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Re: question for Alan - Cindy

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> Hi Alan,

> This is a question for you...I am thinking seriously about IV

chelation and

Hi ,

I was dx as RRMS. I am hoping this is accurate given Feb. was my DX.

I believe my first attack of note was 6 years back. A numb side from

middle of my back to below lowest rib on front right side. Although

uncomfortable, it is not dibilitating.

My Optical Nueritis, which led to Dx was severe, 90% loss of vision

in left eye. It has come back to about 75% and seemed to stop

improving, but latlely I notice very slight improvment processing

light and color. I had pretty severe brainfog and head buzzing which

has mostly subsided. I think some of that was LDN related. I have

had some numbness in lower legs (possibly LDN related) and a numb

spot on my left arch. The leg issues come and go. I am one of the

lucky ones in that I have no outward signs of issues, and those that

I do have are more than managable. I appreciate how fortunate I am.

Mercury and Chelation & Hormones

It is hard to say if any one thing helps or not. Like most, I don't

really care what helps (although it would be nice to know) as long

as something helps. With diet changes, supplements, LDN etc. there

is a lot going on. When dx I read up on MS, Lyme and Mercury as they

all seem related (at least symptom wise). Mercury removal was a no

brainer for me (although pricy to do right)as it was clearly bad

news and something I could control. Hair testing and Urine

challenges left no doubt that chelation made sense because of the

high levels of Mercury. Copper, Iron and Zinc. In general I feel

almost " normal " again and part of that seems to be related to

eliminating some of the potential health variables through the

removal and chelation. I do beleive it helped and believe anyone

with mercury in their teeth , brain or body remains in a state of

unecessary peril.

Bio-Identical hormones kept coming up in things I was reading (or

more accurately Hormone imbalances). My Dr. attended a meeting in

Chicago about 6 weeks back on chleation, and hormones were a big

topic. I had asked about it several times prior to the meeting and

was pleased he felt it was appropriate for me based on what he

heard. I tested in the bottom 1/3 of the " acceptable " range but he

learned autoimmuners should be at least int he top 1/3 of the range.

I absolutely feel better. More strength, balance, coordination. I

thought for years I was just getting older and then that the MS

diagnosis was responsible for what seemed to be dimishing health and

wellness, and have been thrilled to find that at least some of it

was hormone related. I am feeling pretty good these days and believe

that most if not all women and men should educate themselves about

hormnes and get tested if they are 35 or older. Suzanne Somers did a

nice job of summarizing much I what I read elsewhere in her

book " The Sexy Years " . I believe a must read for everyone (she

covers women and men). I would strongly urge you to look in to it!

Hope that covers your questions.



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