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Re: Tim Russert, hypothyroid? Courtesy of Dr. Dach's Newsletter

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Wow. How many people you can see like that wherever you go!


> Left Image shows characteristic hypothyroid appearance (puffy eyes

and face,

> loss of eyebrows). Right Image shows appearance after treatment

with thyroid

> pills.

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Tim Russert was born in Buffalo NY where I was born---the goiter belt. Iodine deficiency was the first thing I thought of, when I heard he had died.


From Dr. Dach's Newsletter:

Was Tim Russert Subclinical Hypothyroid?Below photos show characteristic appearance of low thyroid state.

Left Image: Tim Russert 2007, courtesy of Wikipedia. Notice thinning of outer third of eyebrows, and fullness under chin, and puffiness of eyelids, all signs of subclinical hypothyroidism, a risk factor for heart disease.Right Image: Typical features of hypothyroidism with loss of outer thirds of eyebrows, fullness under chin and puffiness of eyelids. Image Courtesy of Mark Starr MD Type Two Hypothyroidism.com (8)Hypothyroidism and Heart DiseaseBroda was the first to point out the connection between subclinical hypothyroidism and accelerated heart disease in his book, "Solved the Riddle of Heart Attacks".(11) Dr. spent his summer vacations in Graz Austria reviewing autopsy studies showing that the low thyroid segment of the population eventually succumbed to heart disease. The low thyroid condition causes typical changes in the skin and connective tissues called myxedema with infiltration by a gelatinous substance. This infiltration causes a characteristic puffy look to the eyelids, and fullness to the face, which is called the obese form of hypothyroidism. Dr. speculated that this same connective tissue infiltration occurs in the blood vessel walls leading to hypertension and atherosclerotic plaque and heart disease. Dr. reviewed his own patient list treated with thyroid medication over many years and found a 94% reduction in the rate of heart attacks as compared to the Framingham Heart Study, and he concluded that this was due to treatment of hypothyroidism which largely prevented the development of atherosclerosis.(9)(10)(11) Recent studies confirm this connection between subclinical hypothyroidism and heart disease originally discovered by Broda .(12)(13) Before and After Treatment for Hypothyroidism

Left Image shows characteristic hypothyroid appearance (puffy eyes and face, loss of eyebrows). Right Image shows appearance after treatment with thyroid pills. Notice dramatic change with resolution of eyelid and facial puffiness, fullness under chin is gone, and there is regrowth of eyebrows with more youthful appearance. Courtesy of Mark Starr MD hypothyroidismtype2.com (8)

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