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Re: High eosinophilia and filaria

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Is there any evidence that iodine kills the elephantiasis or filaria worms in the blood and their ova in the lungs? This condition is caused by a parasitic worm of nematode type and is spread ---like the malaria parasite---by mosquitoe. I know malaria is being treated by iodine in South Africa. But what about filaria? Symptoms in my case are sneezes, runny nose, jammed sinuses in the winter nights leading to insomnia, fear and restlessness. I don't have the typical symptoms of elephantiasis or lymph swelling. My eosinophils are high. The upper limit of normal range in my hospital labe is 4 per cent, but my eosinophils are 11.

I tried the mainstream medical treatment namely di-ethyl-carbamazine (Hetrazan), but on third day I got allergic reaction. I had to stop. I could have taken the anti-histamic "Avil" to control the allergic side effect but I didn't want to be trapped into "poly-pharmacy".


Ratan Singh, Phone: 91 141 2652561, mail: ratanpsych@...- Certificate in Food & Nutrition; Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education.- Author of "Nutrition & Supplements in Major Mental Illnesses";- M.A. (Psychol), Postgraduate Diploma in Medical & Social Psychology, Ph.D.;- Certified Behavior Therapist (from late Prof. J. Wolpe's Unit, Temple Univ Med School, USA);

- www.jaipurmart.com/trade/meditationandhealth, www.ejcbs.com

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Why don't you go ahead and try the Cayce-based iodine & report back. I doubt

it's been tried

on filaria worms (but you never know) but in the Cayce readings it is (was) used

for various

types of TROPICAL illnesses; various malaria, dengue fever and blackwater fever.

So surely it

will kill other live blood- born worms. It will interrupt the cycle. surely?

May just take a bit of

time if lungs are involved. The two main manufacturers are making identical

products though

only one makes 2% strength. Just adjust dosage. Try it. Nothing to lose beyond

illness, only



> Is there any evidence that iodine kills the elephantiasis or filaria worms in

the blood and

their ova in the lungs? This condition is caused by a parasitic worm of nematode

type and is

spread ---like the malaria parasite---by mosquitoe. I know malaria is being

treated by

iodine in South Africa. But what about filaria? Symptoms in my case are sneezes,



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This is what the Edgar Cayce readings state regarding ATOMIDINE - variously known as Energized Iodine, Detoxified Iodine & Nascent Iodine depending on manufacturer and/or seller (all identical save % percentage of iodine per ethyl alcohol/grain alcohol.)

You'll have to check with hire re malaria treatment in more modern times. I don't know if any of the others are working with off-shore practitioners.

MALARIA AND TROPICAL FEVERS "MALARIA FEVER, INTERMITTENT TYPE. Troubled with it years before. Gave ATOMIDINE. In three weeks NO TRACE OF MALARIA REMAINED. I GAVE ALL BLOOD TESTS. No return of the ailment. Report #1959. "MALARIA: Treated 40 cases. YOUR DISCOVERY IS GOING TO MAKE A REVOLUTION IN THE WHOLE WORLD AS THE BEST REMEDY FOR TROPICAL FEVERS." Reports #252 and 1934. "ATOMIDINE is an ASSET TO THE TROPICAL MEDICINE. Its virtues are unsurpassed in treating various TROPICAL FEVERS." Report #1936. "Male patient, TERTIAN MALARIA PROVEN BY SLIDE. CONTRACTED MALARIA 18 YEARS AGO. He was treated in the American

Hospital but suffered relapses. Since the time he took ATOMIDINE he is FREE FROM FEVER. TOOK THREE MORE SLIDES - ALL NEGATIVE. THE LAST TWO YEARS HE NEVER HAD FEVER FOR ONE DAY." Report #1937. "Successfully tried several cases of MALARIA INFLUENZA AND OTHER FEVERS. Temperature becomes normal within twenty-four to forty-eight hours WITHOUT CAUSING ANY HARMFUL OR DEPRESSING EFFECTS ON THE HEART or reducing the vitality of the patient." Report #1942. "DENGUE FEVER, BLACKWATER AND ALL TYPES OF MALARIA are brought under control within 48 hours. Fever in general disappears after the third day. The general weakness following all fevers disappears within a week. IN NO CASE GASTRO-INTESTINAL SYMPTOMS FOUND TO APPEAR AS IN

THE CASE OF QUININE in fever." Report #1967. "In fevers it is very fine and the improvements are soon noted. IT IS NON-TOXIC AND DOES NOT LEAVE ANY UNTOWARD AFTER EFFECTS to be feared." Report #127. "INFLUENZA - 53 CASES TREATED, ALL WITH FAVORABLE RESULTS." Report #1559. "A case of THIRD DAY CHILLS. Gave ATOMIDINE 4 weeks ago. Not had any more chills and feeling fine. So a GREAT DISCOVERY, I think." Report #2154. "FOUND ATOMIDINE SUPERIOR TO QUININE, as it

promptly checks chills and brings the fever under control within 24 to 48 hours and there is a complete absence of undesirable symptoms associated with the use of quinine. ATOMIDINE IS WELL TOLERATED BY THE SYSTEM." Report #2159. "Used ATOMIDINE in OBSTINATE CASES OF MALARIA fever with splendid results." Report #2178. "Results have been very gratifying in the treatment of MALARIA. TREATED 5 CASES. In each case temperature dropped to normalcy in a few hours and had NO RETURN OF CHILLS OR FEVER." Report #2164. "Used ATOMIDINE in FOUR CASES OF

MALARIA with splendid results. All symptoms subsided. Appetite greatly improved. BLOOD SMEARS NEGATIVE FOR MALARIA." Report #2181. "Pleased at results obtained in treating MALARIA with ATOMIDINE. Your preparation WILL HAVE WIDE FIELD OF USE IN MALARIAL CONDITIONS." Report #2221. "Used ATOMIDINE in a case of TERTIAN MALARIA, with splendid results. BLOOD NEGATIVE ON ALL FORMS IN FIVE DAYS." Report #2230.

Is there any evidence that iodine kills the elephantiasis or filaria worms in the blood and their ova in the lungs? This condition is caused by a parasitic worm of nematode type and is spread ---like the malaria parasite---by mosquitoe. I know malaria is being treated by iodine in South Africa. But what about filaria?

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BTW. If you go into the highlighted links in the Cayce excerpts ATOMIDINE is NOT correct as promoted by the Cayce organization (A.R.E.). They promote Baar Product's 1% iodine trichloride. It's a "business thing." But it's lies not ignorance, nonetheless.

From: Margaret <justchecked_in@...>Subject: Re: High eosinophilia and filariaiodine Date: Monday, December 29, 2008, 1:26 PM

This is what the Edgar Cayce readings state regarding ATOMIDINE - variously known as Energized Iodine, Detoxified Iodine & Nascent Iodine depending on manufacturer and/or seller (all identical save % percentage of iodine per ethyl alcohol/grain alcohol.)

You'll have to check with hire re malaria treatment in more modern times. I don't know if any of the others are working with off-shore practitioners.


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