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i have been speaking to on another board to do with thyroid and

adrenal problems. he posted this and i thought it was really good so

thought i would share it will you all. i also post a link to a good

site on taking hydrocortisone.

i am still doing very well, but have had a wobble in the last few

weeks and so have increased the HC to 20mg from 15mg. the fallout of

the financial markets has had quite a big impact on my life and so

things have been pretty stressful recently.

i hope everyone else has not had too bad a time. i mean we are now

going through redundancies and reposessions as a nation and it looks

pretty nasty for next yr. i was in my builders merchant yesterday and

they all loose their jobs in jan as the whole place is closing down -

such a shame :(

Any way here are his comments.

I am 56, the probable average age of members of this forum is between

40 -50.Many of us have had problems for decades. The majority of

members have been treated by mainstream medicine which has almost

conclusively led to abject failure, Phil is a prime example yet many

have found success from the advice given on this forum and others

related to this one, again I'll use Phil as an example. The advice

given here is mainly based on anecdotal evidence from a cohort of

similar people rather than empirical evidence. It really is a profound

body of knowledge, knowledge which is really cutting edge simply due

to the fact that a body of knowledge such as this has only recently

been able to be realized with the advent of the internet (for the

demographic of this forum internet usage is relatively new). As the

numbers grow and the successes mount up it is becoming increasingly

difficult to argue with it. Eventually it will become irrefutable. As

for empirical based medicine the large Pharmaceuticals have controlled

the way the medical establishment thinks and forces its hand when it

comes to treatment. Phil was treated with antidepressants for decades,

similarly with Marsaday for 15 years. Only recently one of the big

Pharmas, Pfizer (whoever) released a major press announcement about

the results of a recently completed study into Statins and guess what,

their study proves conclusively that every man jack of us should be on

Statins. Complete power, complete control and big money earner. Han, I

know you are big on your liver pathways and that you will be the first

to tell your clients to knock them on the head, Why? Because we all

know there are major lifestyle changes one can make and should make to

reduce the incidence of stroke for ourselves. This is the magic pill

you talk of and it is being pushed down our throats, similarly with

antidepressants which are shoveled down. Which leads me to the main

point I wish to address and it was this comment by Han (Hardasnails),

'Adrenal fatigue is just really a symptoms of the cause (inability to

deal with stress).'(sic)

Unforgivable, really Han, I mean have you got your head in the sand or

what? Adrenal fatigue is not recognized by the medical establishment

because the exhaustive research and studies required have not been

done, Why? because there is no profit in it for the big Pharmas as the

treatment is a natural hormone which is non patentable. Jeez if Pfizer

could come up with a better alternative to natural cortisone you can

bet your bottom dollar there would be ten shades of Adrenal fatigue

each with its own pill that needs to be taken for life.


http://www.conscioushealing.com.au/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=72 & \


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this is so true Hans. I have always complained that the medical profession

refuse to see any shades of grey between Cushing's and 's so do not

recognise low adrenal reserve. This is the same problem we have with natural

thyroid extract and synthetic and the pharmaceutical companies are not interested

in anything 'natural' as there, is, as said here, no money to be made.


for the link - I have posted this in our FILES under Adrenal Fatigue and all

members with an adrenal problem should be encouraged to read it.

Luv -


Adrenal fatigue is not recognized by the medical


because the exhaustive research and studies required have not been

done, Why? because there is no profit in it for the big Pharmas as the

treatment is a natural hormone which is non patentable. Jeez if Pfizer

could come up with a better alternative to natural cortisone you can

bet your bottom dollar there would be ten shades of Adrenal fatigue

each with its own pill that needs to be taken for life.


http://www.conscioushealing.com.au/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=72 & Itemid=57

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