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RE: Fluoride is good ONLY.(contradicting research says its bad..)

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This is research about fluoride - it is NOT GOOD for us ...

Health Effects: Fluoride & Bone: Density Vs. Strength. [cited April 5, 2006]; Available from: http://www.fluoridealert.org/health/bone/density/strength.html "whereas the bone may appear more dense radiologically, it may, in fact, be more fragile and more susceptible to fracture. Our findings of a highly significant increase in fractures in the high fluoride exposure group suggests that this may indeed be the case." SOURCE: Carnow BW, Conibear SA. (1981). Industrial fluorosis. Fluoride 14: 172-181.

(You can 'google' this whole article -)

Recent Advances in Iodine Nutrition - son, PhD

BonesIodine and fluoride are both halides, so they share some chemistry, but they have very opposing effects in the body. For example, iodine and fluoride are both taken up by bone tissue. Radioactive iodine scans show the full outline of the skeletal system. Fluoride also goes to the bones, but it makes bones brittle and susceptible to fractures (37). It is likely that natural iodine is what is supposed to be in our bones, not fluoride, for which there is no known need in our body. Fluoride is toxic to bones as well as to the central nervous system, while iodine nourishes both. Very little research has been done in the area of iodine sufficiency and bone strength, but these ideas need to be evaluated clinically and in research studies.



eeinc@... writes: Esther N. MBE, RHA, CBS, CNHP

If the source is right. Chemical inorganic fluoride is bad. Organic fluoride is very good for the bones and teeth—rebuilds the enamel. Check out homeopathic tissue salts...Calc. Fluor.

------------------->> Hi,> I am using floride rinse for my teeth and i take 1 idoral which is 12.5> do I need to stop the floride rinse at night or do i need to stop the > rinse?>

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You are right, INDUSTRIAL

fluoride is bad, as highlighted in red below.

Health Effects: Fluoride & Bone: Density Vs.

Strength. [cited April 5, 2006]; Available from: http://www.fluoridealert.org/health/bone/density/strength.html

" whereas the bone may

appear more dense radiologically, it may, in fact, be more fragile and more

susceptible to fracture. Our findings of a highly significant increase in

fractures in the high fluoride exposure group suggests that this may indeed be

the case. "

SOURCE: Carnow BW, Conibear SA. (1981). Industrial

fluorosis. Fluoride 14: 172-181.

This research does not apply to

organic sources.  The danger in research is needing to know just What is being

researched.  I remember hearing about a research project to look into using red

raspberry leaves to  help with birthing/labor.  They tested it on a dog.  The

dog and most of the pups died and they wrote the herb off.  Well, with a dog,

you don’t WANT to speed up delivery...they need time between each birth. 

Humans don’t eat the placenta to give them strength for the next

birthing...(shaking head)...we must learn to look deeper, what is being

researched, who is funding the research, and what the source for the product

is...all of this has potential to skew results.  It is our need for fluoride

that got us into trouble to begin with.  During WW2, the ‘found’ a cheaper

source, industrial waste/chemical format which presents the same but isn’t used

the same by the body.  They thought they could get rid of their wastes by

putting it into our water and toothpaste.  The biggest con of it is, we do need

it, but the source has to be pure, or our body doesn’t recognize it and can’t

work with it.

Put Calc. Fluor. Tissue salts in

your search engine, the results will be different.  This fluoride is also a

type of calcium.


copied and pasted for you

below.  Fluoride is needed to prevent organ prolapses, and more.  Highlighted

below.  Essentially it helps build up our body tissue so that we don’t fall

apart, and is part of anti-aging (not developing early wrinkles!  Helps with

varicose veins as well, and hemmoroids.  Anything that builds cellular

elasticity.  IF it’s the right source!!


Synonyms. - Calcii Fluoridum. Calcium Fluoride. Calcarea


Common Name. - Fluorspar. Fluoride of Lime.

Chemical Properties. - Formula, Ca F2. Specific gravity of crystals, 3.4. It

contains 58.21 parts of calcium. It occurs in nature in mineral fluorspar; it

is beautifully crystalline, crystallizing in various colors and in cubical or

octahedral form. It is practically insoluble in water, but is decomposed by

sulphuric acid generating hydrofluoric acid.

Preparation. - Selected pieces of crystal flourspar are prepared by

trituration, according to the methods of homeopathic pharmacy.

