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Treating oneself with natural Armour Thyroid

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Can anyone let me know what their experiences are of taking the

natural extract of dessicated thyroid extract so as I have a bit of an

idea what I'm doing please, if there is anyone out there taking it -

thanks. Also I thought that someone mentioned that if one takes the

natural extract then one has everything necessary i.e. T3, T4 etc., so

as I am new to this web site why do people say they are trying to

balance their T3 and T4. If one is taking the Armour Thyroid

unsupervised by a doc. how do you know what your T3 and T4 levels are

doing if your not getting regular blood checks. I'm still not 100%

certain it is a good idea for me to take the Armour Thyroid without

being supervised by a doc. and having regular blood tests - what do

other people think? I am still waiting for an endocrinologist

consultant to come back from his holiday, but even so he is still a

long drive away from where I live, two other doctors on the list I

rang this morning are unavailable at the moment, one because he too is

on holiday and the other doesn't take private patients only NHS and is

in another borough, so I don't think a doctor at my surgery will refer

me to another NHS doc. in another NHS trust which is not in my

borough. Has anyone else had this experience? Apart from that I am

not feeling too bad the last couple of days, I trying to take things a

little bit slower, as I went 'hell for leather' last Thursday and got

totally exhausted and couldn't do anything for three days and felt

totally ill.

I look forward to hearing from anyone out there who can help.


luv Ann

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Hi Ann

My other half worries about me because I self treat, he says what are you taking now!?

I am sure he thinks he will be rushing me off to A & E sometime soon, but I try and explain what I am doing and why but I dont think he really understands. I told him I am not stupid but everytime he comments on something I then get doubts, which I try and ignore, I told him when I start armour all I am doing is replacing one thyroid hormone treatment for another, I just think he worries because I am doing this myself but sometimes needs must and I feel much more confident about self treating than I used to feel.

Luv - Sheila

But I will have to see how I go, if I getreally bad again and the Armour arrives I might start taking it,although my mother and boyfriend are not sure I am doing the rightthing because they think I should be supervised by a doctor, so I'llsee how things pan out over the next few days and week ahead. It willbe good seeing how we get on.Best wishesAnn


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Hi Ann

I am trying armour because I want to give myself the best possible treatment, I was diagnosed in 2006 with Hashimotos and prescribed thyroxine which I have taken since them but never felt totally well, its been long and hard. I got up to 150mcg of thyroxine and my bloods showed 'normal' but I didnt feel it. It was after I found the TPA that I learned about the adrenal connection and had a salivary adrenal profile done which showed I was low in cortisol all day and only just went into range at midnight, so this could have been why I wasnt doing so well, I then proceded to take NAE for a few months and I got to see Dr P. I am now taking 25mg of HC a day and 75mcg of thyroxine, I stopped my thyroxine when I started the HC and have been gradually increasing the dose since then.

I am curious about armour and want to try it and see if it makes me feel any better, I guess if we dont try we dont know! I have ordered it from the US too and am waiting for it to arrive, I greatly doubt I will get it prescribed but who knows if I can prove it works better then I might get it, but they way things are looking it might be unavailable soon anyway, I hope not though, I dont feel too bad either, infact sometimes I feel quite normal! But other times I know things arent quite right yet, if you do decide to take the armour maybe we can compare results and see how each other gets on? Do you take thyroxine?

Hi , I am fairly new to this web site,and am finding out quitealot. What has made you change from thyroxine to Armour, and was yourdoctor prescribing thyroxine for you, and is he now going to prescribeArmour? I'm just taking it all one day at a time, today I feel not tobad, but last Thursday I did alot of physical work, I really pushedmyself to the limit to get alot of things done, but on Friday,Saturday and Sunday I felt absolutely awful, with no energy and achedall over and felt very down and miserable and grumpy because I felt soill. Best wishesAnn

[Edit Abbrev Mod]

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Yes, I'm still waiting for the Armour Thyroid to arrive, I am also

thinking of visiting one of the specialist doctors on the list

recommended on this web site - maybe just to be on the safe side, I

have sent Sheila a message asking her if a particular doc. I want to

see near me prescribes Armour Thyroid. But if the Armour arrives

before I get to see the specialist I still might start taking it

anyway. Also Sheila said in a message I read today that you should not

take the thyroid hormone for 24 hours before a blood test, maybe you

already knew this?

