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Re: Fuming

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Lilers, How about taking some tyrosine or DLPA for increasing your

energy levels?

Or D-Ribose which I am finding very helpful?



id=7495 & t=CFIDS_FM


> How low can a GP get to show that he is right.


> He has received the letter from the consultant who has prescribed

T3 for me, and he is angry. He says that Dr.E suggested that I

start T3 at 5mcgs daily. He looks it up and sees it only comes in

20s. He will be writing to Dr.E for his guidance on this. Dr. E

has already told me to cut them up. Has nobody thought that they

make them that size because most people would take them at that dose

and that 5 is far too small a dose.


> However, what he has done is to stop me driving. He wants me to

go to a sleep apnea clinic - even though I told him that when I am

taking the correct amount of T3 I am not sleepy in the day. But of

course, he darn well knows I am not taking sufficient T3, and wants

to prove that it is not the T3 that I need. He wants to prove that

he is right.


> Next message will be about the choose and book farce.


> Lilian


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oh lillian; poor you, you certainly have landed a nasty gp, would it

be worth ringing the endo and explaining the situation to him? your

experiences with doctors put mine in the shade, can you get another

gp? regards jane


> How low can a GP get to show that he is right.



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I have been spending a lot of time on Dr Myhill's website recently

Bob so your post caught my attention big-time.

Can we get an NHS referral to the good doctor do you know?



> Hi Lilian,


> Have you looked at Dr Myhill's website?

> Will your PCT accept a referral to her, if necessary?


> Bob




> > Lilers, How about taking some tyrosine or DLPA for increasing


> > energy levels?

> > Or D-Ribose which I am finding very helpful?

> > Mo

> > http://www.prohealth.com/me-cfs/library/showarticle.cfm?

> > id=7495 & t=CFIDS_FM


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Hi Mo,

.....considering that they were trying to haul up before the

GMC 'mob', then backed off, anything could happen.

A referral to a doctor that knows more than most of the medical

profession and is, indeed, ahead of most of the medical profession in

her specialist skills and knowledge ~ a request for funding to get a

proper diagnosis should be perfectly acceptable, else where can you

get properly diagnosed, otherwise.

They (PCT) might not like admitting it, but they probably don't

understand how or why she is having success, in her specialisation.

Choose and book goes along the lines of ~ 'the NHS don't have a

doctor skilled enough to make a diagnosis'.....I'd like to be seen by

a competent specialist.

best wishes



> I have been spending a lot of time on Dr Myhill's website recently

> Bob so your post caught my attention big-time.

> Can we get an NHS referral to the good doctor do you know?

> Mo

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I just went to the site again Lilers and had no problem, clicked on D-

Ribose and here it is in case it is of interest.



> I went to her sight Mo, but do not seem to be able to read

anything. Does one have to register or something. I have clicked

on sleep problems but it does not give any real information.


> Lilian


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Hi Lillian hon

Is it sleep apnea that he has stopped you driving for? Sounds wierd to

me. Lots of people suffer from it and they are still allowed to drive,

unless you have narcolepsy I really cannot see his concern, you have

the necessary judgement about whether or not to drive yourself, or

does he feel you are mentally incompetant?

I would go from doctor to doctor until I got that decision reversed.

Blimey, you are feeling ill, the last thing you needed was having your

only means of getting anywhere taken from you. Having said that, I

have only one practice with about 40 doctors in it so I would prolly

get a unanimous banding together of docs :(

Anyway that brought a rant out in me, sorry hon, I was putting myself

in your position.

lotsa luv and God bless


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You could try melatoni9n to lower it?

And the D-Ribose can help with the heart and its issues AND increase


The DLPA is less likely to raise BP I think than the Tyrosine and I

had high BP and it did not raise it, I think it is a case of suck it

and see.

I can send you a few to try if you would like Lilers?



> I see they say it is not suitable for people with high blood

pressure, and I have very high BP :(.


> Lilian


> Here's some info on it :


> http://www.upmarketnutrition.co.uk/acatalog/D.L.P.A.html


> I use it every morning.


