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Ready to give up

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OK First center yourself. No good will come of you giving up! It willmake you feel worse. Just understand that you will havebad days and thats ok..just start anew tomorrow. And as far as your MIL My opinion...they are your kids too and your kids and your right to protect them.. HOWEVER if your husband is in agreement with you and wants to be the one to confront her then let him..but if he doesnt I would!!!!!

We all put ourselves on the back burner..we are women...mothers...wives....





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-Hi : You are not alone!!!!!!--


> I am so ready to give up right now..

I don't know what to do.

...I dont even know where to begin if I should start over or just give

up until my life gets more under control... I'm at a loss as to what

to do..




: could you commit to checking in every day with this group?

Would that be a manageable small goal?

I , for one weigh 285 pounds because, my life, my eating, my weight

never really DOES get under control!!!

But, I think the one thing we all need is support, no matter what!


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I deal with that thought every day of my life!!!

Re: Ready to give up



> -Hi : You are not alone!!!!!!--

> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


>> I am so ready to give up right now..


> I don't know what to do.



> ..I dont even know where to begin if I should start over or just give

> up until my life gets more under control... I'm at a loss as to what

> to do..




> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


> : could you commit to checking in every day with this group?

> Would that be a manageable small goal?

> I , for one weigh 285 pounds because, my life, my eating, my weight

> never really DOES get under control!!!

> But, I think the one thing we all need is support, no matter what!

> Faye








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I wouldn't give up. That won't help. I'm starting over as well. I just wasn't doing very good. So, I decided I would put that in the past. It never happened. I would suggest just starting over. Try taking small steps. The first step I took was cutting out soda. I'm down to just a small cup a day. I treat it almost like a desert after lunch.

As far as your MIL goes. If your DH is going to say something & you feel comfortable w/that. Good. If not, then I would say something. I'm not one for keeping quiet about things. But, I have had to hold my tongue w/in-laws before. However, this is a situation in which I would have to say something. Hope this helps.


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We all have multiple problems in our lives that challenge us:

relationship problems, employment issues, poverty, physical and

mental illness. It varies from person to person.

If I had the power, this is what I would tell you to do:

Every day eat breakfast.

Every workday pack a lunch. The lunch must include a serving of

fruit and at least a half serving of vegetable.

Every day, sometime, whether before or after work, you will eat a

decent meal that includes at least one serving of vegetables.

Every day, grant yourself from morning to bedtime to drink up your

90 ounces of water.

Add in whatever else you want.

It's hard to tell people how to handle family problems, but as a

rule, if sexual or physical abuse are involved the child must be

protected and cease all relationship with the offender as well as

notify the authorities. If the issue involves broken promises or

emotional abuse, the child still must be protected. A grandparent's

relationship with a child is not an entitlement. Limit access to

protect the child.

For work, they are probably used to you being a doormat. Do take

some care of yourself. Eat every day those three meals so you have

energy and are alert. When you feel some self respect, you will

feel strong enough to approach the powers that be with your request.

My 2 cents.


> I am so ready to give up right now.. I don't know what to do... I

feel like I have so much going on right now and so much on me

between work and home... I never put myself first... I'm always on

the back burner while everything and everyone else comes first... I

am soooooo upset with my MIL right now and I don't know how to

handle it... Part of me wants to confront her (she hurt my child her

granddaughter) part of me is saying let my DH handle it.. and part

of me is just leave it alone... I hate my schedule at work.. I know

there should be a shift bid and I can finally get my earlier

schedule, probably within 2 months but I dont know if I can take it

that long.. My eating has gotten way out of control, I dont even

know where to begin if I should start over or just give up until my

life gets more under control... I'm at a loss as to what to do..





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take one day at a time. And one thing at a time.

First MIL we most all have one. You love them one minute and then the next OMG... You do not explain the situation. BUT if it is something severe let hubby take care of it. Its his mom. OR if it is something DD can take care of with guidance from mom or dad.

Start recording your food. Even if it is to much food. Do one thing a day for yourself. 5 min in the bathroom alone. As odd as it sounds I keep a book, a handheld game and a cross word in the draw of the bathroom. Even if I dont have to go I sometimes go to the bathroom for 5 min of peace. OK sometimes 10min.

Also dont forget taking stairs, go for a 10 min brisk walk, listen to music on a walk man, or anything that helps clear your mind from working your crazy hours. And just keep thinking soon soon...

You can do this I know you can.

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  • 3 years later...

I have been doing the Iodoral for almost 3 months now.

