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Long-time lurker introducing myself and in need of advice please!

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Hello all

I've been lurking on here for far too long, so thought it about time

I introduce myself. My name is and I was diagnosed with

thyroid antibodies back in May.

It was a struggle getting diagnosed in the first place, as my initial

blood tests came back as borderline ok, even though I obviously

wasn't. The locum GP I saw (usual GP was on maternity leave at the

time) tried to tell me I was probably just depressed because I live

on my own and was therefore lonely! Grrr!

Having tested positive for antibodies, he backed down and put me on

25 mcg levothyroxine, which I got increased to 50 mcg after 2 months -

that put my test results in the middle of the reference range, which

the locum said was ok. I then asked the locum to refer me to a

rheumatologist privately, as I was, and still am, experiencing stiff

ankles, especially first thing in the morning.

I'll try to cut a long story short here. Three visits to a

rheumatologist later, I'd had a course of Diclofenac, followed by a

course of Prednisolone, neither of which brought any relief and I was

then offered a course of anti-depressants (Amitrytaline) which I


I asked if it could just be a symptom of my being hypothyroid

(something gleaned from all the reading I've done on this excellent

site) and seemingly likely to me as it started at the same time as

all my other symptoms. The rheumatologist did some internet research

there and then and agreed with me, so I chanced my luck and asked if

he'd prescribe Armour for me, but he looked that up and refused on

the grounds that it's not a standardised extract.

He did agree to write to my GP (now back from maternity leave) to

recommend an increase to 75 mcg. I was surprised when she then told

me " We now treat the person and their symptoms, not the blood test

results " - nearly fell off the chair at that!!!

Two months at 75 mcg has made a bit of a difference to the stiffness

and I feel better in myself than I did on 50 mcg. My next

appointment with the rheumatologist is in just over 2 weeks' time,

and I'm going to ask again for a prescription for Armour - can anyone

please tell me how I counter his argument that it's not a

standardised extract - I'm sure I've read somewhere that it is

standardised nowadays, but I can't remember where.

Many thanks

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And congratulations on coming out of your

'lurking' corner and written to tell us a little about yourself. First, can you

post the results of your last thyroid function blood tests together with the

reference range for each test. Have you had a FULL thyroid function test i.e.

TSH, Free T4, Free T3 . Also, can you ask your GP to test your ferritin level

(stored iron), Vit B12 and Vit D. We need to know if you are actually

converting the mainly inactive T4 into the active T3. If you are not, this

could be the reason for the pain and stiffness as lacking in T3 can cause your

muscles to go into spasm which can cause quite severe pain for sufferers in

some cases. If your rheumatologist will not recommend natural thyroid extract

(Armour thyroid) then ask if he will recommend a trial of synthetic T4 and T3

combination to see if that helps you.

He is wrong about Armour not being

standardised as so many medical practitioners are. Armour is standardised to

the specifications laid down by the USP. If there were differing amount of T4

and T3 in different batches of thyroid extract, the FDA would never have

approved it as a medicine. Have a read through the rebuttal I wrote to the

British Thyroid Association's Statement on Armour Thyroid which they have put

on their website, and which doctors believe to be true, and which doctors copy

and give to their patients when they ask for a trial of Armour http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/tpa_responds1.php

. Although I have asked the BTA to amend their statement, and cited

147 references to back up my information, they have not done so, nor have they

acknowledged receipt. They are giving incorrect information out to doctors and

patients alike. Copy this out and show to your Rheumatologist and ask him to

read it through and this will show him how wrong the BTA are. There is

another statement they made on synthetic T4/T3 combination therapy and again,

you can read my rebuttal to this statement here http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/tpa_responds1.php

Armour Thyroid however is not licensed in

the UK - though approved by the FDA. However, the Medicines and Health Care

products Regulatory Agency has written that NHS doctors CAN prescribe Armour

thyroid if their patients does not do well on levothyroxine only therapy, but

that they must take responsibility for this themselves, as their medical

insurance does not cover them should anybody sue them or something goes wrong.

Having said that, there are quite a few doctors in the UK who do prescribe it

for their patients, my own GP included (after recommendation by my endocrinologist).

The brain needs thyroid hormones to make it

function, if you complain of brain fog and short term memory, doctors believe

this needs treating with antidepressants because you are depressed. You are

probably clinically depressed, and the right thyroid hormone therapy will give

you back your brain - and all your other functions for that matter.

Once on treatment, there is a big question

as to whether thyroid function tests are of further use. Click here to read the

information: FOR DEBATE: Are biochemical tests

of thyroid function of any value in monitoring patients receiving thyroxine

replacement? Your thyroid

hormone replacement should be increased until your symptoms have disappeared,

they should not be treating until your blood results are normal. Show this

paper to your doctor.

Hope this helps

Luv - Sheila

He did agree to write to my GP (now back from maternity leave) to

recommend an increase to 75 mcg. I was surprised when she then told

me " We now treat the person and their symptoms, not the blood test

results " - nearly fell off the chair at that!!!

Two months at 75 mcg has made a bit of a difference to the stiffness

and I feel better in myself than I did on 50 mcg. My next

appointment with the rheumatologist is in just over 2 weeks' time,

and I'm going to ask again for a prescription for Armour - can anyone

please tell me how I counter his argument that it's not a

standardised extract - I'm sure I've read somewhere that it is

standardised nowadays, but I can't remember where.

Many thanks

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Hello Sheila and thank you for such a prompt and very detailed reply!

I'm still waiting to get the result of my latest blood test - I'll

probably have that on Tuesday and will post it on here then.

My previous test was done at the end of August when I'd been on 50mcg

for 7 weeks:

Free Thyroxine 13.5, range 9-19

TSH: 2.25, range 0.35-4.94

They don't appear to test T3, so I'll have to ask the rheumatologist

for that at the next appointment.

I'll certainly be printing off all that you've recommended to take with


Many thanks!

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Hi ,

Don't take thyroid meds on day of blood test until after blood

has been drawn, otherwise test results can look better than they are.


They don't appear to test T3, so I'll have to ask the rheumatologist

for that at the next appointment.

Many thanks!


TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical

practitioner before changing medication.

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Thanks - I've been following your advice with every blood test,

after reading it on here when I first joined. Excellent advice and

hasn't failed me yet. I wonder how many people don't know this and end

up under-medicated as a result.

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I called in to my surgery and got my latest blood results today:

T4 14.6 (range 9-19)

TSH 0.50 (range 0.35-4.94)

Was surprised to see TSH has dropped so much, but am I correct in

thinking that T4 could be a bit higher?

Thanks in advance

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Nice name, also my mums first name and my second :)

I just wanted to say hi, I am not good with test interpretation,

specially if they are totals and not the free ones which I have

learned a little about whilst looking on the forum.

The test you have had seems best for diagnosing pituatory problems

than the thyroid status from what I have read. However I shall bow

down to the experts who guide me through my treatment :).

Hope you get better quickly hon

take care


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> Dawn, thanks and hope you are well/get well soon.


> By T4, I mean free T4 - is that not the same thing?


> xx


Awe thanks , hope you get well soon too :)

Free T4 is part of Total T4. Total T4 counts also contain T4 bound by

proteins thus unavailable, free T4 counts only the T4 available for

use. Hope the way I wrote that makes sense lol.

lotsa luv


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