Best wishes


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Hi , I am not being treated for a hypoT at the moment, I am not

on any thyroid hormone. My blood test results were 6.13 on the record

sheet, normal range said on the record sheet 0.35 - 5.5. I was also

fasting for 12 hours before, the column said NORMALITY and underneath

my reading said ABOVE RANGE, but this stupid doc. I went to see, - the

worst one in the surgery, and you can pick and choose what doc. you

want to see as there are about 7 or 8 different ones and locums come

and go all the time, said there was nothing he could do and also

mentioned that I might want to see a psychiatrist. I don't have to

stick to what he says anyway, and I am going to see another doc in

this surgery tomorrow who I think is very nice to see what he thinks.

Also what is HC that you are taking, does it have to be prescribed,

and where do you get it? Hydrocortisone I suppose. I am so tired at

present sorry if I am woffalling. You also mentioned that we might not

be able to get Armour Thyroid soon, why is this? What other choices

are there? Someone mentioned Thyroid s - what is this?

Also my Serum free T4 level was quite high at 16.3 pmol/L normal range

10.3 - 18.3. fasting.

Hope to hear from you soon.



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Hi Ann

With a TSH as high as yours you should have been offered treatment, have you ever had an anti body test? If not I would ask for one, when I was diagnosed my TSH was above range so the doc asked for an anti body test which came back as positive with high anti bodies, this is called Hashimotos disease and it basically means the thyroid is being attacked by the anti bodies and it will eventually be destroyed, its an autoimmune disease which often comes hand in hand with other autoimmune diseases, like diabetes etc.

Did you receive Sheilas news letter? This tells you all about the shortage of armour that has been ongoing for some time, International Pharmacy in the US have only had the smaller size grains in stock for a while now and it now seems they may not be getting anymore in, there are other natural alternatives like Thyroid S, if you didnt get the news letter I am sure sheila will send you one.

Its very easy for a doc to say you need to see a psychiatrist when they dont know what else to do with you, its their cop out. Depression is a symptom of Hypothyroidism and a serious one at that.

Yes HC is hydrocortisone, many of us self treat with that due to poor adrenal function and low cortisol stops the proper utilization of thyroid hormones and, cortisol is needed for this.

I tested below range on cortisol output, a test we have to pay privately for. The NHS only recognise s disease and Cushings disease, they pay no attention to the grey areas in between.

I hope you get on better with your different doc today, let us know how you get on.

PS you dont need to fast for thyroid function tests!

Hi , I am not being treated for a hypoT at the moment, I am noton any thyroid hormone. Hope to hear from you soon.Thanx Ann

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He does support me Miriam, he just worries about the self treating and the fact I have chose not to go with the NHS anymore, read a book??? Fat chance!! lol

Hi , can't you get him to read any of the many excellent books onthe subject? It would be better if he was giving you moral support!Miriam> My other half worries about me because I self treat, he says whatare you taking now!?

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Hi , yes I did have a private blood test for anti-bodies but the

range was normal, however, my mother and sister both have

hypothyroidsm but on thyroxine from the NHS doctor, so I suppose it

can't be Hashimoto's at the moment, but I don't know about my mother

or sister and as far as I know they haven't been tested for

anti-bodies. I did'nt get Sheila's newsletter so I will be chasing

that up. Also where did you get your cortisol test from, was it the

saliva one? I think I have raised cortisol when I get stressed out, I

have read that this happens with people with depression and anxiety,

but it would be good to have this properly tested.



> Hi Ann

> With a TSH as high as yours you should have been offered treatment,

have you ever had an anti body test? If not I would ask for one, when

I was diagnosed my TSH was above range so the doc asked for an anti

body test which came back as positive with high anti bodies, this is

called Hashimotos disease and it basically means the thyroid is being

attacked by the anti bodies and it will eventually be destroyed, its

an autoimmune disease which often comes hand in hand with other

autoimmune diseases, like diabetes etc.








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It is

a mystery to me why so few members appear to have received the newsletter. Did

you not even receive an email from me telling you that I had attached the

Christmas Newsletter even if your firewall had removed it thinking it was spam?


you go to our Home Page of this forum http://health..group.thyroid treatment

and then click on FILES in the Menu, scroll down until you see Christmas

Newsletter and you can read all the information there. I might try and send it

out to everybody again to see if it works this time - we have 842 members, and

it took some doing.


can get the kit for the 24 hour salivary adrenal profile from www.gdx.uk.net

Luv -


I did'nt get Sheila's newsletter so I will be chasing

that up. Also where did you get your cortisol test from, was it the

saliva one? I think I have raised cortisol when I get stressed out, I

have read that this happens with people with depression and anxiety,

but it would be good to have this properly tested.



> Hi Ann

> With a TSH as high as yours you should have been offered treatment,

have you ever had an anti body test? If not I would ask for one, when

I was diagnosed my TSH was above range so the doc asked for an anti

body test which came back as positive with high anti bodies, this is

called Hashimotos disease and it basically means the thyroid is being

attacked by the anti bodies and it will eventually be destroyed, its

an autoimmune disease which often comes hand in hand with other

autoimmune diseases, like diabetes etc.








