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RE: Insulting Endo

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Hi Kate - and

welcome to our forum, where I hope you do get the help and support you so

deserve. Be assured that this particular forum is doing everything it can to

campaign for a better diagnosis and treatment choice protocol - and we are not

afraid of the endoprats who know nothing of thyroid disease (mainly because

their specialty is Diabetes) - nor are we afraid to question them, but also

because although the science is out there, they don't bother to practice it.

They are too afraid that should they dare go outside the NHS diagnosing and

treatment protocol, they will be reported to the GMC with the risk of losing

their livelihood. They would rather leave their patients ill than risk this.

You can ask your GP

for all of your thyroid function test results, together with the reference

range for each test, so please do this and post them here where we may be able

to help you interpret them to find out why you are still having these awful

symptoms. You can check all of your symptoms on our website www.tpa-uk.org.uk - click on Hypothyroidism

and then on the drop down Menu, click on Symptoms and Signs. Check off what you

suffer against them.

I wouldn't worry

about your endoprat not wanting to see you again - after all, do you really

want to see him again? You can find a better man than him - there are some good

one's about - though Scotland is not one of the best places to be living with

hypothyroidism. I will send you a list of 'good' doctors - by 'good' I mean

doctors who do prescribe combination T4/T3 therapy or Armour Thyroid, and I

believe any doctor who does that, cannot be all bad. I will send this privately

to you.

We normally

recommend people with your problems to get the 24 hour salivary adrenal profile

to see where their cortisol and DHEA are at four specific times during the day

but sadly, it is an expensive test. However, please go to our FILES on this

forum website, and scroll down until you see the 'Adrenal Questionnaire' and

complete that to see how high you score. Let us know. Depending upon the score,

we will be in a better position to advise what supplements you may need to

take. If you do have low cortisol and DHEA, this stops your thyroid hormone

from being properly absorbed (if at all). Other conditions that stop your T4

from working are systemic candidiasis (in our FILES also look for the Candida Questionnaire,

complete, and see how you score here too). Another problem that stops T4

working is low ferritin (stored iron). Ask your GP to check this for you. The

reference range for women is around 20 to 200 but you should have a level of

around 70 to 90. Also, at the same time, ask your GP to test your vitamin D

level, as a low level can cause all sorts of problems, as well as stopping your

thyroid hormone supplement from being absorbed. Your doctor will not have been

taught about these, and if he is not prepared to work with you, you might need

to take your health into your own hands, but worry not - there are many members

here who will tell you that they have done much better by doing this and

looking after themselves.

Ask your GP to

write out a separate blood form for Free T3. People with hyperthyroidism have

to get this tested. This works in most cases.

I am so sorry to

hear that you have lost your job - was this because you were still suffering

symptoms of hypothyroidism such as - what we call 'brain fog' or short term

memory? This is one of the worst symptoms, and one of the first to come back

once you find your optimal dose of thyroid hormone replacement.

You CAN buy Armour

if your GP refuses to prescribe it - but your GP CAN prescribe Armour on the

NHS according to the Medicines and Health Care Regulatory Agency (MHRA) if

their patients are not doing well on levothyroxine only. However, because it is

not licensed in the UK, the doctor must take responsibility of this himself as

his medical insurance doesn't cover him if you should sue him. More and more

doctors in England are prescribing it for their patients and finding that it

does work better.

Read, read and read

again, because only this way will you gain the necessary knowledge to help

yourself. Read everything in the FILES and read everything on our website. Good

luck, and keep your chin up Kate - there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Luv - Sheila

Levels as far as I know were:

TSH-6 but they want them down to 2

T4- 12.9 going up to 13.8 in 6 months of taking 100mcg Levothyroxine

Not sure what the normal levels are supposed to be?

Can anyone help with this? and can I buy armour if they wont

prescribe it?

PS: If a woman can murder her husband with PMT symptoms and get some

pity, why are we not allowed to even question an Endo or (god) as

they like to be known without them scorning your questioning and

writing you off.

Thanks for any help given


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Hi Sheila, thanks for the reply and advice.

GP is going on maternity leave soon so not sure who I will get, but

seeing her next week for a sick line. Will ask for my results and for

her to check my iron and vitamin d.

She tried the T3 test, but lab refused as normal T4.

Lost job after being admitted to A & E with severe swelling in

face/sickness.This was after struggling to get to appointments in the

morning as I was exhausted and had a swollen face.

Attended Jan De Vries 10 years ago after having viral meningitis. He

diagnosed candida and adrenal stress. Been back 3 or 4 times in the

last 2 years and had some support:milk thistle,enzymatic pearls and a

stress tablet etc, but this was £55 worth of supplements which just

now I cannot buy.

