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Looong post about my docs visit today, very 'venty' aghhhhhh!

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What a day. I don't feel too bad considering. I stress dosed hc 15mg

dose this morning before I went to the docs it is a good thing I did

with the stress I had. Apart from being late due to youngest not being

able to find his boot to go to school, the actual consultation was not

really condusive to good therapy for my health.

I started by getting out my laptop so that I could see what I wanted

to ask him. I told him I was on hc, so I got the horror stories about

what it would do to me. I said it was my only option as I was half

dead before I started armour and couldn't speed up my body because the

adrenals were lagging. He poo pooed that idea in no uncertain terms.

He said my symptoms were complicated because they were not all

thyroid, ok,( but he said it was my mental health :here we go again

:roll: and my obesity :evil: not that old chestnut, not excercising

:shock: my asthma :-? ) fair enough, but I said you haven't really

tried to find the underlying problems. He said I had been tested from

top to bottom. I said I wanted to see the neurologist because of my

confusional episodes. He said he had referred me to 3 specialists

during the last year, I said, yeah, and I haven't managed to see even

one with this choose and book system which doesn t work for me at all,

never had an appointment yet. He said well then it probably wouldn't

work for the neurologist either, I said I would like to try. He said

he saw no reason for me to see a neurologist. I said.... well, we went

on back and forth until he said he thought I should get a different

doctor. Now I had been considering it before and he had asked me to

let him try and help me so I did, so I went off on one. I told him I

had had not choice to do my own medicating as I had been left with a

diagnosis of exclusion which meant they didn't look any further for my

problems or try to get to the bottom of it at all. I was in tears, I

was whining, I was having a good old vent. I wasn't happy with him at

all, you can tell he is trying to save NHS money at my health's

expense. I asked for tests he said he didn't understand so he wouldn't

do them. When he sarcasticly asked me why I thought I had vitiligo and

I showed him it and he said, oh yes :o so he saw I was not 'imagining'

things. I told him I had autoimmune diseases and was predisposed to

others, surely he knew that, he nodded and decided to test an

autoimmune panel, kidneys, I asked for electrolytes and liver panel,

and my TFTs. I was still very upset as usual, it seems I shed more

tears in that building than anywhere else so far in this town and I

hardly ever go. When I saw the blood form in the nurses office there

was no FT4 nor RT4 which I specificly asked for so I asked her to go

in and get it off him. He didn't put physician requested so it is

doubtful I will get those. He had put T3 T4 TSH FT3, I said he could

have saved money on the first 2 and given me the others, but whatever eh?

Anyway I digress. Seems like I am banging my head against a brick wall

most of the time up there. I said I was obese, I felt like retorting

something like and you are too skinny, trying to tell me it is my

fault? I was very very angry. He said it seems like you don't trust

doctors Dawn, I said ''not now I don't''. Meaning since I was left

panting for months and finally getting confusion without any action on

their part at all. He says 'you have seen an endocrinologist' I said,

yeah, he ran a TSH and a T4 big deal!

Anyway folks. There you have it. My consultation today which may

produce some blood results to help me or not but I won't hold my

breath. I need to see the neurologist as he knows a bit about

Hashimotos and encephalopothy. At least he seems to KNOW SOMETHING :x

I need a doctor who in fact knows something.

He suggested that I felt better on Armour sometimes because of the

placebo effect. My hubby asked him why, did I feel better on the

armour and of course my doc said he didn't know and what did my hubby

call 'better'. Of course hubby said I could breathe (which is always a

positive), I was sitting up, I looked brighter, and was in general

more interested in things and alert. But the doc thought it was the

placebo effect :angry5: :angry7: what rubbish.

My hubby is very genteel, he just nodded and took account of the fact

that the doc really didn't know that there were more types of thyroid

hormone in Armour and only one in the thyroxine tablets, or if he did

he never mentioned it. I asked why oh why for thyroid patients is

there only one treatment when for all the other conditions there are

alternatives in case the patient doesn't do well on it, he said he

didn't know. I said that it relies on periferal conversion and I don't

know what is happening if my body isn't handling that task well. No

real response to that either.

All in all, no real move forward there except possible blood results

and maybe if I am very very lucky a referral.

Can't believe he didn't even realise I had an autoimmune disease after

all this time :shock:

Ah well. There we go. No enlightenment on why I was ill yesterday,

suppose he is going to look at the tests which will scare him maybe

because they are 'on armour' tests and he won't know what they look like.

lotsa luv and God bless all in the same plight as me


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And the mystery of why we're all self treating is solved!

> Well if he is the son of a woman I know, he went in it for the

money. He actually said to us that the reason he was becoming a

doctor was for that reason and that reason only. He probably is

someone's doctor by now.


> Lilian


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Hi Dawn,

I'm so sorry you've had such a bad day. I haven't got anything useful

to say, just that I'm thinking of you xxx Try and get a goodnights

sleep if you can.

Luv Justeen


> What a day. I don't feel too bad considering. I stress dosed hc 15mg

> dose this morning before I went to the docs it is a good thing I did

> with the stress I had. Apart from being late due to youngest not being

> able to find his boot to go to school, the actual consultation was not

> really condusive to good therapy for my health.

> I started by getting out my laptop so that I could see what I wanted

> to ask him. I told him I was on hc, so I got the horror stories about


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Thanks all of you for your support.

It really does help.

I will try and get some sleep and I bet my doc is the bloke you

mention Lillian, just my luck to get him lol.

I think a lot also go into it for the status. OOOOO YOUR A DOCTOR OOOO.


sorry lol.

I'll shut up now :)

lotsa luv


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