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Re: Getting armour - Message from owner

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I see this message on all the thyroid related lists and respect the list

rules. However, on most of the other lists I'm on sources are

referenced from time to time and I've never see a source shut down.

Some online drug business specialize in selling level 2 drugs (steroids,

sleeping meds, tranqs, etc) which puts them in the bulls eye, yet seem

to continue unabated. Most, not all, of the sources thyroid uses go to

don't sell any of those things. Body builder sites are selling some

quite restrictive stuff and remain operating for years and years up

until today. In fact, the last place I got some T3 was a body builder

site and the product was delivered well and, cheaper than most places,

and appears to be quite effective.

Has there been any real downside or repercussions to the web sites

fronts themselves or is the primary problem one perhaps to do with the

terms of services?

I've been tempted to put up a web page on sources with some reference

material on current 90 day import laws, what's black and white and what

are gray areas, quality of sources, best ways to make a purchase and how

to do so as safely as possible, etc.


ladybugsandbees wrote:






Steve - dudescholar4@...

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Try Westhroid, which is a natural drug like Armour. I switched to it when I could not get Armour. You should be able to get it without problems, even on the Internet.

From: ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...>Subject: Re: Re: Getting armour - Message from owneriodine Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 6:18 AM


Re: Getting armour

Here are a two places that sell it online. I have not tried eithervendor so cannot give a reference:Val>> Hi All, I am feeling really badly since stopping armour. I cant get> any more from my online source and have no MD. The MDs around here> dont want to prescribe armour. I have no medical insurance. Does> anyone know of an online source or MD who might be helpful (on the> phone or online)?> Please write. > > Best, Sylvia>

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Hi ,

I am very taken aback by the " shouting. " I did not know that natural

thyroid is considered a " medication " and I did not know we were not

supposed to post information about where to acquire natural products

on this list, I see it done all the time. If it turns out that on

this list thyroid is considered a " medication, " does that mean we

can't mention the names of drug stores? What is the reasoning behind

this restriction?

I apologize if I have broken some rule but I hope you understand I did

not realize that I was doing so. I was only trying to be helpful and

am not affiliated with either of those sites in any way. As I

mentioned, I have not even used them. I don't use thyroid, only came

across it while looking for something else and thought it would be

useful to the group.


> >

> > Hi All, I am feeling really badly since stopping armour. I cant get

> > any more from my online source and have no MD. The MDs around here

> > dont want to prescribe armour. I have no medical insurance. Does

> > anyone know of an online source or MD who might be helpful (on the

> > phone or online)?

> > Please write.

> >

> > Best, Sylvia

> >


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I am passionate about protecting these sources. We had about 7 of them when I started taking Armour 2 years ago and now it is down to 2. I put caps because I wanted to get everyone's attention of its importance - it was not shouting to me.

Yes all medications are for presecription only - Armour, Nature-throid, Westhroid. There are people that depend on these options for their life (literally as there are thyroidless people who take this). As much as I don't agree with getting rx drugs w/o a dr's script I am still in reality to know that it is very difficult to get this drug presecription from a doctor. If you only have an HMO or no insurance at all then it is pretty much impossible to get from a general doc as they don't prescribe it without a fight. Armour has changed my life and I am blessed to have a great doctor in my court. I would not wish a synthetic thyroid medication on anyone - so that is why I protect the options for those that have to do it that way.

Re: Getting armour - Message from owner

Hi ,I am very taken aback by the "shouting." I did not know that naturalthyroid is considered a "medication" and I did not know we were notsupposed to post information about where to acquire natural productson this list, I see it done all the time. If it turns out that onthis list thyroid is considered a "medication," does that mean wecan't mention the names of drug stores? What is the reasoning behindthis restriction?I apologize if I have broken some rule but I hope you understand I didnot realize that I was doing so. I was only trying to be helpful andam not affiliated with either of those sites in any way. As Imentioned, I have not even used them. I don't use thyroid, only cameacross it while looking for something else and thought it would beuseful to the group.Val> >> > Hi All, I am feeling really badly since stopping armour. I cant get> > any more from my online source and have no MD. The MDs around here> > dont want to prescribe armour. I have no medical insurance. Does> > anyone know of an online source or MD who might be helpful (on the> > phone or online)?> > Please write. > > > > Best, Sylvia> >>

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> I did not know that natural

> thyroid is considered a " medication " and I did not know we were not

> supposed to post information about where to acquire natural products

> on this list, I see it done all the time. If it turns out that on

> this list thyroid is considered a " medication, " does that mean we

> can't mention the names of drug stores? What is the reasoning behind

> this restriction?

> Val

You need to differentiate between whether it is a substance that must by law

be administered only by prescription (such as Armour, Westhroid,

NaturThroid, hydrocortisone) or whether it is a substance that doesn't

require a prescription (such as many " natural thyroid " products that have

had the active components (T3, T4) of dessicated thyroid removed. Your

differentiation of natural products from medication is meaningless as far as

the law is concerned. If you understand these principles, surely you

realize that your supposition that the name of drug stores can't be

mentioned here either is ridiculous.

We don't want you to give sources on this list for any place that will sell

prescription medicine to a customer without a prescription. As for your

claim that you see it done all the time, you haven't seen it on this list,

and I know the naturalthyroidhormones list is also adamant about not posting

sources. Many people cannot get a doctor to prescribe dessicated thyroid

for them, only a synthetic like Synthroid. Their only recourse is to order

dessicated thyroid such as Armour through online non-US sources. Discussion

lists such as this one are monitored by government regulators as well as

people genuinely interested in improving their health. Sources have

disappeared soon after they were posted on a list. posted in caps

to make sure everyone paid attention to her message. Analagous to shouting

at a child to prevent them from running after a ball into the street with

oncoming traffic.


> I apologize if I have broken some rule but I hope you understand I did

> not realize that I was doing so. I was only trying to be helpful and

> am not affiliated with either of those sites in any way. As I

> mentioned, I have not even used them. I don't use thyroid, only came

> across it while looking for something else and thought it would be

> useful to the group.


> Val






>> >

>> > Hi All, I am feeling really badly since stopping armour. I cant get

>> > any more from my online source and have no MD. The MDs around here

>> > dont want to prescribe armour. I have no medical insurance. Does

>> > anyone know of an online source or MD who might be helpful (on the

>> > phone or online)?

>> > Please write.

>> >

>> > Best, Sylvia

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Subscribe to the Natural Thyroid Hormone group. They are the "keeper of the list". This is an Iodine group not a thyroid group.


Re: Getting armour - Message from owner

I guess I should ask,

How do you request the source list..... again?


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I would say that the reason for not posting prescription med sources

filled without a prescription is the same reason we Lyme patients never

release the name of a LLMD (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor), unless they

are known for their publications.....to protect the distributor. As

these medicine sources are shut down, so also are LLMDs losing their

licenses for following ILADS (International Lyme and Associated

Diseases Society) protocol instead of the archiac CDC and IDSA

(Infectious Disease Society of America) protocol. People need those

meds, and well as hundreds of lyme patients needing to have available

proven lyme treatments. V


> I am passionate about protecting these sources. We had about 7 of

them when I started taking Armour 2 years ago and now it is down to 2.

I put caps because I wanted to get everyone's attention of its

importance - it was not shouting to me.



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