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Re: Dr P

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I'm really glad that you are feeling better .

P (o:

........so, she says with a big 'sigh' I am calming down about it

> and accepting it a bit more and do feel better than I did yesterday

and I did feel very desperate yesterday.............but all in all I

feel better today, thanks god!

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........I have always had a fear over taking new drugs, quite badly so,

I could NEVER be a drug addict!!

I feel the same way. When I started taking Nutri Adrenal I was in such

a state. I started with a 1/4 of a tablet - my mind is sometimes my

own worst enemy. I am now on 6 Nutri Adrenal. When I started taking

Armour I went through the same fear. I am now on 1 1/4 grains. I think

the fear is not knowing how you will react to a new drug. Perhaps if

you start off on a very low dose and work your way up then you might

feel more in control.

Take a look at my message number 21122 - I have copied out some

information about supersensitive people. There are about 5% of us who

are supersensitive to initial doses.

As my mother used to say to me " don't forget to breathe " . Take some

deep breaths, smile and go to a happy place in your mind.


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Glad you are feeling better, really worried about you yesterday.



> Hello

> I have a booked conversation with Dr P next wed so will be able to

> discuss further increase then, but all in all I feel better today,

> thanks god! I am a person who needs reasurrance which I apologise



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That sounds just like me, although I am ok taking supplements! I convince myself I am going to get a bad reaction to new drugs, prozac gave me one big panic attack in the night with only the 2nd pill I took and that scared me witless!! When I went back on the thyroxine last week I felt a surge of panic! I have taken it for 2 yrs!!--- On Wed, 10/9/08, frances.sacramento <frances.sacramento@...>

Hi .......I have always had a fear over taking new drugs, quite badly so, I could NEVER be a drug addict!!I feel the same way. When I started taking Nutri Adrenal I was in such a state. I started with a 1/4 of a tablet - my mind is sometimes my own worst enemy. B

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Thanks, I was really worried too! I was beginning to think I had done myself some damage, but I think I was under the impression that HC would work miracles overnight and it hasnt been like that for me, Dr P reasurred me it doesnt happen like that but I didnt know. Its overwhelming sometimes when we have to take our health in our own hands and we need the support too. I just hope i dont have another day like yesterday and I continue to feel better--- On Wed, 10/9/08, chrischids <no_reply >

Hi Glad you are feeling better, really worried about you yesterday.Chris>> Hello> I have a booked conversation with Dr P next wed so will be able to > discuss further increase then, but all in all I feel better today, > thanks god! I am a person who needs reasurrance which I apologise for.>

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Sheila

Well lovely doctor P's letter arrived this morning. He has suggested

that he doesn't think I need T3 but to stay on the NAX and HC an maybe

just one NT as to go higher causes my pulse rate to go 160 and my heart

then thumps. He said he doesn't think my heart attacks were caused by

thyroid which surprises me. And he will keep an eye on things as time

goes on. He also suggested that my husband takes HC up to 30. was

only prepared to take this with a doctor's approval as he is on heart

medication and Warferin.

I always did think I had adrenal exhaustion more than thyroid problems

although they are connected because no amount of Armour made any

difference but the HC makes a big difference. I became burnt out after

so many years of stress and then fighting the NHS for justice for my


Reading the case today I have to say that great thought needs to be

given to fighting the NHS as it is like trying to walk through 6ft

walls. There is so much lying and cover up and in the end, although our

GPs said to take our case to the European Courts of Justice I had to

concede owing to collapsing from the strain of it all. All we actually

wanted was an acknowledgement that a mistake had been made and an

apology!! The doctor never came to us when Jan was dying to say how

sorry she was. I don't think she cared.

Anyway that is enough of that.



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Well that's good news if you don't need to take T3.... so it seems that the

high T3 is just that, High T3, not reverse T3 then.....

Hope that you and J can work it out with the HC, Glad you have Dr P on board

now...... If J is on 30 mcg, how much do you need to take daily?

Fingers crossed for you!



> Hi Sheila


> Well lovely doctor P's letter arrived this morning. He has suggested

> that he doesn't think I need T3 but to stay on the NAX and HC an maybe

> just one NT as to go higher causes my pulse rate to go 160 and my heart

> then thumps.

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