Very aware of candida issues, keep on top of it by an organic diet

and pearls/spilanthes when it flares.Will try the bicarb method.

Did the adrenal test, scored 177.

Symptoms page, Most of them.

Practised reiki for the last 5 years, but even that does not seem to

address the stress when i self heal, helps when i get one from

elsewhere, which feels pointless sometimes as im paying for something

i practise?

Would rather just buy the armour at present till I get around the red

tape with GP as Im at my wits end and she has now prescriped anti-

depressants today to help with my symptoms etc.She hasnt joined the

list of ex friends and family that think ive " lost it " , but says it

may support me for now while im fighting to get answers

She suggested buying armour as another patient of hers uses it but

says she cannot prescribe.

Now referring me to a specialist endo, Prof Conell, based at the

western infirmary in glasgow?

Have posted some pictures to let you see the difference in what i

used to be like till now.

Will read all I can.

Checked websites for armour, there seems to be a shortage.If you

could let me know where to buy online that would be great

Thanks again


> Hi Kate - and welcome to our forum, where I hope you do get the

help and

[Edit Abbrev Mod]

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HI Kate

I didn't mean for your GP to request a FT3 test along with your

other thyroid function tests, I meant for her to request a FT3 all on its own.

That way, the laboratory do not have your TSH or FT4 to go by. Sufferers with

hypERthyroidism have to have their FT3 tested and that way, it might get


It seems you need more aggressive treatment to wipe out the

candida and deal with your adrenal stress. Do please read what Dr Peatfield

writes about these two subjects and how to treat them in our website www.tpa-uk.org.uk . Click on

'Hypothyroidism' and then click on 'Associated Conditions' - there is a fair

bit to read, but honestly Kate, every word is invaluable and Dr Peatfield has

given back normal health to hundreds of people the NHS has let down. The

problem with the NHS is that they do not recognise these associated conditions

with thyroid disease - but you have come to the right place.

Unfortunately, even if you do buy the Armour right now and start

yourself on this natural treatment, this could be a complete waste of money if

you are still suffering with adrenal stress, because no amount of thyroid

hormone, synthetic or natural, will be absorbed properly. You HAVE to treat the

adrenals first and many people are so stressed that their cortisol is so low

that only hydrocortisone will repair them. Read Dr Peatfield's paper on the

thyroid/adrenal connection on our website http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/thyroid_adrenal_dysfunction.pdf

and see what you think. Many of our members treat themselves on Dr P's recommendation

and are managing their health better than when under the NHS.

We usually recommend that members with low adrenal reserve start

on a course of Nutri Adrenal Extra which can be purchased on www.yournutritionshop.co.uk . You

start taking 1 a day with your breakfast for 4 or 5 days and then take another

tablet with your lunch (but do not take them after 1.00p.m. because the extra

adrenaline may keep you awake). After a couple of weeks, take another tablet

with your breakfast and see how you get on. If this is not having any effect,

you can take another tablet, but it is best to take most of the tablets in the

morning with food. Some people find they need up to 6, others get on fine with

2 - it depends how stressed your adrenals are. If this doesn't work, then some

members use Isocort (this is stronger than the NAE but not as strong as


Doctors CAN prescribe Armour - my own GP prescribes it for me

and you will hear of other members who have a GP who prescribes it for them

too. If you look in our FILES, you will see a letter there from the MHRA

telling you that NHS doctors can prescribe it so long as they take on the

responsibility themselves. They used to be scared of prescribing an unlicensed

medication because some doctors were getting reported to the GMC, but now,

since Dr Skinner's hearing, the GMC now accept that it is a proper and legal

medication and so is synthetic T3. Dr Skinner, I believe, has set a precedent -

but tell that to the BTA who are still appearing to boycot all T3 medication.

I know nothing of the professor in Glasgow, but I wouldn't hold

my breath - not hearing anything usually means they are not worth reporting

about. You can 'book and choose' any doctor of your choice since April 1st this

year (not an April fool). You do not need a prescription to buy these.

Armour can be bought from




- generic Armour (thyroid-S) no prescription required (these are cheaper

than Armour Thyroid, USP and there have been good reports about them.

Amazing photographs. I would take these to your endocrinologist

to show him the difference in you. Do you still suffer with hives and if so,

what has your GP recommended?

Luv - Sheila

Now referring me to a specialist endo, Prof Conell, based at the

western infirmary in glasgow?

