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Re: Lugol's as nasal drops for sinus?

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How about using the Lugol's as nasal drops for sinus problem? Howmany drops of Lugol's in a glass of water? Some drops can be picked up from this mixture with a dropper.-----------------

Ratan Singh, Phone: 91 141 2652561, mail: ratanpsych@...- Certificate in Food & Nutrition; Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education.- Author of "Nutrition & Supplements in Major Mental Illnesses";- M.A. (Psychol), Postgraduate Diploma in Medical & Social Psychology, Ph.D.;- Certified Behavior Therapist (from late Prof. J. Wolpe's Unit, Temple Univ Med School, USA);

- www.jaipurmart.com/trade/meditationandhealth, www.ejcbs.com

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I've used one drop of Lugols in about a cup of filtered water using a

nettie pot (any more iodine than that is too strong) when that " tingly "

feeling of a cold coming on was felt... success! it backed off.

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Thanks for the information on Lugol's use in sinus. There are many ways to achieve the same goal. The sinus could be cleared by Lugol's or by soda bicarbonate or by high dose of vitamin C. The cheapest is one drop of Lugol's in a cup of filtered water. Thanks to you.---------------------

Ratan Singh, Phone: 91 141 2652561, mail: ratanpsych@...- Certificate in Food & Nutrition; Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education.- Author of "Nutrition & Supplements in Major Mental Illnesses";- M.A. (Psychol), Postgraduate Diploma in Medical & Social Psychology, Ph.D.;- Certified Behavior Therapist (from late Prof. J. Wolpe's Unit, Temple Univ Med School, USA);

- www.jaipurmart.com/trade/meditationandhealth, www.ejcbs.com--- On Sat, 11/8/08, porkerpie <joanhulvey@...> wrote:

From: porkerpie <joanhulvey@...>Subject: Re: Lugol's as nasal drops for sinus?iodine Date: Saturday, November 8, 2008, 12:26 PM

I've used one drop of Lugols in about a cup of filtered water using a nettie pot (any more iodine than that is too strong) when that "tingly" feeling of a cold coming on was felt... success! it backed off.

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Would this be done with a Neety pot or in a sprayer.

Duke Dallas - Texas


iodine From: psych_58@...Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 23:44:10 -0800Subject: Re: Re: Lugol's as nasal drops for sinus?

Thanks for the information on Lugol's use in sinus. There are many ways to achieve the same goal. The sinus could be cleared by Lugol's or by soda bicarbonate or by high dose of vitamin C. The cheapest is one drop of Lugol's in a cup of filtered water. Thanks to you.---------------------

Ratan Singh, Phone: 91 141 2652561, mail: ratanpsychhotmail- Certificate in Food & Nutrition; Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education.- Author of "Nutrition & Supplements in Major Mental Illnesses";- M.A. (Psychol), Postgraduate Diploma in Medical & Social Psychology, Ph.D.;- Certified Behavior Therapist (from late Prof. J. Wolpe's Unit, Temple Univ Med School, USA);

- www.jaipurmart.com/trade/meditationandhealth, www.ejcbs.com--- On Sat, 11/8/08, porkerpie <joanhulvey > wrote:

From: porkerpie <joanhulvey >Subject: Re: Lugol's as nasal drops for sinus?iodine Date: Saturday, November 8, 2008, 12:26 PM

I've used one drop of Lugols in about a cup of filtered water using a nettie pot (any more iodine than that is too strong) when that "tingly" feeling of a cold coming on was felt... success! it backed off. Windows Live Hotmail now works up to 70% faster. Sign up today.

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I use a squeeze bottle made for the purpose of clearing the sinus cavities. I am going to try the drop of lugols plus a pinch of baking soda to the solution. I did notice that the rinsing was starting to help my sinus problems.




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I tried it just now to double check -- 1 drop per cup is WAY too strong

for me - I'd best revise my post! 1 drop per half gallon filtered water

is more like it. And no, not the whole cup runs through. To err on the

side of caution for sensitive nasal tissues, I'd say use just a dropper

full of the Lugol's water (store the rest in a glass jar), then flush

through with a full cup of filtered water using the neti pot.

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You mean first I use the fully filled dropper with diluted Lugols and empty the dropper in the nose and after that I use plain clean filtered water to flush the nose by dropper? By diluted Lugols I understand you mean a drop of Lugols in two cups of water?----------------------

Ratan Singh, Phone: 91 141 2652561, mail: ratanpsych@...- Certificate in Food & Nutrition; Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education.- Author of "Nutrition & Supplements in Major Mental Illnesses";- M.A. (Psychol), Postgraduate Diploma in Medical & Social Psychology, Ph.D.;- Certified Behavior Therapist (from late Prof. J. Wolpe's Unit, Temple Univ Med School, USA);

- www.jaipurmart.com/trade/meditationandhealth, www.ejcbs.com--- On Wed, 11/12/08, porkerpie <joanhulvey@...> wrote:

From: porkerpie <joanhulvey@...>Subject: Re: Lugol's as nasal drops for sinus?iodine Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 12:48 AM

I tried it just now to double check -- 1 drop per cup is WAY too strong for me - I'd best revise my post! 1 drop per half gallon filtered water is more like it. And no, not the whole cup runs through. To err on the side of caution for sensitive nasal tissues, I'd say use just a dropper full of the Lugol's water (store the rest in a glass jar), then flush through with a full cup of filtered water using the neti pot.

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