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With the two specific complaints and I

are working on right now (the one on 'The Unfair Trading Practices within

Endocrinology and The Guidance of Practitioners' - and the other - 'Human Rights

Complaint on the Practices of Endocrinology and Its Guidance of Practitioners

Regarding Certain Ignored Maladies for Which Government Approved Medications

Are Available But Denied' - we are wanting stories from members who have been

treated badly within the NHS and those who have had need to go outside of the

NHS to regain their health, especially those who remained ill on levothyroxine

alone but who got well on either synthetic combination T4/T3 therapy or

the use of natural Thyroid extract, Armour thyroid, USP. I know you sent me

your story previously, but what you are going through now throws a completely

different light on things and once again, shows that although you regained your

health on T4/T3 synthetic combo, and then on Armour Thyroid, you are now

suffering dreadfully within the hands of NHS doctors who took your T3 away and

put you back onto levothyroxine. These clowns do not know what they are doing

and the fact that they have allowed you only 5 mcgs T3 with your GP

questioning this is just beyond the pale. Please could you write me your 'new'

story and let me have this, but try not to make it too long, or it won't get

read by the authorities concerned. These stories are SO important to show how

badly hypothyroid sufferers are being treated within the NHS.

Anybody else who has such stories, please

write to me as soon as possible.

Luv - Sheila


doctor IS another one :( My old one was just as

bad. Out of fat into fire. I asked to change from my

old one, but had no say in the one chosen for me. I was told he was

the only doctor with a vacancy.


am wondering what will be put on my records if I say I want to change yet

again. If I keep putting that I cannot get on with my doctor they

will begin to think I would not be able to get on with any doctor and that

there is something wrong with me. So the next doctor will be

preparing themselves for an awkward patient.


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this back to your latest endo Dr E Lilian and ask him if he can intervene. This

is appalling behaviour by your GP. The science shows him to be absolutely

incorrect. You cannot live without T3 - why is he trying to stop you having

this when it has been shown that you need it.

Luv -



has done it to be bl**dy minded Dawn. His nose has been put

out of joint because he was so adamant that the new consultant would say the

same as the other one and the same as him, but he didn't, he has given me a

prescription for T3 (albeit a microscopic dose).


only wrote that letter to me after he received the consultants letter telling

me he was prescribing T3.


told me his reason for not giving me T3 (or any more thyroxine) was because I

could have a heart attack.


time I see him I will mention that I feel re-assured that he has guaranteed I

will now never have a heart attack, and see what he says to that lol.


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Oh Lillian

''During those 5 years I gradually got better and better. In fact

during the last six months I started to diet again and began losing

weight at a steady safe pace like any normal person would on such a

diet. I slept well, was awake during the day, no aches and pains, and

generally speaking felt 20 years younger. My cholesterol went down to

4.3 my tryglicerides were excellent, I had better control of my blood

sugar, although I did suffer from high blood pressure, the pills I was

taking kept it down to a reasonable number. I was able to join clubs,

read books, and had even bought a camcorder ready to take videos of my

forthcoming holiday.

Then my GP told me he was not happy with what I was doing and that I

must stop taking anything other than 100mcg of thyroxine a day or he

will not be my GP. I tried to explain that 100mcg of thyroxine would

be much too low as I was unwell when it was put up to 150mcg but he

was adamant.''

The more I hear stories like this the more sad I get about the care

Drs are giving. By looking at your records he should be able to see

that his insistance for you to take the thyroxine alone has had a

negative effect on your health. He is supposed to help you not make

you worse for goodness sakes. NO idea wha tmy doc will do when he sees

my bloods and finds out about my hc taking too. I might get a similar

story. Hope not. That is one of the reasons I have stayed away for so

long, not wanting to go back until I can walk in looking radiant and

slimmer, however, in your case it seems even this didn't work on your GP.

I do hope you will get the T3 you need hon off this new doc. Good

health to you, and soon.

God bless


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> Will try to keep a long story as short as possible:

> During those 5 years I gradually got better and better.

> Then my GP told me he was not happy with what I was doing and that

>I must stop taking anything other than 100mcg of thyroxine a day or

>he will not be my GP. By the time I went on holiday a couple of

>months later, I could hardly walk. Of late I have become very

>breathless. Again since stopping the Armour. I wanted to go on

>Lighter Life. When I asked him for my money back he refused saying

>that he had filled in the form.

Lilian, since I joined this forum I've picked up various elements of

your story but when I read here about the whole journey from the

beginning til now, I'm absolutely speechless. It's an unbeliveable

string of events and I just cannot understand how they can do that

to you. It's inhuman. I'm so very sorry about how you've been

treated. Talk about " Do no harm. " I really, really hope you have a

breakthrough of some sort in terms of your treatement and that you

start feeling well again.

