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Dear Friend of ASO:

Information on the signing of the Lifespan Respite Care Act of 2006 (HR 3248). ASO will provide information as it becomes available on respite care programs that are developed in Ohio. FYI - Please share.


Barbara C. YavorcikPresidentAutism Society of Ohio701 S. Main St.Akron, OH 44311(330) 376-0211fax: (330) 376-1226email: askASO@...home: byavorcik@...web: www.autismohio.org Please note: This is provided for information purposes only. The ASO does not endorse or recommend any providers, methodologies or services. Providing this information should not be construed as an endorsement by the ASO, either explicit or impiled.


PRESIDENT SIGNS CRITICAL RESPITE BILL FOR FAMILY CAREGIVERSLifespan Respite Care Act of 2006 (HR 3248) Washington, DC (December 21, 2006) - The Lifespan Respite TaskForce, a coalition of over 170 national, state, and local organizations,applauds the signing of The Lifespan Respite Care Act of 2006 (HR 3248)into law. The bill was introduced and championed in the US House ofRepresentatives by Rep. Mike Ferguson (R-NJ) and Langevin (D-RI). Acompanion bill in the Senate was cosponsored by Senator Hillary Clinton(D-NY) and Senator Warner (R-VA). The Lifespan Respite Task Forceincludes a diverse group of national and state organizations: state respiteand crisis care coalitions; health and community social services;disability, mental health, education, faith, family caregiving and supportgroups; groups from the child advocacy and the aging community; and abuseand neglect prevention groups. Family caregivers are providing 80% of long-term care in the US, a level ofcare valued at $306 billion a year, more than what is spent on nursing homeand paid home care combined. Even though most families take great joy inproviding care to their loved ones so that they can remain at home, thephysical, emotional and financial consequences can be overwhelming withoutsome support, such as respite. Respite provides the much needed temporarybreak from the often exhausting challenges imposed by constant caregiving. The new law would authorize $289 million over five years forstate grants to develop Lifespan Respite Programs to help families accessquality, affordable respite care. Lifespan respite programs are defined inthe Act "as coordinated systems of accessible, community-based respite careservices for family caregivers of children and adults with special needs."Specifically, the law authorizes funds for:* development of state and local lifespan respite programs;* planned or emergency respite care services;* training and recruitment of respite care workers and volunteers; and* caregiver training. When the bill passed the House, Rep. Ferguson, whose own fatherwas a caregiver for his ill mother for 6 years said, "Today's action by theHouse of Representatives represents not only an important victory for familycaregivers nationwide, but it also sends America's caregivers a clearmessage: Your selfless sacrifice is appreciated, and help is on the way." "On behalf of over nation's family caregivers who desire to keeptheir loved ones at home despite limited support, we commend Rep. Ferguson,Vice-chair of the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy and CommerceCommittee, Rep. Langevin, and Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and SenatorWarner (R-VA) for their leadership, and especially want to thank them, theircolleagues from both sides of the aisle, and the White House for takingaction to help the burgeoning numbers of family caregivers," said JillKagan, Chair of the National Respite Coalition, and facilitator of theLifespan Respite Task Force. "Relatively minimal investments in respite helpfamily caregivers provide this care at home and in the community. At a timewhen federal and state fiscal resources are limited, this is the mostcompassionate and fiscally responsible thing we can do, and a most welcomegift in this holiday season."

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