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Bicarbonate of soda and chickenpox

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Hi all, As anyone else use bicarbonate of soda in their baths to

relieve the itching and reduce the recovery time from the blisters and

scabs of chickenpox. After read the files on candida and DR Tullio

Simoncini I was very sceptical about what was being said about

bicarbonate of soda, then the memory of using bicarb on my girls came

back to me, now I'm not quite such the sceptic I was. To make sure it

was bicarbonate of soda I tried NHS web sites for confirmation, no joy

there, google Bicarbonate of soda and chickenpox and up comes all the

confirmation you need, More lack of information from the NHS on a

natural product, no profit for the drugs companies I guess. Anyone

know why it works.


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Thanks - I love information like this. Type in "Dr Tullio simonchini" into the search bar above the messages on our forum websitre www.health./group/thyroid treatment and the emssages about him will come up, then type in "bicarbonate soda" or "sodium bicarbonate" and those messages will come up. There is a link there to his website and video - quite remarkable.

luv - Sheila

Hi all, As anyone else use bicarbonate of soda in their baths torelieve the itching and reduce the recovery time from the blisters andscabs of chickenpox. After read the files on candida and DR TullioSimoncini I was very sceptical about what was being said aboutbicarbonate of soda, then the memory of using bicarb on my girls cameback to me, now I'm not quite such the sceptic I was. To make sure itwas bicarbonate of soda I tried NHS web sites for confirmation, no joythere, google Bicarbonate of soda and chickenpox and up comes all theconfirmation you need, More lack of information from the NHS on anatural product, no profit for the drugs companies I guess. Anyoneknow why it works.keith

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