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Hi Ann

I got my saliavry profile done at lab 21, it used to be called NPTech, but you can also get it done where Sheila suggested. It is a 4 sample test done at 4 times in the day, usually cortisol is at its highest in the morning and gradually lowers as the day goes on, mine was low all day. It can happen that we have high cortisol to start with due to stress and strain but eventually the adrenals burn out under the strain and we end up with low cortisol. it may be worth you having this test.

I received my armour today so will start it tomorrow,

If you go to our Home Page of this forum http://health. groups.. com.group. thyroidpatientad vocacy and then click on FILES in the Menu, scroll down until you see Christmas Newsletter and you can read all the information there. I might try and send it out to everybody again to see if it works this time - we have 842 members, and it took some doing.

You can get the kit for the 24 hour salivary adrenal profile from www.gdx.uk.net

Luv - Sheila

I did'nt get Sheila's newsletter so I will be chasingthat up. Also where did you get your cortisol test from, was it thesaliva one? I think I have raised cortisol when I get stressed out, Ihave read that this happens with people with depression and anxiety,but it would be good to have this properly tested.ThanxAnn> Hi Ann> With a TSH as high as yours you should have been offered treatment,have you ever had an anti body test? If not I would ask for one, whenI was diagnosed my TSH was above range so the doc asked for an antibody test which came back as positive with high anti bodies, this iscalled Hashimotos disease and it basically means the thyroid is beingattacked by the anti bodies and it will eventually be destroyed, itsan autoimmune disease which often comes hand in hand with otherautoimmune diseases, like

diabetes etc.>sarah> > > > > >

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Hi Sheila

I do hope they continue to supply armour, but it doesnt look promising does it?

I have received my armour today so will start it tomorrow, I ordered the quarter grain and half grain pills. Heres hoping I notice a difference with the added T3!

Thanks Sheila


We don't know for sure that Forest will stop making Armour Thyroid, but it does look as if this is a possibility. The information I put out in my newsletter was gleaned from all the sources involved. We will have to wait until the beginning of next year to see if this 'rumour' is correct, but meanwhile, International Pharmacy does sell Nature-Throid and Westhroid and these have the same thyroid powder as Armour and the MHRA says doctors can prescribe these in the same way as they prescribe Armour now. Many people have changed to one or the other of these and find there is little difference from Armour.

Luv - Sheila

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caused yourself extra expense by ordering quarter and half grains . You

should have ordered the one grain and cut it in half because after 7 days, you

will be increasing to one grain daily.

Luv -


Hi Sheila

I do hope they continue to supply armour, but it

doesnt look promising does it?

I have received my armour today so will start it

tomorrow, I ordered the quarter grain and half grain pills. Heres hoping I

notice a difference with the added T3!

Thanks Sheila


We don't know for sure that Forest will

stop making Armour Thyroid, but it does look as if this is a possibility. The

information I put out in my newsletter was gleaned from all the sources

involved. We will have to wait until the beginning of next year to see if

this 'rumour' is correct, but meanwhile, International Pharmacy does sell

Nature-Throid and Westhroid and these have the same thyroid powder as Armour

and the MHRA says doctors can prescribe these in the same way as they

prescribe Armour now. Many people have changed to one or the other of these

and find there is little difference from Armour.

Luv - Sheila

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Good luck ,

I really do hope it works for you.

I am going to see Endo tomorrow and will be asking for Armour, I doubt

he will give it to me but I can try.

I will be watching with interest how you get on as i may be following

your course of action and self prescribing too.

Love Lizzie

> I have received my armour today so will start it tomorrow, I ordered

the quarter grain and half grain pills. Heres hoping I notice a

difference with the added T3!

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I think I did Sheila but I wasnt sure if the pills could be cut ok and I see they are very small, I can still use them all, once I am on one grain I will just order them. What the best time to take them in the afternoon and I guess I need to still avoid food at the same time?

Also I have started taking an iron supplement and the only time I can see that I can take that will be at night to avoid taking it near the thyroid

You caused yourself extra expense by ordering quarter and half grains . You should have ordered the one grain and cut it in half because after 7 days, you will be increasing to one grain daily.

Luv - Sheila

Hi Sheila

I do hope they continue to supply armour, but it doesnt look promising does it?

I have received my armour today so will start it tomorrow, I ordered the quarter grain and half grain pills. Heres hoping I notice a difference with the added T3!

