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HVB-hepatitis viral B

They started me on IV prednisone then changed to oral.

Yes, I still have my beautiful kids. I tried leaving them with their father

but that was more stressful than having them with me. I guess I'm supposed

to be Mama all my life. LOL


>From: " Aisha Elderwyn " <aisha@...>



>Subject: ne

>Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 13:24:08 +1000


> " They STILL said I had HVB "


> Hi hon, what is HVB?


> " since I was a nurse & was probably exposed to it. It took 10 yrs & 3

>liver biopsies for the dr to decide it was AIH. "


> Auto Immune Hepatitis?


> " One of my drs tried interferon, which almost killed me with the side

>effects. "


> What is interferon?


> " Now this auto-immune thing has affected my legs, kidneys, brain,

>nerves- not to mention the side effects of the prednisone. Sorry to be so

>long winded, but you asked for it. LOL "


> ROTFLMAO.. yep.... asked and glad....Hell woman, everything really does

>happen to you!! Are your kids with you again now? Are you doing ok? You are

>a worry!! No more falling over I hope??


> Hope all is well dear one *hugs*

> Love A.


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  • 8 years later...

I have seen a few posts referring to ne recently and thought it

might be helpful to share what we have discovered. As part of our

investigation into why my wife has been feeling so poorly we, too, had

some tests done by Dr McLaren of Acumen laboratory. Among

other things these showed traces of ne in her blood.

As well as being a pesticide used in agriculture and garden products,

ne was present in products for treating pets and also head lice

in humans. It was banned in the UK and EU about 7 years ago but is

still used in other parts of the world most notably by cocoa growers.

It comes as no surprise, then, that traces of it have been found in

chocolate. Apparently the major chocolate manufacturers cannot be

sure whether they are buying ne contaminated cocoa beans because

of the very convoluted purchasing & supply chains. However, we

understand that FairTrade manufacturers have a much tighter control

over the source of their cocoa and can give such an undertaking. One

would also hope that products sold as 'Organic' would be free from


Having done some research on the web, it appears that one of the

effects of ne can be that it is harmful to the endocrine system.

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> I have seen a few posts referring to ne recently and thought it

> might be helpful to share what we have discovered. As part of our

> investigation into why my wife has been feeling so poorly we, too,


> some tests done by Dr McLaren of Acumen laboratory.


> other things these showed traces of ne in her blood.


> As well as being a pesticide used in agriculture and garden


> ne was present in products for treating pets and also head lice

> in humans. It was banned in the UK and EU about 7 years ago but is

> still used in other parts of the world most notably by cocoa


> It comes as no surprise, then, that traces of it have been found in

> chocolate. Apparently the major chocolate manufacturers cannot be

> sure whether they are buying ne contaminated cocoa beans


> of the very convoluted purchasing & supply chains. However, we

> understand that FairTrade manufacturers have a much tighter control

> over the source of their cocoa and can give such an undertaking.


> would also hope that products sold as 'Organic' would be free from

> ne.


> Having done some research on the web, it appears that one of the

> effects of ne can be that it is harmful to the endocrine






Please see my other post, I am sure my lindane exposure came from

drinking lots of apple juice in the 80s when lindane was found in

apple juice before it was banned and also using flea spray on my

golden retrievers. Again this would have been during the 80s and

early 90s.

Isn't it dreadful how innocent we are were, come to think of it they

are still telling us mercury is ok to use in fillings despite all the

evidence to the contrary.

It would appear that quite a high proportion of the population don't

possess certain enzymes that help our body detox properly. The one

that I am thinking of is called MTHFR and is involved in the

methylation cycle of folic acid and B12. If we don't methylate

properly we are likely to have homocysteine which is implicated in a

massive amount of disease including heart disease, stroke and


Although I actually haven't been tested its pretty certain that I do

have this problem because in 1973 I had a baby that was born with no

skull bones (neural tube defect) and it is known that this only

happens in women who cannot use folic acid properly. Little did I

know at the time I was mercury poisoned too but remember having a

severe reaction to any injection that contained thimerosol which is a

form of mercury. We have all had these injections because it was

contained in every type of vaccine, flu, TB, childhood vaccines

(until recently) and also tetannus.