Just by the by, I was speaking to my sister in law yesterday. She

has been hypothyroid for years and was massively overweight, had

tried every diet going. She went on Lighter Life sometime recently,

and has lost three stone and is hoping to lose more.

I do hope things change for the better for you Lilian.


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That's an appalling story Lilian and it is not medical care, it is

institutionalised abuse in my view.

Like you, I feel I am no spring chicken and I don't have time on my

side in dealing with these eejits.

I have 'seen' you go downhill in recent times and it saddens and

angers me that this is being done to you.

If it were me, I would simply go ahead and self-treat and make that a

priority, then you would have the energy and the health to do battle

if necessary with those that have been putting your health. nay your

very life, at risk!



> Just to let you know what this GP is like. I wanted to go on

Lighter Life and they required the doctor to fill in a form and

agree for a nurse to monitor my BP once a month. He filled in the

form, charged me £30 for it, then wrote all over it that he is not

prepared to monitor my BP and does not agree with it. When I

asked him for my money back he refused saying that he had filled in

the form.


> Lilian


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> I went to see him about it, he said he would fill the form in but

it would cost £30. I took this to be that he agreed. So a week

later I took the form to him, he filled it in, and took the £30.


> He then proceeded to write over the form that he does not agree

>with it and will not have me monitored. I said they would not

>accept this and asked for my money back. He would not do this

>saying " you have paid for me to fill in the form and that is what I

>have done " .

> A decent person would have said before hand that they do not agree

>with it and therefore would not fill in the form or take the



This just goes from bad to worse! This doctor sounds like a

thoroughly nasty human being, let alone a poor excuse for a doctor.

I almost can't write here because I'm so mad at him for what he did.

Of course a decent person wouldn't have taken your money like that.

It's just as if he was taking the mickey, one upmanship and all

that. How pathetic! I'm truly appalled.

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May I suggest you contact chemists in your area and ask which doctors

prescribe T3. Alternatively contact the wholesaler of T3 in UK and

ask them which chemist they supply T3 to and then address the same

question to that chemist

There is always a way dear lady, always a way..............

and it could be worse, you could be going thru this experience and not

have access to shelia and this forum, then you would be stumped !! and

condemned to goodness know what horrors.



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> ,


> I cannot remember whether I have mentioned this. I wanted to go

to Lighter Life (in desperation), but they needed a form to be filled

in by my GP.


> I went to see him about it, he said he would fill the form in but it

would cost £30. I took this to be that he agreed. So a week later

I took the form to him, he filled it in, and took the £30.


> He then proceeded to write over the form that he does not agree with

it and will not have me monitored. I said they would not accept

this and asked for my money back. He would not do this saying " you

have paid for me to fill in the form and that is what I have done " .


> A decent person would have said before hand that they do not agree

with it and therefore would not fill in the form or take the £30.


> Lilian


That's disgraceful. I'd have thought you'd be justified in making a

complaint. It's unprofessional and unethical.

Is there any way you can change your GP?

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Hi Miriam. Do you have the equivalent of a yellow pages in which you

can look up 'compounding chemists' - these may be abit more 'on the

ball' and guide you to a GP who prescribes in your area, or can give

you the name of the manufacturer or wholesaler in Uk who you can phone

to see which chemist they deliver to in your area.

I wouldnt put the supermarkets high on the list to telephone, but it

may be a worthwhile afternoon exercise.

You are so close - the answer is just a few phone calls away.......

or you may choose to make an order direct to international pharmacy



> F,


> Well I know my local chemist does not stock it because when I

brought in the prescription he had to look it up.


> I could find a doctor who might be willing to prescribe T3 but the

consultant say they do not agree with it.


> If it were not for TPA I couldn't imagine how I would be today.


> Lilian


> and it could be worse, you could be going thru this experience and not

> have access to shelia and this forum, then you would be stumped !!


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I think this is for Lilian, not Miriam?


> Hi Miriam. Do you have the equivalent of a yellow pages in which you

> can look up 'compounding chemists' - these may be abit more 'on the

> ball' and guide you to a GP who prescribes in your area, or can give

> you the name of the manufacturer or wholesaler in Uk who you can phone

> to see which chemist they deliver to in your area.


> I wouldnt put the supermarkets high on the list to telephone, but it

> may be a worthwhile afternoon exercise.


> You are so close - the answer is just a few phone calls away.......

> or you may choose to make an order direct to international pharmacy

> jennyfreeman


> >

> > F,

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