Thanks Sheila


We don't know for sure that Forest will stop making Armour Thyroid, but it does look as if this is a possibility. The information I put out in my newsletter was gleaned from all the sources involved. We will have to wait until the beginning of next year to see if this 'rumour' is correct, but meanwhile, International Pharmacy does sell Nature-Throid and Westhroid and these have the same thyroid powder as Armour and the MHRA says doctors can prescribe these in the same way as they prescribe Armour now. Many people have changed to one or the other of these and find there is little difference from Armour.

Luv - Sheila

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Thanks Lizzie,

I did mention it to an NHS endo but I got the response that everyone does so I knew there was no point asking for it! He didnt even think it was necessary to check T3 levels, said it was an expensive, un necessary test. Beggars belief really.

You can only ask Lizzie, you dont have anything to loose, I will let you know how I get on

Good luck ,I really do hope it works for you.I am going to see Endo tomorrow and will be asking for Armour, I doubthe will give it to me but I can try.I will be watching with interest how you get on as i may be followingyour course of action and self prescribing too.Love Lizzie> I have received my armour today so will start it tomorrow, I orderedthe quarter grain and half grain pills. Heres hoping I notice adifference with the added T3!

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, Good Luck with the Armour tomorrow.

Best wishes



> Hi Ann

> I got my saliavry profile done at lab 21, it used to be called

> NPTech, but you can also get it done where Sheila suggested. It is a 4

> sample test done at 4 times in the day, usually cortisol is at its

> highest in the morning and gradually lowers as the day goes on, mine

> was low all day.

[Eidt Abbrev Mod]

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Thanks very much Ann, good luck to you too

, Good Luck with the Armour tomorrow.Best wishesAnn >> Hi Ann> I got my saliavry profile done at lab 21, it used to be called> NPTech, but you can also get it done where Sheila suggested. It is a 4> sample test done at 4 times in the day, usually cortisol is at its> highest in the morning and gradually lowers as the day goes on, mine> was low all day. [Eidt Abbrev Mod]

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Yes I know about not taking the thyroid hormones before a blood test, thanks anyway.

Sorry I havent replied till now only just seen the message! I think the only way to get armour prescribed is by actually proving to the doc that it works better than thyroxine and that means taking it first and finding that out, still that might not work either! We can but hope!

Hi Yes, I'm still waiting for the Armour Thyroid to arrive, I am alsothinking of visiting one of the specialist doctors on the listrecommended on this web site - maybe just to be on the safe side, Ihave sent Sheila a message asking her if a particular doc. I want tosee near me prescribes Armour Thyroid. But if the Armour arrivesbefore I get to see the specialist I still might start taking itanyway. Also Sheila said in a message I read today that you should nottake the thyroid hormone for 24 hours before a blood test, maybe youalready knew this?Best wishesAnn

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I am

advertising Genova Diagnostics now because they go into a lot more detail in

the results which NPTech (Lab 21) never really have done. I find GDX very much

more thorough, even though they are a wee bit more expensive.

Luv -


Hi Ann

I got my saliavry profile done at lab 21, it used to

be called NPTech, but you can also get it done where Sheila suggested. It is

a 4 sample test done at 4 times in the day, usually cortisol is at its

highest in the morning and gradually lowers as the day goes on, mine was low

all day. It can happen that we have high cortisol to start with due to stress

and strain but eventually the adrenals burn out under the strain and we end

up with low cortisol. it may be worth you having this test.

I received my armour today so will start it


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Hi Everyone

Just to let you know, I saw the endo today and he is writing to my GP

to ask her to prescribe Armour for me. I am still in shock as i did'nt

think I would get it.

My blood levels had dropped since the last test and that was after

having a dose increase, so I'm not sure what's going on there.

I am to increase my T3 in the meantime whilst waiting to get the Armour.

i can't believe it!

Just hope it works.

Love Lizzie

> I am going to see Endo tomorrow and will be asking for Armour, I doubt

> he will give it to me but I can try.

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Wow thats good to hear and well done, hope it works for you!

Hi EveryoneJust to let you know, I saw the endo today and he is writing to my GPto ask her to prescribe Armour for me. I am still in shock as i did'ntthink I would get it.My blood levels had dropped since the last test and that was afterhaving a dose increase, so I'm not sure what's going on there.I am to increase my T3 in the meantime whilst waiting to get the Armour.i can't believe it!Just hope it works.Love Lizzie> I am going to see Endo tomorrow and will be asking for Armour, I doubt> he will give it to me but I can try.

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Hi Ann,

Your GP can refer you anywhere now.


the other doesn't take private patients only NHS and isin another borough, so I don't think a doctor at my surgery will referme to another NHS doc. in another NHS trust which is not in myborough

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