Between the itching and the headaches I am ready to give up. I felt

better before I started. I am starting to lose hair again and the itch

is unbearable. I felt bad before but now I look like a skeletan

walking around. My face is gaunt, skin looks awful and the itch is too

much. This has been going on for two weeks now. I am embarrassed to

elave the house

I read about all these symptoms and I wonder how we can be really sure

they are die off symptoms and not a toxic reaction to the iodine?

I guess I am looking for some reaSSurance so I know this will end and

how long it takes. Is it life long that I will ave to deal with

die-off symptoms? Will I ever look and feel better?

Sorry to be so needy folks but I just feel so crappy and look even worse

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how much Iodoral do you take? do you take ATP cofactors?


I have been doing the Iodoral for almost 3 months now.Between the itching and the headaches I am ready to give up. I feltbetter before I started. I am starting to lose hair again and the itchis unbearable. I felt bad before but now I look like a skeletanwalking around. My face is gaunt, skin looks awful and the itch is toomuch. This has been going on for two weeks now. I am embarrassed toelave the houseI read about all these symptoms and I wonder how we can be really surethey are die off symptoms and not a toxic reaction to the iodine?I guess I am looking for some reaSSurance so I know this will end andhow long it takes. Is it life long that I will ave to deal withdie-off symptoms? Will I ever look and feel better?Sorry to be so needy folks but I just feel so crappy and look even worse

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I wonder why you decided to only take 1 Iodoral and not increase the dose? I had to increase the iodine to 100mg to feel well.


>> Marcie-> > Thanks for your response. As I stated previously, I have Celiac> disease so I have been on a gluten free diet for about 5 years now,> ever since I was diagnosed. So gluten is not my problem anymore. The> diet soda and pots of decaf coffee a day I'm sure contributed to my> bad health. > > I am eating healthy now, drinking only mineral water or herbal tea. I> was on a practically no fat high protein diet for years and got way> too thin. I am 5'6 and 112 lbs. Trying to gain about 10 lbs now but> don't want to do it eating junk. I find that if I eat healthy, maybe> 1500-2000 calories a day I don't gain weight. if I eat ice cream and> cookies, same amount of calories I will but don't want to do it that> way. I'm sure the lack of fat in my diet also contributed but now I> eat lots of protein, fat included, 1-2 avocadoes a day, lots of> veggies, some cheese and Balance bars when I need something sweet. I> started juicing today (carrot, brocolli, spinach, apple, orange and> ginger). I take 1 Iodoral a day and may stop. I am also doing the sea> salt in warm water twice a day and just started apple cider vinegar as> well. I unfortunately am not working and cannot afford to add> supplements. I am not a big advocate of synthetic supplements anyway> as I think the body sees them as drugs and doesn't really know what to> do with them. That's just my personal opinion> > I figure I am detoxing bromide and probably lots of fungus. I don't> know why my hair has started to fall out again. I guess I look like> death because I am detoxing. I am trying to just eat healthy and stay> positive but it's really hard lately. I wonder if the detox is making> me depressed as well. I sure have reason to be every time I look in> the mirror> >


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In a message dated 12/25/2008 6:27:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, chosenbarley@... writes:

>I was always perplexed about the idea that lots of fat is good,>because these experts do not tell us if that is pure fat we should be>consuming, as in oils, butter, lard, whatever - OR fat that is bound>up with food. Any opinions?

I think it's both that are good for you. But in eating lots of fat, you must also not eat a lot of junk...then you do get fat. By sticking to protein, fat, fruits and veggies (an an occasional glass of wine!!) I'm able to maintain my weight easily even though I eat way more calories than is technically what I should.

BarbFOne site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Mail. Try it now.

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Me too. I eat lots of coconut cream, oil and flakes which is high in fat. I drink heavy cream from raw milk. I do consume butter as well. I use Olive Oil in cooking as well as the coconut oil. I also consume lots of nuts. I am 30 lbs lighter than I was at the beginning of the year. I do not have as many cravings as I used to and stay full longer.

Re: Re: Ready to give up

In a message dated 12/25/2008 6:27:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, chosenbarley (DOT) ca writes:

>I was always perplexed about the idea that lots of fat is good,>because these experts do not tell us if that is pure fat we should be>consuming, as in oils, butter, lard, whatever - OR fat that is bound>up with food. Any opinions?

I think it's both that are good for you. But in eating lots of fat, you must also not eat a lot of junk...then you do get fat. By sticking to protein, fat, fruits and veggies (an an occasional glass of wine!!) I'm able to maintain my weight easily even though I eat way more calories than is technically what I should.


