable temps indicate poor thyroid and adrenals ok, low and unstable adrenal and thyroid need support. I think looking at mine the adrenals seem supported now but the thyroid not and yours seem to indicate both unstable, I think!

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How reliable is any thermometer? Yes I think mine is pretty ok, it is only 3 months old or there abouts, yes I know about the 5 day thing but at the moment things look pretty stable but low, anyone know if there is a best and most reliable thermometer?What do you use MO?--- On Sun, 21/9/08, Mo Osborne moosborne@...

So, as someone else kindly posted, you need to do 5 days minimum to check this variability factor.And you are using a reliable thermometer ? First basics and all that!Keeping on plotting and it will b e interesting for you to now see a pattern or patterns emerging.Mo> My average temps in F are 97.7,97.6,97. 4 if that is any easier to see, so all within .2 of a degree then, thanks Mo> > > > > > > > > > Don't know how it works in centigrade but in fahrenheit it is .2 > of a degree that is the leeway for average temps day to day.> Hope thathelps.> > Mo> > > My last 3 days average temps are as follows, 36.5,36.4,36. 3 am I > right > > in thinking that this is stable but low? I have plotted them on the > > graph, I am a bit unsure if stable means

they have to be the same or > > can fluctuate slighlty? Sorry folks still learning but I think stable > > means good adrenal support and stable but low means poor thyroid> >>

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As you are already diagnosed I wouldnt bother too much with the basal temp, that used to be used to diagnose hypothyroidism, in your case you are diagnosed. I would do the 3 temps thoughout the day if I was you to see how you are progressing with treatment, the basal temp with rise as you become better, thats what I think anyway!!--- On Sun, 21/9/08, Jen Muir <jenmuir1968@...>

OK folks now I am confused. I bought a mercury thermometer yesterday (and yes Chuck all the info with it says it is mercury filled and gives cautions) which I guess is just a fever thermometer.I took my temp last night and it was 36.6 and then again this morning and it was 36 on the dot. As I am already diagnosed and on levothyroxine should I be taking it every 3 hours to get 3 readings and using the average? Or is once on waking and before getting out of bed adequate?

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It really matters not whether it is digital or mercury, though it is a fact that mercury thermometers are more accurat, so long as you continue to use the same thermometer each time.


Dr Rind does recommend using a digital thermometer and to take it just once and use that reading and not to take it again straight after

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You wrote:


> If you go to this page


http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en & q=clinical+mercury+thermometres+supplier & bt\

nG=Search & meta


<http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en & q=clinical+mercury+thermometres+supplier & b\

tnG=Search & meta>=

> you will see there are still manufacturers who make clinical mercury

> thermometers.

Interesting. Thanks. Unfortunately, most of the links I selected would

not work. Of those that did, most said " mercury " until I got to the very

most detailed description, at which point they proudly certified the

product as " non-mercury " or " mercury free. "

I did find a few that _looked_ like mercury was the working fluid, but

they were all made in China, and none specified either mercury content

or enough accuracy to warrant use for basal temperatures. All had the

word " fever " somewhere in the description. I suspect these companies are

capitalizing on the reputation for accuracy of the old clinical


I would still suggest rather than taking the risk of importing one of

these antiques, you look for ads that specify the accuracy in the

hundredths, whether it is a fluid or digital type thermometer.


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You wrote:


> Thanks for that I think mine is just a fever one, so probably need to

> get a basal one.

If the packaging or advertising does not brag about the accuracy, it is

probably not very good, even though it may be costly.


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You wrote:


> ... anyone know if there is

> a best and most reliable thermometer?

The best clinical ones are accurate to four significant digits (98.76 or

36.94). You can actually get five digits from thermometers, but those

are not used for body temperatures. If it only gives you three digits

(98.8 or 37.0), it is called a " fever " thermometer.

Most thermometers do not lose accuracy with age.


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How would you actually know if the thermometer you are using is not accurate? I dont see how one would know--- On Sun, 21/9/08, Mo Osborne moosborne@...

MODERATED TO REMOVE MESSAGES PREVIOUSLY READ. LUV - SHEILA____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __I don't think the newness makes a difference , I have had new digitals not work properly. It is just the nature of the best I think.I learned the hard way to use a mercury thermometer, an easy-read.Mo> How reliable is any thermometer? Yes I think mine is pretty ok, it is only 3 months old or there abouts, yes I know about the 5 day thing but at the moment things look pretty stable but low, anyone know if there is a best and most reliable thermometer?> What do you use MO?>

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How would you actually know if the thermometer you are using is not accurate? I dont see how one would know--- On Sun, 21/9/08, Mo Osborne moosborne@...

MODERATED TO REMOVE MESSAGES PREVIOUSLY READ. LUV - SHEILA____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __I don't think the newness makes a difference , I have had new digitals not work properly. It is just the nature of the best I think.I learned the hard way to use a mercury thermometer, an easy-read.Mo> How reliable is any thermometer? Yes I think mine is pretty ok, it is only 3 months old or there abouts, yes I know about the 5 day thing but at the moment things look pretty stable but low, anyone know if there is a best and most reliable thermometer?> What do you use MO?>

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You would never know (and that is the danger) unless you did something like coompare it with a mercury thermo.

But then if you had the mercury thermo you would not need the digital :)

My thinking, based on multiple problems with digitals which knocked me off course in my recovery, is to go for the best model in the first instance and save a lot of potential grief and confusion.


----Original Message----From: xxsarahxx_40@...Date: 21/09/2008 19:48 <thyroid treatment >Subj: Re: Re: Plotting temps

How would you actually know if the thermometer you are using is not accurate? I dont see how one would know--- On Sun, 21/9/08, Mo Osborne moosbornetiscali (DOT) co.uk

MODERATED TO REMOVE MESSAGES PREVIOUSLY READ. LUV - SHEILA____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __I don't think the newness makes a difference , I have had new digitals not work properly. It is just the nature of the best I think.I learned the hard way to use a mercury thermometer, an easy-read.Mo> How reliable is any thermometer? Yes I think mine is pretty ok, it is only 3 months old or there abouts, yes I know about the 5 day thing but at the moment things look pretty stable but low, anyone know if there is a best and most reliable thermometer?> What do you use MO?> Do you value your online security? - http://www.tiscali.co.uk/security ________________________________________________

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You test it against one that is accurate .


How would you actually know if the thermometer you are using is not accurate? I dont see how one would know

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> How would you actually know if the thermometer you are using is not

accurate? I dont see how one would know

Accuracy and precision are two distinct issues, although they are usually

connected. In imprecise instrument can only have accuracy to the same level.

So, shop for 4-digit precision: 97.85 degrees.

For accuracy, it must be compared to a standard. Most commercial models have

been tested for accuracy before they ship. However, you tend to get what you pay



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