Physiological - chemical Data. - Calc-fluor.

is found in the surface of the bones and in the enamel of the teeth. It is also

a constituent of the elastic fibres and of epidermis. Elastic fibres are found

in the skin, in the connective tissue, and in the vascular walls.

A disturbance of the equilibrium of the

molecules of Calc-fluor. Causes a continued dilation, or chronically relaxed condition,

of the implicated fibres. If the elastic fibres of any portion of the vessels

of the connective tissue or of the lymphatic system have arrived at such a

condition of relaxation, the absorption of a solid exudation in such a part

cannot take place. In consequence, induration of the parts sets in. When the

elastic fibres of the blood vessels suffer a disturbance of the molecules of

Calc-fluor., such pathological enlargements of blood vessels take place, which

make their appearance as hemorrhoidal tumors,

varicose and enlarged veins and vascular tumors, indurated glands, post -

partum hemorrhage, uterine displacements and weakening of abdominal walls.

Loss of Calcarea fluorica in the system is thus seen to be followed by:

1. A hard, knotty exudation on the surface of a bone.

2. A relaxation of the elastic fibres, hence dilatation of vessels, relaxation and displacements of the uterus, relaxation of the abdominal walls, hence " hanging belly, "

hemorrhage of womb; all absence of after - pains.

3. Exudation of Keratin from the cells of the epidermis. (Keratin is contained

in the skin, hair and nails.) The exudation dries readily and forms an adhering

crust. Frequently found in the palms of the hands, which, through labor, from fissures and cracks.

In regard to the resorption of induration, two possibilities are to be thought


(a) The elastic fibres near the induration have lost their functional ability

on account of the pressure exerted. Molecules of Calcarea fluor. administered

restore their functional integrity and thus are enabled to throw off the

exudation, which will then be absorbed by the lymphatic vessels.

(B) By means of the volumetric force of Carbonic acid contained in the blood a

part of the Fluorine is split off the fluoride of lime, this combines with

nascent Hydrogen, forming Hydrofluoric acid, which gradually dissolves the

molecules of the morbid product, and these are taken up by the lymphatics. The

part played by the Carbonic acid can be assumed by Sulphuric acid as well. The

latter is formed during the oxidation of albuminoids.

In a similar manner, as explained under (B), it is possible for Calcarea fluor.

to bring about solution of a laryngeal croupous or diphtheritic exudation.

General Biochemical Action. - Diseases having their seat in the substance

forming the surface of bone, enamel of the teeth, and part of all elastic

fibres, whether of the skin, the connective tissues, or the walls of the blood

vessels, etc. Thus: all ailments which can be traced to relaxed conditions of

any of the elastic fibres, including dilatation of the blood vessels, arterial

and venous blood - tumors and piles, varicose and enlarged veins, indurated

glands of stony hardness. Malnutrition of bones, especially of the teeth.

Exostosis after injuries. Pendulous abdomen. Uterine displacements, etc.


Guiding Symptoms and Characteristic Indications.


Mental Symptoms. - Great depression, groundless fears of financial ruin. Indecision. Disposition to set a

higher value on money than natural to him.


Head and Scalp. - Blood - tumors on the parietal bones of newborn infants, on a

rough, bony base. Bruises of the bones of the scalp with hard, rough, uneven

lumps. Hard excrescences on the scalp. Cephal - hematoma. Ulcers of the scalp

with callous, hard edges. Headache with faintish nausea in afternoon, better in

the evening. In a proving by Dr. N. the following symptom was quite

constant: " A sort of creaking, straining and drawing, similar to the noise

made by a cornstalk fiddle and greatly interfering with sleep. "


Eyes. - Flickering and sparks before the eyes

spots on the cornea, conjunctivitis, styes.

Blurred vision after using eyes, eyeballs ache, better closing eyes and

pressing lightly. Cataract. Enlarged meibomian glands. Cases of partial

blindness. Dimness of vision from over straining the eyes. Tumors of the

eyelids. Ulceration of cornea, if edges are hard.


Ears. - Calcareous deposits on the tympani, tinnitus. Mastoid disease when

periosteum is affected.