Have posted some pictures to let you see the difference in what i

used to be like till now.

Will read all I can.

Checked websites for armour, there seems to be a shortage.If you

could let me know where to buy online that would be great

Thanks again



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Hi Kate

Sorry to here all the trouble you are having right now.

What AD's have you been given, I am asking because I was put back on them, been taking citalopram now for just over 2 weeks. This was mainly for the anxiety I have been suffering due to low thryoid right now, its awful isnt it, I hope they help you

Hi Sheila, thanks for the reply and advice.GP is going on maternity leave soon so not sure who I will get, but seeing her next week for a sick line. Will ask for my results and for her to check my iron and vitamin d.She tried the T3 test, but lab refused as normal T4.Lost job after being admitted to A & E with severe swelling in face/sickness. This was after struggling to get to appointments in the morning as I was exhausted and had a swollen face.Attended Jan De Vries 10 years ago after having viral meningitis. He diagnosed candida and adrenal stress. Been back 3 or 4 times in the last 2 years and had some support:milk thistle,enzymatic pearls and a stress tablet etc, but this was £55 worth of supplements which just now I cannot buy.Thanks againKate> Hi Kate - and welcome to our forum, where I hope you do get the help and[Edit Abbrev Mod]

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Hi Sheila,

Thanks again, the site is fantastic for information and I will read

everything I can. Bless you and everyone for the site all the support.

It has gave me faith and hope again that I will beat these awful

symptoms and take charge of my own health again.

Will start on the adrenal support and candida.

Also will ask GP to do the FT3 test alongside the others.

Took pictures to endo, who wrote to my doctor saying, " its a shame she

wakes up looking like an elephant, refer her to dermatology if she is

still swollen " ....very professional!!

Hives were worse for 2 weeks when I had a viral flu and was not

eating, currently being prescribed cetirizine 10 mg of anti-histamine

daily. They tried 180mg for 2 days which sent me over the edge with

palpitaions, so I started on milk thistle recently to help my liver

and the hives are not that bad at all for now.

Had a reiki session this morning and the therapist says she had an

image of blood running round my system too fast but it had white bits

in it but it was not cholesterol.(candida maybe)

Coincidence or what?

Im off to read

Many Thaks



> I didn't mean for your GP to request a FT3 test along with your


> thyroid function tests, I meant for her to request a FT3 all on its


> That way, the laboratory do not have your TSH or FT4 to go by.


> with hypERthyroidism have to have their FT3 tested and that way, it


> get through.




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Hi ,

Thanks for the e-mail.

Same ones as you!

But only got them yesterday and my GP expressed her slight reluctance

to give me them as im not clinically depressed, just suffering at the

hands of the NHS. She did say that it would help my appetite and give

me a bit of get up and go as im low just now and not eating much,

(still not losing weight tho). Some great advice on adrenal support

on the site and how candida does not help matters, so ive decided im

not going to take them for now until I really need them.

Going to try the adrenal support and get rid of the candida.If I feel

I need them, I will take them, if not, then oooo!!

Not working just now, so will try more reiki sessions and relaxing


This forum and the site have been a life saver for me in the past few

days, so that mood lifting support is definately helping to know im

not alone and that I can beat this. Who needs anti depressants when

we all have some faith and hope as a team! If Moses can move

mountains then what we got to loose!!

Take care


> Hi Kate

> Sorry to here all the trouble you are having right now.

> What AD's have you been given, I am asking because I was put back

on them, been taking citalopram now for just over 2 weeks. This was

mainly for the anxiety I have been suffering due to low thryoid right

now, its awful isnt it, I hope they help you

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I wouldnt say I am clinically depressed either but was struggling with anxiety and they can help with that and they do seem to be helping.

If you can cope without them then thats good.

I have lost a stone through anxiety, which isnt a bad thing for me as I am overweight.

I remember going through all this not that long ago and was given prozac and lost 3 stone with that, but it wasnt right for me and made me quite a lot worse for a good few months. much worse than I feel now, being a member of forums like this does make you feel less alone with all this, I agree, I am using Hc to support my adrenals and although I havent noticed too much with it, I am now noticing an increase in my temps which tells me something is going right!

MODERATED TO REMOVE MESSAGES PREVIOUSLY READ. PLEASE LEAVE JUST A PORTION OF THE ONE YOU ARE RESPONDING TO. THANK YOU - SHEILA____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____Hi , Thanks for the e-mail.Same ones as you!But only got them yesterday and my GP expressed her slight reluctance to give me them as im not clinically depressed, just suffering at the hands of the NHS. Take careKate>

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