Now I only use supplements from the US which contain the active

version of foiic acid called folinic acid so no conversion is

necessary. The supplement also contains all the other active Bs.

Hopefully I should be nicely detoxified by now as I take all these

daily together with 1000mcg methylcobalmin to aid methylation. It

really is a fascinating subject but I wonder how many GP's would know

about methylation?



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Hello ,

I am currently reading a very interesting book by Mark Starr MD

called Hypothyroidism Type 2 - the Epidemic

There is a chapter in there that talks about Environmental Toxins =

Hormonal Havoc. ne is indeed on the list of synthetic chemicals

that interfere with the production transport and metabolism of

thyroid hormone. I have not quite got to that chapter yet but I

notice that there is an accompanying appendix which lists thyroid

mechanism and interfering chemicals. I am going to scan the page in

and see if I can attach it here to this reply.

I'd recommend anyone reading this book it covers all aspects of

hypothyroidism, diabetes, type 1 and type 2 hypothyroidism, chronic

pain, fatigue, fibromyalgia, obesity, laboratory testing for patients

taking desiccated thyroid just to name a few of the chapters. I feel

it is a worthwhile addition to my growing library and as an added

plus it is a relatively easy read not as technical as some books.

Okay small problem - my scanning software is throwing a fit so I need

to sort that before I can scan in the appendix ......... perhaps

someone would be kind enough to tell me how to attach a doc to a

reply on this forum as I'm darned if I can see where to do that!




> I have seen a few posts referring to ne recently and thought it

> might be helpful to share what we have discovered. >

> Having done some research on the web, it appears that one of the

> effects of ne can be that it is harmful to the endocrine





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Hi all, NITRATES AND PCB`S LINKED TO THYROID DISORDERS.they have been testing the environment in Slovakia- and found that these polutents are linked to thyroid disease.scientists conducted a large field survey of nearly 1.000 iodine-sufficient 10 and 13 year old school children in eastern and south western Slovakia .they found that children in both age groups from high-nitrate area showed higher thyroid volumes and increased frequency of thyroid hypoechogenicity.this proves that the environment is not a healthy place.this is from the endocrine news may 2004.don`t have a link to this sorry. regards angel.

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It isn't possible to sent messages with attachments to the forum. You

would have to upload it as a file instead. I don't know whether any

member can do that or only moderators as I haven't tried. If you

can't upload your scanned document as a file you will have to send it

to a moderator as an attachment and they will be able to upload it.

Hope this helps!


> I notice that there is an accompanying appendix which lists thyroid

> mechanism and interfering chemicals. I am going to scan the page in

and see if I can attach it here to this reply.

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> I am sure my lindane exposure came from drinking lots of apple

juice in the 80s when lindane was found in apple juice before it was

banned and also using flea spray on my golden retrievers. Again this

would have been during the 80s and early 90s. ............

I was reading recently about cases of polio related to the use of

poisonous insecticides in orchards:


Another reason not to eat to much salad or fruit as they tend to be

sprayed much more!

> It would appear that quite a high proportion of the population don't

possess certain enzymes that help our body detox properly. .........

Is that related to low thyroid or not? Having low thyroid often

affects the body's ability to detoxify.

> If we don't methylate properly we are likely to have homocysteine


High levels of homocysteine are also related to deficiency of B

vitamins and folic acid - see " The Heart Revolution " by Kilmer McCully.

> It really is a fascinating subject but I wonder how many GP's would

know about methylation? ............

Not many as their education doesn't seem to include nutritional

treatments. However, doctors from the British Society for Ecological

Medicine are probably up to speed with it. Dr Myhill mentions it on

her website:



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Thanks Miriam

> > I notice that there is an accompanying appendix which lists thyroid

> > mechanism and interfering chemicals. I am going to scan the page in

> and see if I can attach it here to this reply.


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Yes, any member can upload such information to our Files. Make

sure that you tick the box to notify the forum members that you have done this.

Luv - Sheila

It isn't possible to sent messages with

attachments to the forum. You

would have to upload it as a file instead. I don't know whether any

member can do that or only moderators as I haven't tried. If you

can't upload your scanned document as a file you will have to send it

to a moderator as an attachment and they will be able to upload it.

Hope this helps!



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