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It's interesting isn't it. Before I was about 30 lbs heavier. I was on

a starvation low cal 1200 calorie no fat diet and could not lose a lb.

Then I did Atkins briefly and lost 10 lbs immediately. I know Atkins

is not healthy but I shun diets now that are starvation low fat diets

because they don't work.

When I first started taking the iodine I was eating 1200 calories a

day mostly non fat foods. Have made some radical changes to my diet.

I eat meat, pork and chicken and keep the skin on and chose fatty cuts

of meat. I eat salmon when I can with the skin on. I eat about 2

avocados a day. I did try eating nuts one day but I have to be

careful there because I bought 1 b of cashews and ate the whole bag. I

can't seem to stop.

I haven't had any decaf coffee or diet soda in over a week now.

I use the sea salt in warm water twice a day. The itching was a little

better but comes and goes. I may try the baths.

I take apple cider vinegar twice a day.

I am juicing every morning carrots, beets, spinach, brocolli, ginger,

apple and orange.

I eat some cheese

Lots of steamed green beans, cauliflower and broccoli. I guess I

should start sauteing in olive oil. I will look for the coconut oil

as well. How do you use that?

I should probably add some grains but they won't add any fat to my diet.

So my calorie intake is about 700 calories higher now, around

1800-2000 and I find I lost 2 lbs and now am maintaining. I know this

is because I am not eating too many refined carbs. Staying away from

the ice cream and gluten free cookies.

I think you guys are right about toxins being stored in fat and if I

don't have any fat on me then it will make it harder.

On Wednesday I felt like I turned a little corner. Prior I was feeling

like I was dying, just awful....constant headache, eyes felt glazed

over. As of yesterday I only had a minor headache and that glazed

sensation is gone (knock wood)

I had reduced my Iodoral dosage to 1 and yesterday didn't take any. I

am using the theory that I need to give my kidneys a break. I may

start up again tomorrow with 1 Iodoral and work my way back up. I just

needed a break physically and emotionally as I also looked like death

and was embarrassed to go out because my face was contorted in pain.

I am sure I have far to go after years of abusing my own body.

Thank you everyone for your support, encouragement and good advice. I

appreciate it



> Me too. I eat lots of coconut cream, oil and flakes which is high

in fat. I drink heavy cream from raw milk. I do consume butter as

well. I use Olive Oil in cooking as well as the coconut oil. I also

consume lots of nuts. I am 30 lbs lighter than I was at the beginning

of the year. I do not have as many cravings as I used to and stay

full longer.





> Re: Re: Ready to give up




> In a message dated 12/25/2008 6:27:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

chosenbarley@... writes:

> >I was always perplexed about the idea that lots of fat is good,

> >because these experts do not tell us if that is pure fat we

should be

> >consuming, as in oils, butter, lard, whatever - OR fat that is


> >up with food. Any opinions?


> I think it's both that are good for you. But in eating lots of

fat, you must also not eat a lot of junk...then you do get fat. By

sticking to protein, fat, fruits and veggies (an an occasional glass

of wine!!) I'm able to maintain my weight easily even though I eat way

more calories than is technically what I should.

> BarbF








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It's not crazy Marcie, it's what Atkins used to preach. I don't want

to get into an argument with people about how unhealthy Atkins is, (I

agree it can be) but I do agree with you. The more calories I eat,

provided it is not in the form of refined carbs, the more weight I

lose. But the calories can't be in the form of sugar so that means I

have to watch the nuts, rice and other grains. For the people here

having trouble losing weight, I would love to know what you are

actually eating. /Could be you are not eating enough and starving your

body or you are eating too many carbs and not enough fat??


> A

> >


> > From: jennkramer1974 <jennkramer1974@>


> > Subject: Ready to give up


> > iodine


> > Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 9:10 AM


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > I have been doing the Iodoral for almost 3 months now.


> >


> > Between the itching and the headaches I am ready to give up. I felt


> > better before I started. I am starting to lose hair again and the itch


> > is unbearable. I felt bad before but now I look like a skeletan


> > walking around. My face is gaunt, skin looks awful and the itch is too


> > much. This has been going on for two weeks now. I am embarrassed to


> > elave the house


> >


> > I read about all these symptoms and I wonder how we can be really sure


> > they are die off symptoms and not a toxic reaction to the iodine?


> >


> > I guess I am looking for some reaSSurance so I know this will end and


> > how long it takes. Is it life long that I will ave to deal with


> > die-off symptoms? Will I ever look and feel better?


> >


> > Sorry to be so needy folks but I just feel so crappy and look even



> >


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