Nose. - Cold in the head, ineffectual desire to sneeze, stuffy cold, dry,

coryza, ozaena. Copious, offensive, thick, greenish lumpy, yellow nasal

discharge. Osseous growths. Affections of nasal bones; odor of dead bone

disappears after use of the remedy. Adenoid

growths in post - nasal space and

pharynx. Hypertrophy of Luschka's tonsil and accompanying hypertrophies of

mucous membrane in posterior portions of nares, so often found in infancy and



Face. - Hard swelling on the cheek with pain or toothache, hard swelling on the

jawbone, cold sores rather small, hard herpetic sores on lips from cold, not

diffused like Natr-mur. Caries of malar bone and fangs of teeth, oozing dark,

offensive, bloody fluid, swelling of bone on outer surface.


Mouth. - Gumboil with hard swelling on the jaw, stony hard swelling on the

jawbone. Cold sores at corners of mouth. Great dryness of mouth. Ulceration of

mouth and throat manifesting congenital hereditary syphilis.

Tongue. - Cracked appearance of the tongue with or without pain. Induration of

the tongue, hardening after inflammation.

Teeth. - Delayed dentition. Enamel of the teeth rough and deficient. Unnatural

looseness of the teeth with or without pain, teeth become loose in their

sockets. Malnutrition of the teeth. Toothache with pain if any food touches the

tooth. Toothache with a looseness of the teeth.


Throat. - Diphtheria when the affection has gone to the windpipe. Relaxed

throat with tickling in the larynx when caused by elongation of the uvula.

Uvula relaxed, causing irritation, tickling and cough. Hawking of mucus in the

morning. Burning in throat better by warm drinks. Great dryness of throat.

Large indurated tonsils after Baryta.


Gastric Symptoms. - Vomiting of undigested food. Hiccough from hawking of

mucus, weakening and recurring during the day. Flatulence. Cutting pain in

liver, better motion.


Abdomen and Stool. - Confined bowels, inability to expel feces. Fissure of the anus,

and intensely sore crack near the lower end of the bowels. Bleeding

hemorrhoids. Itching of anus as from pinworms. Internal or blind piles,

frequently with pain in the back, generally far down on the sacrum, and

constipation. Piles with pressure of blood to the head. Pain in right

hypochondrium, worse lying on painful side. Much wind in lower bowels. Diarrhea

in gouty subjects.

Urinary organs

Urinary Organs. - Copious urine, frequent urging. Urine scanty and high

colored, and emits a pungent odor.

Sexual Organs. - Constant dribbling of seminal and prostatic fluid with

dwindling of the testes. Indurated and nodular testes. Hydrocele. Displacements

of the uterus. Dragging pain in the region of the uterus and thighs, down -

bearing of the uterus. Varicose veins of vulva.

To tone up the contractile power of the uterus in cases of flooding. Excessive

catamenia with bearing - down pain. Uterine fibroid. Hard nodules in mammae.

Syphilis. Hunterian chancre, for the induration.


Pregnancy. - After pains if due to weak, feeble contractions. Hard knots in the breast.

Given during pregnancy, it favors easy confinement.


Respiratory System. - Tickling in larynx. Dryness and hoarseness. Cough hacking

from tickling in larynx, as from a foreign body. Hoarseness after reading

aloud. The chief remedy in true croup. In asthma when specks or small lumps of

yellowish mucus are brought up after much exertion; cough with expectoration of

tiny lumps of yellow, tough mucus; with tickling sensation and irritation on

lying down, from elongation of the uvula or deep at the back of the throat.

Suppressed respiration, epiglottis feels closed or as if breathing through a

thick substance.


Circulatory Organs. - Aneurysm at an early

stage may be reduced or kept in check by this remedy and Ferr-phos., provided that the iodide of potash had

not been taken. Dilatation, enlargement of the blood vessels; being the chief

remedy to restore the contractility of the elastic fibres. Dilatation of the

heart with palpitation. Chief remedy for vascular tumors with dilated blood vessels.

Varicose ulcerations of the veins as the chief remedy for varicose or enlarged

veins. Enlargement, hypertrophy of the heart.


Neck and Back. - Indurated cervical glands of stony hardness. Small goiters.

Backache simulating spinal irritation, with weak, dragging, down - bearing

pain. Tired feeling and pain in the lower part of the back (sacrum), with a

sensation of fullness of burning pain, and confined bowels. Chronic cases of

lumbago; aggravation on beginning to move and amelioration by continued motion.

Glenard's disease.


