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Re: Re: Getting armour - Message from owner

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Re: Getting armour

Here are a two places that sell it online. I have not tried eithervendor so cannot give a reference:Val>> Hi All, I am feeling really badly since stopping armour. I cant get> any more from my online source and have no MD. The MDs around here> dont want to prescribe armour. I have no medical insurance. Does> anyone know of an online source or MD who might be helpful (on the> phone or online)?> Please write. > > Best, Sylvia>

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I have seen a source for HC lost. The company I ordered the first two

times all of a sudden wanted prescriptions or no deal. That was the end of

them for a source of meds without Rx. They were mentioned on a list a couple

of times not too long before they started requiring Rx's. They are in

England, I'm in USA.


God Bless America!

One nation under God

Re: Re: Getting armour - Message from owner

>I see this message on all the thyroid related lists and respect the list

> rules. However, on most of the other lists I'm on sources are

> referenced from time to time and I've never see a source shut down.

> Some online drug business specialize in selling level 2 drugs (steroids,

> sleeping meds, tranqs, etc) which puts them in the bulls eye, yet seem

> to continue unabated. Most, not all, of the sources thyroid uses go to

> don't sell any of those things. Body builder sites are selling some

> quite restrictive stuff and remain operating for years and years up

> until today. In fact, the last place I got some T3 was a body builder

> site and the product was delivered well and, cheaper than most places,

> and appears to be quite effective.


> Has there been any real downside or repercussions to the web sites

> fronts themselves or is the primary problem one perhaps to do with the

> terms of services?


> I've been tempted to put up a web page on sources with some reference

> material on current 90 day import laws, what's black and white and what

> are gray areas, quality of sources, best ways to make a purchase and how

> to do so as safely as possible, etc.


> Steve



> ladybugsandbees wrote:






> --


> Steve - dudescholar4@...


> Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at

> http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html


> " If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

> to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford


> ------------------------------------






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While I don't agree with the list position on sources, I don't have a

problem not posting sources to this list. That doesn't mean I won't

post sources to other lists, put up web pages, make personal (via email)

recommendations, etc. Most of the sources on the source list that gets

emailed on request have been in business of quite a long time, the ones

that work anyway. Two of them I've been using for about 10 years and

two more have been in business that long but I haven't used them. The

US government is not going after them nor do they have the capacity to

put them out of business. They can try to stop shipments but that is

highly unlikely because the number and sources of drug shipments long

ago overwhelmed customs and congress has put a stop to much

confiscation, particularly on Canadian sources (which still require a

prescription). Customs doesn't generally confiscate anything unless it

is outright illegal, which prescription drugs are not.

In any case, anyone can join this email list and request the source

list. It's not a secret source, just one step removed from easy access.

The list owners/moderators are not overbearing and the all caps is

merely an attention getter in this case. I USE them for emphasis, not

yelling, although some people still interpret them as yelling. They are

quite ineffective when used that way.

In any case, the feelings people choose to feel are completely their

choice, no one can make anyone else feel a feeling on demand.

If you're looking for another iodine list on , nothing

compares to this one, not even close. The way you get effective

communication is by open forums and large subscribership. This is the

only list that has both. The larger the list, the more opinions there

are going to be that vary and can conflict one with another. Thats

always an issue one will need to deal with.

I believe you can get good and effective use out of this list; no use

throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


vcg22330 wrote:

> Hi ,

> I don't understand your answer at all. How is not mentioning a source

> protecting it? Are the feds so stupid that they can't use Google to

> find the sources just like I did?


> And yes, typing in all caps is shouting. It is very insulting and

> disrespectful. If you wanted to get people's attention, you could

> have at least respected my feelings by prefacing the shouting with

> something polite.


> If anyone knows of an iodine group that is more dignified than this

> one, I would appreciate a referral off list. I don't feel comfortable

> participating in this one any more.


> Thanks,

> Val


Steve - dudescholar4@...

Take World's Smallest Political Quiz at


" If a thousand old beliefs were ruined on our march

to truth we must still march on. " --Stopford

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