Extremities. - Ganglia or encysted tumors at the back of the wrist. Felon (3x

trit.). Gouty enlargements of the joints of the fingers, spina ventosa. Lumbago

from strains. Inflammation of knee - joint, chronic synovitis. Cracking in the

joints. Phalanges easily dislocated. Suppuration of bones. Osseous tumor on

spine or scapula. Swelling of elbow - joint, crepitation, showing want of

synovial fluid. Exostoses on fingers. Osseous growths and enlargements of bone

with or without caries, particularly of traumatic origin. Savin of horses.

Chronic synovitis.


Nervous Symptoms. - Weakness and fatigue all day, especially in the morning.


Sleep. - Vivid dreams, with sense of impending danger; of new scenes, places,



Febrile Symptoms. - Attacks of fever, lasting a week or more, with thirst; dry

brown tongue.


Skin. - Lesions. Squamous types with a tendency to fissure formation, and the

skin is hard and thickened. Vesiculopustular lesions may also be found with

associated crusts. [Ralph Bernstein.] Chaps and cracks of the skin. Fissures or

cracks in the palms of the hands or hard skin with formation of crusts. Fissure

of anus. Suppuration with callous, hard edges. Whitlow, gathered finger. Occasional

erysipelas. Indolent, fistulous ulcers, secreting thick, yellow pus. Varicose

ulcers of long standing have been cured by the remedy. Carbuncles. Indurations.

Fibroma. Ichthyosis. Keratosis. Xanthoma.

Eczema due to venous hyperemia; worse in damp weather, better at night.

Squamous eczema, with thickening and cracking of skin. Eczema of anus

consequent to hemorrhoids.

Tissues. - Solidified infiltrations; thus indurated glands of stony hardness.

Osseous growths, especially in tarsal and carpal articulation. Knots and

kernels and tumors in the female breast. Bruises on surface of bone, with hard,

rough and uneven lumps, as on shin. Dropsy caused by heart disease. Anemia.

Ganglion, cystic tumors, from a strain of the elastic fibres. Elastic fibres

relaxed. Swellings or indurated enlargements, having their seat in the fasciae

and capsular ligaments of joints or in the tendons. Spina ventosa. Indolent

ulcers. Ulceration of bone or enamel, bone injected. Whitlow or felons.

Exudation from surface of bones, which quickly harden and assume a nodular or

jagged form. Suppuration of bones. Caries and necrosis, with burning, boring

pains and heat in parts; discharge of thin, acrid, ichorous mucus.


Worse in damp weather and during rest.


Better by cold fomentations, rubbing and hat.


Homeopathic Data. - Calc-fluor. has been proved by J. B. Bell, and the proving

is reported in full in 's Encyclopedia, vol. x, page 398. The most

complete data are to be found in the Guiding Symptoms, vol. iii. The drug had

been very little used, if at all, homeopathically, until Schuessler brought it

into prominence.

Administration. - The higher potencies of this drug give the best results,

especially in affections of the bones. It can also be used externally in such

diseases as fissura ani, bony growths, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and whitlow.

It is applied by dissolving about twenty grains of the desired potency in half

a glass of water and applying it on cotton, lint or other media. Schuessler

recommended the 12th decimal trituration, but the 3x and 6x have been found

very efficient.


Relationship - Calcarea fluorica should be studied in its symptoms of the mind

and larynx in connection with its relative Calc-carb.; in its sleep symptoms

with Fluoric acid. In fibroid indurations compare Colc-jod., Kali jod., Mag

mur. It corresponds to many symptoms of Phosphor., Mercur., Ruta, Aurum,

Silicea, etc. often useful after Rhus in lumbago, having the same modalities;

after Silicea in suppurations; after Bryonia and Calcarea in arthritis; after

Sticta and Ferrum phos. in Synovitis; after Natrum mur. in cold sores. Compare:

in swelling of skull of infants, Silicea; in suppuration of bones,

Calc-phosph., Asafoet., Silicea; in spin of horses, phoshp. Acid and Silicea.

In anemia it is useful after Calcar-phos.; in arterio - sclerosis compare the

iodides, especially of Baryta, Calc. and Plumbum, also Baryta mur.

Groups for Study. - For indurations: Calc-fluor., Baryta iod., Calcar-iod.,

Hecla lava, Asterias, Conium, Phytolacca, Carbo anim., Mercur., prot. Iod.,

Silicea. For Ozaena: Cadmium, Calc-phos., Nitric acid, kali bich., Aurum,

Hepar, Antimon. Sulph. aur., Aurum mur. nat., Arsenic iod., Natrum carb.,


God bless,

Esther N. MBE,


Holistic Allergist, Pain Specialist




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